Modal dialog box with fading background? - wpf

In my WPF application, when there is no user activity for 2 minutes, the application logs off.
I need to show the login box in the silverlight style (Background fades off). How can this be accomplished in WPF?

Yes you are right using adorner you can do this.
there are many articles there.. try these


WPF Notification Balloon using a User Control

I am working in a WPF app in C# and it is really very very sad that WPF doesn't have a NotifyIcon like in the Win forms has. I have seen a lot of articles in the net for a wpf notifyicon balloon notification project. But none satisfied me. See, I have an idea but i don't know how to execute it.
Create a wpf user control with height and width same like the notifyicon.
Put a border control in it with corner radius 5. Put a grid inside that border control to place the textblocks and images.
Then position that user control to the system tray area. When we click a button from a window, this user control shows up just above the system tray and it hides when we click on outside area.
Is this possible to place the user control [this new "notifyicon" ] just above the system tray area ???
You can do this using an AdornerDecorater in you XAML.
Check this project out GitHub. It has a configurable notification toast popup control for WPF with a demo app.

WPF Window with Control in Full Screen Mode

I have a WPF window hosting a web browser control. I want this WPF window to always be on top. Now for example user surfs to a Youtube page and the web player plays a video. User clicks on the full screen button in the Youtube player and the video fills the screen. But my WPF window that hosts web browser control now is still on top of everything and it looks weird because in the background, the video plays fullscreen.
Is there any way an embedded control can tell WPF window that it's in fullscreen mode now so that the WPF is no longer on top, say maybe hidden?
Thanks for any advice!
Try to play with Topmost property. If you display content not in Popup than this should works:
window.Topmost = false;

How to implement a Silverlight modeless child window?

Is there any way to create a modeless child window on a Silverlight application? Basically I need to display some detailed information after user clicks on a button. User could keep working on the main page and see the detailed child window at the same time.
Thanks for any reply.
You can use a Popup control for this. Just add your content to the popup and show it.
Tim Heuer has taken the ChildWindow code from the Silverlight Toolkit and refactored it to a modeless implementation. See:

WPF control similar to outlook new mail alert in the taskbar tray

Is there a WPF control or technique to emulate Outlook's new mail alert in the bottom right of the taskbar tray?
This would probably be a good solution.

Iphone Style checbox

I am developing a WPF application an need checkbox like we do inIphone interface.
I am able to get that done with help of this.
But I want user can silder the slider as they can do in Iphone. So they can either click or silder the slider to toggle the check box.
Thanks in advance
Also found this link that enables to use WP7 togglebutton in WPF. But am unable to see any output.
