Why is my using statement not closing connection? [duplicate] - sql-server

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Entity framework 4 not closing connection in sql server 2005 profiler
Well, lots of developers on stackoverflow are saying that I should not worry to close my connection: my using statement will close the connection for me, here and here and all over the site. Unfortunately, I do not see it happening. Here is my code:
[Test, Explicit]
public void ReconnectTest()
const string connString = "Initial Catalog=MyDb;Data Source=MyServer;Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name=ReconnectTest;";
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
using (var command = conn.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = "SELECT 1 as a";
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// optional breakpoint 1 below
catch(SqlException e)
// breakpoint 2 below
// breakpoint 3 below
When I enable all breakpoints and start my test, the first iteration succeeds, and I hit breakpoint 3. At this point, the connection is still open: I see it in the Profiler, and sp_who2 outputs it too.
Let's suppose that at this time I am out for a lunch, and my connection is idle. As such, our production server kills it. To imitate it, I am killing the connection from SSMS.
So, when I hit F5 and run the second iteration, my connection is killed. Unfortunately, it does not reopen automatically, so ExecuteNonQuery throws the following exception: "transport-level error has occurred". When I run the third iteration, my connection actually opens: I see it as an event in Profiler, and sp_who2 outputs it as well.
Even when I have uncommented my conn.Close() command, the connection still does not close, and when I kill it from SSMS, the next iteration still blows up.
What am I missing? Why can't using statement close my connection? Why can't Open() actually open it the first time, but succeeds the next time?
This question has originated from my previous one

When you call SqlConnection.Dispose(), which you do because of the using block, the connection is not closed, per-se. It is released back to the connection pool.
In order to avoid constantly building/tearing down connections, the connection pool will keep connections open for your application to use. So it makes perfect sense that the connection would still show as being open.
What's happening after that, I can't explain offhand - I know that keeping a random connection open would not cause that, though, because your application can certainly make more than a single concurrent connection.


How does Dapper execute query without explicitly opening connection?

We are using Dapper for some data access activity and are using the standard recommended approach for connecting to database as follows:
public static Func<DbConnection> ConnectionFactory = () => new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
However, if we try and execute a statement, in the docs it show that you need to first state:
using (var conn = ConnectionFactory())
var result = await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
return result;
That means, you have to explicitly open the connection. However, if we leave out the statement conn.open(), it also works and we are worried if in such cases the connection may not be disposed of properly.
I would appreciate any comments as to how the SQL gets executed without explicitly opening any connection.
Dapper provide two ways to handle connection.
First is - Allow Dapper to handle it.
Here, you do not need to open the connection before sending it to Dapper. If input connection is not in Open state, Dapper will open it - Dapper will do the actions - Dapper will close the connection.
This will just close the connection. Open/Close is different than Dispose. So, if you really want to Dispose the connection better switch to second way.
Second is - Handle all yourself.
Here, you should explicitly create, open, close and dispose the connection yourself.
Please refer to following links for more details:

How to get rid of "The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is open." error? [duplicate]

I'm writing an ASP.NET application. In my datalayer an sql connection is being opened and closed before and after querying. The SqlConnection is being kept as a private field of a single class. Every database call in the class uses the same structure:
// database querying here
Yet, on very rare occasions I get the exception 'The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is open'. It's not possible to reproduce the problem since it originates very rarely from different parts of the code. There is some threading involved in my application but new threads also make new data layer classes and thus new connection objects.
I do not understand how it's possible to have a connection lingering around open using the code above. Shouldn't the connection always be closed after opening, making it impossible for the above exception to occur?
It's likely that an exception is being thrown in the try block that you aren't handling. See this note in MSDN for try-finally:
Within a handled exception, the associated finally block is guaranteed to be run. However, if the exception is unhandled, execution of the finally block is dependent on how the exception unwind operation is triggered.
I would recommend wrapping the connection in a using block anyway:
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
Alternatively, add a catch block to the try-finally:
you should close connections as soon as you operations finished. Try to open connections for the shortest time possible.
However it is best to use using it will call Dispose method even in case of exceptions.
using (SqlConnection conn= new SqlConnection(conStr))
1) Open the connection
2) Access the database
3) Close the connection
//Your Code
conn.Dispose();//Do not call this if you want to reuse the connection

Exception after connection to DB with mysql-native driver

I want to create to function. The first one is connect to DB, the second one is complete reconnection if first is failed.
In my experiment I turn off DB at start to get connect block failed and call reconnect block. After it I am turning on DB, and expecting that connection block will success, but I am getting exception.
Here is my code:
bool connect()
if(connection is null)
scope(failure) reconnect(); // call reconnect if fail
this.connection = mydb.lockConnection();
writeln("connection done");
return true;
return false;
void reconnect()
writeln("reconnection block");
if(connection is null)
while(!connect) // continue till connection will not be established
logError("Connection to DB is not active...");
logError("Reconnection to DB attempt: %s", connectionsAttempts);
if(connection !is null)
logWarn("Reconnection to DB server done");
The log (turning on DB after few seconds):
reconnection block
reconnection block
connection done
Reconnection to DB server done
object.Exception#C:\Users\Dima\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\vibe-d-0.7.30\vibe-d\source\vibe\core\drivers\libevent2.d(326): Failed to connect to host Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]
I can't understand why I am getting exception after: Reconnection to DB server done
There's two main problems here.
First of all, there shouldn't be any need for automatic retry attempts at all. If it didn't work the first time, and you don't change anything, there's no reason doing the same exact thing should suddenly work the second time. If your network is that unreliable, then you have much bigger problems.
Secondly, if you are going to automatically retry anyway, that's code's not going to work:
For one thing, reconnect is calling connect TWICE on every failure: Once at the end of the loop body and then immediately again in the loop condition regardless of whether the connection succeeded. That's probably not what you intended.
But more importantly, you have a potentially-infinite recursion going on there: connect calls reconnect if it fails. Then reconnect calls connect up to six times, each of those times connect calls reconnect AGAIN on failure, looping forever until the connection configuration that didn't work somehow magically starts working (or perhaps more likely, until you blow the stack and crash).
Honestly, I'd recommend simply throwing that all away: Just call lockConnection (if you're using vibe.d) or new Connection(...) (if you're not using vibe.d) and be done with it. If your connection settings are wrong, then trying the same connection settings again isn't going to fix them.
lockConnection -- Is there supposed to be a matching "unlock"? – Rick James
No, the connection pool in question comes from vibe.d. When the fiber which locked the connection exits (usually meaning "when your server is done processing a request"), any connections the fiber locked automatically get returned to the pool.

The connection was not closed error for Visual Studio load test

In my page consists of a repeater and bind some data using store procedure from SQL Server 2008.
rptTour.DataSource = GetData();
Data binding GetData()
SqlCommand cmdSelectAllMatch = new SqlCommand("sp_sel_Tour", Global.conn);
SqlDataReader dtrSelectAllMatch = null;
Collection<TourBO> TourData = new Collection<TourBO>();
Global.connD2W.Open(); //error here, line 23
cmdSelectAllMatch.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dtrSelectAllMatch = cmdSelectAllMatch.ExecuteReader();
while (dtrSelectAllMatch.Read())
TourBO Tour = new TourBO();
TourID = Convert.ToInt16(dtrSelectAllMatch[dtrSelectAllMatch.GetOrdinal("ID")]);
Tour.Name = dtrSelectAllMatch[dtrSelectAllMatch.GetOrdinal("Name")].ToString();
catch(Exception ex)
if (dtrSelectAllMatch != null)
return TourData;
This is the sqlconnection that will be share among the entire application.
public static SqlConnection connD2W = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["D2WConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
It just read through all the data from data reader and assign into a custom collection and pass back to the repeater.
Everything working fine when i test by myself.
But when i run the Lost Test using Visual Studio (20 users and run for 2 minutes), i received errors below in my error log file(same error keep repeat)
Log Entry : 9:59:05 AM Thursday, November 07, 2013
:System.InvalidOperationException: The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is connecting.
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionBusy.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
at TourDAL.GetAllScheduledMatch() in c:\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WebSites\test\App_Code\DAL\TourDAL.cs:line 23
Does it means this function not allowed multiple user to access it at the same time?
Any way to solve this?
If you're using a global connection (e.g. defined as a global variable or a static variable), that won't work in an environment where you have multiple threads running at the same time (e.g. in a web server).
The reason for it is all threads will go through the same code. The first one will open the connection and it will stay open for all the others as well.
It's best to define a connection locally, open and close it as soon as the job is done.

Does the SQL connection not get closed if you put the datareader in a using block?

So, I recently inherited a large project that uses the following data access pattern; unfortunately, this is resulting in a massive number of timeout exceptions related to connection pooling.
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a
connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled
connections were in use and max pool size was reached"
It clear that the connections are leaking and not getting closed properly.
So, the framework has a DataAccess class with the method GetDataReader.
When the data reader is referenced, it is placed inside a using block, but connections are still leaking.
Does the fact that the connection is not explicitly closed or placed in a using block the reason why the connections are getting leaked?
Normally, I would wrap the connection in a using block AND wrap the data reader in a using block.
Obviously, this framework is very flawed, but would somehow using the option CommandBehavior.CloseConnection for the data reader resolve this issue?
None the external code accesses the SqlConnection directly and has to go through this DataAccess class.
public IDataReader GetDataReader(QueryDto dto)
DateTime current = DateTime.Now;
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(dto.DatabaseName);
DbCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand(dto.StoredProcedureName);
if (dto.Params.Length > 0)
cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand(dto.StoredProcedureName, dto.Params);
dto.Command = cmd;
cmd.CommandTimeout = dto.Timeout;
cmd.Connection = db.CreateConnection();
catch (SqlException ex)
// Handle Exception here...
return rdr;
Usage in some static repository class:
var query = new QueryDto
DatabaseName = "SomeDatabase",
Params = parms,
StoredProcedureName = "StoredProcedureName"
using (IDataReader dr = dataAccess.GetDataReader(query))
while (dr.Read())
// do stuff here
I think your problem is that the using statement is around a function that has open resources embedded in it. The using will not dispose of the connection that is opened inside GetDataReader. I think your are correct that the Connection itself needs to be in a using block. The using statement only calls Dispose on the object that is passed in, not any nested resources.
