Is it always required to bind a socket? - c

Well, my question may look like a basic stuff, but i am new to network programming side.
I wish to know:
1) Is it always required to bind a socket in order to receive message from that? I saw a sniffer code (raw socket) one in which directly it is invoking recvfrom and another piece of code in which it is invoking bind and then a receive.
2) What is the difference between the AF_* and PF_* family? Is the later related to POSIX?
Which is the one recommended ?

No, you don't need to bind().
If you're using a TCP or UDP socket where you are planning to either connect() or send a packet to a destination with sendto(), the kernel will automatically bind the socket to a suitable port number when you try to connect or send. This is generally the preferred way. bind()ing client sockets is considered harmful.
The same is also true of AF_UNIX sockets - the client side does not need to bind, and should not do so normally.

For a client that only sends data, a bind is not necessary.
For a client that is sending a request to a server, and then receiving a response, a bind is not necessary. The server can use the IP address and port number that the incoming data came from.
For a client that is only receiving data, or is receiving data before it sends out data back to the server, a bind is necessary. How will the server know where to send data to? In this sense the "client" is acting like a "server" that needs a place (bound port) for the data to come to.

I don't know about Linux, but on Windows, if recvfrom() is called on an unbound socket, it will fail with an WSAEINVAL error.


difference between send() and sendTo() in C for a UDP network implementation

I'm trying to implement a UDP network between a client and a server but in many implementations, they use either send() or sendTo() I tried looking in the man pages but I didn't really understand the difference other than that the sendTo() takes in more arguments which makes it look rather useless compared to send(). If you could bring any clarity on this matter I would be happy to hear :)
The sendto function is the one that's generally used for UDP sockets. As UDP is connectionless, this function allows you to specify the IP and port that each outgoing packet is sent to.
You can however also use send if you first use connect. The connect function can be used to specify the destination IP and port for all packets sent using send. It also restricts the packets you receive to just those from that IP/port. The connect function may be called multiple times to change the associated remote IP/port, or to remove the association.
In general, I would recommend sticking with sendto as it gives you more flexibility over who you're sending to.

Bind in TCP/UDP Sockets

Bind function is used to assign a name (a sockaddr struct) to a socket descriptor. Why is it required for TCP server but not TCP client ? And why it is required for bot UDP Client and server?
I have also written correctly working code without using bind() in UDP Client .
I do not understand why bind() is not used universally i.e. in all cases above.
Binding is only a required, if there is no other way for the computer to know which program to send the packets to. For connection less programs this is only the receiving end.
Please have a look at socket connect() vs bind() this post.
There a much better job of explaining is done than I'm able to do. If you've got any questions after. Feel free to ask:)
Client on calling connect implicitly bind to a ephemeral, available port provided by the kernel. It need not specifically bind because it is the initiator of the connection. Server explicitly need to bind because it need to tell external world (the clients) how they can reach the server. Server listens on that port.Client knowing that published port initiates connection to it.
Now servers can send packets to client because on connection establishment the peer details (IP and Port) becomes known and are part of connection identifier.
And the above applied to both TCP and UDP. (UDP will not have connect)

In C, how to periodically send UDP datagram to multiple peers (possibly thousands)?

(I'm new to network programming, and I am working on C in Linux)
I followed Beej's guide for a simple UDP listener-talker and I know how to create a socket and send that to a destination (with calls to getaddrinfo() and socket() using SOCK_DGRAM)
In my distributed app, I will need to send a message to multiple peers (reliable multicast).
My question is: do I need to create a socket for each of the peers? I'm worried about scalability. Or should I create the socket, use it and destroy it (close it) after each message?
In summary, is there a good way to send a UDP packet to multiple destinations, periodically?
Thanks for the help!
For UDP, you need but one local socket. You can send a packet to any destination you like from that one, single socket.
Also, you don't need to destroy and recreate the socket after each message. Just keep the socket open, and keep sending messages.

Binding 40 Sockets to 40 different IP addresses

I am writing on UDP server/client application.
I want my single server to handle 40 clients at a time. For this, I want to create 40 dedicated threads, each dedicated for one single client. Since there are 40 threads one for each client, I want to create 40 dedicated sockets as well.
But the problem that:
I don't know what will be the 40 IP addresses to which I shall bind() my sockets. (since as far as I now, I have to bind() to my Server\s IP address.) Normally I bind() to "INADDR_ANY" when there is only single socket.
But what should be the IP addresses at which I should bind() each of my 40 sockets?
Please help me. Any comment/ help is appreciated.
One common way to do this with UDP is:
Server bind() to a well known port.
Client sends the initial packet to that well known port
Server receive the first packet from a client on the well known port.
Server creates a new socket with a random port
Server replies to the client from this new socket.
Client receives the reply, notices it comes from another port than the well known
server port, and uses that port as the destination for further communication.
You'll use the getpeername() call to learn the remote address.
Keep in mind that UDP is connection-less, you'll need some way to signal the end or time out you sockets.
bind only needs the local address, not the remote address.
If you want one socket for each client, then you'll need to use different ports for each (using bind). That way, each client can send its traffic to a dedicated port, and you can have a thread for each socket/port.
It's probably a better idea to only have one socket (and one port) though, and have logic in your code to assign traffic to a thread based on the remote address (retrieved using recvfrom eg.).
The usual way is to bind a single socket and accept incoming connections. Each connection will be assigned a unique socket by accept.
As you are using UDP, I would simply use TCP as described above to let the clients know of their respective server UDP addresses.
Create a single listening socket in a dedicated listening thread.
When it receives a new packet, use the packet's remote addr/port, or put a unique clientID in the packet payload, to uniquely identify the client.
Create a new thread for that client if one does not already exist, pass the packet to that thread for further processing, and go back to listening.
If a given client thread does not receive any packets for awhile, it can terminate itself.

Two-way communication in socket programming using C

I have a small doubt in socket programming. i am able to send my data from client to server and my server processes the data. The o/p of the data processed, I want to send back to my client. So can we "write" the data back to the client using the same socket. I mean a server listens on a port before accepting connection and receiving data, so similarly, do i need to make my client listen to some other port (bind it some other socket) and make my server connect to that socket and transfer the data back. Any kind of example or explanation or references would be appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance.
Check out Beej's Network Programming Guide first of all.
The basic screenplay of a server/client connection goes like this:
Server listen()s on a fixed port, with a given socket.
Client connect()s to a the server port; client obtains a socket.
Server accept()s the connection, and accept() returns a new socket for the connection.
(Server continues listening on the original port with the original socket.)
For the specific connection with the client, the server write()s to the new socket it obtained when accept()ing the incoming connection. A busy server will have many, many sockets, but it will only ever need to bind() to one port. All connections come in to that one port, but the OS's networking protocol stack separates the data and makes it available at the connection-specific socket.
You don't need a new socket.
A socket is a duplex connection you can send data in both directions and you can even close the socket from one direction (don't want to write anymore) but still send data from the other direction.
Your socket is bi-directional, so there is no need to create another socket. Unless you are using some sort of middleware, such as Pub/Sub, there is no need to create another socket to enable bi-directional communication.
Technically it is right, the socket is duplex and you can send the data to the same socket you read from:
SOCKET s = socket()
... //Connect
int size = receive(s,...);
//make response
send(s, ...);
But in practice it depends on what are you going to do. It is possible to hang out socket if you have the following situation:
Process 1 sends very big data (<100K) over the socket by one send
Process 2 receives data from 1 by portions and sends small packets to 1 (~20b). It is not a
confirmations, but some external events.
The situation goes into hangout, where the sending buffer of the 2 is full and it stops sending confirmations to 1.
2 and 1 are hanging in their send operations making a deadlock.
In this case I'd recommend using two sockets. One for read, one for write.
(Late answer, so mainly for anyone else who comes here looking for help)
I recently put up an example client/server application that closely follows Beej's Guide to Network Programming (which was also recommended by Kerrek SB in his answer). If you're looking for a simple working example of client/server communication, maybe this will help:
In particular, no, your client does not need to set up a separate listening socket to receive data from the server -- after the server has accepted the connection from the client, the server can simply send data back to the client on the same socket.
