How to access downloaded sound in IsolatedStorage via URI (WP7)? - silverlight

I basically downloaded a file name custom.mp3 into my isolatedstorage and I can see it via isolatedstorage explorer....
The question here is... How can I access the particular custom.mp3 via URI?
So far I got this.. but I wonder why it is not working:
alarm.Sound = new Uri("isostore:/custom.mp3", UriKind.Absolute);

Your path is wrong. Nothing else is wrong with your code. Post the code you're using for saving the mp3 file in the first place, if you want further help.

For easier reading, the code to store the MP3 goes something like this..
string alarmfile = "custom.mp3";
isolatedStorageFileStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(alarmfile,FileMode.Create,isolatedStorageFile);
long songfilelength = (long) e.Result.Length;
byte[] songbyte = new byte[songfilelength];
e.Result.Read(songbyte, 0, songbyte.Length);
isolatedStorageFileStream.Write(songbyte, 0, songbyte.Length);

Only files packaged in the XAML can be used as alarm sound:
The Sound URI must point to a file packaged in the application’s .xap
file. Isolated storage is not supported. When the alarm is launched,
the sound is played quietly and then gradually increases in volume.
There is no way to modify this behavior.
Alarm.Sound Property


Access Shared Preferences externally / Store a value into a new file and access it externally

I have the two following methods and I am using them to store a special value locally and be able to access it on application restart:
(Store value locally:)
private void SaveSet(string key, string value)
ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
ISharedPreferencesEditor prefEditor = prefs.Edit();
prefEditor.PutString(key, value);
// editor.Commit(); // applies changes synchronously on older APIs
prefEditor.Apply(); // applies changes asynchronously on newer APIs
(Read it again:)
private string RetrieveSet(string key)
ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
return prefs.GetString(key, null);
This works perfectly. Now is it possible to access and edit this Shared Preferences externally? Unfortunately, I cannot find any file when searching in folder
nor anywhere else. I want / try to edit this value from my computer, after connecting the phone to it. Is this possible?
Alternatively: Can anyone maybe show me how to create a new file in the given path above, write/read it programmatically and how it stays there, even if application is closed / started again? So I can then edit this file with my computer anyhow?
I tried it with the following code, but unfortunately it doesn't work / no file is created or at least i cannot see it in the given path above:
//"This code snippet is one example of writing an integer to a UTF-8 text file to the internal storage directory of an application:"
public void SaveValueIntoNewFile(int value)
var backingFile = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "newFile.txt");
using (var writer = System.IO.File.CreateText(backingFile))
Would be very happy about every answer, thanks in advance and best regards
What you're looking for is where Android stores the Shared Preference file for applications that make use of it's default PreferenceManager.
I'd refer to this SO post which answers your question pretty well
SharedPreferences are stored in an xml file in the app data folder,
or the default preferences at:
SharedPreferences added during runtime are not stored in the Eclipse
Note: Accessing /data/data/ requires superuser
A simple method is to use Android Device Monotor,you can open it by clicking Tools--> android-->Android Device Monotor...
For example:
The path in my device is as follows:
And we notice three buttons in the upper right corner of the picture.
The first one is used toPull a file from the device,the second one is used to Push a file onto the device,and the last one is used to delete the preferences.xml file.
So we can pull the preferences.xml file from current device to our computer and edit it as we want, and then push the updated preferences.xml to the folder again.Then we will get the value of preferences.xml file .

How do I load a dll's config file inside another appdomain

I have an application that needs to load an add-on in the form of a dll. The dll needs to take its configuration information from a configuration (app.config) file. I want to dynamically find out the app.config file's name, and the way to do this, as I understand , is AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile
However, since it is being hosted INSIDE a parent application, the configuration file that is got from the above piece of code is (parentapplication).exe.config. I am not able to load another appdomain inside the parent application but I'd like to change the configuration file details of the appdomain. How should I be going about this to get the dll's configuration file?
OK, in the end, I managed to hack something together which works for me. Perhaps this will help;
Using the Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly, from the DLL which has the config file I want to read, I can use the .CodeBase to find where the DLL was before I launched a new AppDomain for it. The *.dll
.config is in that same folder.
Then have to convert the URI (as .CodeBase looks like "file://path/assembly.dll") to get the LocalPath for the ConfigurationManager (which doesn't like Uri formatted strings).
string assemblyName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;
string originalAssemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);
Uri uri = new Uri(String.Format("{0}\\{1}.dll", originalAssemblyPath, assemblyName));
string dllPath = uri.LocalPath;
configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(dllPath);
catch { }

Silverlight MP3 Playing Library

I'm trying to play MP3 files in SilverSprite, and it's super buggy. Is there an alternative library I can use to play MP3s in Silverlight?
Edit: Now that there's a bounty, I'm specifically looking for something that:
Works with SL 3-4
Is a separate project/DLL
Will work in SilverSprite projects (I'm using a layer on top of SS) -- no GUI, just methods I can call to play sounds
Works with content that has the build action set to Content. I cannot use embedded resources due to a bug in SilverSprite. My app will not run.
Plays MP3s.
Can play multiple audio files at the same time
I hope it's clear what I'm trying to find. I would like something I can embed in my own game engine, which sits on top of SilverSprite. I will supply all the audio files in the XAP. (The SilverSprite audio is quite broken and doesn't work.)
Update: The specific direction I would probably like to go in is to instantiate a new MediaElement, set the source, and play it. I have some code below, but a) NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds reports 0, and b) the .MediaOpened never triggers.
MediaElement m = new MediaElement();
m.Source = new Uri("Content/Audio/chimes.mp3", UriKind.Relative);
m.Stop(); // useless?
//m.SetSource(new FileStream("Content/Audio/chimes.mp3", FileMode.Open)); // "Permission denied" exception, is it even finding the file?
m.Volume = 1; // Max
m.Position = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0);
while (m.CurrentState != System.Windows.Media.MediaElementState.Closed)
m.MediaOpened += (sender, e) =>
For some working code rather similar to your updated approach see . Beware that the MediaElement needs to be added to the control/component tree - see
Two very interesting options for your requirements is this library and this one.
For this kind of stuff you could also implement/use a custom MediaStreamSource like this one... see here and here.
EDIT - some other options:
Playing multiple sounds in parallel via XNA see source code at
Using MediaPlayer class from XNA 4 for example:
MediaPlayer.Volume = 1;
MediaPlayer.Play(Song.FromUri("TestSound", new Uri("/Content/Audio/chimes.mp3", UriKind.Relative)));
As for playing multiple sound files at the same time:
IIRC this is something which could cause your app to fail validation.

How to create Uri pointing to an local image in Silverlight?

I was wondering if it is allowed to read local images within a Silverlight client. (it is just to test a control)
var image = new BitmapImage { UriSource = new Uri("../Images/2.jpg", UriKind.Relative) };
Would this Uri be allowed and the image created? For some reason the picture doesn't show, despite getting no compiler errors that the Uri might have been wrong...
Thanks for advice,
Assuming your project looks like this
- Project
- Images
- 2.jpg
- Another_Folder
- *your code file*
, that should be fine.
Remember that
is navigating to parent folder, then looking for an Images folder and a 2.jpg file.

Load image not in xap Silverlight

i'm developing an application and i would load an image that isn't in the clientbin folder, but in a folder placed in my server. I would do something like this
BitmapImage bit = new BitmapImage();
string path = "c:/image.png";
bit.UriSource = new Uri(path, UriKind.Absolute);
identity.Source = bit;
but it doesn't function.Any idea?
Image.Source = New Imaging.BitmapImage(New Uri("http://www.Pic.jpg", UriKind.Absolute))
You do not want to include it in your project or the .xap will get huge.
Silverlight applications run on the client, not on the server, so referencing the path as you had been trying to do, would really point to the path on client machine running the application. However, Silverlight does not have rights to read or write from or to the client's disk anyway, due to sercurity reasons. The Isolated Storage functionality is the exception to that.
Therefore, your option is to try the first answer given by Bill, or a WebService, which is more complex to implement.
To add to Bill's answer. You can also use server side resources using the following helper method which is derived from the location of the xap file.
public static string GetUrlForResource(string resourcePage)
var webUrl = Application.Current.Host.Source.ToString();
//Get ClientBin Directory
var stub = webUrl.Substring(0, webUrl.LastIndexOf("/"));
//Get application root.
stub = stub.Substring(0, stub.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
//Append the application root to the resource page.
webUrl = stub + resourcePage;
return webUrl;
To use it like Bill's answer, use the following:
Image.Source = new Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri(GetUrlForResource("images/myimage.png"), UriKind.Absolute));
