Flash Builder 4.6 Native extension Error - c

i have an error that i dont understand why appear, the most weird is that happens sometimes but lately happens always, the code that i use is the same and i dont have make any changes to it, in fact i dont execute any code in the start of the application, i use buttons , so i dont get a reason with this error please help me, the error is a dialog that say:
Native extension Error: there are packaging errors/warning. Check each native extension in the Flex Build Packaging Page for each target platform. would you like to continue?
And when i click yes the program dont start, the debbuger show me the line:
[SWF] SerialCOMGame.swf - 2,121,630 bytes after decompression
but never start, i am using RS232 library for serial communication, before of get this error this work fine but i dont know what happen, my C code is:
* NativeSerialComunication.c
* Created on: Jan 10, 2012
* Author: Diego Fernando
#include "NativeSerialComunication.h"
int comport = 0;
int baudrate = 57600;
int buffsize = 4096;
unsigned char buffer[4096];
uint32_t comportOpened = 0;
FREObject IsSupported(FREContext ctx, void* functionData, uint32_t argc,
FREObject argv[]) {
FREObject result;
uint32_t isSuppoerted = 1;
FRENewObjectFromBool(isSuppoerted, &result);
return result;
int startCOMListener() {
if (!OpenComport(comport, baudrate)) {
comportOpened = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
void stopCOMListener() {
comportOpened = 0;
void COMListener(FREContext ctx) {
uint8_t compbytes = 0;
while (comportOpened) {
compbytes = PollComport(comport, buffer, buffsize);
FREDispatchStatusEventAsync(ctx, (const uint8_t *) "listening for data",(const uint8_t *)"datalistening");
if (compbytes) {
FREDispatchStatusEventAsync(ctx, (const uint8_t *) buffer,
(const uint8_t *) "datareceived");
FREObject startSerialListener(FREContext ctx, void* functionData, uint32_t argc,
FREObject argv[]) {
FREObject result;
if (startCOMListener()) {
FREDispatchStatusEventAsync(ctx, (const uint8_t *) "listener started",
(const uint8_t *) "listenerstarted");
FRENewObjectFromBool(comportOpened, &result);
return result;
FREObject stopSerialListener(FREContext ctx, void* functionData, uint32_t argc,
FREObject argv[]) {
FREObject result;
FRENewObjectFromBool(comportOpened, &result);
return result;
FREObject sendDataToSerialPort(FREContext ctx, void* functionData,
uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) {
FREObject result;
uint32_t dataSended = 0;
uint32_t dataToSend = 0;
printf("data to be sended %d",dataToSend);
if (comportOpened && !SendByte(comport,dataToSend)) {
dataSended = 1;
FRENewObjectFromBool(dataSended, &result);
return result;
void MyContextInitializer(void* extData, const uint8_t* ctxType, FREContext ctx,
uint32_t* numFunctionsToSet, const FRENamedFunction** functionsToSet) {
*numFunctionsToSet = 4;
FRENamedFunction* func = (FRENamedFunction*) malloc(
sizeof(FRENamedFunction) * 4);
func[0].name = (const uint8_t*) "isSupported";
func[0].functionData = 0;
func[0].function = &IsSupported;
func[1].name = (const uint8_t*) "sendDataToSerialPort";
func[1].functionData = 0;
func[1].function = &sendDataToSerialPort;
func[2].name = (const uint8_t*) "startSerialListener";
func[2].functionData = 0;
func[2].function = &startSerialListener;
func[3].name = (const uint8_t*) "stopSerialListener";
func[3].functionData = 0;
func[3].function = &stopSerialListener;
/*func[1].name = (const uint8_t*) "sayHelloWorld";
func[1].functionData = 0;
func[1].function = &sayHelloWorld;*/
*functionsToSet = func;
void MyContextFinalizer(FREContext ctx) {
void initializer(void** extDataToSet,
FREContextInitializer* ctxInitializerToSet,
FREContextFinalizer* ctxFinalizerToSet) {
extDataToSet = 0; // This example does not use any extension data.
*ctxInitializerToSet = &MyContextInitializer;
*ctxFinalizerToSet = &MyContextFinalizer;
void finalizer(void** extDataToSet) {
And this is my ActionScript code that use the native C code:
package com.nativeserialcomunication.driver
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
import flash.events.StatusEvent;
import flash.external.ExtensionContext;
public class NativeSerialComunication extends EventDispatcher
private var extensionContext:ExtensionContext;
private var isSerialListenerStarted:Boolean = false;
public function NativeSerialComunication(target:IEventDispatcher=null)
extensionContext =ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext("com.nativeserialcomunitacion.driver.NativeSerialComunitation","");
public function init():void{
if(extensionContext.call("startSerialListener") as Boolean){
isSerialListenerStarted = true;
trace("serial listener started");
trace("no serial listener started");
public function statusHandle(event:StatusEvent):void{
trace("the event ("+event.level+") received, data:"+event.code);
public function isSupported():Boolean{
return extensionContext.call("isSupported") as Boolean;
public function sendDataToSerialPort(data:uint):Boolean{
return extensionContext.call("sendDataToSerialPort",data) as Boolean;

The native extension package checkbox for your target platform(s) may need to be checked.
Navigate to:
Project Properties -> Flex Build Packaging -> Apple iOS (or Android, etc.)
Select the Native Extensions tab and make sure "Package" is checked.


How to port NimBLE to a project of nrf52832 and make ble mesh work

I have ported it, but it doesn't work . It compiled successfully but the board doesn't work and the app named nRF Mesh can't find the Unprovisioned device (the board), if I delete these codes about porting nimble then the board works I use a project like this https://github.com/InfiniTimeOrg/InfiniTime (for reference)
Here is the function I call in my main() to init nimble:
void nimble_port_init(void) {
void os_msys_init(void);
void ble_store_ram_init(void);
int res;
res = hal_timer_init(5, NULL);
ASSERT(res == 0);
res = os_cputime_init(32768);
ASSERT(res == 0);
ble_svc_gap_init ();
Here is some functions about porting and ble mesh:
(1) about controller/host task and mesh_init and provision
nimble_port_freertos_init(TaskFunction_t host_task_fn)
* Create task where NimBLE LL will run. This one is required as LL has its
* own event queue and should have highest priority. The task function is
* provided by NimBLE and in case of FreeRTOS it does not need to be wrapped
* since it has compatible prototype.
xTaskCreate(nimble_port_ll_task_func, "ll", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE + 400,
NULL, configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1, &ll_task_h);
* Create task where NimBLE host will run. It is not strictly necessary to
* have separate task for NimBLE host, but since something needs to handle
* default queue it is just easier to make separate task which does this.
xTaskCreate(host_task_fn, "ble", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE + 400,
NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, &host_task_h);
mesh_initialized(TaskFunction_t mesh_task_fn)
xTaskCreate(mesh_task_fn,"mesh",configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE + 400, NULL,
tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, &mesh_task_h);
void BleHost(void*) {
void Int_Pub(void)
bt_mesh_pub_msg_health_pub = NET_BUF_SIMPLE(1 + 3 +0);
bt_mesh_pub_msg_gen_data_pub_srv = NET_BUF_SIMPLE(2 + 2);
bt_mesh_pub_msg_gen_data_pub_cli = NET_BUF_SIMPLE(2 + 2);
health_pub.msg = bt_mesh_pub_msg_health_pub;
gen_data_pub_srv.msg = bt_mesh_pub_msg_gen_data_pub_srv;
gen_data_pub_cli.msg = bt_mesh_pub_msg_gen_data_pub_cli;
void InitPrepare(void)
ble_hs_cfg.reset_cb = blemesh_on_reset;
ble_hs_cfg.sync_cb = blemesh_on_sync;
ble_hs_cfg.store_status_cb = ble_store_util_status_rr;
/* ble_svc_gap_init();
ble_svc_gatt_init(); */
void nimble_port_run(void)
struct ble_npl_event *ev;
while (1) {
ev = ble_npl_eventq_get(&g_eventq_dflt, BLE_NPL_TIME_FOREVER);
static void blemesh_on_sync(void)
int err;
ble_addr_t addr;
NRF_LOG_INFO("Bluetooth initialized\n");
err = ble_hs_id_gen_rnd(1,&addr);
assert(err == 0);
err = ble_hs_id_set_rnd(addr.val);
assert(err == 0);
err = bt_mesh_init(addr.type,&prov,&comp);
//err = bt_mesh_init(0,&prov,&comp);
NRF_LOG_INFO("Initializing mesh failed (err %d)\n", err);
bt_mesh_prov_enable(BT_MESH_PROV_ADV | BT_MESH_PROV_GATT);
NRF_LOG_INFO("Mesh network restored from flash\n");
NRF_LOG_INFO("Mesh initialized\n");
(2)some interrupt handlers and ...
void RADIO_IRQHandler(void) {
((void (*)(void)) radio_isr_addr)();
void RNG_IRQHandler(void) {
((void (*)(void)) rng_isr_addr)();
void RTC0_IRQHandler(void) {
((void (*)(void)) rtc0_isr_addr)();
void WDT_IRQHandler(void) {
void npl_freertos_hw_set_isr(int irqn, void (*addr)(void)) {
switch (irqn) {
case RADIO_IRQn:
radio_isr_addr = addr;
case RNG_IRQn:
rng_isr_addr = addr;
case RTC0_IRQn:
rtc0_isr_addr = addr;
uint32_t npl_freertos_hw_enter_critical(void) {
uint32_t ctx = __get_PRIMASK();
return (ctx & 0x01);
void npl_freertos_hw_exit_critical(uint32_t ctx) {
if (!ctx) {
extern struct ble_npl_eventq g_eventq_dflt;

C & libconfig: config_lookup_bool returns CONFIG_FALSE

I'm trying to read a bool setting from a group. I'm using the following code, but config_lookup_bool always returns CONFIG_FALSE. As far as I understood it should write the value into send_keys and return CONFIG_TRUE instead.
int send_keys;
config_t cfg;
config_read_file(&cfg, "config.cfg")
if (config_lookup_bool(&cfg, "settings.send_keys", &send_keys))
// do something here
settings :
send_keys = "true";
start_apps = "false";
sync_clocks = "false";
pc_clock_is_origin = "true";
calibration_start_time = 0L;
Is there any mistake in my code or my thoughts?
There is a config_lookup_bool example here that includes the config file and the code: (use this example to compare against what you have.)
config file contents:
# authenticator
name = "JP";
enabled = false;
length = 186;
ldap = {
host = "ldap.example.com";
base = "ou=usr,o=example.com"; /* adapt this */
retries = [10, 15, 20, 60]; // Use more than 2
Source to read and process it...
int main(int argc, char **argv)
config_t cfg, *cf;
const config_setting_t *retries;
const char *base = NULL;
int count, n, enabled;
cf = &cfg;
if (!config_read_file(cf, "ldap.cfg")) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d - %s\n",
if (config_lookup_bool(cf, "enabled", &enabled))
printf("Enabled: %s\n", enabled ? "Yep" : "Nope");
printf("Enabled is not defined\n");
if (config_lookup_string(cf, "ldap.base", &base))
printf("Host: %s\n", base);
retries = config_lookup(cf, "ldap.retries");
count = config_setting_length(retries);
printf("I have %d retries:\n", count);
for (n = 0; n < count; n++) {
printf("\t#%d. %d\n", n + 1,
config_setting_get_int_elem(retries, n));
return 0;
Thanks for your input. The problem was that I had true/false in "" and therefore it was parsed as string. It should have been
settings :
send_keys = true;
start_apps = false;
sync_clocks = false;
pc_clock_is_origin = true;
calibration_start_time = 0L;

How to trigger creation of savefile

I'm trying to create a libretro core. It will be a standalone game, so I'm setting RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SUPPORT_NO_GAME to true. The documentation suggests that retro_get_memory_* can be used to have data saved without needing to explicitly query RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_SAVE_DIRECTORY:
The save directory should be used to
store SRAM, memory cards, high scores, etc, if the libretro core
cannot use the regular memory interface (retro_get_memory_data()).
How should the core trigger the saving of data using this interface? Or am I misunderstanding the documentation?
I would expect the frontend to call retro_get_memory_{data,size}, read from the exposed buffer when stopping the core, persist the data to disk, and write it back to the exposed buffer the next time the core starts. Instead I observe:
If I don't provide a content file, the frontend never calls retro_get_memory_{data,size}.
If I provide a content file (which is unused), the frontend calls retro_get_memory_{data,size} after retro_load_game but doesn't write to disk.
Note that this question is about save files (automatically persisted data, usually capturing the player's progress), not save states (snapshots of the game state triggered by the user) which are implemented by the *serialize* methods.
Here is a simple example to reproduce the issue (based on this sample):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "libretro.h"
static unsigned char c = 0;
void* retro_get_memory_data(unsigned id) {
fprintf(stderr, "retro_get_memory_data(%d)\n", id);
return (id == RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM) ? &c : NULL;
size_t retro_get_memory_size(unsigned id) {
fprintf(stderr, "retro_get_memory_size(%d)\n", id);
return (id == RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM) ? 1 : 0;
#define WIDTH 320
#define HEIGHT 240
static uint32_t* frame_buf;
void retro_init(void) { frame_buf = calloc(WIDTH * HEIGHT, sizeof(uint32_t)); }
void retro_deinit(void) {
frame_buf = NULL;
unsigned retro_api_version(void) { return RETRO_API_VERSION; }
void retro_get_system_info(struct retro_system_info* info) {
memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
info->library_name = "SaveTest";
info->library_version = "v1";
info->need_fullpath = false;
info->valid_extensions = NULL; // Anything is fine, we don't care.
static retro_video_refresh_t video_cb;
static retro_environment_t environ_cb;
static retro_input_poll_t input_poll_cb;
static retro_input_state_t input_state_cb;
void retro_set_input_poll(retro_input_poll_t cb) { input_poll_cb = cb; }
void retro_set_input_state(retro_input_state_t cb) { input_state_cb = cb; }
void retro_set_video_refresh(retro_video_refresh_t cb) { video_cb = cb; }
void retro_set_environment(retro_environment_t cb) {
environ_cb = cb;
bool no_content = true;
void retro_get_system_av_info(struct retro_system_av_info* info) {
float aspect = (float)WIDTH / HEIGHT;
info->timing = (struct retro_system_timing){
.fps = 60.0,
.sample_rate = 0.0,
info->geometry = (struct retro_game_geometry){
.base_width = WIDTH,
.base_height = HEIGHT,
.max_width = WIDTH,
.max_height = HEIGHT,
.aspect_ratio = aspect,
unsigned retro_get_region(void) { return RETRO_REGION_NTSC; }
bool retro_load_game(const struct retro_game_info* info) {
enum retro_pixel_format fmt = RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB8888;
if (!environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_PIXEL_FORMAT, &fmt)) {
fprintf(stderr, "XRGB8888 is not supported.\n");
return false;
return true;
bool button(unsigned id) {
return input_state_cb(0, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, id);
void retro_run(void) {
if (button(RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT) && c > 0) --c;
if (button(RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT) && c < 255) ++c;
uint32_t color = (255 - c) | (c << 8);
uint32_t* buf = frame_buf;
for (unsigned i = WIDTH * HEIGHT; i > 0; --i) {
*buf = color;
video_cb(frame_buf, WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH * sizeof(uint32_t));
void retro_unload_game(void) {}
size_t retro_serialize_size(void) { return 1; }
bool retro_serialize(void* data, size_t size) {
fprintf(stderr, "serialize(%p, %lu) <= %u\n", data, size, c);
*(char*)data = c;
return true;
bool retro_unserialize(const void* data, size_t size) {
c = *(char*)data;
fprintf(stderr, "unserialize(%p, %lu) => %u\n", data, size, c);
return true;
void retro_set_controller_port_device(unsigned port, unsigned device) {}
void retro_set_audio_sample(retro_audio_sample_t cb) {}
void retro_set_audio_sample_batch(retro_audio_sample_batch_t cb) {}
void retro_reset(void) {}
bool retro_load_game_special(unsigned type, const struct retro_game_info* info,
size_t num) {
return false;
void retro_cheat_reset(void) {}
void retro_cheat_set(unsigned index, bool enabled, const char* code) {}
It is undocumented but intended that auto save does not trigger for a core without content.
Moreover auto save was not triggering for cores which had content but could support no content. This was unintended and recently fixed.
Reference: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/9300

How do I check the call order of different functions in C

in order to set a certain variable (MyVariable) to "TRUE" I have to check that a specific function call order was respected within a system.
For example, I have different functions within the system:
uint8 myFunction1()
if (...)
return NOT_OK
return OK
uint8 myFunction2()
if (...)
return NOT_OK
return OK
uint8 myFunction3()
if (...)
return NOT_OK
return OK
MyVariable = TRUE only if:
OK == myFunction1
OK == myFunction2
OK == myFunction3
exactly this call order was respected.
How to check the call order in C but without touching the body of the functions (like setting some flags´etc.)?
I'm still beginner and experimenting with C :)
This is almost certainly an "XY problem". That is, you think saving the call order is the solution to your actual problem, but your actual problem might be to ensure that the functions can't be called in the wrong order in the first place.
So the most correct way to fix this is to remake the program design. Someone mentioned state machines as one solution. Another solution might be something like an array of function pointers (which is a common implementation of state machines).
That being said, you can do something artificial to track the call order, though I wouldn't really recommend it. Example:
#define CALL_ORDER_N 3
const char* call_order [CALL_ORDER_N] = {NULL};
size_t call_order_i = 0;
static void save_call (const char* func)
call_order[call_order_i] = func;
if(call_order_i == CALL_ORDER_N)
call_order_i = 0;
Where call_order saves the 3 last function calls as pointers to string literals. The function save_call updates this array, by passing the __func__ constant to it from each function. __func__ is guaranteed to work like a static const char[] so this is safe. You'd do something like this:
void myFunction1 (void)
void myFunction2 (void)
void myFunction3 (void)
And then go through the calls to see if they were in the correct order:
static bool is_call_order_ok (void)
const char* expected_order [CALL_ORDER_N] =
size_t co_i = call_order_i;
for(size_t i=0; i<CALL_ORDER_N; i++)
if(strcmp(call_order[co_i], expected_order[i])==0)
if(co_i == CALL_ORDER_N)
co_i = 0;
return false;
return true;
Full example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#define CALL_ORDER_N 3
const char* call_order [CALL_ORDER_N] = {NULL};
size_t call_order_i = 0;
static void save_call (const char* func)
call_order[call_order_i] = func;
if(call_order_i == CALL_ORDER_N)
call_order_i = 0;
static bool is_call_order_ok (void)
const char* expected_order [CALL_ORDER_N] =
size_t co_i = call_order_i;
for(size_t i=0; i<CALL_ORDER_N; i++)
if(strcmp(call_order[co_i], expected_order[i])==0)
if(co_i == CALL_ORDER_N)
co_i = 0;
return false;
return true;
void myFunction1 (void)
void myFunction2 (void)
void myFunction3 (void)
int main (void)
printf("Call 1,2,3: ");
printf(is_call_order_ok() ? "Ok\n" : "Failed\n");
printf("Call 3,2,1: ");
printf(is_call_order_ok() ? "Ok\n" : "Failed\n");
printf("Call 1,1,1: ");
printf(is_call_order_ok() ? "Ok\n" : "Failed\n");
return 0;
The advanced, more professional version of the above, would be to cook together a mini-API with a single function, in order to give private encapsulation to every single variable. The function save_call would then be a multi-purpose function, that can be used to register expected call order, save function calls, as well as verify if the current registered order is ok.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#define CALL_ORDER_N 3
static bool save_call (const char* func, bool verify)
bool result;
static const char* call_order [CALL_ORDER_N] = {NULL};
static size_t call_order_i = 0;
static const char* expected_order [CALL_ORDER_N] = {NULL};
size_t i = call_order_i;
if(verify) // special case, verify the order
for(size_t expected=0; expected<CALL_ORDER_N; expected++)
if(call_order[i] == expected_order[expected])
if(i == CALL_ORDER_N)
i = 0;
return false;
return true;
if(expected_order[i] == NULL) // register order of calls
expected_order[i] = func;
result = true;
else // save calls
call_order[i] = func;
result = false;
if(call_order_i == CALL_ORDER_N)
call_order_i = 0;
return result;
void myFunction1 (void)
if(save_call(__func__, false))
return ;
printf("Execute stuff in %s.\n", __func__);
void myFunction2 (void)
if(save_call(__func__, false))
return ;
printf("Execute stuff in %s.\n", __func__);
void myFunction3 (void)
if(save_call(__func__, false))
return ;
printf("Execute stuff in %s.\n", __func__);
int main (void)
/* register call order: */
printf("Call 1,2,3:\n");
printf(save_call(NULL, true) ? "Ok\n\n" : "Failed\n\n");
printf("Call 3,2,1:\n");
printf(save_call(NULL, true) ? "Ok\n\n" : "Failed\n\n");
printf("Call 1,1,1:\n");
printf(save_call(NULL, true) ? "Ok\n\n" : "Failed\n\n");
return 0;
save_call should of course be properly placed in a .h/.c file pair of its own.
There is no direct and portable way. That being said, debuggers are great at breaking execution flow when a function is reached, so you could either use a debugger, or use debugging functions to be warned when the functions are called (unfortunately nothing portable here).
Alternatively, some linkers allow to hide some identifiers and replace them so with custom (and advanced) link options you could replace all call to those functions with calls to custom wrappers. But here again it would only makes sense for a specific implementation so it is not a C way either.
Anyway, this is such an uncommon requirement that I cannot imagine the actual reasonning behind. Maybe you could give more context about your real problem...

Emit signal is not happening in bluez dbus

I wrote some basic code to access the "start inquiry" bluez functionality by using dbus api's. Start Inquiry is happening that I could saw on hcidump. But I am not receiving any signal from the dbus which is "DeviceFound". I have tried lot. I tried to use different dbus tools like d-feet, dbus-monitor, bustle but I couln't got any clue.
Below is my written code. Anyone please tell me why this code is not working.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dbus/dbus.h>
#include <glib.h>
struct generic_data {
unsigned int refcount;
GSList *interfaces;
char *introspect;
static void unregister(DBusConnection *connection, void *user_data)
static DBusHandlerResult filter_func(DBusConnection *connection,
DBusMessage *message, void *user_data)
printf("Signal is called \n");
if (dbus_message_is_signal(message, "org.bluez.Adapter",
const char *adapter, *bdaddr;
char *name;
DBusMessageIter iter;
dbus_message_iter_init(message, &iter);
dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &bdaddr);
printf("Finally found device address is %s\n", bdaddr);
static DBusObjectPathVTable generic_table = {
.unregister_function = unregister,
.message_function = filter_func,
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
DBusConnection *conn;
DBusError error;
DBusMessage *msg, *reply,*signal;
dbus_bool_t hcid_exists,start;
DBusMessageIter reply_iter;
const char *name,*address;
char *adapter, *match;
DBusMessageIter iter;
struct generic_data *data;
va_list var_args;
static GMainLoop *loop = NULL;
conn = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, NULL);
hcid_exists = dbus_bus_name_has_owner(conn, "org.bluez", &error);
printf("good news hurrey\n");
/* Get the default adapter */
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez", "/", "org.bluez.Manager", "DefaultAdapter");
if (msg == NULL) {
return FALSE;
reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(conn, msg, -1, &error);
if (dbus_error_is_set(&error))
dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &reply_iter);
if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&reply_iter) != DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH)
return FALSE;
dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&reply_iter, &adapter);
adapter = g_strdup(adapter);
//printf("Ohhhh gooood finally got adapter name %s\n",adapter);
data = g_new0(struct generic_data, 1);
if (!dbus_connection_register_object_path(conn,adapter,&generic_table, data)) {
return FALSE;
if (!dbus_connection_add_filter(conn, filter_func, data, g_free))
return FALSE;
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",adapter,"org.bluez.Adapter", "StartDiscovery");
printf("conn is failed\n");
start = dbus_connection_send_with_reply(conn, msg,NULL,-1);
printf("msg is failed\n");
//printf("Main llop hasd tp start\n");
loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, TRUE);
return 0;
