Freemarker+ExtJS vs Wicket - extjs

I have been developing for a while using Freemarker + some JS frameworks (like ExtJS). Now I hear lots of talks about Wicket so Im trying to understand pros and cons. After reading intro in Wicket I have mixed feelings. Below are my conclusions. I know Im biased but dont take it as offence. Instead rather as misunderstanding since Im really trying to see if Wicket is thing to switch to:
Seems like this is good for companies where you have Java programmers that you can now utilize for building Front-end. On other hand, as Front-end developer this looks weird to me since I feel like I dont have full control of JScript code.
Since Wicket uses Java for generating HTML/CSS/JScript UI controls for me meaning if I need to tweak those controls outside of their box it maybe problematic. In my experience any framework good until you start doing something different from what it was intended and then you can spend more effort trying to do simple out of box thing then using native JScript. Is there JScript sources for Wicket controls?
Prototyping: using Freemarker I can do changes and simply refresh page. In case of Wicket I need to recompile.
Logic blocks: Looks like Wicket allows injection of values into HTML tags with wicket: attribute but how do you handle block logic like IF(condition) then {use HTML block1} else { use another HTML block}?
Non html data templating: often during page generation I compose some AJAX data from FreeMarker inside tag. How do I do similar things from Wicket?
Is it harder/simpler to create custom UI controls in Wicket?
Thank you for your comments.

Freemarker or JS isn't a web framework.
What do You use? A raw Servlet? Your comparison seems strange.
In Wicket You can use templating, built-in Velocity Panel, or find or build Freemarker panel. Coding such kind of Panel needs a few hours (for an active Wicket programmer), but then you can reuse it many times. The Injected (from Panels) HTML part must be valid, html tags closed etc.
3) Wicket hasn't if-else construction in markup. Maybe use Comcoment.setVisible(false), or very good made loop's (few repeaters: Look at examples).


Replacing angular with standard web technologies

I'm working on a project which has the luxury of using ECMA 6 on the latest browsers for a product that will be shipped in 1.5 years. So we thought why not use Web Components now that Angular 2 isn't available (which is going to be ECMA 6). And while we are at it, can we replace Angular altogether without having to go back to stone age?
How to replace Angular?
There's this site called which is basically about how modern browsers actually have most of the stuff that jQuery was traditionally used for. I'm interested to see something like that for Angular.
We mainly use four Angular features. What are my options for replacing them?
Angular Directives --> Web Components
Angular Modules --> ECMA 6 Modules (not exactly the same thing)
Angular Routes --> ???
Angular 2-way databinding --> ???
PS. We don't want to replace Angular with something similar like Backbone or Ember. We want to replace it with standard web technologies but if we have to use small tools to fill the gap, we'll consider it.
I've been researching in the past 3 weeks and turns out many people are thinking about an alternative after Angular took a drastic change path. Fortunately the upcomming W3C Web Components standard actually has all we need and it works right now with polyfills from the Polymer project. So to answer the question:
Angular Directives --> Web Components use the polyfill until all browsers support it.
Angular Modules --> ECMA 6 Modules part of the problem is solved with HTML imports. But you can also use Traceur until the browsers support it.
Angular Routes --> There's a component for that™ use <app-router>.
Angular 2-way databinding --> Polymer adds a "magic" layer on top of the plain standard web components. This includes many features including data-binding.
+Plus More
If you're wondering about the build process for concatenating files in order to reduce the number of HTTP requests, take a look at Addy Osmani's post about Vulcanize. Spoiler: you may not need it with the upcoming HTTP 2 optimizations.
Many Angular projects use Twitter Bootstrap for the layout. Polymer can do that plus it plays nicely with Google's Paper elements (totally optional but superbly awesome).
If you want to make yourself familiar with web components in general, here is a bunch of nice articles:
And here is a wealth of web components: I don't know if it's going to be a new NPM, but the list components is pretty impressive and growing.
It's relatively complicated to expose an API for an Angular component. People have come up with all sorts of methods from link function to emitting events. In Web Components, however, it's really easy to make your component interact with the world outside and indeed the API and events you expose aren't much different from standard HTML tags like <audio>.
Just like Angular, you can use Polymer with Dart as well.
Overall, I don't see any reason to use Angular except if:
You have a huge source code investment in angular and don't want to port everything to standard web. (Angular 2.0 will deprecate your code anyway, so you're stuck with Angular 1.*)
Your team is too lazy to learn a new technology (in that case web might not be the right platform for this attitude anyway).
Angular was good for what it was doing and had its own Hype cycle. Web components solve many of the issues Angular was trying to address. Probably Angular had a role as a proof of concept for the Web components. But now it's time to move on. Web is reinventing itself everyday and it's inevitable to moves someone's cheese.
I'm not saying that Polymer is the ultimate answer to everything. At best it's another Angular which will render useless in a couple of years, but now it's a good time to learn and use it. The W3C standards don't die easily though, and Polymer tends to be much closer to them.
There's an element for that™ is the new There's an app for that™
TLDR: seriously consider writing an almost Angular 2.0-compatable Angular 1.3 app before rolling your own framework
It seems as if you've identified that Angular does a lot of things the right way and that's why you're attempting to replicate it, so basically you're going to roll your own by combining a hodgepodge of libraries. Unless you have an enormous investment of Engineering hours, the framework you build will likely be:
Lightly documented
A cross-browser maintenance nightmare and (worst of all)
Difficult for new hires to learn
If there wasn't a framework out there that did what you want to do already, I think rolling your own makes sense, but by trying to recreate Angular you're:
Taking on a lot of Engineering work that has already been done by a dedicated team, that could have been spent on building product
Made it MUCH more difficult to onboard new employees because you have to:
Find candidates that are willing to use a home-grown framework instead of growing their skills at an open source framework they could use elsewhere
Train these employees to use your framework (and good luck unless your documentation is mature)
I know your question asks how to replace Angular, but I've seen too many companies go the route of rolling their own and paying for it down the road. Again, if your budget includes a ton of core resources to build out (and document, and maintain) the framework and you don't think there is any chance corners will get cut when push comes to shove later if timelines get tight, then rolling your own might make sense. However, I think you should seriously consider reading up on how to write Angular 1.3 apps so that they're easy to port to Angular 2.0 and go the Angular route. Just look at the size of the community you're missing out on:

Less control with angularjs?

I'm still learning AngularJS, but I'm not sure if having less control (via javascript) as I read is a good thing. I mean, everything is done via bindings through HTML code / attributes. How can I access $rootScope , or any of the services other than having them injected to my controllers via 'low level' javascript code?angular global variable doesn't hold much when logged to the console. What else to use to discover possible methods accessable via javascript?
I suspect this will be closed as opinion based but here is my opinion:
Angular does not remove your ability to control the page via javascript. Instead it isolates that code that manipulates the DOM. The learning curve for angular is a little like a roller coaster, in that you feel differently about the framework after learning a new piece. I felt really great after learning how templates and controllers worked but then felt low after seeing the limitations and complexities it created only to feel really great when I learned about Directives and how to manipulate the DOM through them. Six months into it, I am comfortable with Angular and would never go back to all the boilerplate of straight JQuery/javascript.
An important thing to keep in mind. Angular is not a UI library but rather a way of organizing your development files. There are many integration libraries of well known UI frameworks into angular Directives but by far the most popular is Twitter Bootstrap.
This blog post really nailed it:

Freemarker vs AngularJS

Does it make sense having a solution that uses both Freemarker and AngularJS?
I tried to convince everyone on my team of switching to Angular, and a more experienced developer than me pointed out that he prefers server-side rendering, which is both arguable and valid. But then he told me that if I still want to use Angular just use it with Freemarker instead of replacing it.
I'm a junior programmer, as far as I can understand they are designed to the same purpose.
It depends on the needs.
For example, if you want to break your page into individual re-usable components that you can tie based on some logic on the server side, then using freemarker or velocity for building these components makes sense.
The freemarker or velocity templates might in-turn use angularJS components that would be rendered on the browser and evaluated on the client side.
The server side templating would give you the ability to design re-usable angular components.
Now, some may try to use the Object component in HTML5 for doing the same thing, but this is not recommended as using Object expects a fully formed HTML element with its own <html> opening and closing tag.
Not something that is intended for a small reusable component.
As an example consider having your page header and footer in its own html template file that you would like to tie in for all the pages in your application.
As I google for Freemarker i realize it is just a templating engine. AngularJS is not a templating engine. Templating engine is just part within this framework. So both of them cannot be compared.
AngularJS is a full fledged framework for creating Single Page Applications (SPA). So if you want just templating capabilities on client side, i suggest you better look for some other light weight libraries.
If you want to use AngularJS you need to decide
Whether you can structure your app as a SPA
Does the site needs to be SEO optimized. Which has limited support in Angular or as a matter of fact in any client side framework.
Ready to use the AngularJS templating engine because it is awesome with its support for oneway\two way active bindings. If you don't use it templating engine you are loosing a lot.
No it clearly does not make sense as they serve very different purposes. All I can think of is that you either misunderstood the more experienced developer or he really has not understood the business case (WHY something is worth using) of using either technology. In my experience as a j2ee developer, I find that many server side developers (experienced or not) may not be too educated on the many new advances recently made in client side development. With Angular you are not limited to SPA. You need an insight into the overall architecture of your current project to determine if its a good fit. There are ways around the SEO issues or you can purchase an SEO solution. But clearly not a best choice if SEO is essential.
Unless it is a team decision and there are clear problems Angular solves for you, I would not suggest getting stuck alone with a new technology that only you know. Keep it as a hobby and when you really understand the best practices and benefits you can then try being an evangelist.

Pros and cons of using AngularJS + jQuery Mobile in one project

We're about to start a project using mentioned libraries. We have already used jQM in another project, but coupled with Backbone. Now we're thinking about using AngularJS with jQM. Do you think it's a good idea? And if not, why?
To elaborate, the question is whether it is advisable/recommended/easy/beneficial to use these libraries together, or maybe there is something that should prevent us from using them both in one project. We don't want to spend half of project's time on making them work together just on principle.
AngularJS and JQM do different things. AngularJS is MVC + Lot More. JQM on the other hand is for direct UI manipulation (lower level than Angular). The good news is AngularJS is flexible and will let you work with any other Javascript framework including JQM. The recommended way of using them together is use the adapter as mentioned above or create your own reusable directives that will add "JQM nature" to your views. For e.g. you can create a directive that will convert a standard UL to a fancier JQM list. The good thing about doing this in directives and not within your view is that your UI code is separated in separate modules and not intermingled with business logic.

Is it possible to use ExtJS components in AngularJS?

I'm really enjoying learning to use AngularJS. Now I'm looking for components I can use with it. I've been looking at Angular-UI components but I'd like to know if it's possible to use the nice, supercharged components in ExtJS. Does anyone have experience with this? Any hints or tips or Angular directive libraries?
The company I work for is making a similar move. We currently rely heavily on an older version (3.x) of ExtJS, and the effort to upgrade to the current (5.0) version is at least equal to the effort required to move to angular.
To answer the question (to the best of my limited knowledge):
They can exist together in the same JS application.
Can you use UI elements of ExtJs with Angular?
You can put angular in control of markup via HTML templates in Ext.
Is this a wise idea?
Probably not.
Why would I consider doing this?
I need absolute control over the markup and don't care about possible page load issues
I need to serialize or de-serialize in some special way that Ext doesn't innately provide
I need to do something special like pub/sub (still totally possible with Ext)
In our case, it is a proof of concept for a few modals. If I am biased, I am biased in the direction of ExtJs (which is a huge statement given my background). The more exposure I have to ExtJS, the more I personally like it. I've used several frameworks in the past like Ember, Backbone, KnockoutJs and AngularJs and they are excellent tools that are reaching a level of maturity that makes them excellent choices. That said, they don't follow the same development model/pattern that ExtJs does, and I don't think a direct compare is fair to either side.
It would be almost like comparing Ext to Node (silly, I know).
If your project requires some special functionality that you don't believe is possible in Ext, you are probably like me and have limited experience with it. If you have a lot of experience with Ext, and want to try what we are trying, I say go for it. The single downfall of Ext is the size of the built package that is delivered. Another small framework isn't going to help that, but it also isn't going to cause more pain.
In the end, for me, I just love JS and expanding my knowledge of how things work now and in the future.
For the post above asking about the lack of traction for Ext: the answer is simple... it's not free, and thus not an option for many of us who aren't writing commercial software that fits well with the license.
In our AngularJS app at work, we have integrated a 3rd party ExtJS app with it, not for its UI components though. We open certain popups of that app based on user input and when the user commits data in the popup, we respond to ExtJs events to refresh our app. AngularJS is flexible enough to integrate with any other Javascript code/libraries as long as the library has public events to respond to. I would recommend going through the Directive and scope documentation on how to effectively create directives and respond to scope events.
Personally I do not feel ExtJS and AngularJS would be needed together, unless you are forced to use it like me. There is that brings in a lot to the table. Again any given JQuery plugin can be integrated using directives, filters etc in AngularJS. So you may want to investigate into that before trying to bother with ExtJS.
Why do you need AngularJS anyway if you have ExtJS? I agree learning Ext can be somewhat difficult though once you've bitten through it there is nothing better at the moment. The only disadvantage is the heavier footprint but who cares? It's not like it's causing any problems... We use nothing but ExtJS at work and the progress in our apps is amazing. It integrates seamlessly with Spring MVC. We don't need to hack in HTML directly which I consider more of an advantage than a disadvantage: no more writing tags, no more open/close tag issues, you can still use css and Ext handles any browser incompatibilities so what else do you need more?? Angular is just the new kid on the block but in total it can not (yet) compete with ExtJS. It doesn't even com close. Just my 2$.
Sencha is planning to add support in the framework. Please find the link at the bottom for reference:
At SenchaCon in Las Vegas on November 7-9 2016, Sencha will be introducing the ability to use Ext JS components, layouts, and themes within an Angular 2 application, which we are currently calling the Ext JS Bridge to Angular 2 (also known as ‘The Bridge’).
