Enhancing my WCF service with asynchronous calls? - winforms

I am currently developing a WCF service in a windows form application. There would be a simple GUI screen with 2 buttons, "Start" and "Stop". Whenever I attempt to start the service, the UI of the application would temporary hangs until it loads finish. Is it possible to add a loading effect to it? And how can I do that.
Still pretty new in this area. Would welcome any comments!
Is there any good tutorials out there that teaches how can I enhance this issue?
I have read the MSDN blog tutorial from Rick Rainey Making asynchronous service calls from a WinForm client but it is not really that of a good tutorial.
Just to clarify, my WCF service is a publish subscribe framework and I think I do not need to be able to call the operations asynchronously. All I want to know is how do I initiate the connection asynchronously.

Is it possible to add a loading effect to it? And how can I do that.
For this you can use duplex service contract.
Also, since your application is a subscription application you might want to look into pushing data to your application from the WCF service. Here's a nice example and although it's for Silverlight I think it might be useful to you:


How to use GET in ReactJS web chat app with Rest API back-end?

I am creating a chat app using ReactJS for a class project web app. For the back-end I am using Rest API. So ideally when I post something on the chat, I would use POST and when I receive a message from the other end, I would use GET. In terms of POST, I figure I can associate that with an event, such as pushing the submit button for the chat app. However, I am racking my mind for how I would call GET for receiving a message. Would it be as simple as using a React life cycle function, such as ComponentDidMount to call GET for receiving a message? Or would I need to use a timer with one of those functions? Or is there a radically different method altogether? From what I see of the life cycle functions, they only update based on changes in state and props.
Quite a lot of questions you have there. I will provide one possible solution.
Choose or implement chat UI, I recommend using https://github.com/PeterKottas/react-bell-chat as it's very easy to setup.
Implement backend, I recommend dot net core as it's fairly easy to wire this up in that framework.
Forget GET-ing messages on a timer. Imagine you have 1000 users getting every 5 seconds. That's a home-brew DDOS attack. Instead use bidirectional communication.
SignalR is the library that can help you implement that, you google the official repo, there's plenty of examples.
Connect to signalR on front end using the javascript (or typescript) client they provide.
And you're pretty much done.
Here they use angular but you should get the gist of it https://codingblast.com/asp-net-core-signalr-chat-angular/

web app created using angularjs showing my code in web

I created a web app in mvc 5, using angularjs as controller but the problem is, all my code of my app will be shown if i click on inspect in google chrome, i don't want to show my coding to any user, how can i prevent the user to view my coding,
and is angularjs is less safer then c# and is there any way (by coding) to prevent all the users to view our code in insect element
i know this is not exactly related to coding, but my app has the
transacion related to banks
This is normal with any web application that depends on client side scripting language.
JavaScript should be only used to handle the user interface flow and interactions, the business logic and persistence should be handled in the back end.
You should never trust any data coming from the UI, always validate it before retrieval or saving.
As for the code that is visible, you can always minify the JavaScript files, this will make it at least harder for anyone to inspect and understand the code

Can I achieve semi-realtime effect with Angular?

New to Angular and want to understand more about it. I know Ajax can have real time effect by basically repeatedly sending Http requests to server on short time intervals. Can I achieve similar real-time effect using Angular? If true to previous question, how does Angular achieve the real-time effect? Is it the same as Ajax?
In order to be realtime you would need to have server code that pushes data to applications. Angular, which is client side javascript, will only have the ability to pull.
Hmm, I think you should Google some defination about, Ajax, Realtime, and might be Framework also.
But basiclly, AJAX not is realtime. In a deep, It's only effect which make better experience for user. In addition, it's related to Single Page Application.
Realtime is action interactive with many users. The best example you can see is Facebook, chat or notification. User 1 can send message and User 2 can see instantly, no need to reload. Diffirent for AJAX, User 2 can not see the message if he don't reload browser.
About part 2 of your question, after understanding AJAX, realtime. You can use some third party like Socket, Firebase ... which able to use realtime for your Angular app.

Should I use Angular for a local only NW.js project?

I want to build a mid-size application using NodeJS and NW.js (formerly known as node-webkit). The application will grab some data from the internet but isn't talking with one special service which is under my control.
Is it a good idea to use AngularJS nevertheless or is the MVC approach of Angular oversized if there isn't neither a database nor a webservice on the controller layer?
I think Angular would be really fine for databinding and GUI handling, but I'm not sure if it's the right approach for this kind of application.
I see no reason not to use Angular in an nwjs project. I do it myself in the app I just finished building. It's a local-only deck tracking app for hearthstone that never communicates over the internet at runtime. It only ever monitors a log file that is generated by the Hearthstone game. Since the way I'm display information to the user is still technically a web page with a full DOM, Angular makes perfect sense since I'm already comfortable using it.

WCF Silverlight Service Reference

I have added a ServiceReference to my Silverlight app. I have called it, WcfServiceReference. I can code the following
using ( var client = new WcfServiceReference.WcfDataServiceClient( ) )
client.GetSpendDataTotalAsync( Guid.NewGuid( ) );
I was thinking I should be able to reference client.GetSpendDataTotal (not Async), but it isn't available. However, it is in the app - I can find it in my service... Probably something obvious?
Silverlight only allows you to consume WCF services using async methods. The general idea is that synchronous calls to external services tie up the UI thread and leave your app unresponsive until they return. Take a look at this question and this blog post for more discussion on Silverlight and why you're guided into using async service calls. To quote from the blog post, "the whole purpose of the plug-in architecture only permitting async requests is so that plug-ins would not be able to lock up the browser".
Eric Lippert gives an excellent explanation/discussion of the problem of background work tying up the UI thread in this MSDN Magazine article about the upcoming async-await pattern. Definitely worth reading.
The main thing to remember here is that regardless of how much useful work might be happening in the background, if the UI is unresponsive the app is doing nothing as far as the user is concerned. Using asynchronous WCF service calls in Silverlight allows you to do something else with the UI whilst waiting for the result rather than leaving the user wondering why they can't do anything.
Silverlight doesn't allow non-asynchronous calls to services. When you code Silverlight access to WCF services, think Asynchronous.
