Guidance for MS SQL Delete query - sql-server

In my SQL Server database there is scenario like database have one primary key and primary key is in format like '0000100001' and 'C100001'
I want to delete the all records from database which starts with '0' but not the records starts with 'C'.
I tried the inbuilt function SUBSTRING('primary_key',1,1)='0' but it did not helped me..
Thank You..

tests whether the string literal "primary_key" starts with the character 0 (which it doesn't so will return zero rows), Get rid of the single quotes to reference the column. (NB: If your column is not actually called primary_key you will need to reference its actual name of course!)
Or alternatively you can use WHERE primary_key LIKE '0%' which can use the index to locate the rows so is more efficient.

I don't know MS SQL, but in MySQL it would be something like this:
"DELETE * FROM your_table WHERE primary_key LIKE '0%' AND primary_key NOT LIKE 'C%'"
You can use the LIKE operator to essentially search for a occurances of either a string or a regular expression. It can take wildcards such as the % sign both in front, behind, or both in front and behind of the pattern you are looking for.
For example:
LIKE 'C%' would match anything starting with C
LIKE '%C' would match anything ending in C
LIKE '[A-Z]%' would match anything starting with a capital letter
LIKE '%LOL%' would match anything that has the word LOL(in caps) in it.
Further reading at


SQL would using between statement improve this?

I want to find out using a select statement what columns in a table share similar information.
Example: Classes table with ClassID, ClassName, ClassCode, ClassDescription columns.
This was part of my SQL class that I already turned in. The question asked "What classes are part of the English department?"
I used this Select statement:
FROM Classes
WHERE ClassName LIKE "English%" OR ClassCode LIKE "ENG%"
Granted we have only input one actual English course in this database, the end result was it executed fine and displayed everything for just the English class. Which I thought was a success since we did populate other non English courses in the database.
Anyways, I was told I should have used a BETWEEN statement.
I am just sitting here thinking they would both do what I needed them to do right?
I'm using SQL Server 2014
No, BETWEEN would probably be a bad idea here. BETWEEN doesn't allow wildcards and doesn't do any pattern matching in any RDBMS I've used. So you'd have to say BETWEEN 'ENG' AND 'English'. Except that doesn't return things like 'English I' (which would be after 'English' in a sorted list).
It would also potentially include something like 'Engineering' or 'Engaging Artistry', but that's a weakness of your existing query, too, since LIKE 'ENG%' matches those.
If you happen to be using a case-sensitive collation you add a whole new dimension of complexity. Your BETWEEN statement gets even more confusing. Just know that capital letters generally come before lower case letters, so 'ENGRAVING I' would be included but 'Engraving I' would not. Additionally, 'eng' would not be included. Note that case-insensitive collation is the default.
Also whats the difference when searching for null values in one table
and one column
column_name =''
column_name IS NULL
You're not understanding the difference between an empty string and null.
An empty string is explicit. It says "This field has a known value and it is a string of zero length."
A null string is imprecise. It means "unknown". It could mean "This value wasn't asked for," or "This value was not available," or "This value has not yet been determined," or "This values does not make sense for this record."
"What is this person's middle name?"
"He doesn't have one. See, his birth certificate has no middle name listed." --> Empty string
"I don't know. He never told me and I don't have any birth or identity record." --> NULL
Note that Oracle, due to backwards compatibility, treats empty strings as NULLs. This is explicitly against ANSI SQL, but since Oracle is that old and that's how it's always worked that's how it will continue to work.
Another way to look at it is the example I tend to use with numbers. The difference between 0 and NULL is the difference between having a bank account with $0 balance and not having a bank account at all.
Nothing can be said unless we see table and its data.Though don't use between.
Secondly first find which of the column is not null by design.Say for example ClassName cannot be null then there is no use using ClassCode LIKE "ENG%",just ClassName LIKE "English%" is enough,similarly vice versa is also true.
Thirdly you should use same parameter in both column.for example
ClassName LIKE "English%" OR ClassCode LIKE "English%"
see the difference.
Select * FROM Classes
Where ClassName LIKE "%English%"

Can SQL Server index a text string by delimiter?

I need to store content keyed by strings, so a database table of key/value pairs, essentially. The keys, however, will be of a hierarchical format, like this:
They'll have multiple categories, delimited by dots. The above value is in a category called "baz" which is in a parent category called "bar" which is in a parent category called "foo."
How can I index this in such a way that it's rapidly searchable for different permutations of the key/dot combo? For example, I want to be able to very quick find everything that starts
Yes, I could do a LIKE query, but I never need find anything like:
So that seems like a waste to me.
Is there any way that SQL would index all permutation of a string delimited by the dots? So, in the above case we have:
Is there any type of index that would facilitate searching like that?
I will never need to search backwards or from the middle. My searches will always begin from the front of the string:
SQL Server can't really index substrings, no. If you only ever want to search on the first string, this will work fine, and will perform an index seek (depending on other query semantics of course):
WHERE col LIKE 'foo.%';
-- or
WHERE col LIKE '';
However when you start needing to search for bar or baz following any leading string, you will need to search on the substring:
WHERE col LIKE '';
-- or
WHERE PATINDEX('', col) > 0;
This won't work well with regular B-tree indexes, and I don't think Full-Text Search will be much help either, because of the special characters (periods) - but you should try it out if this is a requirement.
In general, storing data this way smells wrong to me. Seems to me that you should either have separate columns instead of jamming all the data into one column, or using a more relational EAV design.
Its appears to be a work for CTE!
create TableA(
id int identity,
parentid int null,
name varchar(50)
for a (fixed) two level its easy
from tableA t1
join tableA t2 on = t1.parentid
where = 'father'
To find that kind of hierarchical values for a most general case you ill need some kind of recursion in self-join table by using a CTE.

SQL LIKE Operator doesn't work with Asian Languages (SQL Server 2008)

Dear Friends,
I've faced with a problem never thought of ever. My problem seems too simple but I can't find a solution to it.
I have a sql server database column that is of type NVarchar and is filled with standard persian characters. when I'm trying to run a very simple query on it which incorporates the LIKE operator, the resultset becomes empty although I know the query term is present in the table. Here is the very smiple example query which doesn't act corectly:
SELECT * FROM T_Contacts WHERE C_ContactName LIKE '%ف%'
ف is a persian character and the ContactName coulmn contains multiple entries which contain that character.
Please tell me how should I rewrite the expression or what change should I apply. Note that my database's collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
Thank you very much
Also, if those values are stored as NVARCHAR (which I hope they are!!), you should always use the N'..' prefix for any string literals to make sure you don't get any unwanted conversions back to non-Unicode VARCHAR.
So you should be searching:
SELECT * FROM T_Contacts
WHERE C_ContactName COLLATE Persian_100_CI_AS LIKE N'%ف%'
Shouldn't it be:
SELECT * FROM T_Contacts WHERE C_ContactName LIKE N'%ف%'
ie, with the N in front of the comparing string, so it treats it like an nvarchar?

Function to find the Exact match in Microsoft SQL Server

What is the way to find the exactly matching substring in the given string in Microsoft SQL server?
For example, in the string '0000020354', I want to find '20354'. Of course it has to be an exact match. I tried to use CHARINDEX(#providerId, external_prv_id) > -1, but the problem with CHARINDEX is that it gives me the index as soon as it finds the first match.
Basically I am looking for function like indexOf("") in Microsoft SQL SERVER.
Assuming #ProviderId is a VARCHAR
You could just use LIKE :
SELECT Id FROM TableName WHERE Column LIKE '%' + #ProviderId + '%'
Which will return rows where Column contains 2034.
And if you don't want to use LIKE, You can use PATINDEX:
SELECT Id FROM TableName WHERE PATINDEX('%' + #ProviderId + '%', Column) > 0
Which returns the starting position of any match that it finds.
What's the data you're storing? It sounds like another storage type (e.g. a separate table) might be more suitable.
Ahh, 2034 was a typo. What I don't understand from your question is that you say you need the exact match. If CHARINDEX returns non-zero for '20354' you know that it's matched '20354'. If you don't know what #providerId is, return that in your query along with the result of CHARINDEX. Similarly, if you want external_prv_id, include that, e.g.:
SELECT external_prv_id, CHARINDEX(#providerId, external_prv_id)
WHERE CHARINDEX(#providerId, external_prv_id) > 0
(Note that CHARINDEX returning 0 means it was not found.)
If you actually mean that '20354' could include wildcards, you need PATINDEX.
The LIKE %VAL% stuff will be overly broad, e.g. the database contains 00000012345 and you search for 1234 you'll pull this row, which is what the OP does not intend (if I'm understanding the "EXACT" part correctly).
What you want is a regular expression that does something like: any number of zeroes followed by the match and end of line.
From this question we know how to trim leading zeroes:
Better techniques for trimming leading zeros in SQL Server?
SUBSTRING(str_col, PATINDEX('%[^0]%', str_col+'.'), LEN(str_col))
So, combine that with your query, and you can do something like the following:
WHERE SUBSTRING(external_prv_id, PATINDEX('%[^0]%', external_prv_id+'.'), LEN(external_prv_id)) = '12345'
Of course, the better (best?) solution would be to store them as INTEGERS so you get full indexability and don't have to muck with all of this crap. If you REALLY need to store the exact string then you have a couple of options:
store the normalized integer results
in another column and use that for
all internal queries
always store an integer but then pad
with zeros upon query (my vote)

Full text catalog/index search for %book%

I'm trying to wrap my head around how to search for something that appears in the middle of a word / expression - something like searching for "LIKE %book% " - but in SQL Server (2005) full text catalog.
How can I do that? It almost appears as if both CONTAINS and FREETEXT really don't support wildcard at the beginning of a search expression - can that really be?
I would have imagined that FREETEXT(*, "book") would find anything with "book" inside, including "rebooked" or something like that.
unfortunately CONTAINS only supports prefix wildcards:
CONTAINS(*, '"book*"')
SQL Server Full Text Search is based on tokenizing text into words. There is no smaller unit as a word, so the smallest things you can look for are words.
You can use prefix searches to look for matches that start with certain characters, which is possible because word lists are kept in alphabetical order and all the Server has to do is scan through the list to find matches.
To do what you want a query with a LIKE '%book%' clause would probably be just as fast (or slow).
If you want to do some serious full text searching then I would (and have) use Lucene.Net. MS SQL Full Text search never seems to work that well for anything other than the basics.
Here's a suggestion that is a workaround for that wildcard limitation. You create a computed column that contains the same content but in reverse as the column(s) you are searching.
If, for example, you are searching on a column named 'ProductTitle', then create a column named ProductsRev. Then update that field's 'Computed Column Specification' value to be:
Include the 'ProductsRev' column in your search and you should now be able to return results that support a wildcard at the beginning of the word. Good luck!!
Full text has a table that lists all the words the engine has found. It should have orders-of-magnitude less rows than your full-text-indexed table. You could select from that table " where field like '%book%' " to get all the words that have 'book' in them. Then use that list to write a fulltext query. Its cumbersome, but it would work, and it would be ok in the speed department. HOWEVER, ultimately you are using fulltext wrong when you are doing this. It might actually be better to educate the source of these feature requests about what fulltext is doing. You want them to understand what it WANTS to do, so they can get high value from fulltext. Example, only use wild cards at the end of a word, which means think of the words in an ordered list.
why don't program an assembly in C# to compute all the non repeated sufixes. For example if you have the Text "eat the red meat" you can store in a field "eat at t the he e red ed d meat" (note that is not necesary to add eat at and t again) ind then in this field use full text search. A function for doing that can easily written in Csharp
x) I know it seems od... it's a workarround
x) I know I'm adding overhead in the insert / update .... only justified if this overhead is insignificant besides the improvement in the search function
x) I know there is also an overhead in the size of the stored data.
But I'm pretty conffident that will be quite fast
