Best front-end for GAE Google App Engine in Go - google-app-engine

which is the best front-end solution for a GAE app. developed in Go?
the question is about choosing a solution that merges well with the GAE, as an example if I use GAE in Java I would pick up GWT, and I want to know how other people are using the GAE with Go;
why this question:=
the reason I'm asking this is that I want to understand if, today, there is an advisable path to follow in designing a web application that uses GAE with go when I have to choose something for the front-end ..and I'm trying to figure it out before digging into a useless 'reinventing the wheel coding mode'.

You can take a look at Gorilla web toolkit, is has been designed with App Engine in mind.


Combining Google App Engine and CloudMailIn on Heroku in one setup

I'm developing a web app on Google App Engine, for which I recently decided that it requires a high performance inbound email processing functionality. GAE's functionalities for incoming email are rather limited, however CloudMailIn on Heroku seems to be able to do everything that I want (
Would you consider it a wise decision to run the website, user accounts, and databses on GAE, and run CloudMailIn separately with e.g. an API connection to write to the datastore on GAE? So far I have built all my web apps on GAE, so I prefer to stick with what I know. However if this is likely to bite me once I scale, then of course I will move everything to Heroku. Does anybody have experience with this?
Thanks to answers from Peter and Steve I now understand that both Sendgrid and CloudMailIn can be controlled through a simple webhook, so no need to include Heroku here. FYI I ended up using MailGun Routes because their features had a better fit with my requirements.

Do I have to use App Engine to write glassware with Mirror API?

I am trying Python quickstart project ( and it is implemented on GAE, however, looking at the code it does not seem that there is much dependency on App Engine itself (code is kind of complicated and I still do not understand it all though).
Is this required to host Mirror-based glassware on App Engine?
Is this required to host Mirror-based glassware on App Engine?
No, it is not required. What you really need is ability to use Google API's and Mirror API is just one of them.
Java quick start, for example does not run on top of GAE.

App Engine Endpoints

Im starting a new application with AppEngine and I need a REST Service.
I was looking at Endpoints and I think they are exactly what I need.
I also read Google don't recommend to use Endpoints in production but my app first version is not going out until April approximately.
How mature do you think App engine Endpoints are?
Do you recommend to use them or should I find another REST framework.
If so, Are there any other REST framework similar to App Engine Endpoints?
Which one do you recommend, Restlet? or use it with Spring MVC?
I'm a bit biased (being a Googler and member of the App Engine team), but I think Endpoints is worth a try. With regards to the general disclaimer on using Endpoints in production, we have allowed some developers to launch in production as long as they have spoken to us first.
I provided another answer to a related question on RESTful development here. The developer tried Endpoints and decided to use it over other options.

GAS UI Builder for GAE

to all
as we all know, Appscript tipicaly for Google Spreadsheet now have a UI builder, though you can compose UI with the script itself the builder is a big factor. now
GAS application is hosted in google drive and can be either share or publish as Webapp. which is great but this type of app is very limited to storing your data in a spreadsheet well, designing a good DB spreadsheet would be enough for small application but is NOT scalable for SME to Enterprise apps.
now having google app engine which have a very good and scalable platform for a webapp.
is there anyway to port the UI library capability and use it for app engine application. having GAS UI as a javascript base (client side) it could be integrated with any serverside language in GAE.
do any one have any example on this or is it now posible?
the way I see it this might be the future for GAE having a GAS as a client side library would be great?
Well, I think you should be looking the other way round. All of Apps Script's UI widgets are borrowed from GWT in GAE. In fact, the Apps Script documentation, at places suggests that we should lookup GWT documentation when this is found inadequate.
Coming to the point of the UI bilder, I'm no GAE expert, but since you get a GWT toolkit for Eclipse, you should be able to use any of Eclipse's UI creating tools ( I may be wrong here).
GWT is compiled to javascript. It doesn't care what the backend is. You can use json to communicate to your python AE instance just fine I would think. I do GWT on java AE so don't have an example of my own but here is an example of using python on AE to use App Scripts

Alternative to Google App Engine API?

I'm looking for an alternative of the Google App Engine API. I mean I'm searching an API for coding in JAVA that provides :
Simple DB API, with no conf
Simple User API, with no need to implements the login/register/user management process
Simple Task API, with no need to configure any third lib
Google App Engine is really attractive because it provides all theses functionalities with no effort ... But I need to port my app to my own server... Using appScale is not for me because I don't need something really scalable ... I just want to code the business model, not all things that should already exists.
Hope my question is clear :)
Thanks in advance for help, sincerely,
You can run AppScale on a single node deployment, you'll just lack fault tolerance. I am currently unaware of any other project that runs Java GAE apps.
