Implicit styles in Application.Resources vs Window.Resources? - wpf

I was looking at this question and noticed that placing an implicit TextBlock style in Application.Resources applies that style to all TextBlocks, even those inside other controls such as Buttons, ComboBoxes, etc
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Blue" />
Placing the implicit style in Window.Resources does not cross control template boundaries, so things like Buttons and ComboBoxes maintain their default black text.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Blue" />
Furthermore, adding the default style in the Application.Resources makes it so you can't overwrite that style with another implicit style.
<!-- Doesn't work if implicit style with same property is in Application.Resources -->
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Red" />
My questions are:
Why is this?
Are there other differences between Application.Resources and Windows.Resources?
When should use one over the other?
I understand that Application.Resources apply to the entire application, while Window.Resources apply to the window only, however I want to know why the styles in Application are treated differently than styles in Window

This is really the only special handling added to WPF and it was done by design. The code that implements it can be found in FrameworkElement, in the method FindImplicitStyleResource, which effectively does:
internal static object FindImplicitStyleResource(FrameworkElement fe, object resourceKey, out object source)
// ...
DependencyObject boundaryElement = null;
if (!(fe is Control))
boundaryElement = fe.TemplatedParent;
// ...
So the rule of thumb is that implicit Styles are always applied to controls (i.e. derives from Control). Assuming the implicit Style can be found.
For elements used in a ControlTemplate that do not derive from Control, such as TextBlock, the implicit Style look up will not cross it's templated parent. In your case above, this would be the ComboBox.
I believe this was done so that non-application implicit Styles for TextBlock were not inadvertently applied to TextBlock elements used in control templates, which the developer may or may not have known were there. The implicit Styles would only be applied to TextBlocks actually created by the developer in their own XAML.
The application implicit Styles would still allow global styling, such as increasing font size. But has probably caused more confusion than it's worth.
There is no good answer to say when to use one versus the other, as they each have their function. Obviously if you don't want to affect every TextBlock in your application, you shouldn't put the style in the application resources.
But keep in mind that this affects any non-Control element, such as Shape elements.

Pretty plain as simple
If you want Resources to be shared among the ENTIRE application you would use Application.Resources
If you want Resources to be shared among the ENTIRE Window you would use Window.Resources
If you want Resources to be shared among a single control you would use (Whatever Control).Resources
Lets say you have multiple windows but you only want a default style in one but not the other then you would use Windoe.Resources

Rachel, I don't think there is anything special to "Styles". Moreover, there isn't an issue of "crossing template boundaries". The reason for this is different and it goes to the different "Trees" in a WPF applicaiton.
By your question I recon you are picturing a world with the following hierarchy:
- Application => Window => Control => Elements within the control
There is no such hierarchy. There are different trees in a WPF applicaiton, the most famous are the Logical Tree and the Visual Tree, but there are more (the routing event tree and also the resource lookup tree, with slightly different semantics).
Assume the following XAML:
<Window x:Class="SO.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Button x:Name="btn" Click="click">Click Me</Button>
For this XAML, the logical tree will look like:
- Window => Grid => Button => String
The textblock inside the button is not part of the logical tree (it is part of the VisualTree though).
Looking up for resources goes by the LogicalTree, with one difference. After it reaches the top object, the finding resource algorithm will look at the Application resource dictionary, and then at the Theme resource diectionary, and then at the System resource dictionary in this order.
See following articles:
About trees:
About finding resources:, and look for the section 'Dynamic Resource Lookup Behaviour'
Finnaly, to prove my point, add the following resource to the applicaiton XAML:
<Application x:Class="SO.App"
<clr:String x:Key="MyResource">Hello Application Resource</clr:String>
and the following code behind:
private void click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Logical Children of btn
Debug.WriteLine("Children of btn:");
foreach( var x in LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren(btn) ) {
Debug.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", x, x.GetType());
// Walk the visual tree
Debug.WriteLine("The Visual Tree:");
WalkVisual(0, this);
// Find the textblock within the button
DependencyObject p = btn;
while (p.GetType() != typeof(TextBlock))
p = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(p, 0);
TextBlock tb = p as TextBlock;
// Now climp the textblock through the logical tree
while (p != null)
Debug.WriteLine("{0}", p.GetType());
p = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(p);
// Find a resource for the textbox
string s = tb.FindResource("MyResource") as string;
Debug.WriteLine("MyResource Content: {0}", s);
private void WalkVisual(int indent, DependencyObject p)
string fmt = string.Format("{{0,{0}}}{{1}}", indent * 4);
Debug.WriteLine(fmt, "", p.GetType());
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(p); ++i)
WalkVisual(indent+1,VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(p, i));
So ... once you understand the first question ('why is that'), the other questions fall apart. The different between application resources and window resources is that application resources can be fount by any DependencyObject in your application, including those defined in other assemblies. You'll use it when this is what you want to acheive :-)

The difference lies in the scope of the styles :
when placed in Application.Resources, a style will apply to all controls in the application
when placed inside Windows.Resources, a style will apply to all controls in the window
the difference is quite subtle there, but what it means is that whatever control we're talking about (included one that's in another control's template) will get the style from application.Resources. but only the controls directly children of the window will get the style from window.Resources. A control inside antoher control's template will not have the style defined in Window.Resources since it is not directly in the window, whereas it will have the style defined in Application.Resources since it is in the application.
as for your second point, it has to do with dependency property precedence I think:

CodeNaked Answered true. It is made by WPF design. I opened the ticket question here which is a full explanation that it is by design. Also, what are online documents (dependency-property-precedence-list), function
(DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource) and desktop tools (snoopwpf) to use to help you navigate through these behaviors.
While we are unhappy as WPF users (we expect the same behavior) we can't do anything about it. Options: Explicitly define content like <Label.Content> or quotation " to do considerably more work - custom templates, custom type for the content, new control etc. which I don't see as really necessary."


What does the <vm:SimpleViewModel x:Key="viewModel"/> mean in WPF?

I am new to WPF and MVVM, actually started just a week back and I am trying to code up an application using both WPF and MVVM, while coding up an example I came across the following statement <vm:SimpleViewModel x:Key="viewModel"/> and I am trying to reason about it. I understand what 'x:' refers to, its the default XAML namespace mentioned in the XAML file and I have created a namespace for my own ViewModel class that the UI will be interacting with and I have given it an alias "vm" and SimpleViewModel is the ViewModel for my application, the statement for the purposes of reference is xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:MVVM_Tutorial".
My Reasoning for the statement <vm:SimpleViewModel x:Key="viewModel"/> is that a Window is a XAML element and has a resource dictionary that it refers to resolve and refer to certain elements, hence inside its resource dictionary which is defined in the "x:" namespace we are assigning a variable called "Key" whose value is the SimpleViewModel class defined in the "vm:" namespace. Just want to know if I am right with my reasoning or is there something that I am missing and would want to know proceeding further from here.
XAML is just markup that describes an object graph. Code is also markup that describes an object graph. I can say this
var window = new Window();
window.DataContext = new MyNamespace.MyViewModel();
or I can write the exact same thing like this
<Window xmlns:blahblah="clr-namespace:Normal.Xmlns.Deleted.For.Brevity"
<this:MyViewModel />
<!-- snip -->
Any object that can be instantiated in code can be used in xaml. There are some restrictions (e.g., default public constructor without arguments), but for the most part this is true. XAML just defines an object graph that is deserialized at runtime.
Since any type can be referred to in xaml, you could, hypothetically, have moved that instance of MyViewModel to a resource dictionary and referred to it via a StaticResource or a DynamicResource. Note, anything you put in a resource dictionary has to have a key, assigned via x:Key:
<Window xmlns:blahblah="clr-namespace:Normal.Xmlns.Deleted.For.Brevity"
DataContext="{DynamicResource lolderp}">
<this:MyViewModel x:Key="lolderp" />
<!-- snip -->
XAML is a subset of XML, and uses XML namespaces to map to code namespaces in the current, or other, assemblies. It's how the framework knows what object MyViewModel refers to. To learn more, read this link on msdn.
I'm sure someone else can chime in with more clarification...
In the xaml file, the references of
Since your code-behind can be verbose with long name space references, and your SOLUTION may be made up of multiple projects (such as different DLLs), when the XAML is processed, it uses the "xmlns" as a reference to whatever "yourProjectOrLibrary" is... In your case the project/class "MVVM_Tutorial".
Now, the "vm". This is just an "alias" within the xaml, so anytime it is referencing a
The xaml knows where it originates to get resolution to control, properties, types, etc.
As for the "x:Key" part... Not positive, but when I was first building out my customized themes, also ran into confusion about the x:Key. My interpretation of this was found to be x:Key is like a private reference, but by being given the name ..x:Key="viewModel"... is making this "name" available later within the xaml file.
This "key" can then be referenced later in the xaml... For example,
<ControlTemplate x:Key="CTButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}" >
<!-- Start border of button to have a rounded corners -->
Then later within the theme, I could reference this "Key"... in my case "CTButton". So if I wanted multiple controls to use / derive from same control template, I could have them reference it...
<Setter Property="Template" Value="{StaticResource CTButton}" />
Again, I don't get EVERYTHING about all the xaml markup, but hopefully clarifies this for you some.

Place style inside Custom Control

I'm creating the custom control. And suddenly faced a question: why to put control's style separately from the control?
I mean that using the standard way you must: derive from base control (for example, from TextBox) and add a style for it in general.xaml.
But why can't we do just like this:
<TextBox x:Class="CustomTest.CoolTextBox"
<Setter Property="TextBox.FontSize" Value="20" />
And code-behind:
public partial class CoolTextBox : TextBox
public CoolTextBox()
Update #1
I'm not writing my own library but creating a custom control inside my main executable. Application support themes but they differ only by colors. So each theme is a set of brush resources and my style will refer them using DynamicResource.
What I want to know is the drawbacks of that solution. I mean performance, simplicity of usage and etc.
WPF allows changing themes at runtime, means the style shall be stored separatly from the controls. Futhermore the control shall be lookless when designining in order to other programmers to have their custom styles though somewhere there should be a default style which must be stored separatly in a Generic.xaml file. If your app doesn't support changing themes then you can define the style wherever you wish.
If you are writing a library of custom controls I suggest you to stick to standards.
Here is a link how shall a custom controls be created:
In addition to dev hedgehog's answer about performance, I found the following drawbacks:
Style object is own for each instance of control. So you end up with number of clones of the same Style object.
You cannot override style using BasedOn property. Only completely replace is possible.

Black Background for XAML Editor

I am currently working on a user control that has white text and a transparent background. Unfortunately because the XAML design view within VS2010 has a white background I cannot see anything that I am designing!
I have been through all the settings dialogs I can think of, but have been unable to find a setting that changes the background colour of the XAML designer.
Does anyone know how this can be done?
Alternatively, as of VS 2013, you can do this in Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors, XAML UI Designer.
The editable foreground / background colors there are the colors of the checkerboard background. I just set them both to a darkish grey color that seems to work for both light and dark theme'd background stuff.
In your XAML, set your background to black. Then in your user control, use the DesignerProperties to set the background at runtime:
<UserControl .... Background="Black" .... >
Code Behind
public YourUserControl()
if( !System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode( this ) )
this.Background = Brushes.Transparent;
Alternate Method
In your user control, do not declare a background color:
<UserControl ... namespaces ...>
UserControl Code Behind:
In your user control's constructor, use the DesignTime method as above, but check to see if it is Design Mode (opposite check from other method):
public YourUserControl()
if( System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode( this ) )
this.Background = Brushes.Black;
Finally, in your App.xaml, add a style to set a background color for UserControls:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type UserControl}">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Black" />
Here's what's happening:
The App.xaml will effect the UserControl at design time because a typed style is applied on an object automatically, but it is not applied to a derived object (UserControl in this case). So, at design time, VS thinks it should apply the style, but at runtime, it will be ignored.
The GetIsInDesignMode check will effect the UserControl when viewing the control in a Window that is using the UserControl because VS is compiling the UserControl at design time in order to render it in the Visual Designer.
As shown in this post, you can condense the code to a single style by using a trigger, since DesignerProperties.IsInDesignMode is an attached property.
Actually, the code there isn't quite right. It defines an implicit style for TargetType="{x:Type UserControl}", which would be ignored at runtime anyway because your UserControl is actually a derived class -- as Metro Smurf points out in his first point:
The App.xaml will effect the UserControl at design time because a
typed style is applied on an object automatically, but it is not
applied to a derived object (UserControl in this case). So, at design
time, VS thinks it should apply the style, but at runtime, it will be
The right way to do it would be to give it a key and apply it manually to your UserControls:
<Style x:Key="DesignerBlackBackgroundStyle" TargetType="Control">
<Trigger Property="componentModel:DesignerProperties.IsInDesignMode"
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Black" />
<UserControl x:Class="MyUserControl"
Style="{StaticResource ResourceKey=DesignerBlackBackgroundStyle}">
As a trigger, this has an extra benefit over setting the background in code-behind -- it will behave properly if the background is explicitly set somewhere else, such as from a containing UserControl:
<UserControl x:Class="ContainerUserControl" ...>
<local:MyUserControl Background="Gray" />
Local values have precedence over style triggers, so on this screen the designer would use a gray background, whereas it would be black when designing MyUserControl stand-alone.
Are you able to use Blend for designing? Blend has an option to switch between light and dark color schemes.
Set the background color of the usercontrol to black in the XAML, then set it to transparent in code.
If you're not comfortable leaving the code this way, then you can revert this change before you release, once you are done with all the designer work, though there is no harm in leaving it in.
Set the XAML Designer background color to Gray.
Tools > Options> Fonts and Colors:
Show settings for: XAML Designer,
Display items: Artboard Background,
Item foreground/background: Gray.
Now you can see text in XAML Designer
It's a shame there is this inconvenience.

WPF: Accessing resources in a control assembly

I have a control for which i want to declare resources in a xaml file. if this was a user control i could put the resources in an <UserControl.Resources> block and reference them in the code via this.Resources["myResourceKey"] how do i achieve the same functionality in a control. at the moment the only link to xaml i have is through the controls static constructor, to reference the style (and control template)
static SlimlineSimpleFieldTextBlock() {
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(SlimlineSimpleFieldTextBlock), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(SlimlineSimpleFieldTextBlock)));
but even if i add a block to the xaml <Style.Resources> I dont seem able to reference them (as the Style is null at the OnApplyTemplate stage) and even if i did it would mean if someone eles overrode the style i would lose my resources.
Construct your resource key using ComponentResourceKey. Normal resource keys are searched for only up the visual tree and in your application resources. But any resource key that is a ComponentResourceKey is also searched for in the theme dictionary for the assembly containing the type. (This is also true for Type objects used as resource keys.)
In your Themes/Generic.xaml of the assembly containing a control called "Sandwich" you might have:
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="{ComponentResourceKey local:Sandwich, Lettuce}"
Color="#00FF00" />
<ControlTemplate x:Key="{ComponentResourceKey local:Sandwich, PeanutButter}" ...>
You can reference these resources in code like this:
var lettuce = (Brush)FindResource(
new ComponentResourceKey(typeof(Sandwich), "Lettuce"));
var penutButter = (ControlTemplate)FindResource(
new ComponentResourceKey(typeof(Sandwich), "PeanutButter"));
You can also refer to these resources in XAML like this:
<Border Background="{StaticResource ResourceKey={ComponentResourceKey local:Sandwich, Lettuce}}" />
Both of these forms of reference work from anywhere that FindResource can be used, which is inside the code or XAML for any object derived from FrameworkElement, FrameworkContentElement or Application.
Additional notes
The search algorithm for a ComponentResourceKey resource involves only the assembly contaning the specified type, not the type itself. Thus a control of type Soup could use a ComponentResourceKey of {ComponentResourceKey local:Sandwich,Seasonings} if the Soup and Sandwich classes were in the same assembly. As long as everything about the ComponentResourceKey matches exactly and the resource is actually in the same assembly as the given type, the resource will be found.
Also note that although it is possible to use pack URI to load a ResourceDictionary from another assembly, it is a bad idea to do so. Unlike the Themes/Generic.xaml solution you actually have to modify the application using your controls, and it also suffers from multiple-inclusion and overridability problems.
Whenever you are using Themes/Generic.xaml you must have your ThemeInfoAttribute set correctly on that assembly. You can start with this in your control library's AssemblyInfo.cs:
[assembly:ThemeInfoAttribute(ResourceDictionaryLocation.None, ResourceDictionaryLocation.SourceAssembly)]

How to set default WPF Window Style in app.xaml?

I am trying to set the default Style for every window in my WPF Windows application in my app.xaml. So far i have this in app.xaml:
<Style x:Key="WindowStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Window}">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Blue" />
I can get the window to appear with this style when running the app (but not in VS designer) by specifically telling the window to use this style via:
Style="{DynamicResource WindowStyle}
This works, but is not ideal. So how do I:
Have all windows automatically use the style (so i don't have to specify it on every window)?
Have VS designer show the style?
To add on to what Ray says:
For the Styles, you either need to supply a Key/ID or specify a TargetType.
If a FrameworkElement does not have an
explicitly specified Style, it will
always look for a Style resource,
using its own type as the key
- Programming WPF (Sells, Griffith)
If you supply a TargetType, all instances of that type will have the style applied. However derived types will not... it seems. <Style TargetType="{x:Type Window}"> will not work for all your custom derivations/windows. <Style TargetType="{x:Type local:MyWindow}"> will apply to only MyWindow. So the options are
Use a Keyed Style that you specify as the Style property of every window you want to apply the style. The designer will show the styled window.
<Style x:Key="MyWindowStyle">
<Setter Property="Control.Background" Value="PaleGreen"/>
<Setter Property="Window.Title" Value="Styled Window"/>
</Application.Resources> ...
<Window x:Class="MyNS.MyWindow" Style="{StaticResource MyWindowStyleKey}"> ...
Or you could derive from a custom BaseWindow class (which has its own quirks), where you set the Style property during the Ctor/Initialization/Load stage once. All Derivations would then automatically have the style applied. But the designer won't take notice of your style You need to run your app to see the style being applied.. I'm guessing the designer just runs InitializeComponent (which is auto/designer generated code) so XAML is applied but not custom code-behind.
So I'd say explicitly specified styles are the least work. You can anyways change aspects of the Style centrally.
Know this is years later, but since the question is still up here...
Create a resource dictionary in your project (Right-click the project...)
I'll create a new folder under the Project called "Assets" and
put "resourceDict.XAML in it.
Add the code to resourceDict.XAML:
<Style x:Key="WindowStyle" Target Type="Window" >
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Blue" />
In your Project XAML file add the following under Window:
<!-- Believe it or not the next line fixes a bug MS acknowledges -->
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Rectangle}" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Assets/resourceDict.XAML" />
ref the following web site: Trouble referencing a Resource Dictionary that contains a Merged Dictionary
"There is a bug: if all your default styles are nested in merged dictionaries three levels deep (or deeper) the top dictionary does not get flagged so the search skips it. The work around is to put a default Style to something, anything, in the root Dictionary."
And it seems to fix things reliably. Go figure...
And finally, under Window, maybe after Title, but before the final Window '>' :
Style="{DynamicResource windowStyle}"
And you'll need to add the code in steps 3 & 4 to every project to which you want the style to apply.
If you wanted to use a gradient background rather than a solid color, add the following code to the resourceDict.XAML:
<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="windowGradientBackground" StartPoint="0,0"
EndPoint="0,1" >
<GradientStop Color= "AliceBlue" Offset="0" />
<GradientStop Color= "Blue" Offset=".75" />
And modify your Style Setter for the background color to read:
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{DynamicResource
windowGradientBackground}" />
Steps 3 & 4 need to be repeated in each project.XAML file as described above, but hey, you get uniform Windows across the Solution! And the same process could apply to any controls you want to have a uniform look as well, buttons, whatever.
For anyone coming into this late, hope this helps as I'm sure the original posters got this all figured out years ago.
The designer is not working because you're specifying a DynamicResource. Please change this to StaticResource and all will be well.
To apply to all windows, you should remove the x:Key from the style. Setting the TargetType implicitly sets the x:Key to whatever is in TargetType. However, in my tests, this is not working, so I am looking into it.
If I set the TargetType to x:Type TextBlock, the designer works perfectly, it just seems to be the Window that is showing different behaviour.
You can add this code to your App.xaml.cs file:
FrameworkElement.StyleProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata
DefaultValue = Application.Current.FindResource(typeof(Window))
After this, the style applied to the Window type will also apply to all types derived from Window
I investigated this one for some days now and made it work through the Constructor of my custom Window Class:
public class KWindow : Window
public KWindow()
this.SetResourceReference(StyleProperty, typeof(KWindow));
static KWindow()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(KWindow), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(KWindow)));
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
// gets called finally
Hope it helps someone
For those this struggling with a solution to the problem: How can I have a custom style be automtically applied to all my Window derived types? Below is the solution I came up with
NOTE: I really didn't want to derive from the Window type or have to insert XAML on each window to force a style update etc. for reasons specific to my project (consumers of my product us my generic reusable style library and create their own layout/windows etc.) so I was really motivated to figure a solution out that worked that I was willing to live with any side effects
Need to iterate through all the instantiated windows and simply force them to use the new custom style you have defined for the Window type. This works great for windows that are already up but when a window or child window is instantiated it won't know to use the new/custom type that has been declared for its base type; the vanilla Window type. So the best I could come up with was to use the LostKeyBoardFocus on the MainWindow for when it loses Focus to a ChildWindow (IOW When a child window has been created) and then invoke this FixupWindowDerivedTypes().
If someone has a better solution for "detecting" when any kind of window derived type is instantiated and thus call the FixupWindowDerivedTypes() that would be great. There may be something useful with handling the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING in this area as well.
So this solution is not elegant per say but gets the job done without me having to touch any code or XAML related to my windows.
public static void FixupWindowDerivedTypes()
foreach (Window window in Application.Current.Windows)
//May look strange but kindly inform each of your window derived types to actually use the default style for the window type
window.SetResourceReference(FrameworkElement.StyleProperty, DefaultStyleKeyRetriever.GetDefaultStyleKey(window));
//Great little post here from Jafa to retrieve a protected property like DefaultStyleKey without using reflection.
//Helper class to retrieve a protected property so we can set it
internal class DefaultStyleKeyRetriever : Control
/// <summary>
/// This method retrieves the default style key of a control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="control">The control to retrieve the default style key
/// from.</param>
/// <returns>The default style key of the control.</returns>
public static object GetDefaultStyleKey(Control control)
return control.GetValue(Control.DefaultStyleKeyProperty);
Considering Gishu's answer I figured out one more workaround. But it could be little bit weird.
If you use MVVM pattern you could remove code-behind of your window and x:Class markup in XAML file. So you will get an instance of window or your custom window but not a some instance of 'MainWindow' class that is derived from 'Window' class and marked as partial.
I'm making VS-like window so I had to inherit window class and extend it functionality. In that case it will be possible to make new window class as partial that would allow us to make code-behind without inheritance.
you will save all the styles in one xaml file(example design.xaml)
and then call that (design.xaml) xaml file in all the pages like this way
<ResourceDictionary Source="Design.xaml"/>
