Custom arbor.js shapes - arbor.js

I'm creating html canvas illustrations using a an adobe illustrator plugin. Here is link to an example The example is an fried egg. As a fun project I'm making an illustrated restaurant menu linking things like eggs, bacon, bread etc.
I'm hopping to use these illustrations within arbor.js Any ideas how to do this?

I've found the best way to work out what's going on with arbor.js is to dive in and read the code, it's really well laid out. Look at the JavaScript for the sample project, in particular particleSystem.eachNode. You can see how and where the nodes and edges are rendered. For a more thorough version, check out the 'Altas' example - that shows how to do text rendering on the nodes.
Good luck!


Looking for some ideas on how to create an custom shirt designing like tailorstore

Looking for recommendation to create a custom shirt designing feature like the website (CUSTOMIZING SHIRT).
While exploring, i thoughts like they might:
1. Created 3D models and generated n-number of combinations.
- Because the shirt pictures were too accurate.
2. Used HAMMER.JS, THREEJS.ORG, REACT.JS to bring such a accurate feel.
- While reference their source codes.
3. Did some photo shoots and used in the website.
- Tried to convince myself.
But i couldn't jump into any conclusion, so i came here to know your opinion on this.
Any guidance on this is highly appreciable. Thanks...
Without going deep down to technicism, your stack seems appropriate.
I only suggest you to use a wrapper for library like hammer.js like react-hammerjs.
About ThreeJS: I've tried many wrappers, may be is better to build your own, I can provide examples if needed.

How to create a living style guide with your own UI

I have created an website/application using Angular2. The infrastructure is all set, I have routing completed, sass being processed etc.
I have sections (components) on this website that will display current web standards for our designs (buttons, forms, copy). The purpose of this site is to give our developers a copy/paste solution for markup and sass.
We will most likely create our own css library but they will still need a good visual reference of what each class does and a copy/paste solution.
I know how to develop all the standards, what I don't know how to do is have the DOM display options for the user to copy/paste the code. I could manually enter the code into or tags but this will be hard to maintain and not very clean approach. I'd like to find some solution that will utilize my code and create these tags at run time.
Googling this question leads down the road of using living style guide generators, which i don't want to use... why? I like having the functionality of controlling my own layout and scaling my standards as I see fit with our own technology.
Any ideas?
After exploring this even further I ended circling yet again on documentation tools (KSS) where I would need to rebuild my entire style guide for this functionality using markdown and or JDOCs.
Use CodePen, its free to signup however there are some nice to have features for a monthly fee. I easily created my code here using SASS, HTML and CSS libraries. CodePen has a great EMBED feature whereas I could copy/paste html or iframe right to my styleguide.
Problem is now solved, and we have have a dynamic Web & UI Styleguide.
Hope this method helps others in my situation.

Where can I get example opengl composite objects?

I am trying to build my understanding of OpenGL and see how the 'pros' do things. I am looking for examples of these objects (preferably in C) - I've learned through examples so I think it would help others to see it as well :)
I'm very much a nubie at openGL so this may be a stupid question - I'm just looking for objects I can mess around with to get more familiar with openGL. I have found that it's easier for me to pick things up by tweaking an example until it breaks, then fix it :)
#Nicol Bolas - When I say composite objects I mean objects that when linked together create something 'larger.' An example would be a car. It has a body and tires. Maybe I'm not using the correct term here?
You might be interested in this list of OpenGL based games and applications, particularly the Open Source games.
Also, Ogre 3D is a well-known Open Source graphics engine with an OpenGL renderer.

Is there a bare bones sample WPF sample App?

I am looking for a sample line of business app that has source code available. I am just starting out with WPF so something with a GUI that add, update and delete from a db will be perfect.
Here is a well-reviewed and highly rated article from Code Project that demonstrates CRUD operations with a WPF grid against a simple Customer->Order db. It's bare boned but covers the subject in great detail and depth (probably why you're not having luck finding simple samples. WPF defies simple, but for the better, making you structure your code well right from the start.)
If you want quick and dirty, you might want to take a peek here.
There's also a little StackOverflow discussion you might want to follow up on.

Graph visualisation in Silverlight

I have a data structure that represents a directed graph and I'm looking for a good Silverlight visualisation to allow me to navigate from node to node, preferably with some nice animation.
Does anyone know of any good UI controls or frameworks for this kind of display? Even a sample from another field (maybe a social network?). My graphs don't have many nodes so performance won't be an issue.
I've seen the Prefuse library for Java (and Flash) which would be ideal. The "Degree of Interest" visualisation is the kind of thing I'm after, but I can't find anything in Silverlight.
Thanks for any tips.
There's an open source option that's part of the Silverlight Bag-O-Tricks. Check it out and see a demo here (use the first demo link):
There's also a WPF version:
Try this one
I made a graph library for Silverlight, that uses Dot as basis.
Please check out:
I am making some improvements to support more shapes and types of arrows.
Must admit I haven't tryed it out yet my self but quickgraph looks promissing
#Rune FS
QuickGraph has no visualisation capabilities, at least not for Silverlight. It just handles the graph data structures and algorithms.
QuickGraph does make it easy to construct a graph and output to Directed Graph Markup Language (DGML) which can be viewed in VS 2010. I just checked in changes to the project and I noticed that it has been designed to be built for inclusion into Silverlight. So perhaps you could use it in conjunction with a silverlight DGML viewer
