Get session of DNN in aspx file - dotnetnuke

I write a standalone aspx file and upload it to DNN website. I add a html module and make an iframe to that aspx file. How I should check DNN user login or not in aspx file? I think there are something in Session but it is empty when I print it out on aspx page.

The aspx file executes outside of DNN. There is no context for you to work with. A much better approach is to turn your .aspx into a .ascx and derive from PortalModuleBase as the start of a DNN module. You can add a proper module to the page and permission the module as you see fit and DNN will take care of all the authentication and authorization details for you.
A starting point for module development
I don't recommend it in this situation, but you can also emulate the approach I described for getting context in a web service.

If your aspx is within DNN's website you can simply use Request.IsAuthenticated to check if user is logged in or not.
But be warned, if you have friendly URL turned on - DNN 5x and above will hijack you aspx request.


How to set URl in ADF application....?

I have only one page in adf application, the page is called result.jspx. My requirement is - the url needs to be invoked like but when I create ear and deploy it in the weblogic server it is displaying like in the url. I am unable to get faces and jspx page. please let me know how to add in the url.
Check the contents of your EAR archive, see if result.jspx is part of it.
If is not, try to recreate deployment profile.
You can always stick an index.html file at the root that does a redirect to where you need it to go.
For example -

Redirect after registration in Dotnetnuke

DNN: 07.00.06
Using the standard DNN registration form, redirection does not take place. I have my registration page permission so that registered users cannot view it, so after a new user signs up, they're greeted with a "You do not have access to view this page within the website" message.
I turned off partial rendering and added javascript to search for this message and redirect to the homepage accordingly but it's a bit of a hack job.
I have set the redirect after registration to the home page specifically in the settings. Tried other pages, tried turning it off.
I do see this was a bug in the DNN tracker, but does anyone know of a cleaner workaround? I don't want to use a third party registration module for this purpose.
Thank you!
I seem to recall earlier versions of DNN7 had problems with redirect after registration. I would encourage you to try the latest DNN release.

DNN Module - Create Page for View.ascx

I have create a DNN Module using the Visual Studio DotNetNuke 7 C# Compiled Module template. When my module is installed, I would like to create a page for View.ascx. How can I do this? Can this be done when I upload the module in Host > Extensions?
From the Control Panel you should use the Add new page functionality, then place your Module on that newly created page.
Check out this video for how to Add a page in DNN7.
And this one for how to adda module to a page
To answer the question specifically about having this done automatically with the module, yes, you can, BUT you have to write code to do this and I only recommend it for special circumstances.
I've seen this done using an implementation of the IUpgradable interface in DNN to detect an initial installation and create the page using DNN API calls.
There is some detail in the Wiki about how IUpgradable works

how to remove sitemap.aspx in dnn6

i need to remove sitemap.aspx from the site.
In dnn 6,there is a sitemap.aspx page that simply shows an xml sitemap.i cannot edit/remove that i need to remove that page and recreate it with a simple html sitemap.
NOTE:the page name should be sitemap.aspx
Sitemap.aspx isn't a physical page you can delete.
You can, however, rename it to something else. It's in your web.config file, under the 'handlers' section. Just look for sitemap.aspx, and change it to something else, like 'searchenginesitemap.aspx'. Don't forget to update your robots.txt file to point to the new sitemap name, or go to the various webmaster console pages in search engines and advise them of the new location.
The sitemap.aspx is used to create the xml sitemap for search engines. By changing this you break this functionality and limit the search-ability of your site.
That being said, in Host Settings->Advance Settings you could setup a new Friendly Url that would match .*/sitemap.aspx to another url/page on your site.
I have long stopped using DNN's native sitemap.aspx... ITS BUGGY!... and here is how i found out.
I generated my own "CLEAN" sitemap.xml using a free 3rd party tool. And uploaded it to the root of my DNN website.... re-submitted the the to Google via web master tools and as a result we now get a 1ST PAGE and TOP 10 RANKING.
Mostly in the top 5... where as before using DNN's native sitemap.aspx we would get random errors which was pretty ANNOYING. Plus we got very bad Google Page Rank, But those were just my findings of better results. Note:I also place the location of the sitemap within the robots.txt file...
Although i will admit that it is extremely ANNOYING that you cannot just edit the DNN Sitemap url. This creates an issue if you've built the the site on a test server and then migrate over to production... your DNN Sitemap url only reads the firs portal alias from when you first developed the site.
Anyway, this was my findings... others may vary... just sharing.

Silverlight: Navigation app template - can we have cleaner urls? And urls like MVC / Routing has?

I have just created a new silverlight app using Silverlight navigation template. All went well and its working :-)
But the url has an extension of aspx ... can we not remove like MVC has done?
The next thing that i found strange is how it appends the page name, it uses # symbol like so
I thought it would be more natural to do this (also like mvc does)
Is there a kind of work around or updated tamplete of some kind
Or its not possible?
I'm using Silverlight with Asp.Net MVC and here is a sample URL: http://localhost:37920/#/AdvancedSearch. When I was using straight Asp.Net then yeah I had .aspx files in it. It Still isn't what you really want but gets you closer maybe.
The bottom line is: no. To simplify it everything in a URL prior to the # belongs to the server and everything after the # belongs to the client.
A Silverlight application exists entirely with with in a single URL (page) from the servers perspective. When you use the Silverlight navigation framework you are moving about within the app inside this single HTML page.
If the # is removed there would be fetches made to the server and the results would replace the existing page, the current SL app will be unloaded to be replaced with the resulting content. Even if that resulting content is the same SL app but directed to a different context it would still unload the app and reload it.
The use # is merely a means for navigation within the Silverlight app to be tracked within the browsers navigation history. The browsers own back button will then operate in a way that doesn't surprise the user.
THanks everyone for comments, it got me thinking... and i think i have fixed it.. and found a solutions using 4.0 routing...
Add a global file to the project and then add this to application start
// Code that runs on application startup
