BlackBerry Curve not enough storage exception - file

I have an application that downloads a video file that is roughly 6mb
I am trying to run this application on a Blackberry Curve 9360, which has 32mb of "media" storage
Sometimes this application runs and is able to download the video with no problems, however other times part way thru downloading the download process fails with an IO exception that states: "There is not enough free memory on the file system to complete this action"
after it fails in this manner I can open up the BlackBerry Desktop software and check the files section and see that the device is indeed reporting that 32/32 mb are full.
If I then restart the device with alt-shift-del and open up blackberry desktop software again the used space has shrunk back down to only 5-6 / 32mb full
Sometimes at this point I am able to run my application now and have it succeed the download, but other times it again gives me the same storage full error. The only thing I can notice that seems like it might be affecting whether or not it fails is how long the download takes total (i.e. it succeeds on wifi, and on good 3g signal and fails on poorer 3g signal, but this is anecdotal at best)
I have used this exact same application on a few different blackberry devices, including a few other Curve devices with the same storage size, and never run into this problem before.
My question is: Has anyone seen a BlackBerry curve device behave in such a way that it will report an incorrect storage space that gets fixed by a reboot?
And is there anything about this download code that could be causing this behavior?
class DownloadThread extends Thread {
public void run()
HttpConnection httpConn = null;
InputStream is = null;
httpConn = (HttpConnection) + ";interface=wifi");
is = httpConn.openInputStream();
}catch(IOException e){
httpConn = (HttpConnection);
is = httpConn.openInputStream();
}catch(IOException ioe){
System.out.println("891: "+e.toString());
if (!videoFconn.exists())
OutputStream os = videoFconn.openOutputStream();
lengthOfWebFile = httpConn.getLength();
total = 0;
System.out.println("##################### length of web file = " + lengthOfWebFile + " #################");
byte data[] = new byte[256];
while ((count = != -1) {
total += count;
progress = (int)(total*100/lengthOfWebFile);
if(model.getValue() < progress){
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
//write this chunk
os.write(data, 0, count);
lengthOfLocalFile = videoFconn.fileSize();
System.out.println("###################### Local Length = " + lengthOfLocalFile + "#####################");
if(lengthOfLocalFile == lengthOfWebFile){
amDownloading = false;
}catch(FileNotFoundException fnf){
}catch(IOException e){
//ScreenSaverActivity.errorDialog("975: "+e.toString());
System.out.println("980: "+e.toString());
}catch(NullPointerException npe){
System.out.println("983: "+npe.toString());
} /*catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public synchronized void postProgress(final int p){
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
//Set the progress bar


Selenium-Extent_Reports: Not able to view the failure screenshots on other Computer/Machine

-Failure Screenshot are visible in Extent_Reports on my local machine. But not able to view the failure screenshot in Extent_Reports on other Computer/Machine.
-When i trigger build from Jenkins, After build successful, Sending email to:Recipient List
To Capture Screenshot
public String captureScreen(String fileName) {
if(fileName =="") {
fileName="Screenshot"; }
File destFile=null;
Calendar calendar =Calendar.getInstance() ;
SimpleDateFormat formater= new SimpleDateFormat("dd_MM_yyy_hh_mm_ss");
File srcFile=((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
try {
String reportDirectory = "/src/main/java/com/test/automation/Demo/screenshot/";
//String reportDirectory= new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")).getAbsolutePath()+"./src/main/java/com/test/automation/Demo/screenshot/";
destFile= new File((String)reportDirectory + fileName +"-" + formater.format(calendar.getTime())+ ".png");
FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile,destFile );
//This will help us to link screen shot in Extent report
Reporter.log("<a href='"+destFile+ "'><img src='" +destFile+"' height='100' width='100'/></a>");
//Reporter.log("<a href='"+destFile.getAbsolutePath()+ "'><img src='" +destFile.getAbsolutePath()+"' height='100' width='100'/></a>");
catch(IOException e) {
return destFile.toString();
For generating Extent reports with screenshots for Failure test cases
public void getresult(ITestResult result) {
test.log(LogStatus.ERROR, result.getName()+" Test case FAILED due to below issues: "+result.getThrowable());
String screen = captureScreen("");
test.log(LogStatus.FAIL," Failure Screenshot : "+ test.addScreenCapture(screen));
If You're using remoteWebDriver than it must be augmented before you can use the screenshot capability. Did You try to
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver();
driver = new Augmenter().augment(driver);
// or for mobile driver
androidDriver.setFileDetector(new LocalFileDetector());
//this is needed when using remoteDriver
Here is how I take screenshot for ExtentReport
File scrFile = driver.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
String dest = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/resources/screenshots/" + dataMethod.getAndroidDriver().getSessionId() + ".png";
File destination = new File(dest);
try {
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, destination);
// this is just utility which takes screenshot and copy it to desired destination
} catch (IOException e) {
And on code failure:
public synchronized void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) {
ExtentTest extentTest = methodData.getExtentTest();
Hope this will help.
I didn't used Extent reports, i have my own implementation for reports. But i am expecting is there is issue with src
<img src='" +destFile+"' height='100' width='100'/></a>");
Here, destFile brings location of image or screenshot which is related to your machine. the same should not be works for others. We have to use relative path, see this
And also make sure that when sharing reports, it should contains all requires files and folders also.
Normally, the issue happens as the local files are not allowed to be loaded. So even we put relative or absolute path, that seems not work for many cases.
So I try to take base64screenshot instead, and it displays quite good in Extent Report.
To have the screenshot in folder report, just need to take screenshot as usual.
public static String getBase64Screenshot(WebDriver driver, String screenshotName) throws IOException {
String encodedBase64 = null;
FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
TakesScreenshot screenshot = (TakesScreenshot) driver;
File source = screenshot.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
String destination = windowsPath + "\\FailedTestsScreenshots\\"+screenshotName+timeStamp+".png";
File finalDestination = new File(destination);
FileUtils.copyFile(source, finalDestination);
try {
fileInputStream =new FileInputStream(finalDestination);
byte[] bytes =new byte[(int)finalDestination.length()];;
encodedBase64 = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(bytes));
}catch (FileNotFoundException e){
return encodedBase64;
Call it in failure cases:
public synchronized void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) {
System.out.println("==="+methodDes + "=== failed!");
try {
WebDriver driver = (WebDriver) result.getTestContext().getAttribute("driver");
String base64Screenshot = ExtentManager.getBase64Screenshot(driver, result.getName());
MediaEntityModelProvider mediaModel = MediaEntityBuilder.createScreenCaptureFromBase64String(base64Screenshot).build();
test.get().fail("image:", mediaModel);
} catch (IOException e) {

Using Database as Alfresco ContentStore

I'm working with Alfresco 4.2 and I need to use a table in my database as document content store.
Collecting some information hither and thither over the internet, I read that I have to just implement my custom DBContentStore DBContentWriter and DBContentReader classes. Someone told me to take as reference the FileContentStore class.
I need some help to mapping the FileContentStore in order to match my new class.
For example;
The DBContentWriter has to extend AbstractContentWriter and in the API docs I read that the only methods I have to overwrite are:
getReader() to create a reader to the underlying content
getDirectWritableChannel() to write content to the repository.
What about the second method?
protected WritableByteChannel getDirectWritableChannel()
This is called by getContentOutputStream():
public OutputStream getContentOutputStream() throws ContentIOException
WritableByteChannel channel = getWritableChannel();
OutputStream is = new BufferedOutputStream(Channels.newOutputStream(channel));
// done
return is;
The main method is the putContent(InputStream is) which wants to write content into a DB table.
public final void putContent(InputStream is) throws ContentIOException
OutputStream os = getContentOutputStream();
copyStreams(is, os);
Where copyStreams does something like this:
public final int copyStreams(InputStream in, OutputStream out, long sizeLimit) throws IOException
int byteCount = 0;
IOException error = null;
long totalBytesRead = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE];
int bytesRead = -1;
while ((bytesRead = != -1)
// We are able to abort the copy immediately upon limit violation.
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
if (sizeLimit > 0 && totalBytesRead > sizeLimit)
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
msg.append("Content size violation, limit = ")
throw new ContentLimitViolationException(msg.toString());
out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
byteCount += bytesRead;
catch (IOException e)
error = e;
logger.error("Failed to close output stream: " + this, e);
catch (IOException e)
error = e;
logger.error("Failed to close output stream: " + this, e);
if (error != null)
throw error;
return byteCount;
The main target is to write some code in order to write and read from the DB using these methods.
When the out.flush() is called i should have to write into the BLOB field.
Without looking at the example implementation in FileContentStore it is difficult to determine everything that getDirectWritableChennel() needs to do. Needless to say actually creating a WritableByteChannel to your database should be relatively easy.
Assuming you are using the BLOB type and you are using JDBC to get at your database then you just need to set a stream for your BLOB and turn it in to a channel.
OutputStream stream = myBlob.setBinaryStream(1);
WritableByteChannel channel = Channels.newChannel(stream);
Will you need to overwrite other methods? Maybe. If you have specific issues with those feel free to raise them.

The request to API call datastore_v3.Put() was too large without using datastore$RequestTooLargeException: The request to API call datastore_v3.Put() was too large.
public static List<Area> readAreas(URL url) {
List<Area> areas = new ArrayList<Area>();
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(url.toURI())));
String row;
while ((row = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (row.contains(SEARCHED_ROW)) {
//get the part after "c"
String coord[] = (row.split("c"));
String startCoordM = ((coord[0].trim()).split(" "))[1];
String curvesCoord= coord[1];
Area area = new Area();
area.mPoint= Point.toStartPoint(Point.readPoints(startCoordM));
area.curves = Curve.readCurves (curvesCoord);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return areas;
This method runs without any errors but when I log out and log in to the same page of my web application this method runs again and again without problem but then this exception is thrown. I'm using google app engine 1.8.1 with jsf2 and primefaces 3.5. This method is invoked from managed bean :
public MapMB () {
eps = EPDAO.getEPList();
void drawPolilines() {
List<Area> areas = Area.readAreas(getFacesContext().getClass().getResource("/map-inksc.svg") );
for (Area area : areas) {
List<Curve> curves = area.getCurves();
Point endPoint = area.getmPoint();
Polyline polyline = new Polyline();
for (Curve curve : curves) {
polyline.getPaths().add( new LatLng(endPoint.getY(),endPoint.getX()) );
// curve start point is the end point of previous curve (endPoint.getX(),endPoint.getY() )
double step = 0.01;
for (double t=0;t<= 1;t=t+step) {
double x = getCoordFromCurve(endPoint.getX(), endPoint.getX() + curve.getP1().getX(),endPoint.getX() + curve.getP2().getX(),endPoint.getX() + curve.getP3().getX(), t);
double y = getCoordFromCurve(endPoint.getY(), endPoint.getY() + curve.getP1().getY(),endPoint.getY() + curve.getP2().getY(),endPoint.getY() + curve.getP3().getY(), t);
polyline.getPaths().add( new LatLng(y, x) );
endPoint = new Point (endPoint.getX() + curve.getP3().getX(), endPoint.getY() + curve.getP3().getY());
polyline = new Polyline();
When I don't read any data (don't use readAreas() above) then everything works fine. So how reading from file is connected to this error? I don't understand.
If there is some information that I didn't put here please just say. All these methods run without errors and then this exception is thrown
See the edit
Ok. So ... somehow the problem is solved. How? I'm not sure. So I had:
a.xhtml < include b.xhtml
c.xhtml < include b.xhtml
a.xhtml and c.xhtml had the same method bFilterMethod()
JSF beans:
a, b, c all ViewScoped
b had a and c as Managed Properties
a.xhtml and c.xhtml have bFilterMethod() that getsSome() data from the database and sets aProperty and cProperty(which are the same). I saw in google app engine logs that the method getsSome() runs about 20 times like infinite loop after that the exception was thrown.
Now all beans are request scoped
a.xhtml has aFilterMethod that getsSome() data
b.xhtml has bFilterMethod that getsSome() data
and a and b has c as Managed Property
Hope this helps someone but as I sad I'm not sure what is the exact error but obviously is caused by too big request from the database no matter this request contains only 3 rows (this request is invoked too many times)
After so many years I came back to my topic accidentally. The real reason for all this is that GAE saves the session in the datastore and jsf ViewScoped beans are not removed from the session as in normal java application server. So the solution is just don't use ViewScoped beans

how do i convert these c# winform codes to be compatible on c# wpf?

hi im working on a project that uses invoke and threads.. it is a simple remote desktop program with chat.. i got a sample here on the internet in c# winform, but i would like to convert it to wpf.. i have no problem in sending message to another client using the wpf program but it cannot receive ( or cannot read) the sent messages from the others.. i think it has something to do with the thread and the invoke method, i read that wpf does invoke differently and i did try the dispatcher.invoke, but it still doesnt do the trick
pls hellp
here's the code
wait = new Thread(new ThreadStart(waitForData));
that snippet above is executed when a successful connection is made in tcpclient
private void waitForData()
NetworkStream read = tcpclnt.GetStream();
while (read.CanRead)
byte[] buffer = new byte[64];
read.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
s = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(buffer);
System.Console.WriteLine("Recieved data:" + new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(buffer));
rcvMsg = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(buffer) + "\n";
hasNewData = true;
bool f = false;
f = rcvMsg.Contains("##");
bool comand = false;
comand = rcvMsg.Contains("*+*-");
/*File receive*/
if (f)
string d = "##";
rcvMsg = rcvMsg.TrimStart(d.ToCharArray());
int lastLt = rcvMsg.LastIndexOf("|");
rcvMsg = rcvMsg.Substring(0, lastLt);
NetworkStream ns = tcpclnt.GetStream();
if (ns.CanWrite)
string dataS = "^^Y";
byte[] bf = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(dataS);
ns.Write(bf, 0, bf.Length);
new Recieve_File().recieve_file(rcvMsg);
catch (Exception ec)
else if (comand)
string com = "*+*-";
rcvMsg = rcvMsg.TrimStart(com.ToCharArray());
this.Invoke(new setOutput(setOut));
catch (Exception ex)
output.Text += "Error..... " + ex.StackTrace;
the snippet above is a code that listens if there is a message or command.. the line
this.invoke(new setoutput(setout)) is a code for appending text in the rtb
hope someone could help me thanks
You've posted a lot of code, but I'm assuming it's only the call to Control.Invoke which is causing the problem. In WPF, use Dispatcher.Invoke (or Dispatcher.BeginInvoke) instead, via the Dispatcher property on the relevant UI element.
I'd also strongly encourage you to:
Refactor your code into smaller methods
Stop catching just Exception except at the top level of any large operation (it should just be a fall-back; usually you catch specific exceptions)
Start following .NET naming conventions
Add a using directive for System so you can just write Console.WriteLine instead of System.Console.WriteLine everywhere
Use Encoding.ASCII instead of creating a new ASCIIEncoding each time you need one
Use a StreamReader to read character data from a stream, instead of reading it as binary data first and then encoding it
For either Stream or TextReader, don't ignore the return value from Read - it tells you how many bytes or characters have been read

Large method causing silverlight application to go into "Not responding" state

I am working on an application that plays videos through the silverlight MediaElement object.
I have a large method which is responsible for the following
Opens a FileInfo item on the local file path of the video and strips the file name to get the first portion of the filename which we use as part of the license acquisition process
Sets the LicenseAcquirer on the MediaElement
Sets the Source property of the MediaElement
When this method is called, it actually causes the application to go into a "Not reponding" state for a couple of seconds. How do I avoid this? I have tried putting this all into a background worker but I have to invoke the UI thread for almost all of the calls and this didnt help it seemed to actually make things slower.
I have a busy box that shows while this all happens but that actually stops reporting progress in those seconds where the application is not responding. I understand why this is happening - a lot of work happening on the main UI thread, but how do I avoid this?
This is the code that is causing the trouble:
private void SetupMediaElement(String mediaElementType)
Messenger.Default.Send("Loading video...", "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBoxText");
Messenger.Default.Send(true, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
if (_mainMediaElement != null)
VideoItem vi = CurrentSession.NowPlayingVideoItem;
if (vi != null)
CurrentVideoItem = vi;
MustShowImage = true;
if (vi.ID != string.Empty)
String mediaId = String.Empty;
if (vi.LocalFilePath != DEMOVIDEOPATH)
if (vi.LocalFilePath != String.Empty)
var fi =
new FileInfo(vi.LocalFilePath);
if (fi.Exists)
mediaId = fi.Name.Substring(fi.Name.LastIndexOf('-') + 1,
(fi.Name.LastIndexOf('.') -
(fi.Name.LastIndexOf('-') + 1)));
Debug.WriteLine("localFilePath is empty");
Debug.WriteLine("MediaId = " + mediaId +
", SessionId = " +
CurrentSession.LoggedOnUser.SessionId +
",Ticket = " +
string licenseURL = GetLicenseURL(mediaId, CurrentSession.LoggedOnUser.SessionId,
if (licenseURL != string.Empty)
var la = new LicenseAcquirer
new Uri(
la.AcquireLicenseCompleted += la_AcquireLicenseCompleted;
_mainMediaElement.LicenseAcquirer = la;
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(vi.LocalFilePath);
string playURL = #"file://" +
Path.Combine(CoreConfig.HOME_FULL_PATH, fileInfo.Name);
playURL = playURL.Replace("\\", #"/");
VideoURL = playURL;
VideoURL = vi.LocalFilePath;
Messenger.Default.Send(false, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
_totalDurationSet = false;
TotalTime = FormatTextHoursMinutesSecond(_mainMediaElement.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan);
Messenger.Default.Send(false, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
Messenger.Default.Send(false, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
catch (Exception ex)
Messenger.Default.Send(false, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
So it turns out that the method posted above is NOT the cause of the delay - that code executes in under a second. The problem comes in when the media element's source is set and it reads the file to the end - large files take time and this is the delay. Am opening a new question based on this.
You should do some diagnostics to determine which line(s) are truely costing all that time, its unlikely that amount of time is spread evenly across the whole function.
Place that line (or lines) in a background thread (hopefully that line doesn't need to be on the UI thread).
So it turns out that the method posted above is NOT the cause of the delay - that code executes in under a second. The problem comes in when the media element's source is set and it reads the file to the end - large files take time and this is the delay. Am opening a new question based on this.
