Drupal.attachBehaviours with jQuery infinitescroll and jQuery masonry - drupal-7

I am a little desperate here. I have been reading everything I was able to find on Drupal.behaviours but obviously its still not enough. I try running a masonry grid with the infinitescroll plugin to attach the new images to the masonry. This works fine so far. The next thing I wanted to implement to my website is a hover effect (which shows information on the images) and later fancybox to show the images in a huger size.
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.views_fluidgrid = {
attach: function (context) {
$('.views-fluidgrid-wrapper:not(.views-fluidgrid-processed)', context).addClass('views-fluidgrid-processed').each(function () {
// hide items while loading
var $this = $(this).css({opacity: 0}),
id = $(this).attr('id'),
settings = Drupal.settings.viewsFluidGrid[id];
$this.imagesLoaded(function() {
// show items after .imagesLoaded()
$this.animate({opacity: 1});
//the masonry settings
//implement the function of jquery.infinitescroll.min.js
//the infinitescroll settings
//show new items and attach behaviours in callback
function(newElems) {
var newItems = $(newElems).css({opacity: 0});
$(newItems).imagesLoaded(function() {
$(newItems).animate({opacity: 1});
$this.masonry('appended', newItems);
Now I read that I need to Reattach the Drupal.behaviours if I want the hover event to also take place on the newly added content.
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.imgOverlay = {
attach: function (context) {
var timeout;
$('.img_gallery').hover(function() {
$this = $(this);
timeout = setTimeout(change_opacity, 500);
}, reset_opacity);
function change_opacity() {
//set opacity to show the desired elements
function reset_opacity() {
//reset opacity to 0 on desired elements
Where do I now write the Drupal.attachBehaviours() to make it work actually? Or is there some other error I just dont see atm? I hope I wrote the question so that its understandable and maybe it also helps somebody else, since I experienced that there is no real "official" running Version of this combination in drupal 7.

Ok, the solution is actually pretty simple. When writing it correctly than it also runs. its of course not Drupal.attachBehaviours() but Drupal.attachBehaviors() . So this combination now works and I am finally relieved :).


Drag and Drop with Protractor in AngularJS

I appreciate there's quite a bit of stuff already been said about automating drag and drop as part of E2E testing. However after many, many hours of fiddling around, I cannot get any of the methods described to work...that is using Functions, coordinates etc etc. Oddly enough, console.log maintains the tests have passed, but the screenshots clearly show nothing has happened.
Screenshots shows a portion of the application
The user selects a paper and drags onto the image. As the drag 'starts' the grey overlay on the image clears and the paper is rendered on the room.
The code snippet shows one of the more simple ideas I've tried and I would be very pleased to receive any help going!
const JS_HTML5_DND = 'function e(e,t,n,i){var r=a.createEvent("DragEvent");r.initMouseEvent(t,!0,!0,o,0,0,0,c,g,!1,!1,!1,!1,0,null),Object.defineProperty(r,"dataTransfer",{get:function(){return d}}),e.dispatchEvent(r),o.setTimeout(i,n)}var t=arguments[0],n=arguments[1],i=arguments[2]||0,r=arguments[3]||0;if(!t.draggable)throw new Error("Source element is not draggable.");var a=t.ownerDocument,o=a.defaultView,l=t.getBoundingClientRect(),u=n?n.getBoundingClientRect():l,c=l.left+(l.width>>1),g=l.top+(l.height>>1),s=u.left+(u.width>>1)+i,f=u.top+(u.height>>1)+r,d=Object.create(Object.prototype,{_items:{value:{}},effectAllowed:{value:"all",writable:!0},dropEffect:{value:"move",writable:!0},files:{get:function(){return this._items.Files}},types:{get:function(){return Object.keys(this._items)}},setData:{value:function(e,t){this._items[e]=t}},getData:{value:function(e){return this._items[e]}},clearData:{value:function(e){delete this._items[e]}},setDragImage:{value:function(e){}}});if(n=a.elementFromPoint(s,f),!n)throw new Error("The target element is not interactable and need to be scrolled into the view.");u=n.getBoundingClientRect(),e(t,"dragstart",101,function(){var i=n.getBoundingClientRect();c=i.left+s-u.left,g=i.top+f-u.top,e(n,"dragenter",1,function(){e(n,"dragover",101,function(){n=a.elementFromPoint(c,g),e(n,"drop",1,function(){e(t,"dragend",1,callback)})})})})';
describe('Drag and Drop Test', function() {
it('should drag', function () {
var e1 = element(by.xpath('html/body/webapp-app/div/div/webapp-johnlewis-visualiser/div/div[2]/div/digitalbridge-shortlist/div/div/ul/li[1]/a/img'));
var e2 = element(by.css('.db-project-designer'));
The constant is showing an error 'const' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz). (W104) - I do have ES6 installed in Node_Modules.
I inserted the click line to see if pre-selecting the item made any difference...it didn't!
Thank you
Try this library https://github.com/SunGard-Labs/sg-protractor-tools
The library also includes functions that simplify common tasks like
Scrolling to an element
Drag and drop
Waiting for DOM elements to become visible or hidden
module.exports = function simulateDragAndDrop(sourceNode, destinationNode) {
const EVENT_TYPES = {
DRAG_END: 'dragend',
DRAG_START: 'dragstart',
DROP: 'drop'
function createCustomEvent(type) {
const event = new CustomEvent('CustomEvent');
event.initCustomEvent(type, true, true, null);
event.dataTransfer = {
data: {
setData: function(type, val) {
this.data[type] = val;
getData: function(type) {
return this.data[type];
return event;
function dispatchEvent(node, type, event) {
if (node.dispatchEvent) {
return node.dispatchEvent(event);
if (node.fireEvent) {
return node.fireEvent('on' + type, event);
const event = createCustomEvent(EVENT_TYPES.DRAG_START);
dispatchEvent(sourceNode, EVENT_TYPES.DRAG_START, event);
const dropEvent = createCustomEvent(EVENT_TYPES.DROP);
dropEvent.dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;
dispatchEvent(destinationNode, EVENT_TYPES.DROP, dropEvent);
const dragEndEvent = createCustomEvent(EVENT_TYPES.DRAG_END);
dragEndEvent.dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;
dispatchEvent(sourceNode, EVENT_TYPES.DRAG_END, dragEndEvent);
You can call it from you code like this
browser.executeScript(dragAndDrop, element, targetArea);

Using Angular Material, is it possible to close a specific dialog

I have an AngularJS app using the Angular Material UI framework.
The app has different mechanisms showing dialogs (e.g error and loading spinner) and it would be preferable to only close one specifically chosen in certain scenarios, e.g. when an AJAX request is finished fetching data, I would like my loading spinner to close, but not any error dialog that may be the result of the fetching.
What I can find in documentation and code doesn't agree (though code should win the argument):
Documentation says only the latest can be closed, with an optional response
The code says the latest, a number of latest or all open can be closed, with an optional reason
Example in the documentation says a specific dialog can be closed, with a flag denoting how or why
I have made a demo of my intent, as MCV as possible – these are the highlights:
var dialog = {},
promise = {};
function showDialogs(sourceEvent) {
showDialog(sourceEvent, "one");
showDialog(sourceEvent, "two");
function showDialog(sourceEvent, id) {
dialog[id] = $mdDialog.alert({...});
promise[id] = $mdDialog.show(dialog[id]);
promise[id].finally(function() {
dialog[id] = undefined;
function closeDialogs() {
$mdDialog.hide("Closed all for a reason", {closeAll: true});
function closeDialogLatest() {
$mdDialog.hide("Closed from the outside");
function closeDialogReason() {
$mdDialog.hide("Closed with a reason");
function closeDialogSpecific(id) {
$mdDialog.hide(dialog[id], "finished");
I know the code always wins the argument about what happens, but I wasn't entirely sure it was the right code I was looking at.
I have updated the examples to better test and illustrate my point and problem. This shows things to work as the code said.
What I'm really looking for is whether it might still be possible to achieve my goal in some other way that I didn't think of yet.
Using $mdPanel instead of $mdDialog I was able to achieve the desired effect; I forked my demo to reflect the changes – these are the highlights:
var dialog = {};
function showDialogs() {
function showDialog(id) {
var config = {...};
.then(function(panelRef) {
dialog[id] = panelRef;
function closeDialogs() {
var id;
for(id in dialog) {
closeDialogSpecific(id, "Closed all for a reason");
function closeDialogSpecific(id, reason) {
var message = reason || "finished: " + id;
if(!dialog.hasOwnProperty(id) || !angular.isObject(dialog[id])) {
if(dialog[id] && dialog[id].close) {
.then(function() {
vm.feedback = message;
dialog[id] = undefined;
I would suggest having two or more dialogs up at the same time isn't ideal and probably not recommended by Google Material design.
To quote from the docs
Use dialogs sparingly because they are interruptive.
You say:
when an AJAX request is finished fetching data, I would like my
loading spinner to close, but not any error dialog that may be the
result of the fetching.
My solution here would be to have one dialog which initially shows the spinner. Once the request is finished replace the spinner with any messages.

Protractor won't get repeater inside a ng-view

I've a tricky question for you guys out there. I've made a simple exercise webapp using AngularJS and ngRoute.
Inside my index.html I got an ng-view element which provide two pages search_page.html and detail_of_result_page.html. The code works pretty fine, I put something in the first page input field, hit search button and all results magically appears in my page. The troubles comes with protractor that seems to not see my result in results repeater with his:
element.all(by.repeater("result in results"))
I've tried to put in browser.pause() and watch for errors, but everything seems right.
I've forgot the error code from Protractor:
Failed: Index out of bound.
Trying to access element at index: 0, but there are only 0 elements that match locator by.repeater("result in results")
OK, under your searchTest.js line: 27
beforeEach(function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var resultItem = element.all(by.repeater('result in results')).first(); //BUG
var resultLink = resultItem.element(by.css('a'));
resultId = resultLink.getAttribute('href').then(function (attr) {
//var res = attr.match('/\/TDDBook\/Search\/#\/detail\/(\d+)/')[1]; // TODO: fix this shit
return 1;
Things seem alright until you do resultLink.click(); Assuming that it work fine for the first it ("should set the url to the selected detail view"). But when it come to second it("should see the details in the main page component") at this moment you are no longer on /#/splash route. Therefore your pereater no longer available to be located when your beforeEach() run again.
Your beforeEach doesn't seem useful and logically not run-able for your second it("should see the details in the main page component"). So just move all the thing like this:
it ("should set the url to the selected detail view",function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var resultItem = element.all(by.repeater('result in results')).first(); //BUG
var resultLink = resultItem.element(by.css('a'));
resultId = resultLink.getAttribute('href').then(function (attr) {
//var res = attr.match('/\/TDDBook\/Search\/#\/detail\/(\d+)/')[1]; // TODO: fix this shit
return 1;
resultId.then(function (id) {
var expectedUrl = '/detail/'+id;
browser.getLocationAbsUrl().then(function (url) {
P.S. just for your information, there is Page Object in protractor, which will be fit with the thing you attempt to do with your beforeEach() . Plus with a tiny bit of knowledge of commonJS (module.exports & require()) it will perfectly suit your needs ;) Cheer!

How to communicate an action to a React component

While my scenario is pretty specific, I think it speaks to a bigger question in Flux. Components should be simple renderings of data from a store, but what if your component renders a third-party component which is stateful? How does one interact with this third-party component while still obeying the rules of Flux?
So, I have a React app that contains a video player (using clappr). A good example is seeking. When I click a location on the progress bar, I want to seek the video player. Here is what I have right now (using RefluxJS). I've tried to strip down my code to the most relevant parts.
var PlayerActions = Reflux.createActions([
var PlayerStore = Reflux.createStore({
listenables: [
onSeek(seekTo) {
this.data.seekTo = seekTo;
var Player = React.createClass({
mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(PlayerStore, 'onStoreChange')],
onStoreChange(data) {
if (data.seekTo !== this.state.seekTo) {
// apply state
componentDidMount() {
// build a player
window.player = new Clappr.Player({
source: this.props.sourcePath,
chromeless: true,
useDvrControls: true,
parentId: '#player',
width: this.props.width
componentWillUnmount() {
window.player = null;
shouldComponentUpdate() {
// if React realized we were manipulating DOM, it'd certainly freak out
return false;
render() {
return <div id='player'/>;
The bug I have with this code is when you try to seek to the same place twice. Imagine the video player continuously playing. Click on the progress bar to seek. Don't move the mouse, and wait a few seconds. Click on the progress bar again on the same place as before. The value of data.seekTo did not change, so window.player.seek is not called the second time.
I've considered a few possibilities to solve this, but I'm not sure which is more correct. Input requested...
1: Reset seekTo after it is used
Simply resetting seekTo seems like the simplest solution, though it's certainly no more elegant. Ultimately, this feels more like a band-aid.
This would be as simple as ...
window.player.on('player_seek', PlayerActions.resetSeek);
2: Create a separate store that acts more like a pass-through
Basically, I would listen to a SeekStore, but in reality, this would act as a pass-through, making it more like an action that a store. This solution feels like a hack of Flux, but I think it would work.
var PlayerActions = Reflux.createActions([
var SeekStore = Reflux.createStore({
listenables: [
onSeek(seekTo) {
var Player = React.createClass({
mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(SeekStore, 'onStoreChange')],
onStoreChange(seekTo) {
3: Interact with window.player within my actions
When I think about it, this feels correct, since calling window.player.seek is in fact an action. The only weird bit is that I don't feel right interacting with window inside the actions. Maybe that's just an irrational thought, though.
var PlayerActions = Reflux.createActions({
seek: {asyncResult: true}
PlayerActions.seek.listen(seekTo => {
if (window.player) {
try {
} catch (err) {
} else {
PlayerActions.seek.failed(new Error('player not initialized'));
BTW, there's a whole other elephant in the room that I didn't touch on. In all of my examples, the player is stored as window.player. Clappr did this automatically in older versions, but though it has since been fixed to work with Browserify, we continue to store it on the window (tech debt). Obviously, my third solution is leveraging that fact, which it technically a bad thing to be doing. Anyway, before anyone points that out, understood and noted.
4: Seek via dispatchEvent
I also understand that dispatching a custom event would get the job done, but this feels way wrong considering I have Flux in place. This feels like I'm going outside of my Flux architecture to get the job done. I should be able to do it and stay inside the Flux playground.
var PlayerActions = Reflux.createActions({
seek: {asyncResult: true}
PlayerActions.seek.listen(seekTo => {
try {
let event = new window.CustomEvent('seekEvent', {detail: seekTo});
} catch (err) {
var Player = React.createClass({
componentDidMount() {
window.addEventListener('seekEvent', this.onSeek);
componentWillUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener('seekEvent', this.onSeek);
onSeek(e) {
5: keep the playing position in state (as noted by Dan Kaufman)
Could be done something like this:
handlePlay () {
this._interval = setInterval(() => this.setState({curPos: this.state.curPos + 1}), 1000)
this.setState({playing: true}) // might not be needed
handlePauserOrStop () {
this.setState({playing: false})
componentWillUnmount () {
onStoreChange (data) {
const diff = Math.abs(data.seekTo - this.state.curPos)
if (diff > 2) { // adjust 2 to your unit of time

Capturing click events on clusters with markercluster and angular-leaflet-directive

I'm playing with the angular-leaflet-directive, and getting the marker names from a mouse click is straight forward. I just listen for the leafletDirectiveMarker.click event and then access args.markerName.
angular-leaflet-directive also works with markercluster, so I can cluster markers that have the same coordinates or ones that are close by. However, I would like to do the following, but it is not clear from the documentation on how to do it:
Make user double-click on cluster to zoom in. Currently doing a single click on a cluster will zoom in on the markers. see example.
How to listen for click event on cluster and get all marker names in the cluster.
The documentation for clustermarker has a cluster event:
markers.on('clusterclick', function (a) {
console.log('cluster ' + a.layer.getAllChildMarkers().length);
But I'm not sure what event I should be listening to using angular-leaflet-directive.
As far as your first question goes, you'll have to hook the doubleclick and pass it the fire('click') command after overriding the usual click event. Probably more trouble than its really worth, especially on mobile - and not something I can easily solve.
Regarding your second question, I have just solved it.
$scope.openMarker is a reference to an ng-click event in my jade template that is attached to an ng-repeat which pulls images and their id's from the database.
$scope.openMarker = function(id) {
var _this = [];
_this.id = id;
.then(function(markers) {
$scope.london = {
lat: $scope.markers[_this.id].lat,
lng: $scope.markers[_this.id].lng,
zoom: 19
var _markers = [];
_markers.currentMarker = markers[_this.id];
_markers.currentParent = _markers.currentMarker.__parent._group;
_markers.visibleParent = _markers.currentParent.getVisibleParent(markers[id]);
_markers.markers = markers;
return _markers;
if (_markers.visibleParent !== null) {
} else {
return _markers;
_markers.currentParent.zoomToShowLayer(_markers.markers[ _this.id ], function() {
$scope.hamburg = {
lat: $scope.markers[_this.id].lat,
lng: $scope.markers[_this.id].lng,
zoom: 19
if (_markers.currentMarker !== null) {
} else {
You can read more about how I came to this solution here at github.
Much like many people, I too had a long search with no results. While experimenting with another method, I came across this:
leafletData.getLayers().then(function(layers) {
$scope.markerClusterGrp = layers.overlays.locations;
var clusters = $scope.markerClusterGrp.getLayers();
$scope.markerClusterGrp.on('clustermouseover', function (a) {
var clusterObjects = a.layer.getAllChildMarkers();
$scope.markerClusterGrp.on('clusterclick', function (a) {
var clusterObjects = a.layer.getAllChildMarkers();
It works the same, the difference is that it requires a timeout in order to wait for the layer to render with all markers (my understanding, correct me if wrong :-) ).
I hope this helps anyone searching for an angular solution. Just remember to include $timeout in your controller dependencies.
