"Busy" Effect Overlay - wpf

I have a wpf application which does very heavy actions in which the user needs to wait while the application "thinks".
What I want to do is, while the main thread of the application is thinking, another thread will disable the whole window and give it kind of a grayish color and a circular progress bar will appear in the middle of the screen.
It's kind of a big question and I don't really need the whole code to do this just the general Idea.
Thanks for all your help..

In addition to the above suggestions (Background worker, Dispatcher) - yes these are the correct techniques to get what you want, but let me discuss the UI effect you requested in your question. If you are using the MVVM pattern, you can create some "I'm busy" UI and bind to an IsBusy property in the view model to show and hide the UI. For instance:
public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// Bind to this property any UI you want to
// show/hide during long running updates
public bool IsBusy
get { return _isBusy; }
_isBusy = true;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string prop)
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(prop));
// Note: This is intended to be called on a background thread
private void DoLongRunningOperationOnABackgroundThread()
IsBusy = true;
// do your work
IsBusy = false;
Then in the UI use this xaml (or similar)
<UserControl:MyControl x:Class="MyApp.MyControl"
<BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="boolToVis"/>
<!-- your UI code goes here -->
<!-- Below this, at higher Z-Order place a control to gray out the screen when IsBusy = true -->
<Border Background="#55000000" BorderThickness="0" Visibility="{Binding IsBusy, Converter={StaticResource boolToVis}}">
<TextBlock Text="I AM BUSY!" Font-Size="32" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Foreground="White"/>
The net effect will be when you use a background worker or threadpool to call the DoLongRunningOperation function in your viewmodel, the border defined in Xaml will show/hide as the operation starts/stops. You won't need the dispatcher to invoke here either as WPF handles the thread marshalling for you.
There are implementations of busy controls with whirlygig animations etc... on the net too to spice up the UI.
Best regards,

Use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke to change the Enable-Property of the UI components and show/hide the progressbar out of the worker thread
for the worker-thread you can use the BackgroundWorker-Class

Offload the heavy action to a new thread and do the UI stuff (disable, gray out and progress bar) on the main thread. See BackgroundWorker and Dispatcher.
Using a new thread for the UI stuff is possible, but not using the existing Window. A UI control (Dispatcher) can online be used/called by the thread it belongs to. You could however create a new thread and use a new Window with a new Dispatcher to do the UI stuff. You would then have to position the new Window over the original. Not as easy as my first suggestion. It might be an option if you don't know when the heavy action is executed. See here, here and here.

Take a look at this sample:
public void DoHeavyWork()
mainDispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
workDelegate.BeginInvoke(EnableWindowCallBack, null);
private void EnableWindowCallBack(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
mainDispatcher.InvokeIfRequired(() => { EnableWindow(); });
When you call DoHeavyWork i assume we are on the thread that has access to the UI, which should be the usual. DisableWindow shows the animation or whatever should be shown while working. Then you invoke your predefined delegate, workDelegate which will run on a new thread, and when it's done, the callback should restore the view.
Note that the call to EnableWindow has to be made on the thread that has access to the UI.


Deferred loading of XAML

A project I'm working on has some rather complex XAML that is noticeably affecting visual performance. Quite a few controls are collapsed for the initial state; however, since their XAML is parsed and visual /logical trees built, it's very slow to show what amounts to an almost blank object.
It looks like (and would like confirmation here) that using a ContentControl with an initial state of Collapsed and then embedding the desired control as a DataTemplate for that ContentControl, will defer loading of the desired control in the DataTemplate until the ContentControl is made visible.
I've built a generic DeferredContentControl that listens for the LayoutUpdated event of the main UI control (in general whatever element it is that I want to appear quickly), and when the first LayoutUpdated event of that UIElement fires, I used the Dispatcher to flip the visibility of the DeferredContentControl to true, which causes the control in the DeferredContentControl's DataTemplate to instantiate. By the time the user has reacted to the initial view of the screen (which is now fast), the "slow to load" (but still collapsed) control in the data template is ready.
Does this seem like a sound approach? any pitfalls? It seems to work well in testing both for Silverlight and WPF, and while it doesn't make things any faster it gives the perception of being as much as 50% snappier in my specific scenario.
I had the same problem (in a Silverlight project), and solved it in nearly the same way. It proved to be working as expected, have not encountered any pitfalls yet.
When you need to control the point in time when xaml is parsed and view elements are instantiated you can always use DataTemplates (not necessarily in cunjuction with ContentControl). You can call DataTemplate.LoadContent() to instatiate it, you don't have to switch the visibility of a ContentControl (although internally this will result in such a LoadContent call).
Have a look at my implementation if you want, it can even display a static text message while the heavier VisualTree is build:
<DeferredContent HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<TextBlock Text="Loading content..."/>
and the code
public class DeferredContent : ContentPresenter
public DataTemplate DeferredContentTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(DeferredContentTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(DeferredContentTemplateProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty DeferredContentTemplateProperty =
typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(DeferredContent), null);
public DeferredContent()
Loaded += HandleLoaded;
private void HandleLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Loaded -= HandleLoaded;
public void ShowDeferredContent()
if (DeferredContentTemplate != null)
Content = DeferredContentTemplate.LoadContent();
private void RaiseDeferredContentLoaded()
var handlers = DeferredContentLoaded;
if (handlers != null)
handlers( this, new RoutedEventArgs() );
public event EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs> DeferredContentLoaded;

Two way binding of a textbox to a slider in WPF

I am having the hardest time figuring out a way to solve a problem I am having with databinding on a slider and a textbox.
The setup:
the current value of the slider is displayed inside of the textbox. When the user drags the slider the value is reflected inside the textbox. The user can choose to drag the slider and release to the value he chooses, click anywhere on the slider track to set the value or enter the value manually in the texbox. In the last case, the value entered in the textbox should update the slider position.
The texbox is two way bound to a datacontext property while the slider is one way bound to the same property. When the user slides or click on the slider tracker, I use the dragcompleted event of the slider to notify the datacontext of the modification. When the user clicks on the tracker on the other hand I use the OnValueChanged event of the slider to notify the datacontext (and use a flag to ensure the OnValueChanged was not triggered by a slider move)
The problem: The OnValueChanged event fires even when initializing the slider value with the binding value so I cannot figure out whether the value is actually coming from the user or the binding.
Could you please suggest maybe and alternative way to do the binding to ensure we can distinguish between user update and binding udpates for the slider?
Thnak you!
UPDATE Sorry I forgot to mention why I am not binding directly both slider and textbox two ways like the below answers suggest. The update to the data context value is supposed to trigger a call to a backend server and retrieve data from a database. The problem is that when the user drags the slider it constantly fires updates. I go around the problem by only relying to the actual onValueChanged event to call the DoWhatever method. I hope that's a bit clearer. Sorry for omitting this...
I quickly put together the sample below for you to give it a try.
The xaml:
<Window x:Class="SliderIssue.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center"
<Slider Name="slider" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Value="{Binding Count}"
<TextBox VerticalAlignment="Top"
Text="{Binding Count,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}"
The code behind:
using System.Windows;
namespace SliderIssue
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private bool _dragStarted;
public MainWindow()
var item = new Item();
DataContext = item;
private void slider_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
if (!_dragStarted)
var item = (Item)DataContext;
private void slider_DragStarted(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragStartedEventArgs e)
_dragStarted = true;
private void slider_DragCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragCompletedEventArgs e)
_dragStarted = false;
var item = (Item) DataContext;
A simple data class:
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SliderIssue
public class Item : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int _count = 50;
public int Count
get { return _count; }
if (_count != value)
_count = value;
public void DoWhatever(double value)
//do something with value
//and blablabla
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string property)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
OK, now I see why you were trying to do it like that. I have a couple of suggestions that may help.
My first one is a bit more opinionated, but I offer it nonetheless. If the problem you are trying to solve is throttling requests to a back-end database, I would contend that your ViewModel need not concern itself with that. I would push that down a layer into an object that is making the call to the back-end based on the updated value passed down from the ViewModel.
You could create a poor-man's throttling attempt by recording DateTimeOffset.Now each time a call is made to the method to query the back-end DB. Compare that value to the last value recorded. If the TimeSpan between falls beneath your minimum threshold, update the value to which it was compared, and ignore the request.
You could do a similar thing with a timer and resetting the timer each time a request is made, but that is messier.
When the call returns from the back-end, this layer raises an event which the ViewModel handles and does whatever it needs to do with the data returned.
As another suggestion, I would also check out what the ReactiveExtensions give you. It takes a bit to kind of wrap your brain around how they work, but you could create an Observable from a stream of events, and then use the Throttle() method to return another Observable. You subscribe to that Observable and perform your call there. It would take more re-thinking the design and architecture of your software, but it is intriguing.
Paul Betts created an entire MVVM framework based around Rx called ReactiveUI. I first learned about throttling Observables in one of his blog posts here.
Good luck!
If I understand your problem correctly, it sounds like you would like both the Slider and the TextBox to reflect the same property of the DataContext (normally, a ViewModel). It looks like you are trying to duplicate what the binding mechanism of WPF gives you. I was able to get a quick prototype of this working. Here's the code I used.
For the view, I just created a new window with this as the content of the Window.
<Slider Value="{Binding TheValue}" Margin="16" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding TheValue}" Margin="16" />
Notice that both the Slider and the TextBox are bound to the same (cleverly-named) value of the DataContext. When the user enters a new value into the TextBox, the value will change, and the property change notification (in the ViewModel) will cause the slider to update its value automatically.
Here is the code for the ViewModel (i.e., the DataContext of the View).
class TextySlideyViewModel : ViewModelBase
private double _theValue;
public double TheValue
get { return _theValue; }
if(_theValue == value)
_theValue = value;
My ViewModel is derived from a ViewModelBase class which implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. The OnPropertyChanged() method is defined in the base class which merely raises the event for the property whose name is passed as the parameter.
Lastly, I created the View and assigned a new instance of the ViewModel as its DataContext (I did this directly in the App's OnStartup() method for this example).
I hope this helps get you going in the right direction.
Along the lines with Eric, but as a separate suggestion of operation.
Bind both controls to Count as two way as I suggested below.
Create a timer which fires off every second that checks two variables.
(Timer Check #1) Checks to see if a database request is ongoing (such as a Boolean flag). If it is true, it does nothing. If there is no operation (false), it goes to step 4.
(Timer Check #2) It checks to see if count is changed. If count has changed it sets the data request ongoing flag (as found/used in step 3) and initiates an async database call and exits.
(Database Action Call) Gets the database data and updates the VM accordingly. It sets the data request ongoing flag to false which allows the timer check to start a new request if count is changed.
That way you can manage the updates even if a user goes crazy with the slider.
I believe you may have over thought this. Remove all the events off of the slider and the textbox. If the first value (set programmatically) should not call your DoWhatever method, then put in a check in that code to skip the first initialization....
I recommend that you make the slider bind to Count as a TwoWay mode and have the Count Property do the other process you need (as shown on your entity class). No need to check for clicks or any other event. If the user changes the value in the textbox it changes the slider and visa versa.
<Slider Name="slider"
Value="{Binding Count, Mode=TwoWay}"
Maximum="100" />
<TextBox VerticalAlignment="Top"
Text="{Binding Count,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}"
Height="25" />

Is Dispatcher not required in MVVM patern with WPF?

I am starting a new thread and trying to update UI elements through properties defined in my View Model and I am able to do it without any error, but if I try to update UI elements through code-behind, it throws the known UI access error("The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it."). First question would be ..Whats the difference between the two approaches ? Second question would be when I would use Disptacher in ViewModel ideally ?
Code Behind
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Thread th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate()
textbox.Text = "Rajib";
//inside XAML
<TextBox x:Name="textbox" Text="{Binding UserInput, Mode=TwoWay}" />
public string UserInput
get { return _UserInput; }
set { _UserInput = value; OnPropertyChanged("UserInput"); }
//Called through a ICommand property on a button click
public void ExecuteCommand(object obj)
private void InvokeCallThroughAnonymousDelegateThread()
ThreadStart start = delegate()
UserInput = "Calling from diff thread";
new Thread(start).Start();
Any attempt to update the UI must be done within the dispatcher thread. However, for property change events, WPF automatically dispatches for you when the event is raised from a background thread. You can read more about this on Bea Costa's (former WPF data binding PM) blog:
They were going to do the same for INotifyCollectionChanged events but never got around to it in prior releases. For 4.5 they will now be synchronizing collection changed events automatically in addition to INotifyPropertyChanged.
The NotifyPropertyChanged has its thread context changed by WPF through the event, but your code behind doesn't change the thread context to the UI Thread. In your codebehind, use this instead:
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// Background work
}).ContinueWith((t) => {
// Update UI thread
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Regarding when to use the Dispatcher directly, I have a mid-sized project where I haven't used the Dispatcher in any ViewModel. I have used it to deal with Xaml resources, weak event handling, and it is used inside of MefedMVVM and Prism, which I also use.

wpf: update multiple controls via dispatcher

I'm reading data from a serial port using an event listener from the SerialPort class. In my event handler, I need to update many (30-40) controls in my window with xml data coming over the serial port.
I know that I must use myControl.Dispatcher.Invoke() to update it since it's on a different thread, but is there a way to update lots of controls together, rather than doing a separate Invoke call for each (i.e. myCon1.Dispatcher.Invoke(), myCon2.Dispatcher.Invoke(), etc)?
I'm looking for something like calling Invoke on the container, and updating each child control individually, but I can't seem to work out how to accomplish this.
What you need to do is use MVVM.
You bind your controls to public properties on a ViewModel. Your VM can listen to the serial port, parse out the xml data, update its public properties, and then use INotifyPropertyChanged to tell the UI to update its bindings.
I'd suggest this route as you can batch notifications and, if you have to, use the Dispatcher to invoke the event on the UI thread.
<Window ...>
<me:SerialWindowViewModel />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding LatestXml}/>
public class SerialWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public string LatestXml {get;set;}
private SerialWatcher _serialWatcher;
public SerialWindowViewModel()
_serialWatcher = new SerialWatcher();
_serialWatcher.Incoming += IncomingData;
private void IncomingData(object sender, DataEventArgs args)
LatestXml = args.Data;
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("LatestXml"));
OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
// tired of writing code; make this threadsafe and
// ensure it fires on the UI thread or that it doesn't matter
PropertyChanged(this, args);
And, if that isn't acceptable to you (and you want to program WPF like its a winforms app) you can use Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher to Invoke once while you manually update all controls on your form. But that method stinks.

Can't set focus to a child of UserControl

I have a UserControl which contains a TextBox. When my main window loads I want to set the focus to this textbox so I added Focusable="True" GotFocus="UC_GotFocus" to the UserControls definition and FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding ElementName=login}" to my main windows definition. In the UC_GotFocus method i simply call .Focus() on the control i want to focus on but this doesn't work.
All i need to do is have a TextBox in a UserControl receive focus when the application starts.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I recently fixed this problem for a login splash screen that is being displayed via a storyboard when the main window is first loaded.
I believe there were two keys to the fix. One was to make the containing element a focus scope. The other was to handle the Storyboard Completed event for the storyboard that was triggered by the window being loaded.
This storyboard makes the username and password canvas visible and then fades into being 100% opaque. The key is that the username control was not visible until the storyboard ran and therefore that control could not get keyboard focus until it was visible. What threw me off for awhile was that it had "focus" (i.e. focus was true, but as it turns out this was only logical focus) and I did not know that WPF had the concept of both logical and keyboard focus until reading Kent Boogaart's answer and looking at Microsoft's WPF link text
Once I did that the solution for my particular problem was straightforward:
1) Make the containing element a focus scope
<Canvas FocusManager.IsFocusScope="True" Visibility="Collapsed">
<TextBox x:Name="m_uxUsername" AcceptsTab="False" AcceptsReturn="False">
2) Attach a Completed Event Handler to the Storyboard
<Storyboard x:Key="Splash Screen" Completed="UserNamePassword_Storyboard_Completed">
3) Set my username TextBox to have the keyboard focus in the storyboard completed event handler.
void UserNamePassword_Storyboard_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)
Note that calling item.Focus() results in the call Keyboard.Focus(this), so you don't need to call this explicitly. See this question about the difference between Keyboard.Focus(item) and item.Focus.
Its stupid but it works:
Pop a thread that waits a while then comes back and sets the focus you want. It even works within the context of an element host.
private void ListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
(a) =>
new Action(() =>
Just recently I had a list-box that housed some TextBlocks. I wanted to be able to double click on the text block and have it turn into a TextBox, then focus on it and select all the text so the user could just start typing the new name (Akin to Adobe Layers)
Anyway, I was doing this with an event and it just wasn't working. The magic bullet for me here was making sure that I set the event to handled. I figure it was setting focus, but as soon as the event went down the path it was switching the logical focus.
The moral of the story is, make sure you're marking the event as handled, that might be your issue.
“When setting initial focus at application startup, the element to
receive focus must be connected to a PresentationSource and the
element must have Focusable and IsVisible set to true. The recommended
place to set initial focus is in the Loaded event handler"
Simply add a "Loaded" event handler in the constructor of your Window (or Control), and in that event handler call the Focus() method on the target control.
public MyWindow() {
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MyWindow_Loaded);
void MyWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
since i tried a fuzquat's solution and found it the most generic one, i thought i'd share a different version, since some complained about it looking messy. so here it is:
casted.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action<UIElement>(x =>
}), DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, casted);
no Thread.Sleep, no ThreadPool. Clean enough i hope.
Since people seem to like pretty code:
public static class WpfExtensions
public static void BeginInvoke<T>(this T element, Action<T> action, DispatcherPriority priority = DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle) where T : UIElement
element.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(priority, action);
now you can call it like this:
child.BeginInvoke(d => d.Focus());
WPF supports two different flavors of focus:
Keyboard focus
Logical focus
The FocusedElement property gets or sets logical focus within a focus scope. I suspect your TextBox does have logical focus, but its containing focus scope is not the active focus scope. Ergo, it does not have keyboard focus.
So the question is, do you have multiple focus scopes in your visual tree?
I found a good series of blog posts on WPF focus.
Part 1: It’s Basically Focus
Part 2: Changing WPF focus in code
Part 3: Shifting focus to the first available element in WPF
They are all good to read, but the 3rd part specifically deals with setting focus to a UI element in a UserControl.
Set your user control to Focusable="True" (XAML)
Handle the GotFocus event on your control and call yourTextBox.Focus()
Handle the Loaded event on your window and call yourControl.Focus()
I have a sample app running with this solution as I type. If this does not work for you, there must be something specific to your app or environment that causes the problem. In your original question, I think the binding is causing the problem.
I hope this helps.
After having a 'WPF Initial Focus Nightmare' and based on some answers on stack, the following proved for me to be the best solution.
First, add your App.xaml OnStartup() the followings:
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(Window), Window.LoadedEvent,
new RoutedEventHandler(WindowLoaded));
Then add the 'WindowLoaded' event also in App.xaml :
void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var window = e.Source as Window;
new Action(() =>
window.MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.First));
The threading issue must be use as WPF initial focus mostly fails due to some framework race conditions.
I found the following solution best as it is used globally for the whole app.
Hope it helps...
I converted fuzquat's answer to an extension method. I'm using this instead of Focus() where Focus() did not work.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows;
namespace YourProject.Extensions
public static class UIElementExtension
public static void WaitAndFocus(this UIElement element, int ms = 100)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(f =>
element.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
I've noticed a focus issue specifically related to hosting WPF UserControls within ElementHosts which are contained within a Form that is set as an MDI child via the MdiParent property.
I'm not sure if this is the same issue others are experiencing but you dig into the details by following the link below.
Issue with setting focus within a WPF UserControl hosted within an ElementHost in a WindowsForms child MDI form
I don't like solutions with setting another tab scope for UserControl. In that case, you will have two different carets when navigating by keyboard: on the window and the another - inside user control. My solution is simply to redirect focus from user control to inner child control. Set user control focusable (because by default its false):
<UserControl ..... Focusable="True">
and override focus events handlers in code-behind:
protected override void OnGotFocus(RoutedEventArgs e)
protected override void OnGotKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
What did the trick for me was the FocusManager.FocusedElement attribute. I first tried to set it on the UserControl, but it didn't work.
So I tried putting it on the UserControl's first child instead:
<UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication3.UserControl1"
<Grid FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding ElementName=MyTextBox, Mode=OneWay}">
<TextBox x:Name="MyTextBox"/>
... and it worked! :)
I have user control - stack panel with two text boxes.The text boxes were added in contructor, not in the xaml. When i try to focus first text box, nothing happend.
The siggestion with Loaded event fix my problem. Just called control.Focus() in Loaded event and everthing.
Assuming you want to set focus for Username textbox, thus user can type in directly every time it shows up.
In Constructor of your control:
this.Loaded += (sender, e) => Keyboard.Focus(txtUsername);
After trying combinations of the suggestions above, I was able to reliably assign focus to a desired text box on a child UserControl with the following. Basically, give focus to the child control and have the child UserControl give focus to its TextBox. The TextBox's focus statement returned true by itself, however did not yield the desired result until the UserControl was given focus as well. I should also note that the UserControl was unable to request focus for itself and had to be given by the Window.
For brevity I left out registering the Loaded events on the Window and UserControl.
private void OnWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private void OnControlLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
I set it in the PageLoaded() or control loaded, but then I'm calling WCF async service and doing stuff that seems to lose the focus. I have to to set it at the end of all the stuff I do. That's fine and all, but sometimes I make changes to the code and then I forget that I'm also setting the cursor.
I had same problem with setting keyboard focus to canvas in WPF user control.
My solution
In XAML set element to Focusable="True"
In element_mousemove event create simple check:
In my case it works fine.
