Audio file format that can be written without seeking - c

I want to write audio data to stdout, preferably using libsndfile. When I output WAV to /dev/stdout I manage to write the header, but then I get an error
Error : could not open file : /dev/stdout
System error : Illegal seek.
I assume this is related to, some file formats cannot be written without seeks. However, when I try to output SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 instead, I still get the same Illegal seek error.
Are there any audio file formats that can be written completely without seeking?
I'm using Linux.
EDIT: It might be obvious, but RAW format works (without seeking). Unfortunately I need a format that has meta information like sample rate.

You should finish reading that FAQ... the link you give us has all the answers.
However, there is at least one file format (AU) which is specifically designed to be written to a pipe.
So use AU instead of WAV.
Also make sure that you open the SNDFILE object with sf_open_fd, and not sf_open_virtual (or sf_open):
SNDFILE* sf_open_fd (int fd, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo, int close_desc) ;
SNDFILE* sf_open_virtual (SF_VIRTUAL_IO *sfvirtual, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo,
void *user_data) ;
If you use sf_open_fd, then libsndfile will use fstat to determine whether the file descriptor is a pipe or a regular file. If you use sf_open_virtual or sf_open, it will assume that the file is seekable. This appears to be a flaw in libsndfile, but you should be using sf_open_fd anyway.
Footnote: Don't open /dev/stdout to get standard output; it is already open and there is no need to open it again. Use file descriptor STDOUT_FILENO.

Ended outputting an "infinite" wav header, and then writing raw PCM data for as long as the audio lasts. Not really valid, but most players seem to understand anyway.
The wav header is here, in case anyone wants it:

You could write to a temp file (perhaps in /tmp), let the libsnd seek to modify the .wav(RIFF) header of the temp file, and then, after libsnd has closed the file, stream the temp file out to stdout.


Writing in the executable while running the program

I'm writing a C program and I would like to be able to store data inside the executable file.
I tried making a function to write a single byte at the end of the file but it looks like it can't open the file because it reaches the printf and then gives "segmentation fault".
void writeByte(char c){
FILE *f;
f = fopen("game","wb");
if(f == 0)
printf("\nFile not found\n");
The file is in the correct directory and the name is correct. When I try to read the last byte instead of writing it works without problems.
Edit: I know I should abort the program instead of trying to write anyway but my main problem is that the program can't open the file despite being in the same directory.
There are several unrelated problems in your code and the problem you're trying to solve.
First you lack proper error handling. If any function that can fail (like e.g. fopen) fails, you should act accordingly. If, for example you did
#include <error.h>
#include <errno.h>
f = fopen("game","wb");
if ( f == NULL ) {
error(1,errno,"File could not be opened");
You would have recieved an useful error message like
./game: File could not be opened: Text file busy
You printed a message, which is not even correct (the file not beeing able to be opened is somthing different, than not beeing found) and continued the program which resulted in a segmentation fault because you dereferenced the NULL pointer stored in f after the failure of fopen.
Second As the message tells us (at least on my linux machine), the file is busy. That means, that my operating system does not allow me to open the executable I'm running in write mode. The answers to this question lists numerous source of the explanation of this error message. There might be ways to get around this and open a running executable in write mode, but I doubt this is easy and I doubt that this would solve your problem because:...
Third Executable files are stored in a special binary format (usually ELF on Linux). They are not designed to be manually modified. I don't know what happens if you just append data to it, but you could run into serious problems if your not very careful and know what you're doing.
If you just try to store data, use another plain and fresh file. If you're hoping to append code to an executable, you really should gather some background information about ELF files (e.g. from man elf) before continuing.

Basics questions regarding File and I/O System Calls in C (on Linux/UNIX)

I'm working on improving my C programming knowledge, but I am having trouble understanding the man pages for the following Unix system calls:
The man pages for each of these are, for lack of a better term, completely confusing and unintelligible. For example, here is the man page for open:
"Given a pathname for a file, open() returns a file descriptor, a small, nonnegative integer for use in subsequent system calls (read(2), write(2), lseek(2), fcntl(2), etc.). The file descriptor returned by a successful call will be the lowest-numbered file descriptor not currently open for the process.
By default, the new file descriptor is set to remain open across an execve(2) (i.e., the FD_CLOEXEC file descriptor flag described in fcntl(2) is initially disabled; the O_CLOEXEC flag, described below, can be used to change this default). The file offset is set to the beginning of the file (see lseek(2)).
A call to open() creates a new open file description, an entry in the system-wide table of open files. This entry records the file offset and the file status flags (modifiable via the fcntl(2) F_SETFL operation). A file descriptor is a reference to one of these entries; this reference is unaffected if pathname is subsequently removed or modified to refer to a different file. The new open file description is initially not shared with any other process, but sharing may arise via fork(2)."
I have no idea what this all means. From my understanding, if open returns a negative integer, an error occurred, and if it returns a positive integer, then that integer can be used in further system calls (???). That is, unfortunately, basically the extent of my knowledge and what I can attempt to parse from the man page. I need some help.
What does it mean that it "returns the lowest-numbered file descriptor not currently open for the process"? What process is it referring to? Why is it the lowest-numbered file descriptor, and why does this matter/how would I use this? I hate to sound like an idiot but I honestly have no clue what it's talking about.
Let's take an example. Let's say I wanted to create a new file in a directory, and open up a file from another directory, and copy the file I opened into the file I created, while checking for errors along the way. This is my attempt:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main()
int XYZ = creat("XYZ.doc", 0 );
if (XYZ < 0)
printf("file creating error");
int file = open("/usr/.../xx.xx", 0);
if(file < 0)
printf("file opening error");
How would I copy the file that I opened into the file that I created? That should be easy. But what if I wanted to copy the file that I opened in reverse to the file that I created? (Maybe that example will illuminate how to use the file offset stuff mentioned in the man page, which I don't currently understand...)
I would like to edit this post to write a layman's terms description next to each of these system calls, thus creating a good online resource for people to study from. Also, if anyone has any good references for these system calls in C, that would be much appreciated as well.
Error checking left out for simplicity sake:
char data[1024]; /* size of this chosen more or less on a whim */
ssize_t n;
while ((n = read(file, data, sizeof(data))) > 0) {
write(XYZ, data, n);

how to get stream from an Image in c

Is there anyway in C to get an image, stream by stream and how can I understand how many stream there are in an Image?
the Image is in JPEEG type.
and for saving this stream in another file I'll have any problem?
You can have a look to the free OpenCV library :
Here there is a tutorial with some examples :
It's largely used for this kind of treatments.
Without using any external library what you have as a jpeg image is simply a binary file. You may do whatever with it via fopen(), fscanf() or any other file functions.
for saving this stream in another file I'll have any problem?
No problem if you are just coping a jpeg image to another new file. But problem may be there if you change the image extension. Please have a look at here

Retrieving the path from a file descriptor or FILE *?

Is there a way to retrieve path information from a file descriptor or FILE pointer?
I'm aware that this data may not always be relevant/useful for case where the file descriptor is a socket, pipe, etc.
I don't believe there's any portable way, but e.g. on Linux you can call readlink on "/proc/self/fd/fileno" and the kernel will give you a path if it can, or one of various kinds of funny-looking strings if not.
If you're lucky enough to be using Mac OS X you can use the following code:
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
char pathbuf[PATH_MAX];
if (fcntl(fd, F_GETPATH, pathbuf) >= 0) {
// pathbuf now contains *a* path to the open file descriptor
Note that the path you get back is not necessarily the one used to open the file... If there are hard links, especially, the path you get back will be a valid path to the file.
There can be one or many names for a file, so no std way.
I am not sure if there can be something OS specific.

Duplicate file descriptor with its own file offset

How can one create a new file descriptor from an existing file descriptor such that the new descriptor does not share the same internal file structure/entry in the file table? Specifically attributes such as file offset (and preferably permissions, sharing and modes) should not be shared between the new and old file descriptors.
Under both Windows and Linux, dup() will duplicate the file descriptor, but both descriptors still point to the same file structure in the process' file table. Any seeking on either descriptor will adjust the position for the other descriptors as well.
I've since received answers for both Windows and Linux and adjusted the question a little too often, which has made it difficult for people to answer. I'll adjust my votes and accept the cleanest answer which covers both Windows and Linux. Apologies to all, I'm still new to the SO paradigm. Thanks for the great answers!
So basically, what you really want is to be given a file descriptor, and basically open the same file over again, to get a separate position, sharing, mode, etc. And you want to do this on Windows (where the "file descriptor" is basically a foreign object, not something used directly by the OS or the run-time library at all.
Amazingly enough, there is a way to do that, at least with MS VC++. All but two steps of it use only the Win32 API so porting to other compilers/libraries should be fairly reasonable (I think most supply versions of those two functions). Those are for converting a Unix-style file descriptor to a native Win32 file handle, and converting a native Win32 file handle back to a Unix-style file descriptor.
Convert file-descriptor to native file handle with _get_osfhandle()
Get a name for the file with GetFileInformationByHandleEx(FILE_NAME_INFO)1
Use CreateFile to open a new handle to that file
Create a file descriptor for that handle with _open_osfhandle()
Et voilĂ , we have a new file descriptor referring to the same file, but with its own permissions, position, etc.
Toward the end of your question, you make it sound like you also want the "permissions", but that doesn't seem to make any real sense -- the permissions attach to the file itself, not to how the file is opened, so opening or reopening the file has no effect on the file's permissions. If you really want to know the, you can get it with GetFileInformationByHandle, but be aware that file permissions in Windows are quite a bit different from the (traditional) file permissions in Unix. Unix has owner/group/world permissions on all files, and most systems also have ACLs (though there's more variation in how they work). Windows either has no permissions at all (e.g., files on FAT or FAT32) or else uses ACLs (e.g., files on NTFS), but nothing that's really equivalent to the traditional owner/group/world permissions most people are accustomed to on Unix.
Perhaps you're using "permissions" to refer to whether the file was open for reading, writing, or both. Getting that is considerably uglier than any of the preceding. The problem is that most of it is in the library, not Win32, so there's probably no way to do it that will be even close to portable between compilers. With MS VC++ 9.0 SP1 (not guaranteed for any other compiler) you can do this:
#include <stdio.h>
int get_perms(int fd) {
int i;
FILE * base = __iob_func();
for (i=0; i<_IOB_ENTRIES; i++)
if (base[i]._file == fd)
return base[i]._flag; // we've found our file
return 0; // file wasn't found.
Since this involved some spelunking, I wrote a quick test to verify that it might actually work:
#ifdef TEST
#include <io.h>
void show_perms(int perms, char const *caption) {
printf("File opened for %s\n", caption);
printf("Read permission = %d\n", (perms & _IOREAD)!=0);
printf("Write permission = %d\n", (perms & _IOWRT)!=0);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *file1, *file2;
int perms1, perms2;
file1=fopen(argv[1], "w");
perms1 = get_perms(_fileno(file1));
file2=fopen(argv[1], "r");
perms2 = get_perms(_fileno(file2));
show_perms(perms1, "writing");
show_perms(perms2, "reading");
return 0;
And the results seem to indicate success:
File opened for writing
Read permission = 0
Write permission = 1
File opened for reading
Read permission = 1
Write permission = 0
You can then test that returned flag against _IOREAD, _IOWRT, and _IORW, which are defined in stdio.h. Despite my previous warnings, I should probably point out that I suspect (though I certainly can't guarantee) that this part of the library is fairly stable, so the real chances of major changes are probably fairly minimal.
In the other direction, however, there's basically no chance at all that it'll work with any other library. It could (but certainly isn't guaranteed to) work with the other compilers that use the MS library, such as Intel, MinGW or Comeau using MS VC++ as its back-end. Of those, I'd say the most likely to work would be Comeau, and the least likely MinGW (but that's only a guess; there's a good chance it won't work with any of them).
Requires the redistributable Win32 FileID API Library
So, I recommend reading up on this a little more. The dup() and related functions serve to create a duplicate value in the file descriptor table pointing to the same entry in the open file table. This is intended to have the same offset. If you call open(), you will create a new entry the open file table.
It doesn't make any sense to create a duplicate of a file descriptor and that new file descriptor have a different offset in the open file table (this seems to contradict what the word "duplicate" means).
I'm not sure what your question is actually. I mean, it isn't the same thing as a duplicate. You could read:
and get the string that was used to open that file descriptor; bear in mind this may provide some pitfalls, some of which you actually noted in your observation of calling open() again.
Maybe you can explain a little more and I can try to update to help.
Why don't you just open the file a second time with open() or CreateFile() on windows? This gives you all freedom of different access rights and separate offset.
This of course has the drawback that you you can not open the file exclusively, but it solves your problem very simply.
