Silverlight not loading - silverlight

I tried installing silverlight 5 developer runtime but sadly things ended up being a big mess leaving my vs2010 having "catastrophic error" everytime i'm in design view.
I removed everything silverlight related (or think i did. There are no other silverlight toolkits or runtimes installed on the uninstall list).
Now I browsed to a silverligt app and the "get silverlight" link appears and I downloaded and installed the runtime but the silverlight won't load now (no loading icon and the page is just blank). I checked the app on a different pc and it loads fine.
I've tried both 32 and 64 bit runtime (silverlight 5 is the latest afaik) and tried both versions of IE and chrome. I'm on a 64bit win 7 ultimate and vs2010 ultimate. What am i missing?

Fixed. What I did was:
uninstall every silverlight related programs installed (blend, silverlight toolkits, developer and user runtime)
ran CCleaner to get rid of unnecessary entries in the registry.
repaired/reinstalled Visual Studio (don't need to uninstall this).
then re-install the necessary silverlight sdks and runtimes.


unable to find a version of silverlight developer runtime installed

In the following environment:
-Windows 7 64bit
-Microsoft Silverlight 5 SDK
I have created a few lightswitch applications in VS2012 but I am running into an error when attempting to create a new one or open an existing lightswitch project. I receive a pop-up that says "unable to find a version of silverlight developer runtime installed".
There is a link on the pop-up which starts a download but after downloading it, I still receive the same error.
I was able to fix the issue by doing the following :
I went into "Uninstall a program" and noticed that I had 4 different Silverlight related items installed.
Microsoft Silverlight
Microsoft Silverlight SDK3
Microsoft Silverlight SDK4
Microsoft Silverlight SDK5
I just uninstalled the first item, "Microsoft Silverlight" then reinstalled the appropriate (32 or 64 bit) Microsoft Silverlight SDK5 from the following link: .
Don't use the link that is given in VS 2012. Doesn't work.
I have a slight different solution for Visual Studio 2010. After uninstall the current Silverlight Runtime, I got it to work if I download it from Visual Studio suggested url.
The best way I have found to find the most current Silverlight 5 Developer Runtime or End-User Runtime, is to search the downloads for the latest Silverlight bits. All other suggestions seem to take you on a wild goose chase depending on what version of Visual Studio or OS you are using.
Search Microsoft Downloads
Just look for the latest "Security Update for Microsoft Silverlight" entry.
The Silverlight Security Update KB2890788 is what fixed it for me, after trying uninstall and re-install without success.

Problems debugging after installing Silverlight update

I made the mistake of downloading the latest Silverlight runtime so that I could watch a video on Channel 9. Well now Visual Studio 2010 says it cannot debug Silverlight. The message it gives me is this:
Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed. Please install a matching version.
What is it talking about and where to I get this so called "matching version".
I fixed this by uninstalling Silverlight 5 in the control panel and installing the Silverlight 5 Tools.

debug an xbap on firefox?

I am starting to write an xbap (wpf web app).
I create a new project and run it and Firefox fails (it just keeps trying to open it with "Windows Presentation Foundation Host).
I know that Firefox and Microsoft don't really see eye to eye, but surely there is a way to do this now days?
Saw this post that shows a hack of copying out a DLL from a Windows XP machine. But my users will not do that (I don't even want to do that!)
Does this mean I have to abandon Firefox as my default browser until I am done developing my xbap?
NOTE: I am using Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and Firefox 3.6.12
I don't know what exactly your problem is, but here is a Scott Hanselman blog post detailing a WPF application deployed as an XBAP (not XBAB) using VS 2008 with .NET 3.5. It doesn't say anything about WPF 4 (and the .NET 4 runtime, the post is from 2008) or what version of Firefox he was playing with but I hope this demonstrates it is possible and gives you a starting point for more detailed investigations.
Edit - Well, I should have dug a little deeper. It appears that Windows 7 won't support XBAPs in FireFox. There is a Firefox Add-on to Support XBAPs and Loose XAML that is installed with the .NET 3.5 runtime but it is not included in Windows 7 and this link suggests it can't be installed on Windows 7.
You could run IE Tab Plus (Firefox plug-in) and get it to default to IE when you open something from the localhost.

Does not recognize Silverlight 4.0 Install

I am running Win 7 64-bit. I a running IE 9 beta (9.0.7930.16406 )I upgraded to Silverlight 4.0 and for some reason now it does not recognize that I have it installed when I go to Silverlight required web sites.
In my control panel – it clearly states that I have 4.0 installed. I uninstalled and reinstalled this as well. However when I go to sites that require silverlight it does not recognize that have Silverlight installed. And of course when I try to click on install Silverlight I get the following error: "The same version of silverlight is installed"
Interesting information – I was able to create another account on my computer and get things working. So this is something tied to my login ID. And yes I am admin on this box.
Any ideas?
Are you launching the 32-bit or the 64-bit Internet Explorer process? Silverlight only works in 32-bit browsers.

Silverlight unable to start debugging

I'm trying to run a sivlerlight website in Windows 7 64-bit. I have VS 2008 SP1 and downloaded silverlight 3 SDK. It installed succesfully and everything, but I'm getting this error when I try to compile:
"unable to start debugging the silverlight managed debugging package isn't installed"
Any help?
You need more than the SDK to debug silverlight, the Silverlight Tools for Silverlight 3 which also includes the version of the runtime that is debuggable.
You may also need to install the Silverlight 4 developer runtime, since its quite likely you will run into a site the requires silverlight 4 but installing the standard 4 runtime will put you at square one.
This is the link to the silverlight 4 dev runtime:-
