Establish call tree for C code - c

I have a large code written in C, but I did not write all of it myself. I wish to create an overview of the call structure in the code for reference. That is: I wish to know what (non-standard) functions are called by the different functions in the code, and thus create a hierarchy or a tree of the different functions. Are there any free, Unix compatible programs (that means no Visual Studio, but a Vim plugin or such would be neat) that can do this, or will I have to write something that can do this myself?

Doxygen does that too, it has to be enabled though.

For an overview of available tools see
There is a Vim plugin C Call-Tree Explorer called CCTree

As you mentioned a Vim plug-in, check out It uses CScope to generate the tree, so you will need to first generate a CScope db of your source files.

Have a look at This uses GCC to process the code and extracts the interdependencies within the program from the AST it emits.

gprof will do that. It also generates an execution profile, but in doing so it creates a call tree.

I just downloaded SourceTrail ( and it did what I wanted, which was pretty close to what I think you want.
(What I wanted was to find out what routines called the function I was considering changing, or needed to understand).
Note that it is no longer maintained, but it did exactly what I wanted. It runs under Windows and Linux, and made finding who calls a function pretty trivial (as well as following that function's call tree down as needed). If you care, it has a GUI (is a GUI? whatever).
It does the parsing itself, but it didn't take very long to run, perhaps about the same time or a little less than compiling the code.
But if you want text only, or don't want to use a gui, or don't want to have it scan the code, this isn't for you.
(Notes - in my case, I was hyper-focused on one or 2 functions, and didn't care what system functions were being called. I spent some time stubbing out all the include files that were needed (since I ran the parse on one machine (A Linux machine) that didn't have all the include files needed for the Windows program I was looking at, and then did the exploration on a different (Windows) machine. Which, I should mention, worked perfectly. I just copied the entire source tree from my Linux machine to my Windows machine (which included the Sourcetail project file), loaded Sourcetail and had it load the project - done.)


How can I inject or dynamically load an c function into another c program

I want to build an interface in a c program which is running on an embedded system. This should accept some bytecode that represents a c function. This code will then be loaded into the memory and executed. This will then be something like remotely inject code into a running app. The only difference here is that i can implement, or change the running code and provide an interface.
The whole thing should be used to inject test code on a target system.
My current problem is that I do not know how to build such a byte code out of an existing c function. Mapping and executing this is no problem if I would knew the start address of the function.
Currently I am working with Ubuntu for testing purposes, this allows me to try some techniques which are not possible in the embedded system (according to missing operating system libs).
I build an shared object and used dlopen() and dlsym() to run this function. This works fine, the problem is just that i do not have such functions in the embedded system. I read something about loading a shared object into memory and run it, but i could not find examples for that. (see
I also took a simple byte code that just print hello world in stdout. I stored this code in memory using mmap() and execute it. This also worked fine. Here the problem is that I don't know how to create such a byte code, I just used an hello world example form the internet. (see
I also found something here: which worked very well. But here i need a additional linker script, already for such a simple program.
Further I looked at this post:
According to that answer my problem would be solved with the "X11 project".
But I did not really find much about that, maybe some of you can provide me a link.
Is there another solution to do that? Did I miss something? Or can someone provide me another solution to this?
I hope I did not miss something.
Thanks in advance
I see no easy solution. The closest that I am aware of is GCC's JIT backend (libgccjit). Here is a blog post about it.
As an alternative, you could using a scripting language for that code that needs to be injected. For instance, ChaiScript or Lua. In this question, there is a summary of options. As you are on an embedded device, the overhead might be significant, though.
If using an LLVM based backend instead of GCC is possible, you can have a look at Cling. It is a C++ interpreter based on LLVM and Clang. In my personal experience, it was not always stable, but it is used in production in CERN. I would except that the dynamic compilation features are more advanced in LLVM than in GCC.

Hooking in C and windows

I'm looking for a quick guide to basic dll hooking in windows with C, but all the guides I can find are either not C, or not windows.
(The DLL is not part of windows, but a third party program)
I understand the principle, but I don't know how to go about it.
I have pre-existing source code in C++ that shows what I need to hook into, but I don't have any libraries for C, or know how to hook from scratch.
The detours license terms are quite restrictive.
If you merely want to hook certain functions of a DLL it is often cheaper to use a DLL-placement attack on the application whose DLL you want to hook. In order to do this, provide a DLL with the same set of exports and forward those that you don't care about and intercept the rest. Whether that's C or C++ doesn't really matter. This is often technically feasible even with a large number of exports but has its limitations with exported data and if you don't know or can't discern the calling convention used.
If you must use hooking there are numerous ways including to write a launcher and rewrite the prepopulated (by the loader) IAT to point to your code while the main thread of the launched application is still suspended (see the respective CreateProcess flag). Otherwise you are likely going to need at least a little assembly knowledge to get the jumps correct. There are plenty of liberally licensed disassembler engines out there that will allow you to calculate the proper offsets for patching (because you don't want to patch the middle of a multi-byte opcode, for example).
You may want to edit your question again to include what you wrote in the comments (keyword: "DLL hooking").
loading DLLs by LoadLibrary()
This is well known bad practice.
You might want to look up "witch" or "hctiw", the infamous malware dev. there's a reason he's so infamous - he loaded DLLs with LoadLibrary(). try to refrain from bad practice like that.

Wrap an executable in another executable

I would like to know if it is possible to include an executable file in another one, and then run it directly from there.
For example, if I am writing a GUI frontend to clprog.exe, I would want to have one file, guiprog.exe, that will run it's internal version of clprog.
Assume including the source of the wrapped program in the wrapper program is not an option.
I am more interested in this as a theoretical question, so answers applying to either windows or linux are fine (I am not familiar with other OSs), as well as using any language (C/Java/ASM/other, though I assume if it will be possible in any of these languages it will be ASM and maybe C, and obviously not Java)
First thought that comes to mind is a .NET solution.
If the external executable is a .NET assembly, you could embed it inside of your own project, and at run time load that into an in-memory assembly and execute using reflection.
If the embedded executable was built with .NET I think you would have to extract and temporarily save the executable, execute it as a separate process and then delete it, if you don't want to leave it's trace.

How do I define HAVE_STDIO_H in VC++ 2005?

I just built an updated version of SDL.dll, an open-source C DLL that my Delphi project uses, with the Express edition of Visual C++ 2005. I dropped it in the folder with my EXE and tried to run it, but it won't load:
The procedure entry point SDL_RWFromFP could not be located in the dynamic
link library SDL.dll.
Now C never was my strong point, but I remember enough of it from college to try and track this one down. I went poking around in the source code to see what had happened to this function, and I found it grayed out, beneath a preprocessor directive:
IIRC, STDIO is the standard C I/O library. I assume this means that it's not available. Anyone know why that would be and how to fix it? Is this a Visual C++ issue or an SDL one?
Most often in the Unix/Linux world, names like HAVE_STDIO_H indicate that the code has been 'autoconfiscated' (which is the official term used to describe the state of having been made to work with the 'autotools' such as 'autoconf'). In such a set up, the configure process would determine whether <stdio.h> was available and would set #define HAVE_STDIO_H 1 in the config.h file that it generates. The compilation would then discover that the platform has <stdio.h> and would compile the matching code (the stuff that is currently greyed out).
Adapting to your Windows environment, somewhat less than 100% confidently since there could be some other significance to HAVE_STDIO_H on Windows, you might decide that it would be OK to include -DHAVE_STDIO_H in the command line options when you run the compiler. Or you might create the config file by hand, and define -DHAVE_CONFIG_H (which is the normal way to indicate that configuration settings are in the file 'config.h'). In the 'config.h' file, you'd have #define HAVE_STDIO_H 1 as mentioned above.
Note: on Unix, you normally find a shell script called 'configure' which you run to create the config.h file. If you have Cygwin, there's an outside chance that you can use that script on Windows - I've just checked that an autoconfiscated package I created on Solaris was configurable on Windows under Cygwin and it mostly worked - all except some network handling. I'd not guarantee that it will always fail (but it's software - guaranteeing anything is pretty dangerous). I should add that the problem is in my auto-configuration code (the tests for the network functionality clearly aren't quite correct), and not in Cygwin per se. If I'd done the job properly, it would have worked. (Someone said "There is no portable code; there is only code that has been ported". That applies here.)
You do need a good simulation of a Unix environment. MingW might also work.
What do the preprocessor directives above it do?
Most likely, this is simply for determining some properties of your compiler, and it's greyed out because whatever the macro signifies, does not apply to your compiler.
Your problem is most likely elsewhere.
Since it can't find the function SDL_RWFromFP, you should probably see if that function is for some reason disabled by a preprocessor directive as well.
However, my guess is that the function exists, but does not get marked as __declspec( dllexport )
Without that, it won't get exposed so programs loading the DLL can call it. Most likely you have to #define something to specify that you want to create a DLL, which will enable the necessary preprocessor magic to insert the dllexport part in front of the function.
Normally, you should not have to add any HAVE_STDIO_H: those are not meant to be public anyway (although sadly many projects pollute the public namespace with those).
I would guess you did not build SDL correctly - or that Visual studio 2005 is not well supported by SDL (I don't know much about SDL, so those are really wild guesses without much information). Is there any test suite for SDL, such as you can test the built dll ?

Convert console exe to dll in C

I am interested in calling SoX, an open source console application, from another Windows GUI program (written in Delphi naturally). Instead of dealing with scraping and hiding the console window, I would like to just convert the application to a DLL that I can call from my application.
Before I start down this path I am curious how much work I should expect to be in for? Are we talking a major undertaking, or is there a straight forward solution? I know some C, but am by no means an expert.
I am not expecting SoX specific details, just EXE console application conversion to DLL in general. If someone is familiar with SoX though, even better.
For the specific topic of turning a console executable into a library by modifying the C source code, it depends on how the command-line application is factored. If it's written in such a way that I/O is funneled through a small set of functions or even better function pointers, then obviously it will be trivial.
If it's all done with printf, scanf and friends, then you'll probably be best off by finding / creating an include file that all the source files include and adding a macro that redirects printf/scanf and friends to your own functions that are written so as to be amenable to DLL implementation. Things like printf can be built from vsnprintf (use the n-version for safety), so you don't need to reimplement the whole C RTL I/O subsystem. However, there is no vsscanf, but there are third-party implementations on the web.
If the code is using fprintf, fscanf, etc. to enable indirection between files and the console, you're still out of luck. The FILE structure is opaque, and unlike Pascal text files, a portable text file driver cannot be implemented. It might still be possible if you spelunk in your specific C RTL, but you'd be better advised going down the macro route and reimplementing your own renamed FILE type.
Finally, the "popen()" approach is possible in Delphi and made somewhat easier in Delphi 2009 with the TTextReader and TTextWriter classes. Combine these with TFileStream wrapped around pipes, and specify pipes for standard input, standard output and standard error in the new process and STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, etc., and it will work. If you don't feel like writing your own, there are third-party equivalents / samples on the web for Delphi too. Here's one.
In Windows, you just call CreateProcess with the SoX command line. I don't know the Delphi bindings for Win32, but I've done this exact thing in both Win32 and C#.
And now that you know CreateProcess is what you want to call, a google search on how to do that from Delphi should give you all the code you need.
Delphi Corner Article - Using CreateProcess to Execute Programs
Calling CreateProcess() the easy way
You might not even need a DLL, you can use the popen() function to run a console application and collect any output text.
Run the process, the way Indiv advised and capture the output like how Adam has shown.
However if you still want to do the DLL conversion, this will get you started
Configure SOX for windows and compile it
Create an empty DLL project using your C++ tool
Add the SOX files to be part of the project
Add a new Function called DLLMain
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID ) {return TRUE;}
Add a .DEF file (use the project name as the file name) that lists the exports in the DLL - Add the following content to it
Rename the main of SOX as CallOldMain
Write a CUSTOM function to log the output / return error etc.
Find all printfs / cout in the SOX application and replace it with calls to your custom function above
Once the DLL is compiled you can now call the function CallOldMain with the same parameters main programs of C expects. You could modify this signature to return the errors / output from above.
Disclaimer: I know nothing about SoX. It might be that the code is structured to make this easy, or it might be more hard. Either way, the process is the same:
First you want to find the functions in the SoX application that you want to call. Most likely the console app has code to parse the command line and call the appropriate functions. So first off, find the functions you want to use.
Next, check out the info on exporting functions in DLLs from C at this site: Creating And Using DLLs
Then make a new makefile or visual studio project file with the target being a DLL, and add the sourcefiles from the SoX program that you have modified to be exported.
You don't mention what your toolchain is, but if you configure gcc in Windows, you can use the normal config;make;make install to just compile sox. In the process, it will create a dll file, and the console app. Or, you can just specify the make target to only make the dll. This will compile a windows native library that only depends on the MS C runtime dll, and you can use this in your own app.
You can execute a console application and capture its output using pipes. You use une side of the pipe as stdout for the CreateProcess and you read from the other side like a common file.
You can see a working example written in delphi here:
