I am trying to speed up the following SQL Server query:
V.Id, V.Number, V.VisitDate, V.ArrivalTime, V.VisitKindId, VK.Description AS
VK.DescriptionAr AS VisitKindDescriptionAr, V.StatusId, V.Note, V.CancelingReason,
V.CancelingTime, V.EnterToDoctorRoomTime,
V.PatientId, P.Number AS PatientNumber, P.FirstName, P.LastName, P.BirthDate, P.Note AS
PatientNotes, V.DoctorId, D.FullName AS DoctorFullName, V.CreatedById,
U.FullName AS UserFullName, V.CreationDate, V.VersionNo
Patient_Tbl P INNER JOIN
Visit_Tbl V ON P.Id = V.PatientId INNER JOIN
VisitKind_Tbl VK ON V.VisitKindId = VK.Id INNER JOIN
Doctor_Tbl D ON V.DoctorId = D.Id INNER JOIN
User_Tbl U ON V.CreatedById = U.Id INNER JOIN
VisitStatus_Tbl VS ON V.StatusId = VS.Id
WHERE V.StatusId = 2 --patient is in doctor room
and we had the following 4 values the VisitStatus_Tbl:
(1 -> In Waiting Room, 2 -> In Doctor Room, 3 -> Canceled, 4 -> Completed)
and in one moment of time, there is only one record on the Visits table for one person in the doctor's room.
The end-user inform me that there is a delay in the use case that depends on the above query.
Please help us speed system performance by suggesting the proper index.
You do not indicate if you have any indexes on the tables now. I will assume that the 'ID' columns for patient_tbl, etc are clustered primary keys or just primary keys and have indexes. If not, that is another problem.
Simple rule: start with index foreign keys (lookup tables) and WHERE clauses.
CREATE INDEX ix_visit_tbl_statusid ON visit_tbl(statusId)
CREATE INDEX ix_visit_tbl_patientid ON visit_tbl(patientId)
CREATE INDEX ix_visit_tbl_visitkindId ON visit_tbl(visitkindId)
CREATE INDEX ix_visit_tbl_doctorid ON visit_tbl(doctorId)
CREATE INDEX ix_visit_tbl_createdbyid ON visit_tbl(createdbyId)
Now for the comments on how that is too many indexes. It depends ...
My Postgresql database has a large number of duplicate foreign key constraints on tables for example
"fkb43bb0b712b68565" FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES usr(id)
"fkb43bb0b71b63ed43" FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES usr(id)
They're doing the same thing but have unique names.
How can I automatically detect and delete such duplicates?
pc.conname as constraint_name,
--conrelid as child_table_id,
pclsc.relname as child_table,
--pc.conkey as child_column_id,
pac.attname as child_column,
--confrelid as parent_table_id,
pclsp.relname as parent_table,
--pc.confkey as parent_column_id,
pap.attname as parent_column,
nspname as schema_name
connamespace,conname, unnest(conkey) as "conkey", unnest(confkey)
as "confkey" , conrelid, confrelid, contype
) pc
JOIN pg_namespace pn ON pc.connamespace = pn.oid
-- and pn.nspname = 'panmydesk4400'
JOIN pg_class pclsc ON pc.conrelid = pclsc.oid
JOIN pg_class pclsp ON pc.confrelid = pclsp.oid
JOIN pg_attribute pac ON pc.conkey = pac.attnum and pac.attrelid = pclsc.oid
JOIN pg_attribute pap ON pc.confkey = pap.attnum and pap.attrelid = pclsp.oid
ORDER BY pclsc.relname
above query will return all the foreign key constraint from that u simply delete the duplicate entries.
Note : if you remove the comments from above query you can view the relID and ColID and the query should work for all the schema in the database
array_agg(pc.conname) as duplicated_constraints,
pclsc.relname as child_table,
pac.attname as child_column,
pclsp.relname as parent_table,
pap.attname as parent_column,
nspname as schema_name
connamespace,conname, unnest(conkey) as "conkey", unnest(confkey)
as "confkey" , conrelid, confrelid, contype
) pc
JOIN pg_namespace pn ON pc.connamespace = pn.oid
JOIN pg_class pclsc ON pc.conrelid = pclsc.oid
JOIN pg_class pclsp ON pc.confrelid = pclsp.oid
JOIN pg_attribute pac ON pc.conkey = pac.attnum and pac.attrelid = pclsc.oid
JOIN pg_attribute pap ON pc.confkey = pap.attnum and pap.attrelid = pclsp.oid
GROUP BY child_table, child_column, parent_table, parent_column, schema_name HAVING COUNT(*)>1
ORDER BY child_table, child_column
will list only duplicated foreign key constraints in Postgresql
Constraints are stored in pg_constraint, just query this view to find double constraints.
I am using the following query to determine missing indexes:
db_name(d.database_id) as DatabaseName,
object_name(d.object_id) TableName,
d.index_handle as IndexHandle,
d.equality_columns as EqualityColumns,
d.inequality_columns as InequalityColumns,
d.included_columns as IncludedColumns,
d.statement as Object,
gs.user_seeks as PossibleUserSeeks,
gs.user_scans as PossibleUserScans,
gs.last_user_seek as LastPossibleUserSeek,
gs.last_user_scan as LastPossibleUserScan,
gs.system_seeks as PossibleSystemSeeks,
gs.system_scans as PossibleSystemScans
sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups g
join sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats gs on gs.group_handle = g.index_group_handle
join sys.dm_db_missing_index_details d on g.index_handle = d.index_handle
d.database_id = d.database_id and
d.object_id = d.object_id And
DB_NAME(d.database_id) = 'MESProduction'
My question concerns 'd.index_handle'. MSDN describes this column as follows: Identifies a particular missing index. The identifier is unique across the server. index_handle is the key of this table. If the index is missing, how can it be identified? And what does it mean when it says, "is the key of this table"?
Thanks very much.
I have a very large Oracle database, with many many tables and millions of rows. I need to delete one of them, but want to make sure that dropping it will not break any other dependent rows that point to it as a foreign key record. Is there a way to get a list of all the other records, or at least table schemas, that point to this row? I know that I could just try to delete it myself, and catch the exception, but I won't be running the script myself and need it to run clean the first time through.
I have the tools SQL Developer from Oracle, and PL/SQL Developer from AllRoundAutomations at my disposal.
Thanks in advance!
Here is my solution to list all references to a table:
src_cc.owner as src_owner,
src_cc.table_name as src_table,
src_cc.column_name as src_column,
dest_cc.owner as dest_owner,
dest_cc.table_name as dest_table,
dest_cc.column_name as dest_column,
all_constraints c
inner join all_cons_columns dest_cc on
c.r_constraint_name = dest_cc.constraint_name
and c.r_owner = dest_cc.owner
inner join all_cons_columns src_cc on
c.constraint_name = src_cc.constraint_name
and c.owner = src_cc.owner
c.constraint_type = 'R'
and dest_cc.owner = 'MY_TARGET_SCHEMA'
and dest_cc.table_name = 'MY_TARGET_TABLE'
--and dest_cc.column_name = 'MY_OPTIONNAL_TARGET_COLUMN'
With this solution you also have the information of which column of which table is referencing which column of your target table (and you can filter on it).
I always look at the Foreign keys for the starting table and work my way back. The DB tools usually have a dependencies or constraints node. I know PL/SQL Developer has a way to see FK's, but it's been a while since I have used it, so I can't explain it...
just replace XXXXXXXXXXXX with a table name...
/* The following query lists all relationships */
a.owner||'.'||a.table_name "Referenced Table"
,b.owner||'.'||b.table_name "Referenced by"
,b.constraint_name "Foreign Key"
from all_constraints a, all_constraints b
b.constraint_type = 'R'
and a.constraint_name = b.r_constraint_name
and b.table_name='XXXXXXXXXXXX' -- Table name
order by a.owner||'.'||a.table_name
I had a similar problem recently, but experienced soon, that finding the direct dependencies is not enough. So I wrote a query to show a tree of multilevel foreign key dependencies:
SELECT LPAD(' ',4*(LEVEL-1)) || table1 || ' <-- ' || table2 tables, table2_fkey
(SELECT a.table_name table1, b.table_name table2, b.constraint_name table2_fkey
FROM user_constraints a, user_constraints b
WHERE a.constraint_type IN('P', 'U')
AND b.constraint_type = 'R'
AND a.constraint_name = b.r_constraint_name
AND a.table_name != b.table_name
AND b.table_name <> 'MYTABLE')
CONNECT BY PRIOR table2 = table1 AND LEVEL <= 5
It gives a result like this, when using SHIPMENT as MYTABLE in my database:
We can use the data dictionary to identify the tables which reference the primary key of the table in question. From that we can generate some dynamic SQL to query those tables for the value we want to zap:
SQL> declare
2 n pls_integer;
3 tot pls_integer := 0;
4 begin
5 for lrec in ( select table_name from user_constraints
6 where r_constraint_name = 'T23_PK' )
7 loop
8 execute immediate 'select count(*) from '||lrec.table_name
9 ||' where col2 = :1' into n using &&target_val;
10 if n = 0 then
11 dbms_output.put_line('No impact on '||lrec.table_name);
12 else
13 dbms_output.put_line('Uh oh! '||lrec.table_name||' has '||n||' hits!');
14 end if;
15 tot := tot + n;
16 end loop;
17 if tot = 0
18 then
19 delete from t23 where col2 = &&target_val;
20 dbms_output.put_line('row deleted!');
21 else
22 dbms_output.put_line('delete aborted!');
23 end if;
24 end;
25 /
Enter value for target_val: 6
No impact on T34
Uh oh! T42 has 2 hits!
No impact on T69
delete aborted!
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
This example cheats a bit. The name of the target primary key is hardcoded, and the referencing column has the same name on all the dependent tables. Fixing these issues is left as an exercise for the reader ;)
Had a similar situation. In my case I had a couple of records which had ended up with the same ID differing only by case. Wanted to check what dependent records exists for each to know which was easiest to delete/update
The following prints out all child records pointing to the given record, per child table with a count for each table/master record combination
-- Finds and prints out how many children there are per table and value for each value of a given field
-- Name of the table to base the query on
cTable constant varchar2(20) := 'FOO';
-- Name of the column to base the query on
cCol constant varchar2(10) := 'ID';
-- Cursor to find interesting values (e.g. duplicates) in master table
cursor cVals is
select id
from foo f
where exists ( select 1 from foo f2
where upper( = upper(
and f.rowid != f2.rowid );
-- Everything below here should just work
vNum number(18,0);
vSql varchar2(4000);
cOutColSize number(2,0) := 30;
cursor cReferencingTables is
from user_constraints consMast
inner join user_constraints consChild on consMast.constraint_name = consChild.r_constraint_name
inner join USER_CONS_COLUMNS colChild on consChild.CONSTRAINT_NAME = colChild.CONSTRAINT_NAME
where consChild.constraint_type = 'R'
and consMast.table_name = cTable
and colMast.column_name = cCol
order by consMast.table_name, consChild.table_name;
rpad('Table', cOutColSize) ||
rpad('Column', cOutColSize) ||
rpad('Value', cOutColSize) ||
rpad('Number', cOutColSize)
for rRef in cReferencingTables loop
for rVals in cVals loop
vSql := 'select count(1) from ' || rRef.table_name || ' where ' || rRef.column_name || ' = ''' || || '''';
execute immediate vSql into vNum;
if vNum > 0 then
rpad(rRef.table_name, cOutColSize) ||
rpad(rRef.column_name, cOutColSize) ||
rpad(, cOutColSize) ||
rpad(vNum, cOutColSize) );
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
select c.owner, a.table_name, a.column_name, a.constraint_name,
c.r_owner as ref_owner, cpk.table_name as ref_table,
cpk.constraint_name as ref_pk
from all_cons_columns a
join all_constraints c on a.owner = c.owner
and a.constraint_name = c.constraint_name
join all_constraints cpk on c.r_owner = cpk.owner
and c.r_constraint_name = cpk.constraint_name
where c.constraint_type = 'r' and c.table_name= 'table_name';
I was surprised at how difficult it was to find the dependency order of tables based on foreign key relationships. I needed it because I wanted to delete the data from all tables and import it again. Here is the query I wrote to list the tables in dependency order. I was able to script the deletes using the query below, and import again using the results of the query in reverse order.
SELECT referenced_table
,MAX(lvl) for_deleting
,MIN(lvl) for_inserting
( -- Hierarchy of dependencies
,t.table_name referenced_table
,b.table_name referenced_by
FROM user_constraints A
JOIN user_constraints b
ON A.constraint_name = b.r_constraint_name
and b.constraint_type = 'R'
RIGHT JOIN user_tables t
ON t.table_name = A.table_name
START WITH b.table_name IS NULL
CONNECT BY b.table_name = PRIOR t.table_name
GROUP BY referenced_table
ORDER BY for_deleting, for_inserting;
Oracle constraints uses Table Indexes to reference data.
To find out what tables are referencing one table, just look for index in reverse order.
/* Toggle ENABLED and DISABLE status for any referencing constraint: */
select 'ALTER TABLE '||b.owner||'.'||b.table_name||' '||
decode(b.status, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLE ', 'ENABLE ')||
'CONSTRAINT '||b.constraint_name||';'
from all_indexes a,
all_constraints b
where a.table_name='XXXXXXXXXXXX' -- Table name
and a.index_name = b.r_constraint_name;
Obs.: Disabling references improves considerably the time of DML commands (update, delete and insert).
This can help a lot in bulk operations, where you know that all data is consistent.
/* List which columns are referenced in each constraint */
select ' TABLE "'||b.owner||'.'||b.table_name||'"'||
'('||listagg (c.column_name, ',') within group (order by c.column_name)||')'||
' FK "'||b.constraint_name||'" -> '||a.table_name||
' INDEX "'||a.index_name||'"'
from all_indexes a,
all_constraints b,
all_cons_columns c
where rtrim(a.table_name) like 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' -- Table name
and a.index_name = b.r_constraint_name
and c.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
group by b.owner, b.table_name, b.constraint_name, a.table_name, a.index_name
order by 1;
When programming a large transaction (lots of inserts, deletes, updates) and thereby violating a constraint in Informix (v10, but should apply to other versions too) I get a not very helpful message saying, for example, I violated constraint r190_710. How can I find out which table(s) and key(s) are covered by a certain constraint I know only the name of?
Tony Andrews suggested (pointing to a different end-point for the URL):
From Informix Guide to SQL: Reference it appears you should look at the system catalog tables SYSCONSTRAINTS and SYSINDICES.
The Informix system catalog is described in that manual.
The SysConstraints table is the starting point for analyzing a constraint, most certainly; you find the constraint name in that table, and from there you can find out the other details.
However, you also have to look at other tables, and not just (or even directly) SysIndices.
For example, I have a lot of NOT NULL constraints on the tables in my database. For those, the constraint type is 'N' and there is no need to look elsewhere for more information.
A constraint type of 'P' indicates a primary key; that would need more analysis via the SysIndexes view or SysIndices table. Similarly, a constraint type of 'U' indicates a unique constraint and needs extra information from the SysIndexes view or SysIndices table.
A constraint type of 'C' indicates a check constraint; the text (and binary compiled form) of the constraint is found in the SysChecks table (with types 'T' and 'B' for the data; the data is more or less encoded with Base-64, though without the '=' padding at the end and using different characters for 62 and 63).
Finally, a constraint type of 'R' indicates a referential integrity constraint. You use the SysReferences table to find out which table is referenced, and you use SysIndexes or SysIndices to establish which indexes on the referencing and referenced tables are used, and from that you can discover the relevant columns. This can get quite hairy!
Columns in a table with a constraint on them
a.tabname, b.constrname, d.colname
systables a, sysconstraints b, sysindexes c, syscolumns d
a.tabname = 'your_table_name_here'
b.tabid = a.tabid
c.idxname = b.idxname
d.tabid = a.tabid
d.colno = c.part1 or
d.colno = c.part2 or
d.colno = c.part3 or
d.colno = c.part4 or
d.colno = c.part5 or
d.colno = c.part6 or
d.colno = c.part7 or
d.colno = c.part8 or
d.colno = c.part9 or
d.colno = c.part10 or
d.colno = c.part11 or
d.colno = c.part12 or
d.colno = c.part13 or
d.colno = c.part14 or
d.colno = c.part15 or
d.colno = c.part16
I have been using the following query to get more information about the different types of constraints.
It's based on some spelunking in the system tables and several explanations about the system catalog.
sysconstraints.constrtype indicates the type of the constraint:
P = Primary key
U = Unique key / Alternate key
N = Not null
C = Check
R = Reference / Foreign key
c1.colname col1,
c2.colname col2,
c3.colname col3,
c4.colname col4,
c5.colname col5
from sysconstraints constr
join systables tab on tab.tabid = constr.tabid
left outer join syschecks chk on chk.constrid = constr.constrid and chk.type = 'T'
left outer join sysindexes i on i.idxname = constr.idxname
left outer join syscolumns c1 on c1.tabid = tab.tabid and c1.colno = abs(i.part1)
left outer join syscolumns c2 on c2.tabid = tab.tabid and c2.colno = abs(i.part2)
left outer join syscolumns c3 on c3.tabid = tab.tabid and c3.colno = abs(i.part3)
left outer join syscolumns c4 on c4.tabid = tab.tabid and c4.colno = abs(i.part4)
left outer join syscolumns c5 on c5.tabid = tab.tabid and c5.colno = abs(i.part5)
where constr.constrname = 'your constraint name'
to get the table affected by the constraint "r190_710":
(select TABID from sysconstraints where CONSTRID IN
(select CONSTRID from sysreferences where PTABID IN
(select TABID from sysconstraints where CONSTRNAME= "r190_710" )
From Informix Guide to SQL: Reference it appears you should look at the system catalog tables SYSCONSTRAINTS and SYSINDICES.
From surfing at (International Informix Users Group) i found the not-so-easy solution.
(1) Get referential constraint data from the constraint name (you can get all constraints for a table by replacing "AND sc.constrname = ?" by "AND st.tabname MATCHES ?"). This statement selects some more fields than necessary here because they might be interesting in other situations.
SELECT si.part1, si.part2, si.part3, si.part4, si.part5,
si.part6, si.part7, si.part8, si.part9, si.part10,
si.part11, si.part12, si.part13, si.part14, si.part15, si.part16,
st.tabname, rt.tabname as reftable, sr.primary as primconstr,
sr.delrule, sc.constrid, sc.constrname, sc.constrtype,
si.idxname, si.tabid as tabid, rc.tabid as rtabid
FROM 'informix'.systables st, 'informix'.sysconstraints sc,
'informix'.sysindexes si, 'informix'.sysreferences sr,
'informix'.systables rt, 'informix'.sysconstraints rc
WHERE st.tabid = sc.tabid
AND st.tabtype != 'Q'
AND st.tabname NOT MATCHES 'cdr_deltab_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*'
AND rt.tabid = sr.ptabid
AND rc.tabid = sr.ptabid
AND sc.constrid = sr.constrid
AND sc.tabid = si.tabid
AND sc.idxname = si.idxname
AND sc.constrtype = 'R'
AND sc.constrname = ?
AND sr.primary = rc.constrid
ORDER BY si.tabid, sc.constrname
(2) Use the part1-part16 to determine which column is affected by the constraint: the part[n] containing a value different from 0 contains the column number of the used column. Use (3) to find the name of the column.
If constrtype is 'R' (referencing) use the following statement to find the parts of the referencing table:
SELECT part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8,
part9, part10, part11, part12, part13, part14, part15, part16
FROM 'informix'.sysindexes si, 'informix'.sysconstraints sc
WHERE si.tabid = sc.tabid
AND si.idxname = sc.idxname
AND sc.constrid = ? -- primconstr from (1)
(3) the tabid and rtabid (for referencing constraints) from (1) can now be used to get the columns of the tables like that:
SELECT colno, colname
FROM 'informix'.syscolumns
WHERE tabid = ? -- tabid(for referenced) or rtabid(for referencing) from (1)
AND colno = ? -- via parts from (1) and (2)
ORDER BY colno
(4) If the constrtype is 'C', then get the check information like this:
SELECT type, seqno, checktext
FROM 'informix'.syschecks
WHERE constrid = ? -- constrid from (1)
Quite hairy indeed
If your constraint is named constraint_c6, here's how to dump its definition (well sort-of, you still need to concatenate the rows, as they'll be separated by whitespace):
OUTPUT TO '/tmp/constraint_c6.sql' WITHOUT HEADINGS
SELECT ch.checktext
FROM syschecks ch, sysconstraints co
WHERE ch.constrid = co.constrid
AND ch.type = 'T' -- text lines only
AND co.constrname = 'constraint_c6'
ORDER BY ch.seqno;