How to parse an academic degree into a category? - database

I have a list of academic degree's that I need to chategorize into the following:
| High School |
| Some College |
| Associate Degree |
| Bachelors Degree |
| Masters Degree |
| First Professional Degree |
| Doctoral Degree |
So say I have a string "Master of International Affairs", that would map to "Masters Degree".
Is there any comprehensive algorithm that would allow me to do this? The list of actual academic degrees seems to grow every day. I thought about Making all the Masters match to any string starting with "M" but that seems hacky.
I most probably would need to get a database of this sort from somewhere.

I've worked with the examination council of my faculty for some time, we have wished dearly for such a list and never found one. Especially not one that is applicable internationally. I say that this problem is unsolved and, with the current and future state of academia, unsolvable.
There is always some stupid course somewhere that the list does not contain.


How to optimise SQL table for read speed for point to point distance data

I intend to store a list of distances from all points to each other.
So if I had only 3 points (A-C) it would be like
| A | B | 10 miles
| A | C | 15 miles
| B | C | 12 miles
Obviously you can infer that B to A = 10 miles since you know A to B = 10 miles. In terms of my queries I may be searching for A to B or B to A - I can't guarantee the order of the start and end point of the journey.
I have 1600 points which makes (1600^2 - 1600)/2 = 1.3m possible journeys. What is the best way to store that data for querying by either A to B or B to A?
Should I duplicate the rows for the reverse journeys leading to 2.5m
rows and query on that?
Or should I make a composite clustered index
on the two columns and search for both the A to B OR the B to A
knowing at least one exists?
Or something else clever
This is a common enough problem surely and so I want to know from a DB expert if there is a common pattern or practice for solving it. I want facts, references, or specific expertise to answer this question not just vague opinions as I have plenty of them myself :)
This is on SQL Azure in case that makes a difference
If i were to solve this, rather than saying From and To column, I would call it Point1 and Point2 and always make sure that point2 is greater than point1, in your case C>B , B>A and C>A
Hope this helps.

Constructing a Good Suffix Table - Understanding an example

I'm really trying to understand an example on how to construct a good suffix table for a given pattern. The problem is, I'm unable to wrap my head around it. I've looked at numerous examples, but do not know where the numbers come from.
So here goes:
The following example is a demonstration of how to construct a Good Suffix Table given the pattern ANPANMAN:
Index | Mismatch | Shift | goodCharShift
0 | N| 1 | goodCharShift[0]==1
1 | AN| 8 | goodCharShift[1]==8
2 | MAN| 3 | goodCharShift[2]==3
3 | NMAN| 6 | goodCharShift[3]==6
4 | ANMAN| 6 | goodCharShift[4]==6
5 | PANMAN| 6 | goodCharShift[5]==6
0 | NPANMAN| 6 | goodCharShift[6]==6
0 | ANPANMAN| 6 | goodCharShift[7]==6
Any help on this matter is highly appreciated. I simply don't know how to get to these numbers. Thanks!
Row 1, no characters matched, the character read was not an N. The good-suffix length is zero. Since there are plenty of letters in the pattern that are also not N, we have minimal information here - shifting by 1 is the least interesting result.
Row 2 we matched the N, and it was preceded by something other than A. Now look at the pattern starting from the end, where do we have N preceded by something other than A? There are two other N's, but both are preceded by A. That means no part of the good suffix can be useful to us -- shift by the full pattern length 8.
Row 3: We matched the AN, and it was preceded by not M. In the middle of the pattern there is a AN preceded by P, so it becomes the shift candidate. Shifting that AN to the right to line up with our match is a shift of 3.
Rows 4 & up: the matched suffixes do not match anything else in the pattern, but the trailing suffix AN matches the start of the pattern, so the shifts here are all 6.
It might help you Good Suffix-Table.
why you didnt try with last occurrence method its much easy as compared to good suffix table.I used last occurrence method for my searching
Although, this is an old question and there is an answer being accepted, but I just want to add the pdf from JHU, which explains quite well about the good suffix rules.
This pdf makes my life so much easier. So hope that it will help people who are struggling with understanding this algorithm as well.

Allocate places according to distance

As an over-simplified example I have a list of events that have a maximum attendance:
event | places
event_A | 1
event_B | 2
event_C | 1
And a list of attendees with the distance to the events:
attendee | event_A dist | event_B dist | event_C dist
attendee_1 | 12 | 15 | 12
attendee_2 | 11 | 15 | 11
attendee_3 | 10 | 11 | 12
Can anyone suggest a simple method to produce a set of options providing the best case allocations based on shortest total distance and on shortest mean distance?
I currently have the data held in Oracle Spatial database, but I'm open to suggestions.
I currently understand your problem as follows:
Each atendee should be assigned to exactly one event
Each event has a limit as to how many atendees are assigned to it
Underfull or even empty events are no problem
Each assignment between an event and an atendee corresponds to a given distance
You want to minimize the overall distance for all assignments
You might want to print the result not using sums but using means
Based on this interpretation, I suggest the following algorithm:
Create a complete bipartite graph, with nodes in partition A for atendees and nodes in partition B for places in events. So every atendee corresponds to one node, and every event corresponds to as many nodes as it has places. All atendees are connected to all event nodes with the distance as the edge cost.
At this point your problem corresponds to a general assignment problem, with “agents” corresponding to your event places, and “tasks” corresponding to your atendees. Every atendee must be covered, but not every event place must be used.
Add dummy attendees to allow a perfect matching. Simply sum up all the places, subtract from that the number of actual atendees. For the difference, create as many atendee nodes, with distance zero to all the event nodes.
By making both partitions equal in size, you are now in the domain of the more common linear assignment problem.
Use the hungarian algorithm to compute a minimal cost assignment. Perhaps you can think of some simplifications which make use of the fact that you have many equivalent nodes, i.e. places for the same event and all those dummy atendees.
All of this should probably be done in application code, not in the data base. So I'd rather tag this algorithm. You'll need to pull the full cost matrix from the database to provide costs for your edges.

Model for a Scheduling System

We have built a scheduling system to control our client's appointments. This
system is similar to the one used by Prometric to schedule an exam. The main
concerns are: guarantee that there is no overscheduling, support at least one
hundred thousand appointments per month and allow to increase/decrease the
testing center capacity easily.
We devised the following design based on Capacity Vectors. We assumed that
each appointment requires at least five minutes. A vector is composed by 288
slots (24 hours * 12 slots per hour), each one represented by one byte. The
vector allows the system to represent up to 255 appointments every five
minutes. The information used is composed by two vectors: one to store the
testing center capacity (NOMINAL CAPACITY) and another to store the used capacity
(USED CAPACITY). To recover the current capacity (CURRENT CAPACITY), the system
takes the testing NOMINAL CAPACITY and subtracts the USED CAPACITY.
The database has the following structure:
The nominal capacity represents the capacity for work days (Mon-Fri).
| 1 | 0000001212121212....0000
| 2 | 0000005555555555....0000
| N | 0000000000010101....0000
This table stores the used capacity for each day / testing center.
| 1 | 01/01/2010 | 0000001010101010...0000
| 1 | 01/02/2010 | 0000000202020202...0000
| 1 | 01/03/2010 | 0000001010101010...0000
| 2 | 01/01/2010 | 0000001010101010...0000
| N | 01/01/2010 | 0000000000000000...0000
After the client chose the testing center and a date, the system presents the
available slots doing the following calculation. For example:
DATE 01/01/2010
NOMINAL_CAPACITY 0000001212121212...0000
USED_CAPACITY 0000001010101010...0000
AVAILABLE_CAPAC 0000000202020202...0000
If the client decides to schedule an appointment, the system locks the chosen
day (a row in # USED CAPACITY table) and increases the corresponding byte.
The system is working well now, but we foresee contention problems if the
number of appointments increases too much.
Does anyone has a better/another model for this problem or suggestions to
improve it?
We have thought in avoiding the contention by sub-diving the representation of a
vector in hour and changing to an optimistic lock strategy. For example:
| 1 | 01/01/2010 | 000000101010 | 1010... | ... | ...0000
This way will don't need to lock a row and reduce collision events.
Here's one idea:
You can use optimistic locking with your current design. Instead of using a separate version number or timestamp to check whether the entire row has been modified, save a memento of the used_capacity array when the row is read. You only lock on update, at which time you compare just the modified slot byte to see if it's been updated. If not, you can embed the new value into that one element without modifying the others, thus retaining modifications to other slots performed by other processes since your initial read.
This should work as well on an set of adjacent bytes for appointments that are longer than 5 minutes.
If you know the slot(s) in question when you initially read, then you can just save the beginning array index and salient values instead of the entire array.

Pre RTree step: Divide a set of points into rectangular regions each containing one point

given my current position (lat,long) I want to quickly find the nearest neighbor in a points of interest problem. Thus I intend to use an R-Tree database, which allows for quick lookup. However, first the database must be populated - of course. Therefore, I need to determine the rectangular regions that covers the area, where each region contains one point of interest.
My question is how do I preprocess the data, i.e. how do I subdivide the area into these rectangular sub-regions? (I want rectangular regions because they are easily added to the RTree - in contrast to more general Voronoi regions).
Edit: The below approach works, but ignores the critical feature of R-trees -- that The splitting behavior of R-tree nodes is well defined, and maintains a balanced tree (through B-tree-like properties). So in fact, all you have to do is:
Pick the maximum number of rectangles per page
Create seed rectangles (use points furthest away from each other, centroids, whatever).
For each point, choose a rectangle to put it into
If it already falls into a single rectangle, put it in there
If it does not, extend the rectangle that needs to be extended least (different ways to measure "least" exits -- area works)
If multiple rectangles apply -- choose one based on how full it is, or some other heuristic
If overflow occurs -- use the quadratic split to move things around...
And so on, using R-tree algorithms straight out of a text book.
I think the method below is ok for finding your initial seed rectangles; but you don't want to populate your whole R-tree that way. Doing the splits and rebalancing all the time can be a bit expensive, so you will probably want to do a decent chunk of the work with the KD approach below; just not all of the work.
The KD approach: enclose everything in a rectangle.
If the number of points in the rectangle is > threshold, sweep in direction D until you cover half the points.
Divide into rectangles left and right (or above and below) the splitting point).
Call the same procedure recursively on the new rectangles, with the next direction (if you were going left to right, you will now go top to bottom, and vice versa).
The advantage this has over the divide-into-squares approach offered by another poster is that it accommodates skewed point distributions better.
Oracle Spatial Cartridge documentation describes tessellation algorithm that can do what you want. In short:
enclose all your points in square
if square contains 1 point - index square
if square does not contain points - ignore it
if square contains more then 1 point
split square into 4 equal squares and repeat analysis for each new square
Result should be something like this:
alt text
I think you a missing something in the problem statement. Assume you have N points (x, y) such that every point has a unique x- and y-coordinate. You can divide your area into N rectangles then by just dividing it into N vertical columns. But that does not help you to solve the nearest POI problem easily, does it? So I think you are thinking about something about the rectangle structure which you haven't articulated yet.
| | | | |5| | |
|1| | | | |6| |
| | |3| | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| |2| | | | | |
| | | | | | |7|
| | | |4| | | |
The numbers are POIs and the vertical lines show a subdivision into 7 rectangular areas. But clearly there isn't much "interesting" information in the subdivision. Is there some additional criterion on the subdivision which you haven't mentioned?
