How can I add calendar on edit mood for different row in DHTMLX Grid - calendar

I am working on DHTMLX grid where in my grid the different row have different type of data. And I have provided the facility for a each row to edit the values. There are two rows, one it name of the item another is value for that item. So there is different type of values like price[number], title[string], status [drop down option list], created[date] etc. so I see there is an option for defining the grid's row type for each. Everything is working properly but the calendar is not showing.
Can anyone help me on this?
I have used row type for calendar is "dhxCalendar" but getting error as after that no row is showing up and the design gone missing. Any kind of help will be appriciable.

a) be sure to include related files
b) be sure that format of date in you datasource (xml|json) is the default one (d/m/y), or you are using setDateFormat as
grid.setDateFormat("format to show", "format in datasource");


SSRS mobile reports display date

I am sure this should be simple but can't find it answered here.
I am creating some mobile reports and all going well, but I want to add a field that holds a date time (last sale). So far all my fields are shown in gauges, but I can't show a date or string in a number gauge (i don't think). There is a time navigator and selection list filtering the data in the gauges.
I tried creating a simple data grid with one field in it, but doesn't look great with the column header etc.
Any suggestions?

uiGrid switch rows and columns

This is a bit of a general question into the possibilities of ui grid. I have had tremendous success with ui grid thus far. Now I have a use case where I want to switch the rows and columns of the grid.
Basically, I would like the headers to be displayed 'vertically' in the first column and to have the rows become columns.
Is this possible with ui grid?
As far as i know UI-grid doesn't support this. I doubt if you can do that. May be try building ColumnsDef and Data dynamically and pass it to gridOptions. Or else add extra column and this should be the first column where you will pass all the header values. Change the background of the cells to look like header cells. Now add second column where you pass the entire first row values. Hide the original header row completely. see now u got your required grid........ :)

Data Values not visible in the DevExpress grid

I am using DevExpress Winforms for representing my Grid Structure.
What is happening is that i'm using DevExpress in an already developed application.
I am assigning the DataSet table to DataSource in the grid layout view.
I am using XtraGrid and Column Header is in camelcase.
What is happening is that Column Headings are being displayed, it is showing that 30 entries are loaded but nothing is being displayed. As in no data value is visible.We found the issue field name is case sensitive.
How do we handle this ?
Any helps/ leads will be appreciated.
If you have visible columns and you can see rows with empty cells I'll bet the field names (GridColumn.FieldName) do not match with column names of your DataTable.
The field names have nothing to do with the header captions (GridColumn.Caption) but the caption is automatically determined out of the fieldname if it is not set to another string.

Grid not updating upon change in model in angularjs

I am using ng-grid to display a list of items.
I want to give my users ability to rearrange the rows in the list.
i.e move the rows up and down as they please.
However when I update the grid data in the backend i.e say change the index of a particular row, that row does not automatically change locations in the front-end.
What am i missing here ?
I have created a plunker to describe the problem
The grid doesn't use the index of the array to order it, so even if you are changing it, because the data is still there nothing happens.
What you could do is define an order field and update the value then changing the values as shown in this plukr. The order field you can hide it from the grid if required using columnDefs to explicitly defined which column should be shown.

ExtJS 4 - How to avoid grid column value becoming null when column editor is combo-box?

I have a column in a grid with editor as combo-box.
When the grid is loaded then all the column values get displayed properly.
The issue is, when user clicks at the column (having combobox as editor) to edit it then the column value becomes null as shown in the attached screenshot.
I understand that the value becomes null as the store of combobox has not been loaded yet.
I can not use autoLoad true due to the heavy amount of data present in the combobox store. Moreover, even if I use autoLoad:true for the store with paging in it, then that too safeguards only those values which are present in the first page and not all.
Thus, how can I maintain the value in grid column when that value is not present in the store of combobox used as editor for the column?
Could anyone guide at this?
PS: I am using ExtJS Ver 4.0.2a
I have been able to find a solution for this.
It has more to do with the version of ExtJs. If we upgrade to 4.0.7 and then use forceSelection:false for a combobox then things work fine as expected. That is, the combo-box accepts a value which doesn't exist in its store and doesn't set the current value to null.
Hope this helps someone else too looking for something similar.
I would suggest having the grid record contain both that columns value, as well as display value. If the combo store lookup is unable to find a matching value (because that combo store hasn't been loaded yet), then revert to showing the display value stored with the grid record.
You might also need to have the afteredit event on the grid update that grid records display value after that column is edited for a particular row.
