Getting values out of DynamoDB - database

I've just started looking into Amazon's DynamoDB. Obviously the scalability appeals, but I'm trying to get my head out of SQL mode and into no-sql mode. Can this be done (with all the scalability advantages of dynamodb):
Have a load of entries (say 5 - 10 million) indexed by some number. One of the fields in each entry will be a creation date. Is there an effective way for dynamo db to give my web app all the entries created between two dates?
A more simple question - can dynamo db give me all entries in which a field matches a certain number. That is, there'll be another field that is a number, for argument's sake lets say between 0 and 10. Can I ask dynamodb to give me all the entries which have value e.g. 6?
Do both of these queries need a scan of the entire dataset (which I assume is a problem given the dataset size?)
many thanks

Is there an effective way for dynamo db to give my web app all the
entries created between two dates?
Yup, please have a look at the of the Primary Key concept within Amazon DynamoDB Data Model, specifically the Hash and Range Type Primary Key:
In this case, the primary key is made of two attributes. The first
attributes is the hash attribute and the second one is the range
attribute. Amazon DynamoDB builds an unordered hash index on the hash
primary key attribute and a sorted range index on the range primary
key attribute. [...]
The listed samples feature your use case exactly, namely the Reply ( Id, ReplyDateTime, ... ) table facilitates a primary key of type Hash and Range with a hash attribute Id and a range attribute ReplyDateTime.
You'll use this via the Query API, see RangeKeyCondition for details and Querying Tables in Amazon DynamoDB for respective examples.
can dynamo db give me all entries in which a field matches a certain
number. [...] Can I ask dynamodb to give
me all the entries which have value e.g. 6?
This is possible as well, albeit by means of the Scan API only (i.e. requires to read every item in the table indeed), see ScanFilter for details and Scanning Tables in Amazon DynamoDB for respective examples.
Do both of these queries need a scan of the entire dataset (which I
assume is a problem given the dataset size?)
As mentioned the first approach works with a Query while the second requires a Scan, and Generally, a query operation is more efficient than a scan operation - this is a good advise to get started, though the details are more complex and depend on your use case, see section Scan and Query Performance within the Query and Scan in Amazon DynamoDB overview:
For quicker response times, design your tables in a way that can use
the Query, Get, or BatchGetItem APIs, instead. Or, design your
application to use scan operations in a way that minimizes the impact
on your table's request rate. For more information, see Provisioned Throughput Guidelines in Amazon DynamoDB.
So, as usual when applying NoSQL solutions, you might need to adjust your architecture to accommodate these constraints.


Amazon DynamoDB Single Table Design For Blog Application

New to this community. I need some help in designing the Amazon Dynamo DB table for my personal projects.
Overview, this is a simple photo gallery application with following attributes.
List item
I wish to perform the following queries:
For a given user, fetch 'N' most recent posts
For a given user, fetch 'N' most liked posts
Give 'N' most recent posts (Newsfeed)
Give 'N' most liked posts (Newsfeed)
My solution:
Keeping UserID as the partition key, PostID as the sort key, likes and UploadTime as the local secondary index, I can solve the first two query.
I'm confused on how to perform query operation for 3 and 4 (Newsfeed). I know without partition ket I cannot query and scan is not an effective solution. Any workaround for operatoin 3 and 4 ?
Any idea on how should I design my DB ?
It looks like you're off to a great start with your current design, well done!
For access pattern #3, you want to fetch the most recent posts. One way to approach this is to create a global secondary index (GSI) to aggregate posts by their creation time. For example, you could create a variable named GSI1PK on your main table and assign it a value of POSTS and use the upload_time field as the sort key. That would look something like this:
Viewing the secondary index (I've named it GSI1), your data would look like this:
This would allow you to query for Posts and sort by upload_time. This is a great start. However, your POSTS partition will grow quite large over time. Instead of choosing POSTS as the partition key for your secondary index, consider using a truncated timestamp to group posts by date. For example, here's how you could store posts by the month they were created:
Storing posts using a truncated timestamp will help you distribute your data across partitions, which will help your DB scale. If a month is too long, you could use truncated timestamps for a week/day/hour/etc. Whatever makes sense.
To fetch the N most recent posts, you'd simply query your secondary index for POSTS in the current month (e.g. POSTS#2021-01-00). If you don't get enough results, run the same query against the prior month (e.g. POSTS#2020-12-00). Keep doing this until your application has enough posts to show the client.
For the fourth access pattern, you'd like to fetch the most liked posts. One way to implement this access pattern is to define another GSI with "LIKES" as the partition key and the number of likes as the sort key.
If you intend on introducing a data range on the number of likes (e.g. most popular posts this week/month/year/etc) you could utilize the truncated timestamp approach I outlined for the previous access pattern.
When you find yourself "fetch most recent" access patterns, you may want to check out KSUIDs. KSUIDs, or K-sortable Universal Identifier, are unique identifiers that are sortable by their creation date/time/. Think of them as UUID's and timestamps combined into one attribute. This could be useful in supporting your first access pattern where you are fetching most recent posts for a user. If you were to use a KSUID for the Post ID, your table would look like this:
I've replaced the POST ID's in this example with KSUIDs. Because the KSUIDs are unique and sortable by the time they were created, you are able to support your first access pattern without any additional indexing.
There are KSUID libraries for most popular programming languages, so implementing this feature is pretty simple.
You could add two Global Secondary Indexes.
For 3):
Create a static attribute type with the value post, which serves as the Partition Key for the GSI and use the attribute UploadTime as the Sort Key. You can then query for type="post" and get the most recent items based on the sort key.
The solution for 4) is very similar:
Create another Global secondary index with the aforementioned item type as the partition key and Likes as the sort key. You can then query in a similar way as above. Note, that GSIs are eventually consistent, so it may take time until your like counters are updated.
Explanation and additional infos
Using this approach you group all posts in a single item collection, which allows for efficient queries. To save on storage space and RCUs, you can also choose to only project a subset of attributes into the index.
If you have more than 10GB of post-data, this design isn't ideal, but for a smaller application it will work fine.
If you're going for a Single Table Design, I'd recommend to use generic names for the Index attributes: PK, SK, GSI1PK, GSI1SK, GSI2PK, GSI2SK. You can then duplicate the attribute values into these items. This will make it less confusing if you store different entities in the table. Adding a type column that holds the entity type is also common.

Datastore why use key and id?

I had a question regarding why Google App Engine's Datastore uses a key and and ID. Coming from a relational database background I am comparing entities with rows, so why when storing an entity does it require a key (which is a long automatically generated string) and an ID (which can be manually or automatically entered)? This seems like a big waste of space to identify a record. Again I am new to this type of database, so I may be missing something.
Key design is a critical part of efficient Datastore operations. The keys are what are stored in the built-in and custom indexes and when you are querying, you can ask to have only keys returned (in Python: keys_only=True). A keys-only query costs a fraction of a regular query, both in $$ and to a lesser extent in time, and has very low deserialization overhead.
So, if you have useful/interesting things stored in your key id's, you can perform keys-only queries and get back lots of useful data in a hurry and very cheaply.
Note that this extends into parent keys and namespaces, which are all part of the key and therefore additional places you can "store" useful data and retrieve all of it with keys-only queries.
It's an important optimization to understand and a big part of our overall design.
Basically, the key is built from two pieces of information :
The entity type (in Objectify, it is the class of the object)
The id/name of the entity
So, for a given entity type, key and id are quite the same.
If you do not specify the ID yourself, then a random ID is generated and the key is created based on that random id.

Property address database design in DynamoDB NoSQL

We have several terabytes of address data and are investigating the possibility of storing this in a DynamoDB NoSQL database. I've done quite a bit of reading on DynamoDB and NoSQL in general, but am coming from many years of MS SQL and am struggling with some of the NoSQL concepts.
My biggest question at this point is how to setup the table structure so that I can accommodate the various different ways the data could be queried. For example, in regular SQL I would expect some queries like:
WHERE Address LIKE '%maple st%' AND ZipCode = 12345
WHERE Address LIKE '%poplar ln%' AND City = 'Los Angeles' AND State = 'CA'
WHERE OwnerName LIKE '%smith%' AND CountyFIPS = '00239'
Those are just examples. The actual queries could be any combination of those various fields.
It's not clear to me what my index should look like or how the table (or tables) should be structured. Can anyone get me started on understanding how that could work?
The post is relatively old, but I will try to give you an answer (maybe it will be helpful for someone having similar issues in the future).
DynamoDB is not really meant to be used in the way you describe. Its strengths are in fast (smoking fast in fact) look-ups of key/value pairs. To take your example of IP address if you wanted to really quickly look-up information associated with an IP address you could easily make the HashKey a string with the IP address and use this to do a look-up.
Things start to get complicated when you want to do queries (or scans) in dynamoDb, you can read about them here: Query and Scan in DynamDB
The gist being that scans/queries are really expensive when not performed on either the HaskKey or HaskKey+RangeKey combo (range keys are basically composite keys).
In other words I am not sure if DynamoDb is the right way to go. For smoking fast search functionality I would consider using something like Lucene. If you configure your indexes wisely you will be amazed how fast it works.
Hope this helps.
Seems Amazon has now added support for secondary indices:
See here
DynamoDB was built to be utilized in the way the question author describes refer to this LINK where AWS documentation describes creating a secondary index like this
The partition key could be something like this as well based on what you want to look up.
In DynamoDB, you create the joins before you create the table. This means that you have to think about all the ways you intend to search for you data, create the indexes, and query your data using them.
AWS created AWS noSQL WorkBench to help teams do this. There are a few UI bugs in that application at the time of this writing; refer to LINK for more information on the bugs.
To review some of the queries you mentioned, I'll share a few possibilities in which you can create an index to create that query.
Note: noSQL means denormalized data in some cases, but not necessarily.
There are limits as to how keys should be shaped so that dynamoDB can partition actual servers to scale; refer to partition keys for more info.
The magic of dynamoDB is a well thought out model that can also handle new queries after the table is created and being used in production. There are a great deal of posts and video's online that explain how to do this.
Here is one with Rick Houlihan link. Rick Houlihan is the principle designer of DynamoDB, so go there for gospel.
To make the queries you're attempting, one would create multiple keys, mainly an initial partition key and secondary key. Rick recommends keeping them generic like PK, and SK.
Then try to shape the PK with a great deal of uniqueness e.g. A partition key of a zip code PK: "12345" could contain a massive amount of data that may be more than the 10GB quota for any partition key limit.
Example 1: WHERE Address LIKE '%maple st%' AND ZipCode = 12345
For example 1, we could shape a partition key of PK: "12345:maple"
Then just calling the PK of "12345:maple" would retrieve all the data with that zip code as well as street of maple. There will be many different PK's and that is what dynamoDB does well: scales horizontally.
Example 2: WHERE Address LIKE '%poplar ln%' AND City = 'Los Angeles' AND State = 'CA'
In example 2, we could then use the secondary index to add another way to be more specific such as PK: "12345:poplar" SK: "losangeles:ca:other:info:that:helps"
Example 3: WHERE OwnerName LIKE '%smith%' AND CountyFIPS = '00239'
For example 3, we don't have a street name. We would need to know the street name to query the data, but we may not have it in a search. This is where one would need to fully understand their base query patterns and shape the PK to be easily known at the time of the query while still being quite unique so that we do not go over the partition limits. Having a street name would probably not be the most optimal, it all depends on what queries are required.
In this last example, it may be more appropriate to add some global secondary indices, which just means making new primary key and secondary keys that map to data attribute (column) like CountyFIPS.

Fetching by key vs fetching by filter in Google App Engine

I want to be as efficient as possible and plan properly. Since read and write costs are important when using Google App Engine, I want to be sure to minimize those. I'm not understanding the "key" concept in the datastore. What I want to know is would it be more efficient to fetch an entity by its key, considering I know what it is, than by fetching by some kind of filter?
Say I have a model called User and a user has an array(list) of commentIds. Now I want to get all this user's comments. I have two options:
The user's array of commentId's is an array of keys, where each key is a key to a Comment entity. Since I have all the keys, I can just fetch all the comments by their keys.
The user's array of commentId's are custom made identifiers by me, in this case let's just say that they're auto-incrementing regular integers, and each comment in the datastore has a unique commentIntegerId. So now if I wanted to get all the comments, I'd do a filtered fetch based on all comments with ID that is in my array of ids.
Which implementation would be more efficient, and why?
Fetching by key is the fastest way to get an entity from the datastore since it the most direct operation and doesn't need to go thru index lookup.
Each time you create an entry (unless you specified key_name) the app engine will generate a unique (per parent entity) numeric id, you should use that as ids for your comments.
You should design a NoSql database (= GAE Datastore) based on usage patterns:
If you need to get all user's comments at once and never need to get one or some of them based on some criteria (e.g. query them), than the most efficient way, in terms of speed and cost would be to serialize all comments as a binary blob inside an entity (or save it to Blobstore).
But I guess this is not the case, as comments are usually tied to both users and to posts, right? In this case above advice would not be viable.
To answer you title question: get by key is always faster then query by a property, because query first goes through index to satisfy the property condition, where it gets the key, then it does the get with this key.

Indexing URL's in SQL Server 2005

What is the best way to deal with storing and indexing URL's in SQL Server 2005?
I have a WebPage table that stores metadata and content about Web Pages. I also have many other tables related to the WebPage table. They all use URL as a key.
The problem is URL's can be very large, and using them as a key makes the indexes larger and slower. How much I don't know, but I have read many times using large fields for indexing is to be avoided. Assuming a URL is nvarchar(400), they are enormous fields to use as a primary key.
What are the alternatives?
How much pain would there likely to be with using URL as a key instead of a smaller field.
I have looked into the WebPage table having a identity column, and then using this as the primary key for a WebPage. This keeps all the associated indexes smaller and more efficient but it makes importing data a bit of a pain. Each import for the associated tables has to first lookup what the id of a url is before inserting data in the tables.
I have also played around with using a hash on the URL, to create a smaller index, but am still not sure if it is the best way of doing things. It wouldn't be a unique index, and would be subject to a small number of collisions. So I am unsure what foreign key would be used in this case...
There will be millions of records about webpages stored in the database, and there will be a lot of batch updating. Also there will be a quite a lot of activity reading and aggregating the data.
Any thoughts?
I'd use a normal identity column as the primary key. You say:
This keeps all the associated indexes smaller and more efficient
but it makes importing data a bit of a pain. Each import for the
associated tables has to first lookup what the id of a url is
before inserting data in the tables.
Yes, but the pain is probably worth it, and the techniques you learn in the process will be invaluable on future projects.
On SQL Server 2005, you can create a user-defined function GetUrlId that looks something like
CREATE FUNCTION GetUrlId (#Url nvarchar(400))
DECLARE #UrlId int
SELECT #UrlId = Id FROM Url WHERE Url = #Url
This will return the ID for urls already in your URL table, and NULL for any URL not already recorded. You can then call this function inline your import statements - something like
UrlHistory(UrlId, Visited, RemoteIp)
(dbo.GetUrlId(''), #Visited, #RemoteIp)
This is probably slower than a proper join statement, but for one-time or occasional import routines it might make things easier.
Break up the URL into columns based on the bits your concerned with and use the RFC as a guide. Reverse the host and domain info so an index can group like domains (Google does this). -> com.stackoverflow ->
Google has a paper that outlines what they do but I can't find right now.
I would stick with the hash solution. This generates a unique key with a fairly low chance of collision.
An alternative would be to create GUID and use that as the key.
I totally agree with Dylan. Use an IDENTITY column or a GUID column as surrogate key in your WebPage table. Thats a clean solution. The lookup of the id while importing isn't that painful i think.
Using a big varchar column as key column is wasting much space and affects insert and query performance.
Not so much a solution. More another perspective.
Storing the total unique URI of a page perhaps defeats part of the point of URI construction. Each forward slash is supposed to refer to a unique semantic space within the domain (whether that space is actual or logical). Unless the URIs you intend to store are something along the line of then really it might be better to break a single URI metatable into a table representing the subdomains you have represented in your site.
For example if you're going to hold a number of "News" section URIs in the same table as the "Reviews" URIs then you're missing a trick to have a "Sections" table whose content contains meta information about the section and whose own ID acts as a parent to all those URIs within it.
