Arduino - Optimising existing method for iterating through an array - arrays

Is there a more efficient and cleaner way of doing what the following method is already doing?
void sendCode(prog_uint16_t inArray[], int nLimit) {
unsigned int arr[nLimit];
unsigned int c;
int index = 0;
while ((c = pgm_read_word(inArray++))) {
arr[index] = c;
for (int i = 0; i < nLimit; i=i+2) {
This is in reference to an existing question I had answered.
Arduino - Iterate through C array efficiently

There should be no need for the local arr array variable. If you do away with that you should both save temporary stack space and speed up execution by removing the need to copy data.
void sendCode(const prog_uint16_t inArray[]) {
unsigned int c;
for (int i = 0; c = pgm_read_word(inArray++); i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) { // Even array elements are delays
} else { // Odd array elements are pulse lengths
This code assumes that the maximum integer stored in an int is greater than the maximum size of inArray (this seems reasonable as the original code essentially makes the same assumption by using an int for nLimit).


A function in C runs for a set of values but gives Segmentation Fault: 11 for another

I am trying to find unique non-zero intersection between two sets. I have written a program which works for some set of arrays but gives segmentation fault for some. I have been trying to figure out why but have failed, any help will be greatly valued. The thing is the functions defined (NoRep and ComEle) are working fine but are unable to return the value to the assigned pointer in the case when Seg Fault is shown. Below is the code:
int* ComEle(int ar_1[], int size_ar1, int ar_2[], int size_ar2);
int* NoRep(int a[], int l1);
int main ()
// Case 1: Gives segmentation fault
int A[10] = {1,1,0,2,2,0,1,1,1,0};
int B[10] = {1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,4,0};
int *C = ComEle(A,10,B,10); printf("check complete\n");
// //Case 2: Does not give segmentation fault
// int A[4] = {2,3,4,5};
// int B[4] = {1,2,3,4};
// int *C = ComEle(A,4,B,4); printf("check complete\n");
//---------------- Local Functions --------------------//
int* ComEle(int ar_1[], int size_ar1, int ar_2[], int size_ar2) {
// sort of intersection of two arrays but only for nonzero elements.
int i=0, j=0, cnt1 = 0;
int temp1 = size_ar1+size_ar2;
int CE1[temp1]; for(i=0;i<temp1;i++) {CE1[i] = 0;}
/* Size of CE1 is knowingly made big enough to accommodate repeating
common elements which can expand the size of resultant array to
values bigger than those for the individual arrays themselves! */
for(i=0;i<size_ar1;i++) {
j = 0;
while(j<size_ar2) {
if(ar_1[i]==ar_2[j] && ar_1[i]!=0) {
CE1[cnt1] = ar_1[i];
// Have to remove repeating elements.
int *CE = NoRep(CE1, cnt1);
for(i=0;i<(CE[0]+1);i++) {printf("CE:\t%d\n", CE[i]);}
printf("ComEle: %p\n",CE);
int* NoRep(int a[], int l1) {
int cnt = 0, i = 0, j =0;
int *NR; NR = (int*)calloc((l1), sizeof(int));
//int NR[l1]; for(i=0;i<l1;i++) {NR[i] = 0;}
for(i=0;i<l1;i++) {
j = 0;
while(j<i) {
if(a[i]==a[j]) {break;}
if(j == i) {
NR[cnt] = a[i];
NR[0] = cnt; // First element: # of relevant elements.
printf("NoRep: %p\n",NR);
Thanks again for your help!
Take a look at this code:
int temp1 = size_ar1+size_ar2;
int CE1[temp1]; for(i=0;i<temp1;i++) {CE1[i] = 0;}
/* Size of CE1 is knowingly made big enough to accommodate repeating
common elements which can expand the size of resultant array to
values bigger than those for the individual arrays themselves! */
for(i=0;i<size_ar1;i++) {
j = 0;
while(j<size_ar2) {
if(ar_1[i]==ar_2[j] && ar_1[i]!=0) {
CE1[cnt1] = ar_1[i];
Here you have nested loops, i.e. a for-loop with a while-loop inside. So - in worst case - how many times can cnt1 be incremented?
The answer is size_ar1 * size_ar2
But your code only reserve size_ar1 + size_ar2 element for CE1. So you may end up writing outside the array.
You can see this very easy by printing cnt1 inside the loop.
In other words - your CE1 is too small. It should be:
int temp1 = size_ar1*size_ar2; // NOTICE: * instead of +
int CE1[temp1]; for(i=0;i<temp1;i++) {CE1[i] = 0;}
But be careful here - if the input arrays are big, the VLA gets huge and you may run in to stack overflow. Consider dynamic memory allocation instead of an array.
Besides the accepted answer: I have been missing a break statement in the while loop in ComEle function. It was not giving me the expected value of cnt1. The following will be the correct way to do it:
for(i=0;i<size_ar1;i++) {
j = 0;
while(j<size_ar2) {
if(ar_1[i]==ar_2[j] && ar_1[i]!=0) {
CE1[cnt1] = ar_1[i];
This will also do away with the requirement for a bigger array or dynamic allocation as suggested (and rightly so) by #4386427

Having trouble making memset function?

void memSet(char destination[], char valueMemSet, int numOfValue)
char temp;
int j=1;
for (int i = 0; i <= numOfValue; i++)
temp = destination[i];
destination[i] = valueMemSet;
destination[j] = temp;
The array is originally "this is the source Concatenate means to link."
This is what I am trying to get "------this is the source Concatenate means to link."
This is What I am currently getting "-------Tthe source Concatenate means to link."
When I ran the debugger it saves the first letter of the array but every single one after gets replaced.
How can I solve this issue?
memset() is a function, which sets a particular value in a given memory, like you want to initialize total array's elements to some particular value(for eg - zero). So it will set the same in that array.
what you need here is strcat() function.
Is that what you need?
void memSet(char destination[], char valueMemSet, int numOfValue, int len)
int j=len-numOfValue;
for (int i = len-1;i>=numOfValue;i--) {
destinstion[i] = destination[j--];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfValue; i++)
destination[i] = valueMemSet;

Remove some elements from array and re-size array in C

I want to remove some elements from my array and re-size it.
for example my array is:
char get_res[6] = {0x32,0x32,0x34,0x16,0x00,0x00};
Now I want to remove elements after 0x16, so my desire array is:
get_res[] = {0x32,0x32,0x34,0x16};
what is solution?
You cannot resize arrays in C (unlike Python, for example). For real resizing, at least from an API user's point of view, use malloc, calloc, realloc, and free (realloc specifically).
Anyway, "resizing" an array can be imitated using
a delimiter; for example, a delimiter like 0xff could mark the end of the valid data in the array
#define DELIMITER 0xff
print_data(char* data) {
for (size_t i = 0; data[i] != DELIMITER; ++i)
printf("%x", data[i]);
a member counter; count the number of valid data from the beginning of the array onward
size_t counter = 5;
print_data(char* data) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < counter; ++i)
printf("%x", data[i]);
Use unsigned char for binary data. char may be aliasing signed char, which you might run into problems with because signed char contains a sign bit.
There is no need to "remove" them. Just don't access them. Pretend like they don't exist. Same like in stacks, when you "pop" a value from the top of the stack, you just decrement the stack pointer.
Manipulating arrays in C isn't easy as it is for vector in C++ or List in Java. There is no "remove element" in C. I mean that you have to do the job yourself, that is, create another array, copy only the elements you want to this new array, and free the memory occupied by the previous one.
Can you do that? Do you want the code?
Try that. It's just a simple program that simulates the situation. Now, you have to see the example and adapt it to your code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
char get_res[6] = {0x32,0x32,0x34,0x16,0x00,0x00};
char target = 0x16;
int pos, i, length = 6; // or specify some way to get this number
for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
if(get_res[i] == target) {
pos = i;
pos = pos + 1; // as you have to ignore the target itself
char *new_arr = malloc(pos);
for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
new_arr[i] = get_res[i];
for(i = 0; i < pos; i++)
printf("%c ", new_arr[i]);
return 0;

how to initialize array of unknown size in c

I am doing a homework assignment for an intro to programming class in c.
I need to write a program that looks at an int array of unknown size (we are given a initializer list as the test case to use), and determine all the duplicates in the array.
To make sure that an element that was already found to be a duplicate doesn't get tested, I want to use a parallel array to the original that would hold the numbers of all the elements that were duplicates.
I need this array to be the same size as the original array, which of course we don't really know till the initializer list is given to us.
I tried using sizeof() to achieve this, but visual studio says that is an error due to the variable size (const int size = sizeof(array1);) not being constant. Am I not using sizeof correctly? Or is this logic flawed?
Perhaps there is another way to approach this, but I have yet to come up with one.
Here is the code included below, hope the comments don't make it too hard to read.
// Dean Davis
// Cs 1325
// Dr. Paulk
// Duplicates hw
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int array1[] = { 0,0,0,0,123,124,125,3000,3000,82,876,986,345,1990,2367,98,2,444,993,635,283,544, 923,18,543,777,234,549,864,39,97,986,986,1,2999,473,776,9,23,397,15,822,1927,1438,1937,1956,7, 29,- 1 };
const int size = sizeof(array1);
int holdelements[size];
int a = 0; // counter for the loop to initialize the hold elements array
int b = 0; // counter used to move through array1 and be the element number of the element being tested
int c = 0; // counter used to move through holdelements and check to see if the element b has already been tested or found as duplicates
int d = 0; // counter used to move through array1 and check to see if there are any duplicates
int e = 0; // counter used to hold place in hold element at the next element where a new element number would go. sorry if that makes no sense
int flag = 0; // used as a boolian to make sure then large while loop ends when we reach a negative one value.
int flag2 = 0; // used as a boolian to stop the second while loop from being infinite. stops the loop when the end of hold elements has been reached
int flag3 = 0; // used to close the third while loop; is a boolian
int numberofduplicates=0;// keeps track of the number of duplicates found
for (a; a < size; a++)
if (a == (size - 1))
holdelements[a] = -1;
holdelements[a] = -2;
while (!flag)
flag2 = 0;
flag3 = 0;
if (array1[b] == -1)
flag = 1;
while ((!flag) && (!flag2))
if (holdelements[c] == -1)
flag2 = 1;
else if (array1[b] == holdelements[c])
c = 0;
if (array1[b] == -1)
flag = 1;
while (!flag3)
if (array1[d] == -1)
flag3 = 1;
else if (array1[b] == array1[d] && b != d)
printf("Duplicate of %d, index %d, was found at index %d.\n", array1[b], b, d);
holdelements[e] = d;
printf("Total Duplicates Found: %d\n", numberofduplicates);
return 0;
redo to the following:
const int size = sizeof(array1)/sizeof(int);

Segmentation fault (core dumped) error, in a C search function

I'm trying to write a C program to take an array of discrete positive integers and find the length of the longest increasing subsequence.
'int* a' is the array of randomly generated integers, which is of length 'int b'
lis_n = answer(seq, seq_size);
int answer(int* a, int b) {
if (a == NULL) {return -1;}
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
//instantiate max and set it to 0
int max = 0;
//make an array storing all included numbers
int included[b];
memset(included, 0, b*sizeof(int));
//create a pointer to the index in included[] with the largest value
int indexMax = 0;
//create a pointer to the index in a[]
int indexArray = 0;
//index of a[] for max included
int maxToA = 0;
//set the first included number to the first element in a[]
included[indexMax] = a[indexArray];
//loop until break
while (1) {
if (a[indexArray] > included[indexMax]/*digit greater than last included*/) {
//include the digit
included[indexMax+1] = a[indexArray];
//increment current max pointer
j = b - 1;
while (indexArray >= j/*pointer is at end"*/) {
if (j == (b - 1)) {
if ((indexMax+1) > max/*total is greater than current max*/) {
max = indexMax + 1;
if (a[b-1] == included[0]/*last element is in included[0], stop*/) {
return max;
} else {
//max included is set to zero
included[indexMax] = 0;
//max included pointer decreased
//set array pointer to new max included
for (k=0;k<(b-1);k++) {
if (a[k] == included[indexMax]) {
indexArray = k;
//increment array pointer
for (i=0;i<b;i++) {
I'm receiving 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)' in the terminal upon running.
Any help would be awesome.
You have declared
int indexMax = 0;
And here you use it as an array index
incuded[indexMax] = 0;
You increment and decrement it
You check its range but you don't limit it, you alter the value you compare it with
if ((indexMax+1) > max/*total is greater than current max*/) {
max = indexMax + 1;
You never check indexMax against b or with 0
int included[b];
So you are almost guaranteed to exceed the bounds of included[].
Some general points of advice. Make your function and variable names meaningful. Avoid making a premature exit from a function wherever possible. Avoid while(1) wherever possible. And never make assumptions about array sizes (including C "strings"). It might seem hard work putting in the overhead, but there is a payoff. The payoff is not just about catching unexpected errors, it makes you think about the code you are writing as you do it.
I've done something like this for homework before. I got help from:
Make sure you are not trying to index past the size of your array. What I would do would be to find out the size of array a[] (which looks like it is b) and subtract 1. Make sure you are not trying to access past the size of the array.
