I haven't had much luck finding help for this in terms of Drupal 7, but this is the closest I've found:
Drupal Views: Display recent nodes created by user on profile page
Basically, I want to access user pages at site.com/users/billy_joel, and have the users profile visible, plus a paginated list of their posts in reverse chronological order. I've tried messing around with Views, but I'm a little shaky with Drupal 7's Views.
Basically, I'd like the view to return an array of the posts so I can theme the results myself.
Has anyone done anything like this and does anyone have any pointers?
Thanks in advance!
1.You can create new views to list out the latest contents created by user and make user id as contextual filter which will get uid from url.
2.Create custome user profile page template with Display Suite
3.Render view in user profile template.
I'm looking to edit Drupal's admin pages.
Some of the things I'm trying to achieve:
Remove is the the filter setting on the Content page/node/view. In other words, if I go to to the Content page and I filter by a certain type of node, then I leave that page, then come back, the filter setting is saved, I'd like it to reset each time I visit the Content page.
I would like to modify some of links associated with these pages, as an example on that Same Content page, the titles of the pages are linked to their 'front-end' views, I'd rather have them link to their 'edit' screens.
While I have been successful in modifying the front-end theme of Drupal, by editing the actual php files. I can't find the the same php files for the Admin theme. In our case we are using Seven (7.21). I've read something about views, and thought maybe the entire Admin theme is built as views, aka there no php files involved like the front-end theme has, but under the Views section I did not find any either. I'm still pretty new at this and coming from the Wordpress world, this is a Drupal is a lot different.
The logic for that section of the admin area is at (from the public root):
Specifically "node.admin.inc"
That being said, I don't recommend editing core scripts, as they will be overwritten when you update the core.
You could explore making your own module to supplement that page, or your own view or explore some pre-made modules, such as "Admin Views"
Find de view displayed and go to its configuration :
1 - Edit configuration view like suggested here : https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/44440/how-to-remember-exposed-filter-choices
2 - Rewrite output views to rewrite link : field https://www.drupal.org/node/1578524
Another option is to create and use your own dashboard/views to achive like you want http://definitivedrupal.org/suggestions/creating-custom-administrator-view-content
also you can see contrib module : https://www.drupal.org/project/admin_views
You don't have to use that default content overview page at all. Make your own instead:
Make a page view (you have to install views module if you already did not: https://www.drupal.org/project/views) and use table layout. Make sure that page paths starts with "admin" so it will use admin theme. Also pay attention about permissions, so only specific set of users (admins) can use it.
For that view you can freely select what columns you what to show. You can also allow ordering by any column and action if you click on some field.
Use exposed filters to add filtering form, again add any filters you need. You can even set the form to use AJAX, to do auto-submit when some filter field is changed, include reset button and more. Also for every exposed filed you can select (at fields settings) should it remember it's value or not.
At end, edit admin menu and add your new page to it so it will look and act as default one but will offer much more functionality. You can even totally remove default one from the admin menu.
Views module is very powerful, not only for front-end but also for back-end content handling.
Currently the list component just shows all items (links) but I'm trying to find a way to hide a certain links, based on the logged in user role.
It seems that [Plugin:Equals] and [Plugin:NotEquals] tags allow us to conditionally show/hide the links, so I think this is probably the approach can try. But when it comes to getting the user access role/group info, I feel a bit stuck.
For now, I am only able to find the following fields that are available for use:
And the online document doesn't say much either. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYJ99_8.5.0/dev-theme/themeopt_el_bean_user.html
So is it possible to get the assigned user access group via wp.user? Or perhaps there are other ways to show/hide the links in the list component?
Not via wp.user you would need to use the access control model, but would be better using the attribute based security
WCM Security will hide any links the current user doesn't have access to - be it a Site Area, Content Item / Link. Check your security on the objects which shouldn't be showing. You'll most likely find you haven't restricted access.
So title basically sums it up, how would I go about doing something like this?
I want a logged in user to have their own "logged in page" that they can view products that they have recently viewed and then suggest other products that they might like to view in the future.
Any ideas? Google literally has nothing on doing this with CakePHP.
I am so lost for what to do and this is for an assignment due tomorrow night.
You need to created a database table to records users activity. Mean, you need to save what product are browsing by users and you can show them this in next.
I'm designing a website in drupal in which users would be able to set their preferences in different areas. e.g. Fav. Games:.
Now I want these preferences to show in a seperate menu option for the users to fillout. I created a seperate node but I need someone to advise me how to link it with the users. Or if there is any other better way please guide me.
You could use the Profile 2 module: http://drupal.org/project/profile2
You can create profile fields with your different areas, which will be assigned to that user.
In Drupal 7, you can attach fields to any entity that is declared as fieldable; that includes users.
Just add the fields you need from admin/config/people/accounts/fields.
I am building a website with drupal 7 in which I have two user roles i.e. a member and an expert. I want to display slideshow of expert type of users with their image, name and few lines describing them in every instance of slideshow. All 3 fields which I require are stored in mysql database as the users entered these details at the time of signup. I used view_slideshow module but I am unable to configure it my way. Unable to create new content type.
Can it be possible to display slideshow in the way I want?
I am using "busy" theme if its required.
Using the views slideshow module you should be able to create a view where instead of displaying content you display users. On the create view page there is a spot where it says 'show: content ' as a drop down. Change this to users and then when you have the views slideshows module change the display format on the same page to slideshow.