Extending AD Schema - Unable to update due to constraint - active-directory

I'm adding some attributes from live to staging for testing purposes, I'm using ldifde:
D:\Shared>ldifde -i -v -f attr3.ldf -j .
Connecting to "myDomain.com"
Logging in as current user using SSPI
Importing directory from file "attr3.ldf"
Loading entries
1: CN=myAttribute,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=myDomain,DC=com
Entry modified successfully.
1 entry modified successfully.
The command has completed successfully
But when I try to update it using vbs, I got:
C:\Users\update.vbs(8, 1) Active Directory: The requested operation did not
satisfy one or more constraints associated with the class of the object.
Please notice that other attributes, the original ones, are able to be updated, this issue is only for the ones I'm importing.
So, I wonder if I'm missing some step like link or detach the new attribute after imported.
This is attr3.ldf
#adding my new attribute
dn: CN=myAttribute,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=myDomain,DC=com
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: attributeSchema
cn: my-Attribute
distinguishedName: CN=my-Attribute,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=myDomain,DC=com
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20100401175340.0Z
whenChanged: 20100401175341.0Z
uSNCreated: 24154
attributeID: 2.16.840.1.113805.111
isSingleValued: TRUE
rangeLower: 0
rangeUpper: 1
uSNChanged: 24163
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
adminDisplayName: my-Attribute
adminDescription: my-Attribute
oMSyntax: 64
searchFlags: 0
lDAPDisplayName: myAttribute
name: my-Attribute
schemaIDGUID:: tonVW6suWUu1Gev/D1pI9Q==
isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet: TRUE
objectCategory: CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=myDomain,DC=com
#The following attributes were removed because I was getting:
#Add error on entry starting on line 1: Unwilling To Perform
#The server side error is: 0x20e7 The modification was not permitted for security
#The extended server error is:
#000020E7: SvcErr: DSID-03152D2C, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0
#objectGUID:: eTKYtnXbCE2fPMgc8UIe0w==
#attributeSecurityGUID:: VAGN5Pi80RGHAgDAT7lgUA==
And this is the vbs code,
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://CN=John Lennon,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com")
objUser.myAttribute="someValue" 'Also tried with integers but not luck
Thank you JPBlanc, you are right, I was missing to add the attr to the class and then refresh the schema,
Register the dll, regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll
Open Run and type mmc.exe
Add Active directory schema snap-in
Right click on the class, properties and hit the Add button and so on.
Finally, refresh the schema:
C:\Users>admod -sc refreshschema
AdMod V01.17.00cpp Joe Richards (joe#joeware.net) March 2011
Modifying ROOTDSE...
DN Count: 1
Using server: myServer.myDomain.com:389
Directory: Windows Server 2008 R2
Modifying specified objects...
The command completed successfully

Adding an attribute to the Schema is not enought, you must also add the attribute to the user class (in the schma) if you want to use it in a user object. You must modify your LDIF file:
# Define your attribute
# Reload the schema
changetype: modify
add: schemaUpdateNow
schemaUpdateNow: 1
# modify user class
Have a look to your Schema using Microsoft MMC (registering schmmgmt.dll)
If you still have trouble, I can help again tomorow morning.


trying to set my thymleaf suffix page to a new directory; but, what im doing wrong?

git url:https://github.com/jonathanIckovich/realtyKing.git
im trying to change my thymleaf prefix to the assigned value
I followed this tutorial on how to merge react with thyme leaf
up to the controller part everything worked fine now this happens. please note if you want to run it for privacy reasons in application i * some passwords. just replace with your account for gmail and mysql if you want.
##for crud application
# DATASOURCE (DataSourceAutoConfiguration & DataSourceProperties)
## dont know what this one does
# Hibernate
# The SQL dialect makes Hibernate generate better SQL for the chosen database
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
# Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, validate, update)
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update
##for log in
spring.thymeleaf.suffix: .html
spring.thymeleaf.cache= false
## Spring view resolver set up
## for session management
##for error file pointer
##spring thymleaf email set up
##for geolocation

Rundeck - Failed to read SSH Private Key stored at path - Path does not exist

I am running the Rundeck war file directly
java -jar rundeck-3.0.17-20190311.war
I get this error message when I trigger a build.
Failed to read SSH Private key stored at path:
keys/rundeck.pem: org.rundeck.storage.api.StorageException:
Path does not exist: keys/rundeck.pem
Failed: ConfigurationFailure: Failed to read SSH
Private key stored at path: keys/rundeck.pem
It makes sense that the reference in the Default Node Executor is invalid and that Rundeck cannot find the .pem file.
I've tried
referencing the full working directory (/home/user/rundeck/keys/rundeck.pem) It wants the location to start with keys/.
referencing it to its relative path (keys/rundeck.pem)
copied the keys directory to /home/user/
In desperation, I ran chmod 700 on the pem file.
Most of the questions and examples I found were on older versions of Rundeck.
I'd like to know where the .pem file must be configured and how it should be referenced. Any other information that could help me configure the SSH keys will be appreciated.
You must add the key using the GUI and use the path that you are defined in your resources.xml.
For add your key, you can follow this. Although the video is based on Rundeck 2.x it is valid for Rundeck 3.x:
Check that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOA-kWse22g
And for generate your resources.xml file select your new project and go to Project Settings > Edit Nodes > Click on "Configure Nodes" button (up to right) > Click on "Add Sources +" Button > Select "+ File" option > in "Format" field select "resourcexml" and fill the path in "File Path" field (put the file name at the end, usually "resources.xml"), then select "Generate", "Include Server Node" and "Writeable" checkboxes and click on "Save" button.

SLES 12: Setting default group for new users via /etc/login.defs option USERGROUPS_ENAB not working?

I'm setting up a new SLES 12 server and want to set the default group for new users so that this is not named users but rather <username> (p.ex. user foo would be assigned to the group foo).
I found that the option USERGROUPS_ENAB in /etc/login.defs is supposed to do this job, but after I changed it to USERGROUPS_ENAB yes and tried to create a new user via yast, such new user would - according to yast- still be assigned to users.
How can I accomplish the desired behavior via yast? Or do I miss something?
After changing USERGROUPS_ENAB to yes in the /etc/login.defs file you've changed the behavior, as you are wanting, for the useradd command defaults. So, for example, you could run this command as root and it will do what you are expecting:
linux-54pe:~ # grep "USERGROUPS_ENAB" /etc/login.defs
linux-54pe:~ # useradd bob
linux-54pe:~ # cat /etc/passwd | grep bob
linux-54pe:~ # cat /etc/group | grep bob
The problem is that you are using YaST2. YaST2 is using its own default group assignment and so it doesn't respect the default changes made to useradd. In the /var/log/YaST2/y2log you can see that when I attempted to create the user frank:
2017-04-25 10:44:02 <1> linux-54pe(2871) [Perl] modules/Users.pm(Users::CommitUser):3517 commiting user 'frank', action is 'add_user', modified: 1, ldap modified: 0
2017-04-25 10:44:02 <1> linux-54pe(2871) [Perl] modules/Users.pm(Users::CommitGroup):3787 commiting group 'users', action is 'user_change_default'
Also, in the YaST2 module when you are creating the user in the Details tab you can see at the bottom that it's assigning it to its own default group parameter of users.
screenshot showing parameter
If you have a support entitlement with SUSE you can contact them to see if they are willing to submit this as a bug. At the very least they should be able to put this in as an enhancement request.

Import object class definitions to Active Directory (AD LDS)

I am stuck migrating object class definitions from OpenDS to Active Directory. I have already successfully migrated some definitions (and can read/write to AD with my Java application) - but now I'm stuck.
In my OpenDS schema description I have something like this:
objectClasses: (
NAME 'myNewClass'
MUST ( myAttribute1 $ myAttribute2 $ myAttribute3 )
MAY someOtherAttribute
I translated this to the AD schema syntax like this:
# Class: myNewClass
dn: cn=myNewClass,cn=Schema,cn=Configuration,dc=X
changetype: add
objectClass: classSchema
ldapDisplayName: myNewClass
adminDisplayName: myNewClass
objectClassCategory: 0
systemOnly: FALSE
# subclassOf: top
# rdnAttId: myAttribute1
# mustContain: myAttribute2
# mustContain: myAttribute3
# mayContain: someOtherAttribute
# possSuperiors: organizationalUnit
# defaultObjectCategory: myNewClass
defaultObjectCategory: cn=myNewClass,cn=Schema,cn=Configuration,dc=X
But when I try to write an object of class myNewClass I get this exception:
javax.naming.InvalidNameException: "myAttribute1=Read+myAttribute2=Allow+myAttribute3=cn\=someResource": [LDAP: error code 34 - 0000208F: LdapErr: DSID-0C090715, comment: Error processing name, data 0, v1db1 ];
I assume the problem is rdnAttId, which seems to be essential in AD (and not in OpenDS). I can only set it to a single value (so I have chosen myAttribute1), but shouldn't it be more like myAttribute1 AND myAttribute2 AND myAttribute3?
What do do?
Ok here is an example of a LDIF with a class creation. You should have followed my advice. First you create it with Microsoft Mananagement Console, then you export it using LDIFDE.EXE, you clean your LDIFDE and then you are able to import it in an other AD.
dn: CN=SlxOeuvre,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=XXXX
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: classSchema
cn: SlxOeuvre
distinguishedName: CN=SlxOeuvre,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=XXXX
instanceType: 4
possSuperiors: organizationalUnit
subClassOf: top
mustContain: SlxTitre
mayContain: SlxChapitres
mayContain: SlxEditeur
mayContain: SlxGenre
mayContain: SlxLangue
mayContain: SlxPages
rDNAttID: cn
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
adminDisplayName: SlxOeuvre
objectClassCategory: 1
lDAPDisplayName: SlxOeuvre
name: SlxOeuvre
systemOnly: FALSE
In Active-Directory rDNAttID is the name of the attribute that is use to create the Relative Distinguished Name. On the theorical point of view you can choose the one you want. On the practical point of view I never user anything else than CN.
Edited :
Once created your attributes, be carreful to reload you Schema in order to have them available to create the class. Here is the commutator :
changetype: modify
add: schemaUpdateNow
schemaUpdateNow: 1
Edited :
As your DN is cn=myNewClass,cn=Schema,cn=Configuration,dc=X you MUST add CN to tne attributes dn: cn:myNewClass (thow it should be added automaticaly).
Edited :
According to Microsoft documentation :
As far as RDN is concerned the correspondence between Active-Directory model and the LDAP data model is as follows. An object with its attributes and values corresponds to an LDAP entry with its attributes and values. This model and LDAP agree on the definition of the objectClass attribute. The definition of RDN in this model is a subset of LDAP's definition; all RDNs in this model are valid LDAP RDNs, but not vice versa. For example, the following multivalued RDN is a valid LDAP RDN, but it is not valid in this model: "cn=Peter Houston+employeeID=ABC123". Given the RDN definition, the definition of DN in this model is the same as LDAP's definition. In the LDAP data model, the child-parent relationship is represented in the DNs of the child and parent, whereas in the Active Directory data model, the child-parent relationship is represented in the parent attribute and the DN is derived. Active Directory does not expose the model's parent attribute through LDAP.

Geonetwork database whit Ldap Connection error

I'm trying to connect my ldap with the geonetwork database but every time I log in it doesn't show the administrator button. Then I check the database and it is empty. I am using GeOrchestra 13.09 in a localhost enviroment, the geoserver and mapfishapp are running well and they log in without a problem.
My config-security.properties is
Core security properties
# LDAP Connection Settings
# Define if groups and profile information are imported from LDAP. If not, local database is used.
# When a new user connect first, the default profile is assigned. A user administrator can update
# privilege information.
# Define the way to extract profiles and privileges from the LDAP
# 1. Define one attribute for the profile and one for groups in config-security-overrides.properties
# 2. Define one attribute for the privilege and define a custom pattern (use LDAPUserDetailsContextMapperWithPa$
# 3. Define custom location for extracting group and role (no support for group/role combination) (use LDAPUser$
# Run LDAP sync every day at 23:30
# Run LDAP sync every day at 23:30
#ldap.sync.cron=0 30 23 * * ?
ldap.sync.cron=0 * * * * ?
#ldap.sync.cron=0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *
# CAS properties
<import resource="config-security-cas.xml"/>
<import resource="config-security-cas-ldap.xml"/>
# either the hardcoded url to the server
# or if has the form it will be replaced with
# the server details from the server configuration
The geonetwork.log shows these results:
2014-03-11 13:41:00,004 DEBUG [geonetwork.ldap] - LDAPSynchronizerJob starting ...
2014-03-11 13:41:00,006 DEBUG [org.springframework.ldap.core.support.AbstractContextSource] - Got Ldap context on server 'ldap://localhost:389/dc=geobolivia,dc=gob,dc=bo'
2014-03-11 13:41:00,008 DEBUG [org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory] - Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'resourceManager'
2014-03-11 13:41:00,026 DEBUG [geonetwork.ldap] - LDAPSynchronizerJob done.
2014-03-11 13:41:26,429 INFO [geonetwork.lucene] - Done running PurgeExpiredSearchersTask. 0 versions still cached.
2014-03-11 13:41:56,430 INFO [geonetwork.lucene] - Done running PurgeExpiredSearchersTask. 0 versions still cached.
and the that appear in the geonetwork.log is
2014-03-11 13:44:06,426 INFO [jeeves.service] - Dispatching : xml.search.keywords
2014-03-11 13:44:06,427 ERROR [jeeves.service] - Exception when executing service
2014-03-11 13:44:06,427 ERROR [jeeves.service] - (C) Exc : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The thesaurus external.theme.inspire-service-taxonomy does not exist, there for the query cannot be excuted: 'Query [query=SELECT DISTINCT id,uppc,lowc,broader,spa_prefLabel,spa_note FROM {id} rdf:type {skos:Concept},[{id} gml:BoundedBy {} gml:upperCorner {uppc}],[{id} gml:BoundedBy {} gml:lowerCorner {lowc}],[{id} skos:broader {broader}],[{id} skos:prefLabel {spa_prefLabel} WHERE lang(spa_prefLabel) LIKE "es" IGNORE CASE],[{id} skos:scopeNote {spa_note} WHERE lang(spa_note) LIKE "es" IGNORE CASE] WHERE (spa_prefLabel LIKE "***" IGNORE CASE OR id LIKE "*") LIMIT 35 USING NAMESPACE skos=<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>,gml=<http://www.opengis.net/gml#>, interpreter=KeywordResultInterpreter]'
The version of GeoNetwork currently used in geOrchestra does not show the "administration" button on its first page. You have to fire a search, then in "other actions" menu on the top right, you should be able to get to the administration interface. We know that it is not very intuitive, but it should change in the next months (we recently planned an upgrade of GeoNetwork before the end of the year).
Did you solve it? I think in your config-security.properties, at this place ldap.base.dn.pattern=uid={0},${ldap.base.search.base}
you need to replace {0} with the username typed in the sign-in screen of geonetwork
