Suggestions on designing a metric - arrays

I am designing a metric to measure when a search term is "ambiguous." A score near to one means that it is ambiguous ("Ajax" could be a programming language, a cleaning solution, a greek hero, a European soccer club, etc.) and a score near to zero means it is pretty clear what the user meant ("Lady Gaga" probably means only one thing). Part of this metric is that I have a list of possible interpretations and frequency of those interpretations from past data and I need to turn this into a number between 0 and 1.
For example: lets say the term is "Cats" -- of a million trials 850,000 times the user meant the furry thing that meows, 80,000 times they meant the musical by that name, and the rest are abbreviations for things each only meant a trivial number of times. I would say this should have a low ambiguity score because even though there were multiple possible meanings, one was by far the preferred meaning. In contrast lets say the term is "Friends" -- of a million trials 500,000 times the user meant the people who they hang out with all the time, 450,000 times they meant the tv show by that name, and the rest were some other meaning. This should get a higher ambiguity score because the different meanings were much closer in frequency.
TLDR: If I sort the array in decreasing order, I need a way to take arrays which fall off quickly to numbers close to zero and arrays that fall off slower to numbers closer to one. If the array was [1,0,0,0...] this should get a perfect score of 0 and if it was [1/n,1/n,1/n...] this should get a perfect score of 1. Any suggestions?

What you are looking for sounds very similar to the Entropy measure in information theory. It is a measure of how uncertain a random variable is based on the probabilities of each outcome. It is given by:
H(X) = -sum(p(x[i]) * log( p(x[i])) )
where p(x[i]) is the probability of the ith possiblility. So in your case, p(x[i]) would be the probability that a certain search phrase corresponded to an actual meaning. In the cats example, you would have:
p(x[0]) = 850,000 / (850,000+80,000) = 0.914
p(x[1]) = 80,000 / (850,000+80,000) = 0.086
H(X) = -(0.914*log2(0.914) + 0.086*log2(0.086)) = 0.423
For the Friends case, you would have: (assuming only one other category)
H(X) = -(0.5*log2(0.5) + 0.45*log2(0.45) + 0.05*log2(0.05)) = 1.234
The higher number here means more uncertainty.
Note that I am using log base 2 in both cases, but if you use a logarithm of the base equal to the number of possibilities, you can get the scale to work out to 0 to 1.
H(X) = -(0.5*log3(0.5) + 0.45*log3(0.45) + 0.05*log3(0.05)) = 0.779
Note also that the most ambiguous case is when all possibilities have the same probability:
H(X) = -(0.33*log3(0.33) + 0.33*log3(0.33) + 0.33*log3(0.33)) = 1.0
and the least ambiguous case is when there is only one possibility:
H(X) = -log(1) = 0.0
Since you want the most ambiguous terms to be near 1, you could just use 1.0-H(X) as your metric.


Generated unique id with 6 characters - handling when too much ids already used

​In my program you can book an item. This item has an id with 6 characters from 32 possible characters.
So my possibilities are 32^6. Every id must be unique.
func tryToAddItem {
if !db.contains(generateId()) {
} else {
For example 90% of my ids are used. So the probability that I call tryToAddItem 5 times is 0,9^5 * 100 = 59% isn't it?
So that is quite high. This are 5 database queries on a lot of datas.
When the probability is so high I want to implement a prefix „A-xxxxxx“.
What is a good condition for that? At which time do I will need a prefix?
In my example 90% ids were use. What is about the rest? Do I threw it away?
What is about database performance when I call tryToAddItem 5 times? I could imagine that this is not best practise.
For example 90% of my ids are used. So the probability that I call tryToAddItem 5 times is 0,9^5 * 100 = 59% isn't it?
Not quite. Let's represent the number of call you make with the random variable X, and let's call the probability of an id collision p. You want the probability that you make the call at most five times, or in general at most k times:
P(X≤k) = P(X=1) + P(X=2) + ... + P(X=k)
= (1-p) + (1-p)*p + (1-p)*p^2 +... + (1-p)*p^(k-1)
= (1-p)*(1 + p + p^2 + .. + p^(k-1))
If we expand this out all but two terms cancel and we get:
= 1- p^k
Which we want to be greater than some probability, x:
1 - p^k > x
Or with p in terms of k and x:
p < (1-x)^(1/k)
where you can adjust x and k for your specific needs.
If you want less than a 50% probability of 5 or more calls, then no more than (1-0.5)^(1/5) ≈ 87% of your ids should be taken.
First of all make sure there is an index on the id columns you are looking up. Then I would recommend thinking more in terms of setting a very low probability of a very bad event occurring. For example maybe making 20 calls slows down the database for too long, so we'd like to set the probability of this occurring to <0.1%. Using the formula above we find that no more than 70% of ids should be taken.
But you should also consider alternative solutions. Is remapping all ids to a larger space one time only a possibility?
Or if adding ids with prefixes is not a big deal then you could generate longer ids with prefixes for all new items going forward and not have to worry about collisions.
Thanks for response. I searched for alternatives and want show three possibilities.
First possibility: Create an UpcomingItemIdTable with 200 (more or less) valid itemIds. A task in the background can calculate them every minute (or what you need). So the action tryToAddItem will always get a valid itemId.
Second possibility
Is remapping all ids to a larger space one time only a possibility?
In my case yes. I think for other problems the answer will be: it depends.
Third possibility: Try to generate an itemId and when there is a collision try it again.
Possible collisions handling: Do some test before. Measure the time to generate itemIds when there are already 1000,10.000,100.000,1.000.000 etc. entries in the table. When the tryToAddItem method needs more than 100ms (or what you prefer) then increase your length from 6 to 7,8,9 characters.
Some thoughts
every request must be atomar
create an index on itemId
Disadvantages for long UUIDs in API: See
less usable, because...
-cannot be memorized and easily communicated by humans
-harder to use in debugging and logging analysis
-less convenient for consumer facing usage
-quite long: readable representation requires 36 characters and comes with higher memory and bandwidth consumption
-not ordered along their creation history and no indication of used id volume
-may be in conflict with additional backward compatibility support of legacy ids
TLDR: For my case every possibility is working. As so often it depends on the problem. Thanks for input.

Optimal Selection in Ruby

Given an array of values,
arr = [8,10,4,5,3,7,6,0,1,9,13,2]
X is an array of values can be chosen at a time where X.length != 0 and X.length < arr.length
The chosen values are then fed into a function, score(), which will return a score based on the array of select values.
Example 1:
X = [8]
score(X) = 71
Example 2:
X = [4]
score(X) = 36
Example 3:
X = [8,10,7]
score(X) = 51
Example 4:
X = [5,9,0]
score(X) = 4
The function score() here is a blackbox and we can't modify how the function works, we just provide an input and the function will return the score output.
My problem: How to get the lowest score for each set of numbers?
Meaning, if X is an array that has only 1 value, and I feed all the different values in arr, each value will return me a different score value, and I find which arr value provides the lowest score.
If X is an array of 3 values, I feed a combination of all the different possible values in arr, with each different set of 3 values returning a different score and finding the lowest score.
This is simple enough to do if my arr is small. However if I have an array of 50 or even 100 values, how can I create an algorithm that would provide the lowest score based on the number of input values
tl;dr: If you don't know anything about score, then you can't speed it up.
In order to optimize score itself, you would have to know how it works. After all "optimizing" simply means "does the same thing more efficient", but how can you know if it really does "the same thing" if you don't know what "the same thing" is? Plus, speeding up score will not help you with the combinatorial explosion anyway. The number of combinations grows so fast, that any speedups to score will be quickly eaten up by slightly larger inputs.
In order to optimize how you apply score, you would again need to know something about it. If you knew something about score, you could, for example, only generate combinations that you know will yield different values, or combinations that you know will only yield larger values. In other words, you could exploit some structure in the output of score in order to reduce the input size. However, we don't know the structure of the output of score, in fact, we don't even know if there is some structure at all! So we can't exploit it. Plus, there would have to be some extreme redundancy and regularity in the structure, in order for a significant reduction in input size.
In his comment, #ndn suggested applying some form of machine learning to discover structure in the output.. How well this works depends on what kind of structure the output has. And of course, this again assumes that there even is some structure to discover, which we don't know. And again, even if there were some structure, it would have to very redundant and regular to make up for the combinatorial explosion of the input space.
Really, brute force is the only way. Our last straw is going to be parallelization. Maybe, if we distribute the problem across enough CPU cores, we can tackle it? Unfortunately, the combinatorial explosion in the input space is still really going to hurt you:
If we assume that we have a 10THz CPU (i.e. a thousand times faster than the fastest currently available CPU), and we assume that we can compute score in a single clock cycle, and we assume that we have a computer with 10 million cores (again, that's a thousand times larger than the largest supercomputers), it's still going to take over 400 years to find the optimal selection for an input array as small as 100 numbers. And even if we make our CPU a billion times faster and the computer a billion times bigger, simply doubling the size of the array to 200 items will increase the runtime to 500 trillion years.
There is a reason why we call combinatorial explosion "combinatorial explosion", after all.

How does the HyperLogLog algorithm work?

I've been learning about different algorithms in my spare time recently, and one that I came across which appears to be very interesting is called the HyperLogLog algorithm - which estimates how many unique items are in a list.
This was particularly interesting to me because it brought me back to my MySQL days when I saw that "Cardinality" value (which I always assumed until recently that it was calculated not estimated).
So I know how to write an algorithm in O(n) that will calculate how many unique items are in an array. I wrote this in JavaScript:
function countUniqueAlgo1(arr) {
var Table = {};
var numUnique = 0;
var numDataPoints = arr.length;
for (var j = 0; j < numDataPoints; j++) {
var val = arr[j];
if (Table[val] != null) {
Table[val] = 1;
return numUnique;
But the problem is that my algorithm, while O(n), uses a lot of memory (storing values in Table).
I've been reading this paper about how to count duplicates in a list in O(n) time and using minimal memory.
It explains that by hashing and counting bits or something one can estimate within a certain probability (assuming the list is evenly distributed) the number of unique items in a list.
I've read the paper, but I can't seem to understand it. Can someone give a more layperson's explanation? I know what hashes are, but I don't understand how they are used in this HyperLogLog algorithm.
The main trick behind this algorithm is that if you, observing a stream of random integers, see an integer which binary representation starts with some known prefix, there is a higher chance that the cardinality of the stream is 2^(size of the prefix).
That is, in a random stream of integers, ~50% of the numbers (in binary) starts with "1", 25% starts with "01", 12,5% starts with "001". This means that if you observe a random stream and see a "001", there is a higher chance that this stream has a cardinality of 8.
(The prefix "00..1" has no special meaning. It's there just because it's easy to find the most significant bit in a binary number in most processors)
Of course, if you observe just one integer, the chance this value is wrong is high. That's why the algorithm divides the stream in "m" independent substreams and keep the maximum length of a seen "00...1" prefix of each substream. Then, estimates the final value by taking the mean value of each substream.
That's the main idea of this algorithm. There are some missing details (the correction for low estimate values, for example), but it's all well written in the paper. Sorry for the terrible english.
A HyperLogLog is a probabilistic data structure. It counts the number of distinct elements in a list. But in comparison to a straightforward way of doing it (having a set and adding elements to the set) it does this in an approximate way.
Before looking how the HyperLogLog algorithm does this, one has to understand why you need it. The problem with a straightforward way is that it consumes O(distinct elements) of space. Why there is a big O notation here instead of just distinct elements? This is because elements can be of different sizes. One element can be 1 another element "is this big string". So if you have a huge list (or a huge stream of elements) it will take a lot memory.
Probabilistic Counting
How can one get a reasonable estimate of a number of unique elements? Assume that you have a string of length m which consists of {0, 1} with equal probability. What is the probability that it will start with 0, with 2 zeros, with k zeros? It is 1/2, 1/4 and 1/2^k. This means that if you have encountered a string starting with k zeros, you have approximately looked through 2^k elements. So this is a good starting point. Having a list of elements that are evenly distributed between 0 and 2^k - 1 you can count the maximum number of the biggest prefix of zeros in binary representation and this will give you a reasonable estimate.
The problem is that the assumption of having evenly distributed numbers from 0 t 2^k-1 is too hard to achieve (the data we encountered is mostly not numbers, almost never evenly distributed, and can be between any values. But using a good hashing function you can assume that the output bits would be evenly distributed and most hashing function have outputs between 0 and 2^k - 1 (SHA1 give you values between 0 and 2^160). So what we have achieved so far is that we can estimate the number of unique elements with the maximum cardinality of k bits by storing only one number of size log(k) bits. The downside is that we have a huge variance in our estimate. A cool thing that we almost created 1984's probabilistic counting paper (it is a little bit smarter with the estimate, but still we are close).
Before moving further, we have to understand why our first estimate is not that great. The reason behind it is that one random occurrence of high frequency 0-prefix element can spoil everything. One way to improve it is to use many hash functions, count max for each of the hash functions and in the end average them out. This is an excellent idea, which will improve the estimate, but LogLog paper used a slightly different approach (probably because hashing is kind of expensive).
They used one hash but divided it into two parts. One is called a bucket (total number of buckets is 2^x) and another - is basically the same as our hash. It was hard for me to get what was going on, so I will give an example. Assume you have two elements and your hash function which gives values form 0 to 2^10 produced 2 values: 344 and 387. You decided to have 16 buckets. So you have:
0101 011000 bucket 5 will store 1
0110 000011 bucket 6 will store 4
By having more buckets you decrease the variance (you use slightly more space, but it is still tiny). Using math skills they were able to quantify the error (which is 1.3/sqrt(number of buckets)).
HyperLogLog does not introduce any new ideas, but mostly uses a lot of math to improve the previous estimate. Researchers have found that if you remove 30% of the biggest numbers from the buckets you significantly improve the estimate. They also used another algorithm for averaging numbers. The paper is math-heavy.
And I want to finish with a recent paper, which shows an improved version of hyperLogLog algorithm (up until now I didn't have time to fully understand it, but maybe later I will improve this answer).
The intuition is if your input is a large set of random number (e.g. hashed values), they should distribute evenly over a range. Let's say the range is up to 10 bit to represent value up to 1024. Then observed the minimum value. Let's say it is 10. Then the cardinality will estimated to be about 100 (10 × 100 ≈ 1024).
Read the paper for the real logic of course.
Another good explanation with sample code can be found here:
Damn Cool Algorithms: Cardinality Estimation - Nick's Blog

Is there a supervised learning algorithm that takes tags as input, and produces a probability as output?

Let's say I want to determine the probability that I will upvote a question on SO, based only on which tags are present or absent.
Let's also imagine that I have plenty of data about past questions that I did or did not upvote.
Is there a machine learning algorithm that could take this historical data, train on it, and then be able to predict my upvote probability for future questions? Note that it must be the probability, not just some arbitrary score.
Let's assume that there will be up-to 7 tags associated with any given question, these being drawn from a superset of tens of thousands.
My hope is that it is able to make quite sophisticated connections between tags, rather than each tag simply contributing to the end result in a "linear" way (much as words do in a Bayesian spam filter).
So for example, it might be that the word "java" increases my upvote probability, except when it is present with "database", however "database" might increase my upvote probability when present with "ruby".
Oh, and it should be computationally reasonable (training within an hour or two on millions of questions).
What approaches should I research here?
Given that there probably aren't many tags per message, you could just create "n-gram" tags and apply naive Bayes. Regression trees would also produce an empirical probability at the leaf nodes, using +1 for upvote and 0 for no upvote. See for some readable lecture notes and for an open source implementation.
You can try several methods (linear regression, SMV, neural networks). The input vector should consist of all possible tags, where each tag represents one dimension.
Then each record in a training set has to be transformed to the input vector according to the tags. For example let's say you have different combinations of 4 tags in your training set (php, ruby, ms, sql) and you define an unweighted input vector [php, ruby, ms, sql]. Let's say you have the following 3 records whic are transformed to weighted input vectors:
php, sql -> [1, 0, 0, 1]
ruby -> [0, 1, 0, 0]
ms, sql -> [0, 0, 1, 1]
In case you use linear regression you use the following formula
y = k * X
where y represents an answer (upvote/downvote) in your case and by inserting known values (X - weighted input vectors).
How ta calculate weights in case you use linear regression you can read here but the point is to create binary input vectors which size is equal (or larger in case you take into account some other variables) to the number of all tags and then for each record you set weights for each tag (0 if it is not included or 1 otherwise).

Efficient comparison of 1 million vectors containing (float, integer) tuples

I am working in a chemistry/biology project. We are building a web-application for fast matching of the user's experimental data with predicted data in a reference database. The reference database will contain up to a million entries. The data for one entry is a list (vector) of tuples containing a float value between 0.0 and 20.0 and an integer value between 1 and 18. For instance (7.2394 , 2) , (7.4011, 1) , (9.9367, 3) , ... etc.
The user will enter a similar list of tuples and the web-app must then return the - let's say - top 50 best matching database entries.
One thing is crucial: the search algorithm must allow for discrepancies between the query data and the reference data because both can contain small errors in the float values (NOT in the integer values). (The query data can contain errors because it is derived from a real-life experiment and the reference data because it is the result of a prediction.)
Edit - Moved text to answer -
How can we get an efficient ranking of 1 query on 1 million records?
You should add a physicist to the project :-) This is a very common problem to compare functions e.g. look here:
In the first link you can read: "The SEQUEST algorithm for analyzing mass spectra makes use of autocorrelation in conjunction with cross-correlation to score the similarity of an observed spectrum to an idealized spectrum representing a peptide."
An efficient linear scan of 1 million records of that type should take a fraction of a second on a modern machine; a compiled loop should be able to do it at about memory bandwidth, which would transfer that in a two or three milliseconds.
But, if you really need to optimise this, you could construct a hash table of the integer values, which would divide the job by the number of integer bins. And, if the data is stored sorted by the floats, that improves the locality of matching by those; you know you can stop once you're out of tolerance. Storing the offsets of each of a number of bins would give you a position to start.
I guess I don't see the need for a fancy algorithm yet... describe the problem a bit more, perhaps (you can assume a fairly high level of chemistry and physics knowledge if you like; I'm a physicist by training)?
Ok, given the extra info, I still see no need for anything better than a direct linear search, if there's only 1 million reference vectors and the algorithm is that simple. I just tried it, and even a pure Python implementation of linear scan took only around three seconds. It took several times longer to make up some random data to test with. This does somewhat depend on the rather lunatic level of optimisation in Python's sorting library, but that's the advantage of high level languages.
from cmath import *
import random
r = [(random.uniform(0,20), random.randint(1,18)) for i in range(1000000)]
# this is a decorate-sort-undecorate pattern
# look for matches to (7,9)
# obviously, you can use whatever distance expression you want
zz=[(abs((7-x)+(9-y)),x,y) for x,y in r]
# return the 50 best matches
[(x,y) for a,x,y in zz[:50]]
Can't you sort the tuples and perform binary search on the sorted array ?
I assume your database is done once for all, and the positions of the entries is not important. You can sort this array so that the tuples are in a given order. When a tuple is entered by the user, you just look in the middle of the sorted array. If the query value is larger of the center value, you repeat the work on the upper half, otherwise on the lower one.
Worst case is log(n)
If you can "map" your reference data to x-y coordinates on a plane there is a nifty technique which allows you to select all points under a given distance/tolerance (using Hilbert curves).
Here is a detailed example.
One approach we are trying ourselves which allows for the discrepancies between query and reference is by binning the float values. We are testing and want to offer the user the choice of different bin sizes. Bin sizes will be 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 or 0.4. So binning leaves us with between 50 and 200 bins, each with a corresponding integer value between 0 and 18, where 0 means there was no value within that bin. The reference data can be pre-binned and stored in the database. We can then take the binned query data and compare it with the reference data. One approach could be for all bins, subtract the query integer value from the reference integer value. By summing up all differences we get the similarity score, with the the most similar reference entries resulting in the lowest scores.
Another (simpler) search option we want to offer is where the user only enters the float values. The integer values in both query as reference list can then be set to 1. We then use Hamming distance to compute the difference between the query and the reference binned values. I have previously asked about an efficient algorithm for that search.
This binning is only one way of achieving our goal. I am open to other suggestions. Perhaps we can use Principal Component Analysis (PCA), as described here
