Where are the specifications/XSDs for Amazon MWS feed XML processing reports? - amazon-mws

Amazon provides a batch of documents describing the format of the feeds we can send via MWS, however, we also need to know what to expect in their responses, what status codes may be reported or what is the structure of XML when errors reported, etc...
Where can I get the information?

The MWS XML schemata are documented within the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML linked from the Developer Guides section in the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Documentation.
I'm omitting a direct link to the PDF, as this might change once in a while. For the same reason the XSD files you are looking for are not publicly linked by Amazon as well, rather you'll find the links to the most current schema documents within the respective sections of the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML.
You might also be interested in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide, the Feeds API Reference and the guide for the Amazon MWS Scratchpad, which are all available there as well.
Good luck!

I know this is a rather old question but I just wanted to look at the actual XML schema files myself today.
There is an XML Documentation PDF hosted on images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com which I assume will stay there for a while. This PDF contains links to the core schema files amzn-envelope.xsd, amzn-header.xsd, and amzn-base.xsd and some other API schemas like Product.xsd which all appear to be relative to https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/rainier/help/xsd/release_1_9/.
The PDF explicitly states that
The XSD samples shown on the Help pages may not reflect the latest XSDs. We recommend
using the provided XSD links to obtain the latest [ve]rsions.
However, the official MWS Feeds API documentation also links to some XSDs but these are relative to https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/rainier/help/xsd/release_4_1/ now, e.g. Price.xsd. Schema references also seem to be relative to this path. For example, Price.xsd includes amzn-base.xsd via <xsd:include schemaLocation="amzn-base.xsd"/> and sure enough there it is.
Unfortunately, I have no idea whether release_4_1 is the latest release of the schemas but the link from the MWS API documentation is a good indicator to me.

Another way to get the XSD's which I think is the most "official" way is to go to your Seller Central and navigate to Help > XML & data exchange > Reference > XSDs.
There you can download all the XSD's available to your account.
Hope it helps!

It seems that this XSD files are outdated.
Just checked the official sellercentral help page for the XSD files https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/help/G1611
For the OrderReport there is still release_4_1 referenced.
Some time ago amazon has added a new field to OrderReport for EU markets. The new field is IsSoldByAB.
I am using the xsd files since many years for automatic code generation. And this fails from time to time because of new fields like this. This field is not descriped in one of this:
release_1_9 ($Revision: #7 $, $Date: 2006/05/23 $)
release_4_1 ($Revision: #10 $, $Date: 2007/09/06 $)
XSD files and I am not able to find a version that include this field.
Since some years I extend the XSD file on my own to generate my code. IsSoldByAB is just a boolean field as IsPrime or IsBusinessOrder. So this was an easy task but not "official"...


How can I publish my dataset on Google Dataset Search?

I want to put my dataset which I have prepared in Google Dataset Search. I didn't find any procedure to do this task online.
This question - How can I post my doctoral lab's datasets on Google Dataset Search? asked in Google support provide answers but the corresponding links are not of great use.
The easiest way to make your dataset eligible to be included in Dataset Search results is to upload it to a repository that adheres to metadata standards used by Dataset Search. There are many such repositories. You can try the following:
If you don't want to use an external repository you will need to embed metadata in the webpage you host that describes the datasets. More information on this here.

Is there a way to bulk download files in Jive via API or script?

We have to extract almost 1,000 documents for a divestiture. Doing it by clicking is going to take a long time. I know Jive has an API, but I can find anything that would let us download multiple files from multiple groups.
Any ideas are appreciated.
Sure. Use /contents/{contentID} to grab a document.
There's more detail in the Document Entity Section of the Jive REST API Documentation.
You might find your list of documents to retrieve by using the Search methods of the API. Here's a curl example:
curl -v -u <username:password> https://<url>/api/core/v3/search/contents?filter=search(<search term>)
Also, just so you know, there is an active Jive Developer Community where questions like this are likely to get more eyeballs. And, as a start to Development with Jive in general, check out https://developer.jivesoftware.com/

Where is the source of datastore-connector-latest.jar? Could I add this as a maven dependency?

I got connectors from https://cloud.google.com/hadoop/datastore-connector
But I'm trying to add the datastore-connector (and bigquery-connector too) as a dependency in the pom... I don't know if it this is possible. I could not find the right artifact and groupId.
Is there some maven repository that contain the datastore-connector?
Furthermore, I am looking for the source of datastore-connector, but I didn't find it. By the notes in the CHANGES.txt, it seems to be coming from:
The source should be in the package com.google.cloud.hadoop.io.datastore (src/main/***/com/google/cloud/hadoop/io/datastore/) but it's not there.
In fact, the source of bigquery-connector appears to be on GitHub along with its pom, but is the source of datastore-connector available?
What David says in the other answer is correct. To elaborate more, the connector under the hood uses the Protocol Buffers SDK, and uses, for example, the QuerySplitter to define splits. In the near future, we will be posting more information to gcp-hadoop-announce with further guidance regarding the future of the Datastore connector for Hadoop.
You may want to familiarize yourself with other Datastore features that may suit your purposes better, including Datastore backup to GCS, and this codelab walking through an AppEngine-friendly approach to extracting data from Datastore and loading it into BigQuery for analysis. You may notice at the top of that page an announcement of trusted-tester availability for direct backend loading of Datastore backups into BigQuery.
The datastore-connector source is not available, nor is there a maven repo with the artifact. Your best option is to create a local raven repo in your source tree as described in this helpful article.

Tracking podcasts on website, app, and XML feed

I have an XML/RSS podcast feed that links to all of my organization's podcasts. The mp3 files themselves are stored on our FTP, which the XML feed links to.
I'd like to start tracking how many times a podcast is getting played/downloaded. The mp3 files are played in one of three ways:
1) Through our website, via links that go directly to the mp3 file.
2) Through our app, in its podcast section. The app allows you to play any our podcasts, but I'm not sure if playing the podcasts on the app is trackable.
3) Through downloads/plays of our podcasts from the XML feed.
I admittedly don't understand how this works very well. Is there a way to track plays for all of these podcasts through one service? I've looked at Feedburner and Blubrry.
The easiest way to track the downloads of your podcast episodes (e.g., mp3 files on your server) is using a software for graphical log analysis, such as Awstats. In many cases it comes as a pre-installed package in your web server and, if you have a hosting provider, it will be probably available to the customers via the Control Panel.
In case you don't have access neither to the server logs nor to log analysis tools, you can follow the official Technical Specifications for podcasts by Apple, where you'll find instructions to implement alternative ways to track the number of times that each episode has been downloaded (see section "Tracking Usage").
Finally, you could also give a look to third-party services such as Podtrac.

Publish one product to multiple sites

Is there a way to have one product definition and have it publish to multiple sites? I am looking for this ability specifically in DNN or Umbraco, either with free or paid extensions. I did install both the platforms and played with the free extensions and looked for any extension offering such functionality but did not find one. Any links or pointers are highly appreciated!
I had looked up for this info in many places before reaching over to the expert pool here, hoping to get some hints;
In umbraco there is the built in /base extension (http://our.umbraco.org/wiki/reference/umbraco-base) which enables you to access product data that is maintained in Umbraco from other websites. Base is REST-ish so the implementation is well documented - you can access the data as XML or JSON (Returning Json instead of XML with Umbraco Base).
Also as the implementation is REST-ish the other websites that consume the content maintained in the core site could be written in anything that can consume a REST feed eg html & javascript.
It's not 100% clear to me what setup you're after, but if you're looking to set up a traditional Authoring/Delivery configuration - one of the few paid offerings Umbraco has is called Courier. It's a very reasonably priced (~$135USD,/99EUR) deployment manager that handles syncing content between two sites, i.e., Authoring and a Delivery server.
It's a very smart tool that manages content, configuration, and dependencies. It's neat and also supports a great open-source project!
If you're looking to setup something more like a centralized product database that is used by many sites - amelvin is on good pointer with BASE. They have a nice api where you may also set up your own webservice (beyond their own webservice functaionality!).
If you need this centralized product data to notify the other sites to update their caches - i encourage you to look into the 'distributedCall' functionality.
There's a bit of documentation on distributed calls in this load-balancing tutorial that may help understand the concept a bit better.
...Hope this helps get pointed in the right direction.
