What does "binary" means in device driver? - c

I am very much new to Device driver programming.
I was going through below website.
I was just confused with the word "binary".
The particular statement says "The linker builds the final binary, and based on what the options are in the PE header....".
So my question is what does binary means in Device Driver programming?

Firstly See Binary File on Wikipedia
Generally a binary file is any file that stores data in a non-human readable format.
Therefore, word processor documents, spread sheets, databases and executable files (runnable program files) are all binary files (if you open them in a simple text editor, or echo them to the console, they don't make a lick of sense, they need another program or the OS to make sense of them).
In this instance "final binary file" would be the executable (or library file) that your source code is compiled to.
None of this is linux specific, but is general across all computer artectures (and probably some pedant will point out a computer/OS where this doesn't apply, so nearly all or all common could replace the all above)
Hope this helps

Binary means the compiled and linked object code, as opposed to the source code.


Is it possible to produce working binary without linker?

As far as I know compiler convert source code to machine code. But this code do not have any OS-related sections and linker add them to file.
But is it's possible to make some executable without linker?
Answering your question very literally - yes, it is possible to make an executive file without a linker: you don't need a compiler or linker to generate machine code. Binaries are a series of opcodes and relevant information (offsets, addresses etc). If you open a binary editor then type out some opcodes and make a program. Save and run it.
Of course the binary will be processor specific, just as if you had compiled a binary (native) executive. Here's a reference to the Intel x86 opcodes.
If you're however asking, "Can I compile a source file directly into an executive file without a linker?" then speaking purely: no - unless the compiler has aspects of a linker integrated within it. The compiler generates intermediate objects that are passed on to the linker to "link" them into a binary such as a library or executive. Without the link step the pipeline is not complete.
Let's first make a statement that is to be considered true, compilers do not generate machine code that can be immediately executed (JIT's do, but lets ignore that).
Instead they generate files (object, static, dynamic, executable) which describe what they contains as well as groups of symbols. Symbols can be global variables or functions.
But symbols just like the file itself contain metadata. This metadata is very important. See the machine code stored in a symbol is the raw instructions for the target architecture but it does not know where memory is stored.
While modern CPU's give each process its own address space, a symbol may not land and probably won't land in the same address twice. In very recent times this is a security measure, but in past its so that dynamic linking works correctly.
So when the OS loads up an executable or shared library it can place it wherever it wants and by doing so make it not repeatable. Otherwise we'd all have to start caring and saying "this file contains 100% of the code I intend to execute". Usually on load the raw binary in the symbol table get transformed by patching it with the symbol locations in RAM. Making everything just work.
In summary the compiler emits files that allow for dynamic patching of assembly
prior to execution. If it didn't, we would be living in a very restrictive and problematic world.
Linkers even have scripts to change how they operate. They are a very complex and delicate piece of software required to make our programs work.
Have a read of the PE-COFF and ELF standards if you want to get an idea of just how complex those formats really are.

What's the difference between binary and executable files mentioned in ndisasm's manual?

I want to compile my C file with clang and then decompile it with with ndisasm (for educational purposes). However, ndisasm says in it's manual that it only works with binary and not executable files:
ndisasm only disassembles binary files: it has
no understanding of the header information
present in object or executable files. If you
want to disassemble an object file, you should
probably be using objdump(1).
What's the difference, exactly? And what does clang output when I run it with a simple C file, an executable or a binary?
An object file contains machine language code, and all sorts of other information. It sounds like ndisasm wants just the machine code, not the other stuff. So the message is telling you to use the objdump utility to extract just the machine code segment(s) from the object file. Then you can presumably run ndisasm on that.
And what does clang output when I run it with a simple C file, an executable or a binary?
A C compiler is usually able to create a 'raw' binary, which is Just The Code, hold the tomato, because for some (rare!) purposes that can be useful. Think, for instance, of boot sectors (which cannot 'load' an executable the regular way because the OS to load them is not yet started) and of programmable RAM chips. An Operating system in itself usually does not like to execute 'raw binary code' - pretty much for the same reasons. An exception is MS Windows, which still can run old format .com binaries.
By default, clang will create an executable. The intermediate files, called object files, are usually deleted after the executable is linked (glued together with library functions and an appropriate executable header). To get just a .o object file, use the -c switch.
Note that Object files also contain a header. After all, the linker needs to know what the file contains before it can link it to other parts.
For educational purposes, you may want to examine the object file format. Armed with that knowledge it should be possible to write a program that can tell you at what offset in the file the actual code starts. Then you can feed that information into ndisasm.
In addition to the header, files may contain even more data after the instructions. Again, ndisasm does not know and nor does it care. If your test program contains a string Hello world! somewhere at the end, it will happily try to disassemble that as well. It's up to you to recognize this garbage as such, and ignore what ndisasm does to it.

Finding file type in Linux programmatically

I am trying to find the file type of a file like .pdf, .doc, .docx etc. but programmatically not using shell command. Actually i have to make an application which blocks access to files of a particular extension. I have already hooked sys_call_table in LKM and now i want that when an open/read system call is triggered then my LKM checks the file type.
I know that we have a current pointer which gives access to current process structure and we can use it to find the file name stored in dentry structure and also in Linux a file type is identified by a magic number stored in starting bytes of file. But i don't know that how to find file type and exactly where it is stored ?
Linux doesn't "store" the file type for its files (unlike Mac OS' resource fork, which I think is the most well-known platform to do this). Files are just named streams of bytes, they have no structure implied by the operating system.
Either you just tell programs which file to use (and then it Does What You Say), or programs use higher-level features to figure it out.
There are programs that re-invent this particular wheel (I'm responsible for one of those), but you can also use e.g. file(1). Of course that requires your program to parse and "understand" the textual output you'll get, which in a sense only moves the problem.
However, I don't think calling into file from kernel space is very wise, so it's probably best to re-create the test for whatever set of types you need, to keep it small.
In other words, I mean you should simply re-implement the required tests. This is quite complicated in general, so if you really need to do it for as a large a set of types as possible, it might not be a very good idea. :/
Actually i have to make an application which blocks access to files of a particular extension.
that's a flawed requirement. If you check by file extension, then you'll miss files that doesn't use the extension which is quite common in Linux since it does not use file extension.
The officially sanctioned way of detecting file type in Linux is by their magic number. The shell command file is basically just a wrapper for libmagic, so you have the option of linking to that library

How to extract C source code from .so file?

I am working on previously developed software and source code is compiled as linux shared libraries (.so) and source code is not present. Is there any tool which can extract source code from the linux shared libraries?
There isn't. Once you compile your code there is no trace of it left in the binary, only machine code.
Some may mention decompilers but those don't extract the source, they analyze the executable and produce some source that should have the same effect as the original one did.
You can try disassembling the object code and get the machine code mnemonics.
objdump -D --disassembler-options intel sjt.o to get Intel syntax assembly
objdump -D --disassembler-options att sjt.o or objdump -D sjt.o to get AT&T syntax assembly
But the original source code could never be found. You might try to reverse the process by studying and reconstruct the sections. It would be hell pain.
Disclaimer: I work for Hex-Rays SA.
The Hex-Rays decompiler is the only commercially available decompiler I know of that works well with real-life x86 and ARM code. It's true that you don't get the original source, but you get something which is equivalent to it. If you didn't strip your binary, you might even get the function names, or, with some luck, even types and local variables. However, even if you don't have symbol info, you don't have to stick to the first round of decompilation. The Hex-Rays decompiler is interactive - you can rename any variable or function, change variable types, create structure types to represent the structures in the original code, add comments and so on. With a little work you can recover a lot. And quite often what you need is not the whole original file, but some critical algorithm or function - and this Hex-Rays can usually provide to you.
Have a look at the demo videos and the comparison pages. Still think "staring at the assembly" is the same thing?
No. In general, this is impossible. Source is not packaged in compiled objects or libraries.
You cannot. But you can open it as an archive in 7-Zip. You can see the file type and size of each file separately in that. You can replace the files in it with your custom files.

Object code, linking time in C language

When compiling, C produces object code before linking time.
I wonder if object code is in the form of binary yet?
If so, what happened next in the linking time?
Wikipedia says,
In computer science, an object file is
an organised collection of named
objects, and typically these objects
are sequences of computer instructions
in a machine code format, which may be
directly executed by a computer's CPU.
Object files are typically produced by
a compiler as a result of processing a
source code file. Object files contain
compact code, and are often called
A linker is typically used
to generate an executable or library
by amalgamating parts of object files
together. Object files for embedded
systems typically contain nothing but
machine code but generally, object
files also contain data for use by the
code at runtime: relocation
information, stack unwinding
information, comments, program symbols
(names of variables and functions) for
linking and/or debugging purposes, and
other debugging information.
Another great site has much more detailed info and a useful diagram, here:
Object files as produced by the C compiler essentially contain binary code with holes in each place where an address should go that is yet unknown (addresses of function from other files -- including libraries -- called, addresses of variables from other files that are accessed in this one, ...).
It also contains a table indexed by symbol names ("x" or "_x" for variable x, "f" or "_f" for function f). For each such symbol, there is a status code ("defined here", "not defined here but used", ...) and the addresses of holes in the binary code that need to be filed with each address when it becomes known.
If you are using Unix (or gcc on Windows), you can print the later table with the command "nm file.o".
Yes, object code is usually in binary form. Just try opening it in your favorite text editor.
You can learn what linkers do here or here.
