Best Approach to Test Backbone Views with Templates Using Jasmine - backbone.js

I am learning backbone so I am building a simple Backbone app. I am using jasmine framework to test my backbone app.
As luck would have it, my first jasmine test was for a Backbone View. This is a very simple view that uses a haml-js template. App users rails 3.1 so the whole thing is packaged via sprockets with the help of haml-sprockets gem, and it works.
However when I test with jasmine I get an error
TypeError: Cannot call method 'backbone/templates/admin_personal_attribute_template' of undefined
I understand this is because haml-js template is not present.
Normally this template is accessed like this:
(i.e. haml-sprockets gem compiles is using haml-js and appends to window.JST).
I am looking for the 'best', i.e. least disruptive and, hopefully, simple, way to test my views + templates in jasmine.
I have found a number of ways to do it, but not sure as what is the 'best':
Use jasmine-headless-webkit . This will utulize sprockets, but loose ability to access jasmine server, so simple but some loss of flexibility
Using phantom.js as desribed by japhr (sorry stackoverflow prevented me from posting more links) will work around the server-side limitations, but this seems to be a very new and untested method, so flexible but not simple
Pre-generate your templates as desribed here. This is conceptually simple, but require some maintenance - so some coding work
Assuming I have a project with ~ 20 models and ~ 40 views and templates, what is the best way to go?

Check this article: Unit Testing Backbone Applications With Jasmine
It has some examples how to implement unit tests for Backbone JS view
Also there is an O'Reilly book "Developing Backbone.js Applications" which has a whole chapter on testing views with Jasmine and qUnit

I've written an in depth blog post on making Backbone.js, CoffeeScript and Jasmine play nicely together. Hopefully it will be useful for anyone who stumbles on this question:


Upgrading from AngularJS1.2 to Angular

I am currently working in AngularJS 1.2 application, it is a medium size application with 25 modules, now I want to upgrade to angular new version. I can't write freshly because it is an old project, I don't know older requirements of this project. Please any one suggest me the best way to achieve it.
Its not that easy to convert a angular-1 project to Angular-2+. You must need a fresh start, because both the framework is totally different. For project requirement/ business logic, you must understand the logic and the code and then write a fresh code in Angular-2+.
You may copy and paste any javascript code from angular-1 to angular-2+. It will work properly.
This page helped me a lot when I upgraded to angular:
A very good handbook for upgrading to angular is:
A good solution would be to use ngUpgrade: run both AngularJS and Angular at the same time. All Angular code is running in the Angular framework, and AngularJS code in the AngularJS framework.
What happens on top of this is that components and services managed by one framework can interoperate with those from the other framework. This happens in three main areas: Dependency injection, the DOM, and change detection.
Some main things to take into consideration when upgrading:
- Get AngularJS and Angular components and services talking to each other during the upgrade
- Replacing controllers
- Replacing $scope and $watch
- convert directives to components

AngularJS with Durandal?

Is it possible to run AngularJS in a Durandal project? We are using Durandal now but want to move to AngularJS while still keep the site operational. Is it even a good idea to attempt this?
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
You could run them side-by-side, but then you would just have two separate SPAs hosted on the same site. The doesn't seem like a good upgrade strategy to me. I think you would be better off to fully develop the new version and then replace the site altogether.
I would also advise that you wait for the release of AngularJS 2.0 (if possible). Rob Eisenberg has announced that he is currently working with the AngularJS team to provide core changes and plugins that will make Angular 2.0 more familiar to developers with Durandal experience, as well as to provide a migration path from Durandal to Angular 2.0.
The other answer isn't exactly correct. I have an example that proves it wrong.
Durandal is a module loader that can load any view / view model pair. If you choose to load an angular application and leave out the router portion it works just fine. It really isn't that difficult to get it set up.
Wrap your Angular.js application initialization code in an AMD module (view model) with a matching view and it just works.

Less control with angularjs?

I'm still learning AngularJS, but I'm not sure if having less control (via javascript) as I read is a good thing. I mean, everything is done via bindings through HTML code / attributes. How can I access $rootScope , or any of the services other than having them injected to my controllers via 'low level' javascript code?angular global variable doesn't hold much when logged to the console. What else to use to discover possible methods accessable via javascript?
I suspect this will be closed as opinion based but here is my opinion:
Angular does not remove your ability to control the page via javascript. Instead it isolates that code that manipulates the DOM. The learning curve for angular is a little like a roller coaster, in that you feel differently about the framework after learning a new piece. I felt really great after learning how templates and controllers worked but then felt low after seeing the limitations and complexities it created only to feel really great when I learned about Directives and how to manipulate the DOM through them. Six months into it, I am comfortable with Angular and would never go back to all the boilerplate of straight JQuery/javascript.
An important thing to keep in mind. Angular is not a UI library but rather a way of organizing your development files. There are many integration libraries of well known UI frameworks into angular Directives but by far the most popular is Twitter Bootstrap.
This blog post really nailed it:

Can you use AngularJS with

I am new to phonegap development & I am trying to pick a framework to use. I'd like to use AngularJS as I've read good things about it, but I'd like it to work with as a backend. I noticed that one they don't specify any compatibility with Angular, and all their documentation and Javascript API requires Backbone.
I know AngularJS supports http, so I can communicate with Parse using the REST API. But is this going to end up being a mess & will I save myself time & stress if I use Backbone with the Javascript API instead?
I have not worked on Parse, but I believe as long there is a REST API available AngularJS can very well integrate with These links substantiate that fact
Said that, AngularJS is a very capable framework with a steep learning curve. The simple stuff is simple but one needs to put ones head down and start learning the not so simple stuff like directives once one starts building any decent size application. The more you invest in learning AngularJS the more rewarding it becomes.
It has a very clean separation in terms of view and code. The code is further organized into modules, factories, services, controllers, directive, filters etc.
But still nothing stops you from creating a mess with the implementation :) What I have realized over the time is even if you create mess within AngularJS the effects are localized rather than affecting the complete application, due to the modular nature of Angular.
I suggest you try creating or looking at some samples with AngularJS (such as TodoMVC)
This is how i felt learning and implementing AngularJS solutions
Thanks for bring up our Parse x AngularJS boilerplate - we've just updated it today too.
Our entire site is built with Parse x AngularJS and no servers of our own.
We built this boilerplate after because having spent a few years building BRANDiD, we had a lot of best practices to share with the Parse and AngularJS communities. We think it is a match made in heaven, and is the fastest way to build powerful complex, highly maintainable serverless apps.
We've basically extended the Parse SDK to support AngularJS bindings, we've eliminated a ton of boilerplate code, and most importantly, we've established an architecture for large serverless apps using Parse and Angular.
I highly encourage you to check it out -
Parse x AngularJS Boilerplate
Actually Parse's documentation does not say that you have to use Parse with Backbone, it just says that some stuff are compatible with Backbone classes, like the Collections object, which might be useful ONLY IF you use Backbone.
The big hassle of using 3rd party stuff inside angular is its lifecycle, as it uses POJOs and only watches for changes in these objects at specific points in time - Check the Scope Life Cycle documentation for more info.
Given that, when Parse returns its callbacks, AngularJS might no longer be observing those Parse objets, so you need a way of telling angular that thing changed, and you have to do it inside the digest loop, for example using $scope.$apply
I created a small wrapper for Parse.Query and Parse.Object to avoid the need for $scope.$apply all the time, let me know if you find it useful:
The easiest way I found to communicate with the backend is to use the jimrhoskins/angular-parse Angularjs module that replaces the (backbone) ParseSDK.
Ads instant :-) I included it in this angular/parse boilerplate.
We've been using this method fairly frequently. We decided to document our experience. Its a 2 part series on building angular apps with a parse backend. Hope it helps!

When combined with Meteor, what AngularJS can do that Handlebars can not?

I am considering using AngularJS instead of Handlebars with MeteorJS. I am more familiar with AngularJS, but it doesn't work well out-of-the-box with Meteor. Handlebars is default templating engine used in MeteorJS.
I would like to know the trade-off between the two, e.g., whether AngularJS provides more flexible front-end coding than Handlebars.
My question is: when pairing with Meteor, what AngularJS can do that Handlebars can not in terms of front-end programming?
(Note that people love AngularJS in part b/c of its two-way binding and data model, but Meteor-Handlebars do these very well too).
Update: Please do not vote to close this question if you think it is a duplicate of another question in SO that compares Angular and Handlebars. Meteor added significant power to Handlebars due to its "database on client" approach.
Angular and Meteor can be combined, and it's a pretty neat combo. Angular's templating system and its two-way bindings (DOM to JS model) can even be made to go the whole way and be kept in sync with a Meteor collection. Such a pairing of Angular and Meteor means you get instantaneous DOM to database syncing, which is very cool. Angular can't do that by itself, nor can Meteor (without writing more or less tedious event handlers) and even less Handlebars.
The angular-meteor Meteor package is pretty much ngMeteor's successor (it builds on ngMeteor code) and integrates Meteor collections with Angular models, the two templating systems, Meteor Session variables etc.
TL;DR: Meteor works best with packages (think jQuery, bootstrap, d3, underscore, stylus, less) since they enhance a framework. Those same packages would enhance Angular too (well, kind of). Angular is an end-to-end framework, so trying to integrate it on top of another end-to-end framework like Meteor is a recipe for headaches.
Handlebars has very similar expressions and bindings that you're probably familiar with in Angular. But while the templating engine is similar, it's the rest of the frameworks that differ greatly.
Angular leans heavily on its internal directives (ng-repeat, ng-form, ng-bind, etc.) to easily tie in javascript (i.e. power) to your markup. There's a lot of magic behind the scenes.
Meteor leans heavily on the pub/sub model and connecting to your true data stores. Their secret sauce comes from easily adding but abstracting packages (handlebars is one of their default packages, but some others are bootstrap, accounts-ui, d3, etc.).
Meteor follows very different ideologies and has different opinions on framework design than Angular does. In my opinion, Meteor's are superior though the project is still in its relative infancy. You'll find that Meteor is really, really good at prototyping quickly, especially if you need to tie in user support and want to use Twitter/Facebook/Google.
You'd be better off choosing one or the other, but if you're not strong on the server side, you could write a pretty slick Meteor app to just act as your API server.
If you want to use angularjs with meteor you can just install a package that does that. Then you can use both meteor and angular.
Meteor is realy nice for getting your data from server to client, angular is very nice in getting that data displayed (and stable).
mrt add angular-stack
mrt add ngMeteor
Generally speaking, AngularJS has passed the version 1.0 milestone and is considered ready for production use while meteor is still alpha software. Consequently, Angular is more polished, has directives, modules and rich third-party libraries like AngularUI.
But if you feel like experimenting with a bleeding-edge framework, don't think you'll have to do super-fancy templating-stuff but need a database built in, go with Meteor!
I think you might find this answer helpful.
Also I think it might be a duplicated question.
