Using concatenated results individually - arrays

I got a complicated query which produces a concatenated result. However, although GROUP_CONCAT is necessary for other purposes, I still need to be able to use the pieces of the concatenated string individually.
GROUP_CONCAT(id, name, date AS concat1
echo $db_field['concat1'];
...produces this output: IdNameDate, and I need to be able to use (and echo) Id, Name and Date separately. I guess it must be assigned to an array, I'm a begginer in PHP and I really appreciate any help.
For sake of simplicity, above I have used id instead of eventid, name instead of eventname and date instead of eventstartdate. Below is the full code.
if ($db_found) {
$SQL ="
select sportname,
GROUP_CONCAT(eventid, eventname, eventstartdate SEPARATOR '<br />' ) as concat1
from (
SELECT AS eventid, AS eventname,
event.tournament_stageFK AS eventtournamentstageFK,
event.startdate AS eventstartdate, AS tournament_stageid, AS tournament_stagename,
tournament_stage.tournamentFK AS tournament_stagetournamentFK, AS tournamentid, AS tournamentname,
tournament.tournament_templateFK AS tournamenttournament_templateFK, AS tournamenttemplateid, AS tournament_templatename,
tournament_template.sportFK AS tournament_templatesportFK, AS sportid, AS sportname
event INNER JOIN tournament_stage ON
INNER JOIN tournament ON
INNER JOIN tournament_template
DATE(event.startdate) = CURRENT_DATE()
) a
group by sportname, tournament_templatename, tournament_stagename
order by sportid, tournament_templatename, tournament_stagename";
$result = mysql_query($SQL);
if($result === FALSE) {
echo $db_field['concat1'];
I either need a way to get back to results before concatenating them, or a way to display IdNameDate as Id*Name*Date so I can use * as an explode delimiter.

Something like this?
$group = array();
$fields = array();
$fields['id'] = 2;
$fields['name'] = "test";
$fields['date'] = "2010/02/13";
$group["test"] = $fields;
To get an individual field:
echo $group["test"]["id"];
To get a whole group line:
echo implode(",", $group["test"]); // change "," to any delimiter character
To get all group lines:
foreach($group as $key => $g)
echo $key.":".implode(",", $g).";"; // change "," to any delimiter character
Hope this helps...

I guess the only way to do it is to:
Explode the GROUP_CONCAT results to get individual strings
Use substr to extract Id, Name and Date from each result as Id and Date are consistent, they always have the same number of characters
In the end, GROUP_CONCAT does more harm than good.


I need to show all data form pinjaman_id but only last data in every pinjaman_id form database

I'm using laravel, I want to make show all last data based on pinjaman_id this mean I only need last data of pinjaman_id, so pinjaman_id cant show duplicate, I just need the last one, and show them all last data with diffirent pinjaman_id
$pinjaman = DB::table('invoice')->where('pinjaman_id', 67)->orderBy('tgl_tempo', 'desc')->first();
if I'm using this, its only show last data in pinjaman_id = 67, I need to show them all but only last data based on tgl_tempo desc
$pinjaman = DB::table('invoice')->where('pinjaman_id', ??)->orderBy('tgl_tempo', 'desc')->first();
this is image my database
You have to use raw query to get the correct data then use UNION ALL to get other data
$results = DB::select("(SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE pinjaman_id= 67 order by tgl_tempo DESC limit 1) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE pinjaman_id != 67)") ;
try this one
$query = "select * from invoice where id IN (select MAX(id) from invoice where user_id = :userId group by pinjaman_id) order by tgl_tempo desc ";
$result = DB::select(DB::raw($query),['userId' => 1]);

Query execution in codeigniter

I have a situation where I need to fetch details of an employee from the database using his ID and display them in the browser.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM employeesalarypayment WHERE empid = ".$val['empid'].";";
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
These are the statements that I have written to get the result array. My problem is how do I take a single field/column from this array? Also have I done it correctly?
Thanks in advance.
If your query return single data from database then you need to use
$row = $query->row_array()
Try this
$sql = "SELECT * FROM employeesalarypayment WHERE empid = ".$val['empid'].";";
$result = $this->db->query($sql)->result_array();
echo $result[0]['field_name'];

Splitting column with XML data

I have a SQL column named "details" and it contains the following data:
<changes><RoundID><new>8394</new></RoundID><RoundLeg><new>JAYS CLOSE AL6 Odds(1 - 5)</new></RoundLeg><SortType><new>1</new></SortType><SortOrder><new>230</new></SortOrder><StartDate><new>01/01/2009</new></StartDate><EndDate><new>01/01/2021</new></EndDate><RoundLegTypeID><new>1</new></RoundLegTypeID></changes>
<changes><RoundID><new>8404</new></RoundID><RoundLeg><new>HOLLY AREA AL6 (1 - 9)</new></RoundLeg><SortType><new>1</new></SortType><SortOrder><new>730</new></SortOrder><StartDate><new>01/01/2009</new></StartDate><EndDate><new>01/01/2021</new></EndDate><RoundLegTypeID><new>1</new></RoundLegTypeID></changes>
<changes><RoundID><new>8379</new></RoundID><RoundLeg><new>PRI PARK AL6 (1 - 42)</new></RoundLeg><SortType><new>1</new></SortType><SortOrder><new>300</new></SortOrder><StartDate><new>01/01/2009</new></StartDate><EndDate><new>01/01/2021</new></EndDate><RoundLegTypeID><new>1</new></RoundLegTypeID></changes>
What is the easiest way to separate this data out into individual columns? (that is all one column)
Try this:
SELECT DATA.query('/changes/RoundID/new/text()') AS RoundID
,DATA.query('/changes/RoundLeg/new/text()') AS RoundLeg
,DATA.query('/changes/SortType/new/text()') AS SortType
-- And so on and so forth
FROM YourTable) AS T
Once you get your result set from the sql (mysql or whatever) you will probably have an array of strings. As I understand your question, you wanted to know how to extract each of the xml nodes that were contained in the string that was stored in the column in question. You could loop through the results from the sql query and extract the data that you want. In php it would look like this:
// Set a counter variable for the first dimension of the array, this will
// number the result sets. So for each row in the table you will have a
// number identifier in the corresponding array.
$i = 0;
$output = array();
foreach($results as $result) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
// Here use simpleXML to extract the node data, just by using the names of the
// XML Nodes, and give it the same name in the array's second dimension.
$output[$i]['RoundID'] = $xml->RoundID->new;
$output[$i]['RoudLeg'] = $xml->RoundLeg->new;
// Simply create more array items here for each of the elements you want
foreach ($output as $out) {
// Step through the created array do what you like with it.
echo $out['RoundID']."\n";

SQL Joining tables; can you repeat columns?

I'm trying to compose a view that we can use to export our inventory.
I have two tables:
Inventory, which contains the columns Description, Year, Make, Model, and Serial.
Pictures, which contains the columns DocumentBody, MimeType, Serial, and Last Modified.
I'd like to make a view that has all columns from Inventory, and also adds columns for x amount of Pictures related to Serial number.
So if there were two pictures with the same serial number, the resultant table would include these fields:
Description, Year, Make, Model, Serial, DocumentBody1, MimeType1, Last Modified1, DocumentBody2, MimeType2, Last Modified2.
For those Inventory items that only have one picture, the second picture columns would all be null.
Is this something I can even do? From what I'm reading about joins, it doesn't seem possible.
As others have said, you should probably evaluate whether you actually need the view you think you need. But if you really want it, you could use PIVOT in MSSQL:
WITH BaseData AS
FROM Pictures) AS t
DocumentPivot AS (
,'DocumentBody' + RowNum AS ColumnName
FROM BaseData
MimePivot AS (
,'MimeType' + RowNum AS ColumnName
FROM BaseData
ModifiedPivot AS (
,'LastModified' + RowNum AS ColumnName
FROM BaseData
SELECT Description
FROM Inventory
FROM DocumentPivot
PIVOT (MAX(DocumentBody) FOR ColumnName IN (DocumentBody1, DocumentBody2, ..., DocumentBody10)) AS P1
) AS Documents
ON Documents.Serial=Inventory.Serial
FROM MimePivot
PIVOT (MAX(MimeType) FOR ColumnName IN (MimeType1, MimeType2, ..., MimeType10)) AS P2
) AS Mimes
ON Mimes.Serial=Inventory.Serial
FROM ModifiedPivot
PIVOT (MAX(LastModified) FOR ColumnName IN (LastModified1, LastModified2, ..., LastModified10)) AS P3
) AS Modifieds
ON Modifieds.Serial=Inventory.Serial
Select inventory.*, count(pictures.serial) as picture_count From inventory Left Join pictures On inventory.serial = pictures.serial Where [your where statement]
Use Left Join in case there are no pictures at all. This way you still get back a result.
Actually, after reading your question again, it seems you just want to extend your search results with each additional picture in the system. That's not the best way to do this. The best you can do is just get a row returned for each pic that's in the system.
Select inventory.*, pictures.DocumentBody, pictures.MimeType, pictures.Serial, pictures.Last_Modified From inventory Left Join pictures On inventory.serial = pictures.serial Where [your where statement]
Since there is no "Group By" clause, this will give you 1 row for each picture. Then you can just loop through the results.
There are ways to do this by making temp tables, looping through results within a stored procedure, creating new columns (DocumentBody1, DocumentBody2, etc) for each picture result and adding the data to the new fields, then querying the temp table. But that's a lot to go through I would think.
thanks for the help everyone. In the end, I ended up using PHP to accomplish this with the following code:
$serverName = "database";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"CRM_MSCRM");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Unable to connect.\n\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
echo "Connected. Selecting trucks...\n\n";
$tsql = "SELECT * FROM CRM_MSCRM.dbo.Trader_Export_Simple";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql);
if( $stmt === false )
echo "Error executing query.\n\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
$csvData = array();
while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt))
$count = 1;
$mainpicsql = "SELECT * FROM CRM_MSCRM.dbo.TruckImages WHERE Serial = '".$row[0]."' AND MainPic = 1";
$mainpicstmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $mainpicsql);
while ($mainpicrow = sqlsrv_fetch_array($mainpicstmt))
$truck = $mainpicrow[1];
$mainfilename = $truck ."-". $count . ".png";
file_put_contents($mainfilename, base64_decode($mainpicrow[0]));
$mainpicdate = $mainpicrow[3]->format("d/m/Y h:m:s");
$mainfilename = "".$mainfilename;
echo $mainpicdate."\n";
$picsql = "SELECT * FROM CRM_MSCRM.dbo.TruckImages WHERE Serial = '".$row[0]."' AND MainPic = 0";
$picstmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $picsql);
$extrapicsdate = "";
$filenames = "";
while ($picrow = sqlsrv_fetch_array($picstmt))
$filename = $picrow[1] ."-". $count . ".png";
file_put_contents($filename, base64_decode($picrow[0]));
$picdate = $picrow[3]->format("d/m/Y h:m:s");
$filenames .= "".$filename.";";
$extrapicsdate .= $picdate.";";
$filenames = rtrim($filenames, ";");
$extrapicsdate = rtrim($extrapicsdate, ";");
echo $filenames."\n";
echo $extrapicsdate."\n";
if ($truck != "") {
$csvData[] = array($truck, $mainfilename, $mainpicdate, $filenames, $extrapicsdate);
if ($filenames != "")
$filenames = "";
if ($extrapicsdate != "")
$extrapicsdate = "";
echo "Next truck...\n\n";
$truck = "";
$mainfilename = "";
$mainpicdate = "";
$fp = fopen('file.csv', 'w');
foreach ($csvData as $fields) {
fputcsv($fp, $fields);
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $picstmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
this gets the files out but I still have to merge the resultant CSV with the main "information" CSV.

Counting duplicate entries in database

I want to count the number of times that a zip code is entered into a database. I'm not sure if I am using the right function or not. Also eventually I need to separate the zip codes by the year they were entered int the data base. I know how to separate the years. What I really need help on is counting duplicate entries.
Here is my code.
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM zip ORDER BY time_register';
$result = mysql_query($sql,$db) or die(mysql_error(). "<br />SQL: $sql");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$visitor_zip= array();
$register = $row['time_register'];
$register_year = date(Y,$register);
} while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
Answer: Here is my code that works.
$sql = "SELECT `visitor_zip` AS `zip`, COUNT(`visitor_zip`) AS `cnt`
FROM `zip`
GROUP BY `visitor_zip`
ORDER BY visitor_zip";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$db) or die(mysql_error(). "<br />SQL: $sql");
print '<table class="zip"><tr><td><b>Zip</b></td><td># of</td></tr>';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
print '<tr><td>' . $row['zip'] .'</td><td>'. $row['cnt'] . '</td></tr>';
print '</table>';
I think this should work:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, zipcode FROM zip
GROUP BY zipcode
ORDER BY time_register
select count(ZIPCODEFIELD) as cnt, ZIPCODEFIELD, time_register FROM zip
GROUP BY zipcode,time_register
