How to put data onto this Silverlight Timeline Control - silverlight

I've got the following problem: in our teams software you can navigate to a site (journal) which loads a individual history (journal entries). The history entries are currently shown in a grid. If you change the SelectedItem, additional data (details of the journal entry) is shown below the grid.
Now my team finds this Silverlight Timeline Control (Silverlight Documentation) pretty good for displaying historical data. I think this either.
My problem is that the only way to put data onto this timeline control is via XML files. That's not a viable solution for our project. Do you see a way to "bind" this to something like ItemsSource? The reason for this is that we have lots of "journals". And every journal you open shows a different history of journal entries. You also can add/edit/delete entries.

You can do this through ResetEvents method. Timeline control calculates event positions, so it needs all events to calculate position of any. It loads them quickly, though, so 10k of events should not be a problem. Please use timeline forum for more help.

Yes, add propery which calls reset events. This could be observable collection, subscribe to events of this collection and call reset events from there also. Makes sense?


Adding hundreds of images to a WP7 listbox from Isolated Storage, how can I utilize Data Virtualization?

I am trying to add images to a listbox with a "continuous scroll" so the user does not have to press any buttons etc to load the next set of images. The images are stored in Isolated Storage. I will be starting with 500 images. Loading 500 images to a listbox obviously does not work and just eats up all resources in a few seconds. Based on my research I need to use data virtualization so the images are retreived when they are required (on-screen) and disposed of when not-required (of-screen), as opposed to loading them all at once. I have searched the web for examples but have only been able to find code which retreives and displays text etc to populate the listbox as oposed to images stored in IS. I "belive" I need to use an Image within a Data Template, within a listbox and then bind to an IList using a custom class. I can bind the list box to a basic IList and that works ok (only 50 images) but when it comes to creating a custom class etc its over my head. Does anyone have an example of what I need that they would be happy to share? I havent been programming a year yet and have found most of my App requirements to be achievable with a litte research but I cant find any good pages or video that explains this exact requirement and its driving me crazy as I have spent days on it.
Failing that I will have to pay Telerik for their support and use their DataBoundListBox or pay a third party to write it for me, but I thought I would try here before parting with hundreds of dollars!
Thanks for your time(s) in advance!
Here is a proper implementation of data virtualization:
This is how you bind images to the image control: Image UriSource and Data Binding
To get data Data Virtualization on the Windows Phone 7 you can use the VirtualizingStackPanel class. In the MSDN you can find all the properties you may want to set. To use the control you put your list inside this control:
Since you would like to have a tutorial I can point you to Jevgeni TÅ¡aikin blog post on ItemsControl virtualization. If you want more check out the post from Shawn Oster on Improving ListBox Performance.

Adding controls to winform while allowing user to enter input

I have a WinForms data entry form that will have upwards of 1500 questions. I have the questions broken into sections, and each section will have an unkown number of questions. Each section is its own user control and has rows (2 panels, 2 labels, a textbox, and another user control) created and added dynamically for each question. The section controls are then added to the form.
My problem is that the process takes a lot of time, even with using TPL (Task Parallel Library). I would ultimately like to create/add the controls and allow the user to start entering data at the same time. The controls are going into a scrollable panel. While the user is entering data, that data will need processed on a local more threading could be necessary.
I have tried working with TPL, which I am new to, by having all the controls added to a list during processing and then sorted and added to the form after the Parallel.ForEach was complete...takes about 20 seconds for over 1200 questions.
I also tried utilizing a BackgroundWorker component. Using the BWC seems to be the faster of the two, but there is a race condition for the ProgressChanged() eventhandler and not all controls get added...not to mention the way the form looks with all the rerendering.
Am i just using TPL wrong? What's the best way to go about this? Is there another way or do I just make the user stick out the wait?
Am i just using TPL wrong? What's the best way to go about this? Is there another way or do I just make the user stick out the wait?
Most likely, you can use TPL, and get the same response time as BW, but a nicer API for this type of operation.
The trick here is to get a TaskScheduler setup for UI interaction, and then use the Task class to push the controls back onto the UI thread as they're ready. I have a blog post on this specific subject which shows how to get a TaskScheduler setup to use with UI threads.
However, I would recommend keeping these in memory and pushing them in batches, to avoid constantly re-rendering the UI. This is likely to be an issue no matter what you're doing.
That being said - I'd question your overall visual design here - if you're trying to display over 1200 questions to the user, some form of paging is probably a much nicer approach than a huge scrollable container. If you page these, you could load and process the first few (which is probably near instantaneous, since you mentioned you can process about 50 questions/second), and then continue loading the others after the first few questions have been displayed.

Silverlight Binding in Pivot Control

I have a design question : In a pivot view (three "pages"), I have a lot of bindings. Well, about 12 items in each pivot view (TextBox, Map...).
I realized that these binding were slowing a lot the load of my view. But the binding on the first "page" of my pivot is the only one that needs to be loaded. I can put a progress indicator and load in a thread or something my other data (in fact, the binded data will be set only after an HTTPWebRequest).
How can I tell that to my application ? Like "onLoadPageX: bind items"
Thanks a lot, I don't know if i'm clear
You should be able to add a RoutedEventHandler for the Loaded event of each PivotItem. This event is fired when a particular PivotItem page is loaded; there is also a corresponding Unloaded event for when the page unloads, in case you need to free any resources.
Your question is quite vague but there are lots of options around showing a loading state, defering binding and having lots of controls in a pivot:
If you need to do anything that may take time then do it off the UI thread.
If you're doing something which takes time then you should show an indication to the user that something is happening. This could be a message or animation, depending on the likley time period and the rest of the application.
If your content is highly dependent upon data loaded from the web, be sure to have appropriate timeouts on failing to load the data. Also have useful messages if there is no data connection available.
If your UI is highly dependent on details loaded externally you could look at adding the controls to the UI once you know what you need to display.
If the UI will always have the same controls but different content in them, you could consider data-binding to objects which have placeholder content which is updated when the relevant information is downloaded from the web service.
If you have lots of items in your pivot you should consider defereing the loading of individual items so that you don't load them before they are needed. Only load the data on the items next to the one displayed. This way they appear preloaded to the user but ease the impact on the system.

WPF Bind DataTable to repeated user controls

I'm in the process of teaching myself WPF, and I have run into a small issue that I can't find the answer to.
My test app allows image files to be dropped into a StackPanel. Once an image is dropped, a new user control is added to the stack, and displays some meta-data about the file. All is working correctly, and I can iterate through the child controls to retrieve the values.
What I'd prefer to be able to do is allow the user to persist this data to a file, so they can suspend working on the data. The obvious way for me to do this is to store the data in a DataTable and serialise/deserialise it to xml. However, I don't know how to drive the collection of user controls from a DataTable or DataSet object - in fact, I don't even know if this is the right way to go about it in a WPF app. I am more than willing to admit my ignorance here and take better suggestions if there are any.
Summary of the app logic.
1) File is dropped (from Win explorer) onto a StackPanel
2) File triggers creation of a new user control, which is added to the StackPanel
3) Data is populated in the user control
4) Processing data involves iterating through the control collection.
What I'd like
1) File is dropped (from Win explorer) onto a StackPanel
2) File data is inserted into some persistable object (data table?)
3) updated data table drives the generation of the user control to be added to the displayed collection.
4) save / load functionality persists the data for re-use later.
Thanks in advance
You're on the right track with the second approach, what you need to look at is the ItemsControl - that's a thing which can have items added to it. It's the base for ListBox etc, and you can template it to work as you require. Then there's the DataTemplate which handles which controls are displayed and data binding to those controls when an item is added to the underlying data structure. There are quite a few examples around on the net, try Dr WPF.
In order to make everything work the underlying data structure must support change notification. As everything happens automagically, once the Xaml is setup, you can find yourself in an odd situation. You've added data to a data structure, which in turn has caused controls and data to appear in your ItemsControl. How do you link the data items and their visual controls. The answer is to use some built in static methods ItemFromContainer which links from the graphic to your underlying data item, useful to handle click events, and ContainerFromItem which does the reverse.

WPF access controls in a DataTemplate of a ListBox

I'm building a WPF order manager app and i've run into a situation i'm not sure how to deal with.
I want to re-bind the list of purchase orders requests for each order but i only want to do it if the the purchase order requests panel is visible in the app (they double click the order to show the list of purchase order requests). The problem i have is that the purchase order requests are a listbox inside each list item of the Order listbox and i can't find a way to traverse the controls in the list items (I can only iterate over the actual objects e.g. OrderInfo).
What i would like to do is
An example of the crm with 2 orders showing purchase order requests and 1 order not showing any
alt text
The result i want to achieve
alt text
I'm not sure I understand your problem....
But it feels like you're trying to hack through the UI hierarchy to find something (ala WinForms) - this is like swimming against the tide in WPF. It'll make you tired real fast..
Look around for articles on the ViewModel pattern. One of them that I read is one by Dan Crevier. The basic idea is to have a Model object for the UI - the UI (data)binds to properties exposed by the ViewModel. Now all your UI related logic could go into the ViewModel, which is notified via propertyChanged notifications of any change in session state. So if a field changes, the ViewModel gets notified. The ViewModel updates relevant properties and the UI refreshes accordingly.
In this case ViewModel.OrderInfo.Find_PO_with_X(searchCriteria) will help you get to the right object. If found, you say ViewModel.ShowGreenLight = true and the UI control bound to this property will turn green.
