Dynamic binding in XAMGrid - silverlight

I want to bind data to a (Infragistics Silverlight) XamGrid.
The problem is that the content of the data source (columns and content itself) is variable and I only know it at run time.
I have implemented an ObservableCollection according to this web site
http://www.scottlogic.co.uk/blog/colin/2009/04/binding-a-silverlight-datagrid-to-dynamic-data-via-idictionary/ to the silverlight datagrid, but it doesn't seem to work for the xamgrid.
Is it possible to implement a data source (ItemsSource in this case) with dynamic data?
What changes should I make to the solution presented in the web site, in order for it to work?
Thanks in advance.

If your objects are accessible with string indexers you can bind to them


Dynamic Databinding in WPF

I am filling up a Stackpanel with Textboxes. Each textbox, Should display the Value Property of a Class i have written.
The number of Textboxes is always different so i can't create a databinding in the xaml file.
Are there tutorials, that show how can i archive my goal?
Edit: Thanks for the replies so far. After reading the articles i still not clear how to implement my Problem.
Here is what I'm trying to achieve:
I have an SQL Server DB and there a Table with an ID and a Value.
I now load all Values and IDs i want to display into my application. (number of loaded rows is always differnt).
I need to display a textbox for each row and display the value there and after the value is changed i write the value back to the database.
I don't know how I should query the data and than bind it to the textboxes.
I don't need an implementations, I am happy with every piece of advice I can get.
yes there are a number of tutorials out there. It sound like you are interested in datatemplating.
I would suggest looking Here on MSDN. A few tutorials on databinding in general may be useful DataBinding on MSDN
If your class, classValue, has a public property Value then just create a List and bind that to a ListBox with the item DisplayValuePath = Value. Repeater controls are used to bind to collections.

Adding hundreds of images to a WP7 listbox from Isolated Storage, how can I utilize Data Virtualization?

I am trying to add images to a listbox with a "continuous scroll" so the user does not have to press any buttons etc to load the next set of images. The images are stored in Isolated Storage. I will be starting with 500 images. Loading 500 images to a listbox obviously does not work and just eats up all resources in a few seconds. Based on my research I need to use data virtualization so the images are retreived when they are required (on-screen) and disposed of when not-required (of-screen), as opposed to loading them all at once. I have searched the web for examples but have only been able to find code which retreives and displays text etc to populate the listbox as oposed to images stored in IS. I "belive" I need to use an Image within a Data Template, within a listbox and then bind to an IList using a custom class. I can bind the list box to a basic IList and that works ok (only 50 images) but when it comes to creating a custom class etc its over my head. Does anyone have an example of what I need that they would be happy to share? I havent been programming a year yet and have found most of my App requirements to be achievable with a litte research but I cant find any good pages or video that explains this exact requirement and its driving me crazy as I have spent days on it.
Failing that I will have to pay Telerik for their support and use their DataBoundListBox or pay a third party to write it for me, but I thought I would try here before parting with hundreds of dollars!
Thanks for your time(s) in advance!
Here is a proper implementation of data virtualization: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ptorr/archive/2010/08/16/virtualizing-data-in-windows-phone-7-silverlight-applications.aspx
This is how you bind images to the image control: Image UriSource and Data Binding
To get data Data Virtualization on the Windows Phone 7 you can use the VirtualizingStackPanel class. In the MSDN you can find all the properties you may want to set. To use the control you put your list inside this control:
Since you would like to have a tutorial I can point you to Jevgeni TÅ¡aikin blog post on ItemsControl virtualization. If you want more check out the post from Shawn Oster on Improving ListBox Performance.

WPF Combobox with auto-complete/auto-filter?

I am eager to find some solid (free, Open Source, or tutorial/example) code to make a WPF Combobox do autocomlete/autofilter as the user types. But everything I've tried so far has had some sort of problem...
A Reusable WPF Autocomplete TextBox came close, but I can't get it to work with more than one filter (more info here).
WPF autocomplete textbox/combobox doesn't work for me because it inherits from UserControl, and thus doesn't support the DataTemplates I need (for showing/selecting the value of one property for an object with multiple properties).
Automatically Filtering a ComboBox in WPF didn't work because it doesn't seem to ever find the EditableTextBox portion of the inherited ComboBox code (via (TextBox)base.GetTemplateChild("PART_EditableTextBox") which seems to always returns null).
Building a Filtered ComboBox for WPF just gets stuck in a refresh loop then overflows the stack after I type just a few letters.
Other things I've considered:
I know that Windows Forms' Combobox control has AutoCompleteMode and I could embed it in WPF, but I can't imagine it would play very well with my WPF data bindings.
Perhaps it is too complex and I need to simplify, maybe by building one-dimensional (single-property) ObservableCollections for the ComboBoxen... However, the challenge of applying multiple filters (one set by another control's value, and one from what the user is typing) to multiple controls using different views of the same DataSet would require a ridiculous amount of processing power to destroy and rebuild the list every time the user types a character!
So... I'm at wit's end. Any suggestions?
If your Combobox has some data source attached to it ,
just make
1-IsTextSearchEnabled = true.
2-IsEditable = true.
you are good to go
Try this one:

Sorting Data using Silver light Data Grid control

I have a grid control in silverlight.I set up pagination for this control.Data is populated from db.I am trying to a sorting on all column headers.However sorting gets applied to specific page and does not apply to entire result set.How can this issue be fixed? Any suggesstions would be of great help.
You can provide explicit IComparer implementations for the columns, as well as event handlers, to handle both questions.
Handle the click event on the header to resort your data however you like.
And leverage the ICollectionView IComparer implementation to do the sorting of the HyperLinks
(is the text of the hyperlinks all the same, e.g. ClickMe ?)
Also - since Silverlight is running on the client, has all the data been brought to it (or just that page's data, and paging is bringing data to the client)? eg what data source are you using? RIA Services and DomainDataSource? Or your own service calls?)
You might want to use PagedCollectionView. PagedCollectionView gives you lot of functionality out of the box without writing much code.You can use it to sort the data,filter the data,group the data.
Get your data from server in the way you prefer and create a PagedCollectionView with the object collection retrieved from the server and bind the datagrid with PagedCollectionView.
You can sort the data by adding SortDescriptions.
It is explained with examples at MSDN. Especially look for sort section.
Hope this helps.

WPF Bind DataTable to repeated user controls

I'm in the process of teaching myself WPF, and I have run into a small issue that I can't find the answer to.
My test app allows image files to be dropped into a StackPanel. Once an image is dropped, a new user control is added to the stack, and displays some meta-data about the file. All is working correctly, and I can iterate through the child controls to retrieve the values.
What I'd prefer to be able to do is allow the user to persist this data to a file, so they can suspend working on the data. The obvious way for me to do this is to store the data in a DataTable and serialise/deserialise it to xml. However, I don't know how to drive the collection of user controls from a DataTable or DataSet object - in fact, I don't even know if this is the right way to go about it in a WPF app. I am more than willing to admit my ignorance here and take better suggestions if there are any.
Summary of the app logic.
1) File is dropped (from Win explorer) onto a StackPanel
2) File triggers creation of a new user control, which is added to the StackPanel
3) Data is populated in the user control
4) Processing data involves iterating through the control collection.
What I'd like
1) File is dropped (from Win explorer) onto a StackPanel
2) File data is inserted into some persistable object (data table?)
3) updated data table drives the generation of the user control to be added to the displayed collection.
4) save / load functionality persists the data for re-use later.
Thanks in advance
You're on the right track with the second approach, what you need to look at is the ItemsControl - that's a thing which can have items added to it. It's the base for ListBox etc, and you can template it to work as you require. Then there's the DataTemplate which handles which controls are displayed and data binding to those controls when an item is added to the underlying data structure. There are quite a few examples around on the net, try Dr WPF.
In order to make everything work the underlying data structure must support change notification. As everything happens automagically, once the Xaml is setup, you can find yourself in an odd situation. You've added data to a data structure, which in turn has caused controls and data to appear in your ItemsControl. How do you link the data items and their visual controls. The answer is to use some built in static methods ItemFromContainer which links from the graphic to your underlying data item, useful to handle click events, and ContainerFromItem which does the reverse.
