Google Maps KML refresh - maps

I have an issue with refreshing KML files the usual way with ?v=timestamp addon to the URL.
Though it is suggested to use this method and it perfectly makes sense, I keep getting 414 code (Request-URI Too Large) on background produced URLs like:
GET with garbled hexes afterwards, so it's some google thing.
Any ideas why this might be happening? Thanks!

I know it's been 3 years since, but I just ran into this and I should properly close it. So, to quote on my comment above:
The issue is the same as described and answered here:
414 Request URI Too Large Error Google Maps v3


React app get stuck on reload on Firefox desktop, but not on Chrome and other browsers

I have a create-react-app build being served by flask. It works fine in other browsers; however on Firefox, when I do a reload, the main.js file is stuck at the fetch method. After 3 minutes, it timesout then renders what it suppose to. I am looking for guidance on where to look from hereon. The production server does not log that the endpoint is receiving the fetch request; however, once the 3 minutes is up, the client side renders the updated information (as if it hit the server side). Everything looks like it should be working in the code I wrote, but I am not able scope out where I should be looking in debugging this issue.
Note: I am giving a broad description of the problem at the moment, but will disclose specifics such as codes, logs, and others items once I am able to get some guidance of the matter. As of now, there are no resources pointing out this specific issue, thus displaying code will simply be a "garbage" dump.
After working on the problem for quite some time, we found these two articles to be very helpful:
After testing different sources, we first found that article one's suggestion of changing the homepage to the base url worked. After realizing that the nginx was getting confused on which static files to server, we proceeded to follow article 2's steps.
We did not have any issues on other browsers, but only on firefox. I hope this will help those that are experiencing the same Firefox issue.

How to fix "..{content:" error in crm output

I've got an page output ..{content: instead of request output on some standart modules such as Email notifications.
I noticed that it happens when the url contains ...ajax=....
When I remove all ajax in url and remain the core(...modules="..."&action=...) all works fine.
I've try to turn on and turn off AJAX support of modules. It doesn't help.
The examples of the url string:
Any help would be usefull.
I have already read simular question but answers doesn't help.

Mapping natively not working

i have 2 days trying to make native google maps to work. I followed all the instructions i found, nothing. I searched for 2 days if others had any problems, i followed their solution but still nothing.
Maps appear on the simulator but not at the telephone. I tried with a dialog nothing. I tried to a container to the main form nothing.
I also tried final MapContainer cnt=new MapContainer(new GoogleMapsProvider("my_api_key")); but still nothing. With this i couldn't see the maps neither to the simulator.
I have downloaded from git first and then from the extensions but still the same. Nothing shows up.
Google api console shows the requests every time i try to see the map, but no map on mobile. I also used with SHA1 and without. The same results.
I noticed that in BuildHints it automatically adds android.playService.maps=true, and when i tried to add the android.includeGPlayServices=true there is a build error, cannot be used together the error log says.
My codanameone plugin version is 3.5.8
Thanks in advance.
You need to have a google API key using this build hint:
android.xapplication=<meta-data android:name="" android:value="YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY"/>
ios.afterFinishLaunching=[GMSServices provideAPIKey:#"YOUR_IOS_API_KEY"];
You need to login to the google cloud API console and turn on map support for your application picking "native Android" and then "native iOS" then copy the key for each and replacing the strings YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY and YOUR_IOS_API_KEY respectively.
Go to the Google developers console to check your credentials.
Be aware that you need to remove the key restriction to make the API key work with Codename One.

Using a custom domain on GAE. Won't let me past Step 4

I'm trying to use a custom domain with a static site hosted on AppEngine. Once I get into Google Apps to add the domain, I just get stuck on this page. Basically, I can't get past Step 4 as per the instructions here. I click "Accept" and hit the activate button but the page just refreshes. I spent about a half hour on the phone with "Lewis" from Google phone support and he eventually told me to try App Engine support lol. During the support call we attempted to get this to work multiple times using both the latest Chrome and FF browsers with cookies/cache, etc. cleared.
No reputation, so no screenshot but like I said, the problem is at Step 4 where you have to accept GAE's terms.
Looks like similar problem here. Anyone have the same problem and/or know of a solution? Thanks
You can try other way to activate, like a html page.
I have used this method to activate.
My activated page seems those:
By html to activate => // ;
By operators to activate =>//;
Can you see them?
By the way, I am in China, so, these uploaded images that I can not see them.

Google App Engine Channel API and Chrome Extensions

Over Christmas I implemented some code to open a channel to my App Engine application using the channel API and it was working fine.
I recently returned to the code and find that it is broken, and the problem seems to lie in talkgadget that the client code is trying to load into a frame.
I took a snapshot of the code returned by /_ah/channel/jsapi on December 21 and I am comparing it to today's code.
When the older version tried to get[my-token] it was hardcoded to use http. Sensibly enough, the code was later changed to check the page's protocol in document.location and adapt to cases where https is used. The problem now is that when running in a chrome extension it grabs chrome-extension: as the protocol and naturally the channel fails to open in the extension.
Setting the base of the background page to my appspot URL does not change document.location, although I had some vague notion that it should. (Not sure what the standards say.)
Is there a workaround for this? One thought was to create my own iframe loaded from my site, but then it will nest the actual channel iframe, complicating things.
I wonder if Moishe or someone else on the App Engine team could comment on this. It seems like the this is a bug and the code should take into chrome extensions either by testing for the protocol and searching for a base tag as an alternative, or provide some way to configure this through the javascript object.
Yep, this is a bug. There's a fix submitted, and it's in the process of rolling out to production; it'll probably be out in about a week.
In the meantime, your idea of an iframe embedded in the extension should work.
