Reset Style in certain portion of Visual Tree in WPF - wpf

I am setting some global styles for TextBox, ComboBox, TextBlock, etc. in my App.xaml file. I want these styles to flow down through the visual tree for a consistent look and that is what they are doing.
However, I am using a Ribbon in part of my UI. The style customizations are completely throwing off the appearance of the Ribbon. The ribbon sits at the same level as many other UI elements so is there a way to just reset the style for the ribbon and its visual children

I don't think that you can change this wpf behaviour.
But you can try to contain all global styles to specific resource dictionary and use it in all other VisualTree elements.
Or you can try something like this:
<Window ...>
<Style TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Red" />
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<Button x:Name="button1" Content="button" DockPanel.Dock="Top" />
<Style TargetType="Button">
<Button x:Name="button2" Content="lala" />
Element with name "button2" will be default.


Button width is not stretch

I try to use the metro style from MahApps but buttons becomes not "SizeToContent" or becomes not AutoResized or something like that.
This is my button style
<Style x:Key="GrayMetroButtonStyle" TargetType="Button" BasedOn="{StaticResource LightMetroWindowButtonStyle}">
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="5"/>
<Setter Property="Background" Value="LightGray"/>
<Setter Property="Padding" Value="2"/>
This is the style using in WPF. The width of the button's column is larger than the button needed to check autoresize.
<Grid Grid.Row="0">
<ColumnDefinition Width="80" />
<TextBlock Grid.Column="0" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Text="{Binding ManifestFileName}" Margin="5" />
<Button Grid.Column="1" Content="Change" Margin="2" Visibility="{Binding LoadButtonVisibility}" Command="{Binding LoadManifest}" Style="{StaticResource GrayMetroButtonStyle}" />
And result is
As you see, content is out of the buttons width range.
If i clear the style refference, button get a properly behavior.
Which property are rule this behavior? How can i make this buttons autoresizable?
Thanks for replies.
According to the comments in the MahApps sources, LightMetroWindowButtonStyle is intended for the minimize, maximize, and close buttons in the title bar of a Metro-style window. For that reason, the style sets a fixed Width of 34.
It looks like the 'standard' button style for MahApps is MahApps.Metro.Styles.MetroButton, so I would suggest using that instead. It actually looks like this is the style that gets applied by default, as the second image you posted (the button with the style cleared) looks like it has this style already applied.
There are others too, like SquareButtonStyle and AccentedSquareButtonStyle, which are showcased in the MahApps example app:
If you want the 'flat' look, MetroFlatButton looks pretty similar to the button in the first image. You can see the various MahApps button styles in the MahApps docs and see the actual source code on GitHub .
Note that some of the button styles force their content to display in lowercase. If you want to avoid this, you can extend one of the MahApps styles and override a single property, e.g.:
<Style x:Key="SquareButtonStyleNormalCase"
BasedOn="{StaticResource SquareButtonStyle}"
<Setter Property="m:ControlsHelper.ContentCharacterCasing"
Value="Normal" />

Binding ContentPresenter.Content to TemplatedParent (WPF/Silverlight)

Basically, I would like to overlay, for example: TextBlock over Button, by using ControlTemplate (applied to this Button), but I don't want to get rid of default template of it.
<Grid Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
<Style x:Key="myStyle" TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
<ContentPresenter />
<TextBlock Text="textBlock"
Margin="10" Foreground="Red"/>
<Button Style="{StaticResource myStyle}" Content="button1"></Button>
and it gives Button stripped of it's default template:
Rather, I would like to receive something like this:
Is it possible by using ControlTemplate? I was trying to bind TemplatedParent to ContentPresenter.Content like here:
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding
RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=TemplatedParent},
or other combinations, but I couldn't make it work.
Because I would like to be able to apply this TextBlock not only to a button (it was just an example) but to any Control, I don't want do it by copying default style (to the resources or somewhere), for every Control.
Also, I would prefer not to create UserControl, because I would like to keep xaml clean as much as possible (I mean with system Controls) - and just to turn on/off the overlaying TextBlock by using a ControlTemplate.
You could add the default style on the button and modify it to add your TextBlock. The second option, my preference, is to create a new UserControl that will contain the Button and the TextBlock with IsHitTestVisible=False. You can then add dependency properties to be able to bind to the button and the text block.

storyboard access element in a control template

I have a usercontrol that contains a custom styled button that I wish to animate.
<!-- omitted namespaces etc -->
<Style x:Key="myButtonStyle">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
<Ellipse x:Name="ellipse" Fill="Orange" />
<es:Arc x:Name="arc" EndAngle="360" Fill="Red" StartAngle="360"/>
</ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" />
<Button Tap="Fire_Animation" x:Name="myButton" Style="{StaticResource myButtonStyle}" />
Once the Button is Tapped, the Fire_Animation method starts a storyboard which is supposed to modify the "Arc" element inside the button's template.
I've seen examples for WPF like this:
// .. previous necessary method calls
StoryBoard.SetTargetName(_myAnimation, "arc");
_storyboard.Begin(myButton, myButton.Template);
But there's no such 'Begin' overload in Windows Phone and as such my storyboard raises an exception that it can't find the 'arc' element. Is there any other workaround?
I would recommend that when you tap the button, that it sets a visual state. You can then provide a storyboard as part of your button template that animates the arc element when the given visual state is applied.

How to set a default Margin for all the controls on all my WPF windows?

I want to set a default Margin of 3 on all the controls I put on all my windows and be able to override this value just on a really few number of items.
I've seen some approaches like doing styles but then I need to style everything, I would prefer something than can be done for all the controls together. I've seen other things like the MarginSetter but looks like it does not traverse subpanels. I want the Margin only on the controls I put at the window, nothing to do with the borders or other things of the visual tree.
Looks something pretty basic to me. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
The only solution I can find is to apply the style to each of the controls you are using on the window (I know that's not quite what you want). If you're only using a few different control types it's not too onerous to do something like this:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication7.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<!-- One style for each *type* of control on the window -->
<Style TargetType="TextBox">
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="10"/>
<Style TargetType="TextBlock">
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="10"/>
<TextBox Text="TextBox"/>
<TextBlock Text="TextBlock"/>
Good luck...
You can link all of your Margin properties by referring to a "Thickness" defined in your resources. I just did this in a project...
<!-- somwhere in a resource-->
<Thickness x:Key="CommonMargin" Left="0" Right="14" Top="6" Bottom="0" />
<!-- Inside of a Style -->
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Control}" x:Key="MyStyle">
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="{StaticResource CommonMargin}" />
<!-- Then call the style in a control -->
<Button Style="{StaticResource MyStyle}" />
<!-- Or directly on a Control -->
<Button Margin="{StaticResource CommonMargin}" />
The key for me was figuring out that Margin was defined by "Thickness". Let me know if that's clear enough or if you need me to put it in a fully working XAML example.
You can apply margin in your buttons style. And when you use buttons with this style in StackPanel wpf will apply need spacing.
for example
define in resourcedictionary or whatever:
<Style x:Key="myButtonStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="10"/>
then in yor StackPanel xaml definition:
<Border BorderThickness="0"/>
<Button x:Name="VertBut1" Style="{StaticResource myButtonStyle}" Content="Button1"/>
<Button x:Name="VertBut2" Style="{StaticResource myButtonStyle}" Content="Button2"/>
<Button x:Name="VertBut3" Style="{StaticResource myButtonStyle}" Content="Button3"/>

Setting VerticalAlignment property to all controls

My WPF UserControl contains two stack panels and each of them contains labels, text boxes and radio buttons.
I would like to set VerticalAlignment property to Center to all controls in my UserControl with as little code as possible.
Now I have following solutions:
brute force - put VerticalAlignment="Center" in each control
define one style for FrameworkElement and apply it directly
define styles for each type of the controls on user control (this needs 3 style definitions, but automatically applies style to the control)
These three solutions need too much code.
Is there any other way to write this?
I hoped that defining style for FrameworkElement would automatically set property to all controls, but it does not work.
Here is snippet of my current XAML (I omitted second, very similar stack panel):
<Style x:Key="BaseStyle" TargetType="FrameworkElement">
<Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Style="{StaticResource BaseStyle}" Text="Value:" />
<RadioButton Style="{StaticResource BaseStyle}">Standard</RadioButton>
<RadioButton Style="{StaticResource BaseStyle}">Other</RadioButton>
<TextBox Style="{StaticResource BaseStyle}" Width="40"/>
Re Will's comment: I really hate idea of writing control formatting code in codebehind. XAML should be sufficient for this really simple user control.
Re Muad'Dib's comment: Controls I use in my user control are derived from FrameworkElement, so this is not an issue here.
I had come across the same conundrum awhile ago as well. Not sure if this is the "best" way, but it was easy enough to manage by defining your base style and then creating separate styles for each control on the page that inherited from the base style:
Width="500" Height="300" Background="OrangeRed">
<Style TargetType="FrameworkElement" x:Key="BaseStyle">
<Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center" />
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="0,0,5,0" />
<Style TargetType="TextBlock" BasedOn="{StaticResource BaseStyle}" />
<Style TargetType="RadioButton" BasedOn="{StaticResource BaseStyle}" />
<Style TargetType="TextBox" BasedOn="{StaticResource BaseStyle}" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="Value:" />
<TextBox Width="75"/>
