Obfuscate Silverlight library using Dotfuscator - silverlight

I'm attempting to use Dotfuscator 4.7.1000 to obfuscate a Silverlight library that is strongly named. When I attempt to do so, I get the following error message:
External type not found
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35.
I have tried adding this assembly to the GAC, and have tried adding user defined assembly load paths to the configuration to locations where this assembly is located to no avail.
I then tried adding System.Data.Services.Client to the input assemblies and ran it again. This time it gets further, but ultimately I get:
Warning: Password protected Strong Name files are not supported
sn returned 1.
It appears as though it is attempting to run sn.exe on System.Data.Services.Client.dll with my local key. I've tried excluding this assembly from any obfuscation tasks, but it continues to do so.
Is there something I'm missing when trying to obfuscate this library? Is there some other way to directly point it to the DLL it can't seem to find that I don't know about? Or can I include the DLL in the project without it trying to obfuscate the Silverlight library?
And for the moment, please no suggestions on alternate obfuscators. My company has a license for Dotfuscator and I'd like to get this running using that. Thanks!

Somehow I must have been screwing up my user defined assembly load paths. As soon as I re-added the path to the Silverlight 4.0 client DLLs everything worked without having to reference System.Data.Services.Client.


Using log4net on nmodbus from not-main-project in a WPF project

So, i'm taking over a old project that uses nmodbus (and old version at that, 2.0_1.11.0.0, we decided it was best to not update). Nmodbus uses log4net for logging messages. I need to be able to view the logged messages, but it seems like log4net doesnt like WPF, or being in not-main-project.
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "log4net.config")]
To the Nmodbus project AssemplyInfo.cs file gives me this error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Unknown build error, 'Cannot resolve dependency to assembly 'log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b44e1d426115821' because it has not been preloaded. When using the ReflectionOnly APIs, dependent assemblies must be pre-loaded or loaded on demand through the ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve event.' OptimalProdTest
Adding log4net, with NuGet Package Manager, to the main (WPF) project causes Nmodbus to stop working. (maybe has something to do with log4net being an older version in the old nmodbus project, and adding with NuGet will download the newest? Can i somehow add log4net from the other project into the main project without NuGet?)
I found other people with similiar problem who said i should add:
FileInfo configFileInfo = new FileInfo("log4net.config");
to "the entry point of your library setup your logger", one guy said, another said "in the constructor of the wrapper class". However, i do not know what files these guys are talking about, nor do i know which project they meant (add to main project or nmodbus?).
( https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/0c5d7fbb-94a3-4221-ab91-9732c5acee58/cannot-resolve-dependency-to-assembly-because-it-has-not-been-preloaded )
I'm lost and i can't find much help when googling. Anyone has any idea what i should do to be able to view the logs from log4net in nmodbus?

Assembly 'System.Threading.Channels' references assembly 'system.threading.tasks.extensions, v.', which is not present in the current database

I am trying to add a DLL into SQL Server:
FROM 'C:\Debug\ClassLibrary1.dll'
As you can see here my DLLs
But I get this error:
Assembly 'System.Threading.Channels' references assembly 'system.threading.tasks.extensions, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51.', which is not present in the current database. SQL Server attempted to locate and automatically load the referenced assembly from the same location where referring assembly came from, but that operation has failed (reason: version, culture or public key mismatch). Please load the referenced assembly into the current database and retry your request.
Why am I getting this error when all the referenced DLLs are available?
Hmm, interesting - the way you create the assembly the extensions dll should automatically have been created.
Couple of things:
I assume you have manually copied all the dll's to your directory. If
so ensure that the versions of dlls are correct, i.e. that the
version of extensions the channels dll uses is the one you have in
the directory.
It also may be that extensions can't be created as
assembly in SQL, as not all clr dll's are allowed. Try to create the
extensions dll manually, followed by the channels dll.
There are reasons why some dll's are very difficult to deploy into the db - so maybe ask yourself whether you can accomplish what you want to do with your dll, from outside the db. Every time I see dll's referencing System.Threading, and System.Memory I get worried.
Oh, I see what you want to do - you want to call out to Rabbit, and I assume you are using one of the latest rabbit client dll's. I have a vague recollection that the later dll's cannot be deployed to SQL. I actually wrote a blog post about how to do this back in 2017. Have a look at the post, and see if it helps you.

Add non .NET DLL to ColdFusion

I am currently faced with a dilemma in regards to adding any kind of DLL to a ColdFusion project. I have done a ton of research but nothing seems to be simplistic enough to grasp an understanding. I have a Winform that uses the same DLL in the Reference which makes life easy. When looking to add the same DLLs to a ColdFusion project, it doesn't seem to be working. I have tried using the following:
<cfobject type="com" name="myObj" assembly="C:\DocViewer\AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll">
Here is the error message I am receiving as well:
Attribute validation error for tag CFOBJECT. It has an invalid
attribute combination: assembly,name,type.
This site has been very helpful in the past and I am hoping to learn how this DLL in CF9 works so that I do not have to completely rewrite an entire program when the current one works perfectly.
From comments
I tried adding the DLL using the regsvr32 but here is my error now:
the module was loaded but the entry-point dllregisterserver was not found
Well it looks to me like you're using the cfobject attributes for a .NET object instead of for a COM object. The cfobject tag is one of those tags where the attributes vary by action/type, like cfcontent, cffile and cfdirectory (and a bunch of others that don't immediately spring to mind).
So you need the documentation for accessing COM objects specifically, which for the latest version of Adobe's CFML engine is located here: https://wikidocs.adobe.com/wiki/display/coldfusionen/cfobject%3A+COM+object
There's a typo on the docs page, but it looks like this should work for you (although I'll admit it's been a while since I've invoked a COM object):
type = "com"
class = "path.to.com.Class"
name = "myObj"
action = "create|connect">
It looks like you would use action="connect" if you have it installed as a Windows Service, or create if you want CF to instantiate the DLL, but I would guess having it installed as a service would be easier. I'm just guessing, but I think "path.to.com.Class" would be the name of the service if you're using it that way, or it would be the logical path to the .dll file if the CF server is instantiating it. If neither of those options work, then there might either be a version incompatibility if this is being moved to a newer OS, or the service might be misconfigured.
The error message from registering the DLL sounds like (and I'm guessing because I've never created a windows service DLL) it's looking for a specific class or function in the DLL in order to register it as a service in Windows and it can't find that "entry point" in the DLL (i.e. in the same way that Java will look for a "public static void Main(String args)" as the entry-point to a Java program). That may be necessary for a Service, but it's probably not necessary for a generic DLL that might be accessed and used in some other way, so it's possible this DLL might work, but not be compatible with Service registration.
So going back to your sample code, this might work:
<cfobject type="com" name="myObj" action="create"

Registered an Assembly for COM, but only works on dev computer

Hey, I was wondering if you guys could see what is wrong/suggest a solution.
I have a dll Assembly for COM that I built with C#, and i am trying to get the COM object from Silverlight Out-of-browser. I want the siverlight application to be mobile between computers, so i put all the neccesary files in a zip along with a batch installer that does the followingto register the assembly:
cd %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\
RegAsm.exe "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Homework Clock\windowsHook.dll" /tlb /nologo
My application finds the assembly and it works fine on my dev computer, but when I move my application to a test computer (along with the dll and any other neccesary files), my batch file says it registers successfully but the application doesn't find it.
However, when i rebuild the assembly with C# on the test computer and replace the dll i moved from the dev computer with the rebuilt dll, the application finds it fine. It would be convenient for my clients if they didn't have to rebuild the assembly using C# if they wish to use my application, so i was wondering if there was a way to fix this.
I looked into this problem for a while and thought it might be because my assembly wasn't a strong named assembly, since I think C# does that automatically, so i tried doing it in my batch file and it couldn't recognize the 'al' and 'sn' commands necessary to generate the cryptographic key to give an assembly a strong name, and i tried doing it in the
'signing' tab in the C# project properties, but i encountered the same problem. Any ideas how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
The reason it works when you rebuild with VS is because it runs Regasm.exe with the /codebase option. Required if you don't plan to put the assembly in the GAC.
C# does not automatically give assemblies a strong name. If you're using Visual Studio, open the project's Properties page, and look under the Signing tab. Check Sign the Assembly, and generate a new strong name key file. Build your project, and you should be able to do what you need to do with your existing batch file.

Attempting to load a DLL on Windows using LoadLibrary when a dependent DLL is missing

I have an application that uses LoadLibrary on Windows to dynamically load plugins. However some of the plugins have other dependent DLLs, such as database client DLLs.
When you attempt to load such a DLL and one of the dependent DLLs doesn't exist you get a nasty Windows dialog:
"The program can't start because xxx.ddl is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
Is there any easy way to avoid this dialog? I was hoping one could use LoadLibraryEx and pass a flag that says "don't give me that annoying dialog", but it doesn't seem like it.
What I'd like is for the application to handle that error, rather than Windows handling it for me, especially as the text of the message is incorrect (the problem isn't that the program can't start, the program is running quite happily, it just can't load this plugin).
What I'd like to avoid is having to rewrite the plugins that have these external dependencies to make them themselves do a dynamic load of any dependent modules and then query for any entry points.
Anyway, any suggestions would be gratefully received.
Use SetErrorMode(). Use it with SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX | SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS before you load the DLL and with 0 right after.
From MSDN:
To enable or disable error messages displayed by the loader during DLL loads, use the SetErrorMode function.
Link here
