Need recommendations for Image Editing Library - wpf

I am trying to create a WPF based application which will allows users to edit photos and provide features like:
Increase/Decrease Brightness
Retro looks
and lot more.
I am also looking forward to provide more fancy features like : Framing an image, print to a Tshirt, but these are low on priority.
Any open source libraries for that?
P.S -> This is a POC project, even if i miss some features it will be fine.

I would suggest you to use BitmapEffects available in WPF, the BitmapEffects make use Shading language; at present very few effects available in .net Fx. But it is quite easy create your own shaders to adjust the birghtness, gamma, colour saturation, and they can be data bound too. The great thing about shaders is you apply them to videos as well.
Shazzam Tool is on of the best tool to create shadders, it lets you try the effect on your images and generate the C# or VB.Net binding code to use in WPF/Silverlight.
I guess you have to write code to do the image cropping, or quick Google search would help.
Opensource shader effects available here in codeplex.

For a low-level library that allows GDI like operations on bitmaps please see the WriteableBitmapEx library. This is open source and as a disclaimer, I have made a minor contribution to it.
WriteableBitmapEx has functions for drawing shapes, lines, ellipses, applying filters (via matrices, e.g. convolution blur etc), rotation, resize and cropping. You would have to write your own code to apply framing but this could be done by rendering to a separate bitmap and using the Blit function.
Above all its very fast and portable, to WP7 and Silverlight!
Best regards,


WPF real-time rendering

I'm designing a game and thinking about using WPF for making a simple prototype of the basic gameplay.
Is it possible to render basic 2d-graphics in WPF in real-time? By basic graphics I mean simple shapes such as lines, circles, etc. By "real-time" I mean things are rendered based on parameters such as velocity, acceleration, etc. that changes depending on player input - which I assume means I can't use storyboards for the animations.
Check out the previous question High Performance Graphics using the WPF Visual Layer for a good related discussion. While WPF provides a great framework for rich vector graphics, it lacks somewhat for real-time 2D performance.
There are workarounds, for instance, depending on your scene complexity you may get away with using DrawingVisuals or virtualized Shape classes (WPF Vector graphics) to draw your sprites. Going a little lower level, you could cache sprites using the BitmapCache mode available in .NET4.0, or pre-prendering them to Bitmaps and using various optimization patterns to improve throughput.
Going lower level still, you can mix Vector/Raster graphics using the fantantastic WriteableBitmapEx project, or Vector/GPU graphics using the D3DImage.
Regarding how to update your scene, you'll need to write a primitive game engine where on the CompositionTarget.Rendering event (fired on redraw of the screen) you get the updated parameters and compute positions/orientations of your sprites. Something that might help with this is this great codeplex project which integrates WPF/Silverlight and Farseer physics.

Silverlight 5, WPF or XNA for 2d/3d NUI visualization app?

I'm currently in the early stages of a project and have difficulty deciding which framework to use. I hear people say WPF is dead, yet it seems to be the (only?) way to program a Microsoft Surface app. This is one of the possible future aims of the project, but not the main focus.
The main focus however is: both 2d and 3d objects in the same view (and kinect/voice support). Some of the 2d objects are SVG files. From what I have read online so far it's not easy to render SVG graphics in XNA (nor Silverlight 5 3D for that matter). I've seen some SVG to XAML converters, but could the result of this be used in a 3d view? Or vice versa?
Considering it's not going to be a game, but a business application I'm tempted to rule out XNA, but then again I also require good performance as there will be quite some graphical stuff going on and if possible support for high resolutions/video wall. Taking a video wall into consideration would maybe rule out WPF as I've read that it will only use hardware acceleration if the resolution is lower than the texture size limit of the GPU.
There is no intend to run the application in the browser or phone, as such i'm tempted to rule out Silverlight 5.
Any tips would be greatly be appreciated.
I wouldn't rule out XNA on the basis that it's "for games". You can simply use only the parts required for hardware-accelerated 3D rendering and ignore the rest. This is in fact what Silverlight 5 does!
So you may find that your 3D rendering code is the same between XNA and SL5 in any case.
Here is a question about SVG in XNA. Basically answer is: you have to write your own hardware-accelerated SVG renderer - a stupidly difficult task. But if your SVG files never change, you could just use an existing software renderer to render them to a texture.
If you converted your SVG to XAML, you would have to render it to a texture to use it in a SL5 3D view anyway (unless it's an overlay). So there is no big win there. I don't know how 2D-3D compositing works in WPF.
Your decision really depends on whether you would find the built-in functionality that SL5 or WPF provides for user interfaces useful? Seeing as you are basically making your own user interface, you probably would not get much use from the provided 2D interface.
The 3D API that SL5 provides is basically a cut-down version of XNA. The 3D API for WPF looks like it just renders models for you - it does not seem to buy you much over XNA. If you have a compelling reason to use XAML, then WPF may be a good choice. Otherwise I'd go with XNA.

Is there a way to animate the edges of an image in WPF?

We have a few icons in our WPF application. We want to do an animation, pretty much like a small beacon of light going around the edges of the animation, just endlessly going around it, and following the silhouette of the icons. We found a way to do it by manually creating a path around the icons and have the beacon follow that path (which matches the silhouette), but it's too much manual work because we have a lot of different shaped icons. We're wondering if there's a way for WPF to do this automatically, so we just have to program it once, and then using on the rest of the icons.
Any suggestion very welcome.
Something like this.
Gee. Isn't that overkill to use wpf animation capabilities for that? Can't you just create a bunch of small animations in Photoshop or using something else and just put them in?
Like animated .GIFs. the only problem would be that: if I'm remembering it right, WPF have problems with animating .GIFs as embedded resources. So you have to load them from the disk. Or you can have them as embedded resources, but you have to extract them temporarily to the disk and then load them into your app's window.
If you are using .NET 3.5 SP1 or greater and you are requiring a code solution instead of the animated GIFs, my suggestion would be a Pixel Shader. You would need to write your own Pixel Shader that does the following:
Detect the edges.
Takes an input parameter that can be animated with a storyboard that indicates the position of the beacon.
Highlights the edge that is indicated by the beacon position parameter and returns the original color for all other points in the image.
If you haven't worked with Pixel Shaders I would recommend downloading the Shazzam Tool, It includes an interactive development environment to create and test your shader on simple images and also includes a decent number of Pixel Shaders with source code to help you learn about them.

How can I obtain a sketch or hand-drawn look in Silverlight for various controls?

I am looking to create a Silverlight application that employs a control style similar to what one might see when using Balsamiq Mockups or SketchFlow.
I am not sure how this look is best achieved in Silverlight. My initial thought is that clever use of a pixel shader effect on the desired control might just do the trick, however, my searches for a similar solution have failed.
What might be the best approach for drawing controls with a hand-drawn look in Silverlight?
Can this be done with a custom pixel shader?
Note: I am using Silverlight 3, but would not be opposed to using Silverlight 4 Beta if it provided a more elegant solution to the problem.
This guy has a HandDrawnBorder style in the source he provides on his website. An example of using his styles is shown here. It does say that this is for the Beta2 of WPF but that the source should compile and be usable in later releases.
EDIT: Looks like the download is broken. Might have to do some hunting...
Check out UX Musings Rough theme.
There's also a nice set of sketch style icons I found on Icon Finder.

WPF capabilities

In my company we have in mind a redesign of the user interface of an application and we would like to make it ... let say "fancy". We have in mind a simple story board but I doubt between WPF, XNA or DirectX. I prefer WPF so I'd need to know if it support the following capabilities and how difficult to implement are they:
Transparency: We'd like to display information layers on top of the main display.
3D support: We want network nodes (part of the interface is a network graphic) to be simple spheres connected with lines in a 3D enviroment, and the ability to control the camera so rotation of the screen is possible.
Effects: Such as shading, lens flare or glow to "signal" the discovery or deletion of a node.
Text animations: Specifically the ability to display the text as if it's being written... You know, the information text will be "filling" the panel top down, left to right...
Good news. WPF is the technology you want and it can handle your requirements with relative ease.
Transparency is simple.
3D support is good as well. For an example, check out Tim Sneath: Five Great WPF 3D Nuggets. You even get hardware acceleration.
Effects are definitely do-able via timeline animations.
The previous statement goes double for Text Animations.
...the hardest part would be the 3D support, but it's still going to be a lot easier than getting things done in XNA or using DirectX libraries directly.
AFAIK WPF 3.5 supports all of this, and even leverages hardware acceleration to get a decent performance.
It's possible to embed an XNA application in a WPF form so you could use XNA for the representation of your network and WPF controls for the GUI in front of it.
