Is it possible to reduce the startup time of MacRuby scripts which use the ScriptingBridge? - macruby

I would like to use MacRuby with ScriptingBridge instead of AppleScript to control Mac applications which support AppleScript. I used to do this using appscript, which is effectively deprecated, hence the move the MacRuby and scripting bridge.
The only problem I have is that the ScriptingBridge framework takes about a second to load, even on a fast machine with a fast SSD. For example, this simple script takes about 0.9 seconds to run, with almost of the time spend loading the ScriptingBridge framework:
#!/usr/bin/env macruby
framework "ScriptingBridge"
textedit = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier("")
The equivalent osascript takes about 70 milliseconds to run, and py-appscript used to give similar times:
osascript -e 'tell application "TextEdit" to activate'
Is there any straightforward way to bundle/compile/shrink a MacRuby/ScriptingBridge script into something that starts more quickly?
I've tried using macrubyc to bundle the script into a standalone executable, but the resulting executable doesn't run much faster than the script when run normally, still taking about a second to run.
(My hunch is no, since a compilation step like macrubyc can't easily see which parts of the framework will be accessed by the script, making it hard to optimize.)


RED Robot Editor - Is there anyway to execute multiple testsuites parallelly?

I have 7 testsuites that are specific to languages something like German, Finish, Italy etc., I would like to execute all at one time. Kindly provide me solution on this. Referred to many materials, but having confusions that how we should work with RED Editor.
AFAIK the only possibility to add parallel execution to robot tests is to
parallelize code inside python classes or
make each test suite a
separate test call (i.e. with ctest execution) and call several of
them separately (ctest -j)
RIDE does not provide this, nor does robotframework natively.
In the recent releases of RED it is possible to use a custom script to launch robot from RED. The documentation shows some examples in the Launch Scripting section. In the section about launching using Gradle there is a nice Windows batch example.
This could be used to have RED launch Pabot to run several Robot sessions in parallel. This would allow you to achieve the parallelisation from RED you seek.
The Selenium Grid can help with this, but I'd consider it if the testing load needs to be spread across multiple machines. If only running locally, then pabot itself is sufficient.

Simple Tensorflow with Custom Packages on Google Cloud

The task: Run a tensorflow script I wrote in the cloud with at least 32GB of memory.
Requirements: The script has some dependencies like numpy, scipy, and mkt. I need to be able to install these. I just want a no-nonsense ssh shell like experience. I want to put all my files including the training data in a directory, pip install the packages if necessary, then just hit python and let it run. I'm not looking to run a web app or have Google's machine learning platform do it for me.
All the tutorials around seem needlessly complicated, like they're meant for scaled deployments with http requests and all that. I'm looking for a simple way to run code on a server since my computer is too weak for machine learning.
Don't use AppEngine -- use Compute Engine instead. Almost the same thing, but very simple and you are completely in control of what you run, what you install etc.
Simple steps that should work for you:
-Create a Compute Engine instance
-Chose operating system (Ubuntu xx, but you can choose others instead)
-Chose how many CPUs and how much memory you want (select Customize in order to set yourself the CPU/memory ratio rather than getting default options)
-Enable HTTP/HTTPs in order to be able to use Tensorboard later
-Once created, SSH into the machine. Python is already pre-installed (2.7 default, but 3.x also available as Python3 alias)
-Install Tensorflow, Numpy, Pandas, and whatever you want with simple PIP
-You can also install Bazel if you want to build Tensorflow from source and to speed up the CPU operations
-Install gcsfuse if you want to copy/paste stuff quickly from cloud storage buckets
-Use tmux if you want to run several Tensorflow sessions in parallel ( try different hyperparameters/etc.)
This is all very clean and simple and works really well. Don't forget to shut it down after finished. You can also create a Preemptable instance to make it super-cheap (but it can be shut down at any time without warning, but happens rarely).

How to have console output for Intel ManyCore Lab batch jobs?

I'm currently testing an OpenMP parallel program on Intel's ManyCore Testing Lab computers, and have been using
qsub -l select=1:ncpus=30 $HOME/myjob
to add the job and run it. It puts the output from the program into a file called myjob.o123456 (where the numbers depend on the job ID), but I'd like it to output to the console while the job is running, that way I can figure out the progress my program is making. Does anybody know how to do this?
Take a look at Interactive Jobs in torque.
Basically just add a -I to get an interactive shell on the node.
qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=30 $HOME/myjob
Note: If you are using torque 4.x, make sure you are using torque 4.2.2 or or later because there was recently a bug with interactive MPI jobs.

How to run matlab script on server? or Is there an online matlab interpreter?

I have a matlab script Temp_script.m (say) which,I want to execute on remote
The server(remote) that I am using is free online hosting which gives me 1.5GB storage.
Since the server is remote one, I have no access to it, to install matlab software or runtime environment.
locally I can run the matlab script on my server.Obviously because I have matlab installed on my system.
My question "Is there a method to run the script online.? or Is there
any online interpreter for matlab?"
Thanking in advance
-Ryaan Dias
You can compile your project using deploytool.
This will give you several options, you can make a dll and probably even an exe.
However, the program is not going to run itself, so if you want it to run automatically on the server you need to have a framework there. Example could be .net but i guess there are easier ones.
AFAIK there isn't a web interface for Matlab, and I doubt that the Matlab license would cover such a use case. However, there you could always try to use the open-source equivalent Octave . Octave can execute Matlab code with only minor modifications.
A quick google search for Octave Web Server yielded many results. This was the first hit:

How to check JRE version prior to launch?

What's the best way to determine if the version of the JRE installed on a machine is high enough for the application which the user wants to run? Is there a way of doing it using java-only stuff? I'd like the solution to work on Windows/Linux/MacOSX - if the JRE version is too low a message should be displayed. Currently I'm getting an exception if i try to run it on Java 1.5 (the app is built for Java 1.6). If there's no universal solution, what's the best way to do it on Windows?
You could do this using reflection and two compilers. Compile a main class with the oldest java version you want to be able to run at all with. It checks the version using System.getProperty("java.version"), or whatever, and then uses reflection to load your real main class if that check passes, possibly even loading the jar directly. The JRE shouldn't load any classes that weren't referenced by your outer main class at compile time.
You might consider Java Webstart. Even if the name implies something like applets, it's about standalone-applications. Webstart is a launcher, that checks a JNLP-file (a simple XML-file, where you configure the download-location of your app, the needed Java-version and some other metadata) and starts your app with the correct JRE. It even updates the application, if a newer version is available. The downside is, you have to write a JNLP-file. Here is an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# #(#)draw.jnlp 1.6 02/09/11
# JNLP File for Draw Demo Application
<jnlp spec="0.2 1.0"
<title>Draw 4 App</title>
<vendor>Sun Microsystems, Inc.</vendor>
<homepage href=""/>
<description>A minimalist drawing application along the lines of Illustrator</description>
<description kind="short">Draw Demo Short Description</description>
<icon href="images/draw.jpg"/>
<j2se version="1.3+" href=""/>
<j2se version="1.3+"/>
<jar href="draw.jar" main="true" download="eager"/>
<application-desc main-class="Draw"/>
A second possibility is to use a launcher-program. An example is the Apache Commons Launcher. You can also write some launcher app yourself, but that's usually not worth the effort.
You might also consider using Commons-Launcher, which allows you to setup various environment settings, or perform pre-checks before calling your application.
Generally, we've approached this with a C or (when unix-only) shell wrapper. Not sure this will really work for you.
We also approach this by embedding the JRE in our product. Takes care of 99.9% of the cases (the other 0.1% of the time is a user explicitly changing our configuration to use a different JVM). Again, not sure that this is a reasonable solution for you.
In our case, there is significant amounts of native code (JNI and otherwise), so tailoring an installable image for each platform we support is required anyway. But if you're dealing with a pure-Java solution, you may simply have to document your minimum and tell people to get with the program (no pun intended) if they're to run your stuff. It's sorta like people complaining that my Mac won't run MSVC, or that my Linux box is having problems running World of Warcraft. That's just not the (virtual) machine the software is targeted for - you need to switch. At least in the Java world, we really can call this an upgrade, though, without hurting anyone's OS-religious feelings. (Try telling the Mac user to "upgrade" to Windows XP to run MSVC - there's a beat-down waiting to happen.)
You can require a Java version when running the Java command, e.g. java -version:1.6* Not sure if this works on all releases of Java, but it works OK on 1.6 anyway.
An application built for a higher-version JRE will not run on a lower-version JRE. So you wouldn't be able to just add code to your application to check the JRE version - if the JRE version was incompatible, your JRE-version-checking code would not run in the first place.
What you'd have to do is have some sort of launcher application that is built for a lower-version JRE (1.3?) that checks the version and then launches your app if necessary. This sounds kind of kludgy to me.
What about checking the version during installation? Are you installing the app in a way that allows you to check environment variables, or do any sort of scripting?
For the launcher - Check the version in there.
Inside the APP; as above use System.getProperties();
Properties sProp = java.lang.System.getProperties();
String sVersion = sProp.getProperty("java.version");
sVersion = sVersion.substring(0, 3);
Float f = Float.valueOf(sVersion);
if (f.floatValue() < (float) 1.4) {
System.out.println("Java version too low ....");
Have a launching class compiled for Java 1.2 which invokes the real main() in your 1.6 classes. If an unsupported class exception is thrown them catch it and display a nice error message.
Here is the code to get the JRE version installed in a system.
var list = deployJava.getJREs();
var result = "";
result = list[0];
for (var i=1; i<list.length; i++)
result += ", " + list[i];
document.write("jre version : "+result);
System.getProperties() gives you a listing of JVM properties including the different version ids of the JRE, JVM and specification. This implemented for all versions of Java so should work regardless of version compiled in and version run in, or the implementation.
If you write a basic class to test the version, you can call this first in your main() launching class. It must really be basic functionality though or you might risk breaking it.
Hmm .. call me a boring guy, but what's wrong with using Launch4J or any other native launcher, for instance.
Use a native launcher to check the JVM version before actually running your code. Java only solutions (in my book) only make sense when you deal with developers; once you hit end-users, you'll realize that they dont care about Java or its technical details at all. If you would have written your application in GW-Basic they would not care less as long as your application works.
If Java 1.6 is not installed, lauchner4j will point the user to the download page for JDK 1.6. Thats probably more suitable for your problem than doing magic in Java.
I find that WinRun4J works quite well for me (but then again I may be biased since I wrote it:-)). This lets you specify a minimum and/or maximum version of java allowed. It will pop up a message box to the user if a suitable JRE version is not found (and the message is customisable).
All those above is too damn complicated.
Just go:
Properties props = System.getProperties()
And you will see everything about your JVM, JRE, JDK and staff.
Or get a specific value by using:
//full list of possible props you can see if u run code above
String props = System.getProperty(prop)
