How can I prevent this arbitrary text truncation in AS3 - arrays

Below is code that populates a menu. Everything seems to work great, with no errors thrown, except for one crucial part. My megaPages array has the values ["HOME","BABIES","BRIDALS","MISC","WEDDINGS","ABOUT"], but the actual text that displays on screen (which is produced by megaPages) is like this:
As you can see, some of the text is arbitrarily being truncated. I've traced the text strings as they get passed through the various functions at various stages of the menu-build, and they are always right, but somehow when each DisplayObject make it on screen, letters get ommitted (notice though that 'HOME' abd 'ABOUT' are fine). I don't even know where to start with this problem.
function buildMenu() {
var itemMCs = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < megaPages.length; i++) {
megaPages[i] = megaPages[i].toUpperCase();
trace(megaPages[i]); // at each iteration, traces as follows "HOME","BABIES","BRIDALS","MISC","WEDDINGS","ABOUT"
var textMC = createText(megaPages[i]);
var itemMC = new MovieClip();
if (i!=0) {
var newLink = new PlateLink();
newLink.y = 0;
var newPlate = new Plate();
if (i==0) {
newPlate.y = 0;
} else {
newPlate.y = newLink.height - 2;
newPlate.x = 0;
newPlate.width = textMC.width + (plateMargin*2);
if (i!=0) {
newLink.x = (newPlate.width/2) - (newLink.width/2);
textMC.x = plateMargin;
textMC.y = newPlate.y + .5;
itemMC.x = (homeplateref.x + (homeplateref.width/2)) - (itemMC.width/2);
if (i==0) {
itemMC.y = homeplateref.y;
} else {
itemMC.y = itemMCs[i-1].y + (itemMCs[i-1].height - 6);
function createText(menuTitle) {
var textContainer : MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var myFont = new Font1();
var backText = instantText(menuTitle, 0x000000);
backText.x = 1;
backText.y = 1;
var frontText = instantText(menuTitle, 0xFFFFFF);
frontText.x = 0;
frontText.y = 0;
return textContainer;
function instantText(textContent, color) {
trace(textContent); // again, traces the right text each time it is fired
var myFont = new Font1();
var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.size = 18;
myFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
myFormat.font = myFont.fontName;
var myText:TextField = new TextField();
myText.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
myText.embedFonts = true;
myText.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
myText.text = textContent;
myText.textColor = color;
myText.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
return myText;

You need to embed all the necessary characters for the font you're using.
For textfields created in Flash:
Select the TextField, and hit the 'Embed' button in the properties panel.
For dynamically created textfields:
When you set the font to export (Font1 in your case) make sure to include all the characters you need.
You can choose to embed all uppercase characters, or just type in the ones you need for those specific menu items.


Generating one layer with different backgrounds to jpgs - Photoshop

I'm trying to speed up my workflow. What i have is a picture of food, that needs to be exported with different colored backgrounds.
Right now I'm hiding the colored background layers one by one, as i export the jpgs. But i feel there has to be a quicker way to do this?
Any help or tips would be much appreciated.
Assuming the bottom most layer is the Background Layer, above that you have three images which are coloured backgrounds. Above those is your art.
it's just a case of identifying which layers are which and first switching them all OFF and then ON on turn.
var srcDoc = app.activeDocument;
var numOfLayers = srcDoc.layers.length;
var n = (numOfLayers - backgrounds.length)-1;
var backgrounds = ["Red", "Yellow", "Blue"];
// switch backgrounds OFF
for (var i = n; i < numOfLayers-1; i++)
srcDoc.layers[i].visible = false;
// switch them ON one at at time
for (var i = n; i < numOfLayers-1; i++)
srcDoc.layers[i].visible = true;
// save
var myFileName = "C:\\temp\\my_picture_" + i + ".jpg";
// Switch it off again
srcDoc.layers[i].visible = false;
function save_as_jpg(afilepath)
// Flatten the jpg
// jpg file options
var jpgFile = new File(afilepath);
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.OPTIMIZEDBASELINE;
jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpgSaveOptions.quality = 12;
activeDocument.saveAs(jpgFile, jpgSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
//close without saving
function duplicate_it()
// duplicate image into new document
var str = "temp";
var id428 = charIDToTypeID( "Dplc" );
var desc92 = new ActionDescriptor();
var id429 = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
var ref27 = new ActionReference();
var id430 = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
var id431 = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
var id432 = charIDToTypeID( "Frst" );
ref27.putEnumerated( id430, id431, id432 );
desc92.putReference( id429, ref27 );
var id433 = charIDToTypeID( "Nm " );
desc92.putString( id433, str ); // name
executeAction( id428, desc92, DialogModes.NO );

ActionScript 3 Can't Add and Remove item from Array

I'm working on a shopping list app and i'm having issue's removing and adding an item within the array.
I have an output_txt.text and input_txt.text with three buttons add_btn, remove_btn, and clear_btn. Inside my list (output) I have items of "Bread, Dog Food, Eggs, Hamburger, Milk". I want to be able to add items to the list and sort them alphabetically.
When I add an item it sorts it alphabetically, however when I try to add another item it just replaces the last item I entered.
When I want to clear an item I want to be able to copy the item from the list and place it in the input textbox and click the remove btn to remove it, but when I do this it only removes the second item and then places it to the bottom of the list.
(The totalItems_txt.text is the total number of items I add and remove from the list.)
Here's my code:
clear_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ClearList);
function ClearList(e:MouseEvent):void {
output_txt.text = "";
totalItems_txt.text = "0";
addItem_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, AddItem);
function AddItem(e:MouseEvent):void {
var newItems:Array = ["Bread", "Dog Food", "Eggs", "Hamburger", "Milk"];
newItems[0] = "Bread";
newItems[1] = "Dog Food";
newItems[2] = "Eggs";
newItems[3] = "Hamburger";
newItems[4] = "Milk";
newItems[5] = input_txt.text;
input_txt.text = "";
output_txt.text = "";
for (var i:int = 0; i < newItems.length; i++){
output_txt.appendText(newItems[i] + "\n");
totalItems_txt.text = newItems.length.toString();
remove_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, RemoveItems);
function RemoveItems(e:MouseEvent):void {
var items:Array = ["Bread", "Dog Food", "Eggs", "Hamburger", "Milk"];
items[0] = "Bread";
items[1] = "Dog Food";
items[2] = "Eggs";
items[3] = "Hamburger";
items[4] = "Milk";
items[5] = input_txt.text;
output_txt.text = "";
for (var i:int = 0; i < items.length; i++){
output_txt.appendText(items[i] + "\n");
totalItems_txt.text = items.length.toString();
It's easier to identify the cause of the problem if you provide a complete and verifiable example, however, at the heart of your issue is an understanding of the Array methods:
splice(startIndex:int, deleteCount:uint), for removing items.
push(... args), for adding items.
If you explicitly reference newItems[0] thru [5], then you'll only ever affect entries 0 - 5, however, push is useful since it simply adds it to the end of your array. Conversely, you could use either splice (to specifically target a certain index), or pop() (which removes the last element from an array) to delete items from your array.
The other problem is that your arrays are local. Because you're recreating them every time you call RemoveItems or AddItem, you'll never save your changes. So, move it outside of those functions, and it'll be saved between clicks.
I've reworked your code with changes, and added supplemental code for the missing UI code you didn't provide. You can run this in a new .fla file and it will work as intended.
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.Sprite;
var items:Array = ["Bread", "Dog Food", "Eggs", "Hamburger", "Milk"];
function addItem(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (input_txt.text != "") { // Assuming we having something in the input_txt,
items.push(input_txt.text); // add it to the end of our items array
input_txt.text = "";
function removeItems(e:MouseEvent):void {
function clearList(e:MouseEvent):void {
items = []; // empty our list by replacing it with a new one.
output_txt.text = "";
totalItems_txt.text = "0";
function updateOutput():void {
output_txt.text = "";
for (var i:int = 0; i < items.length; i++){
output_txt.appendText(items[i] + "\n");
totalItems_txt.text = "Total: " + items.length;
/* Supplemental UI Creation */
var addItem_btn:Sprite = new Sprite();,1);,0,100,25)
addItem_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addItem);
var clear_btn:Sprite = new Sprite();,1);,0,100,25)
clear_btn.x = 101;
clear_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearList);
var remove_btn:Sprite = new Sprite();,1);,0,100,25)
remove_btn.x = 202;
remove_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeItems);
var input_txt:TextField = new TextField();
input_txt.type = "input";
input_txt.text = "input_txt";
input_txt.y = 50;
var output_txt:TextField = new TextField();
output_txt.text = "output_txt";
output_txt.y = 50;
output_txt.x = 101;
var totalItems_txt:TextField = new TextField();
totalItems_txt.text = "totalItems_txt";
totalItems_txt.y = 50;
totalItems_txt.x = 202;
All you had to do is declare your array as public and then add just the values to the array by using push(). when you sort the actual index of the array still remains , but the displayed items index will be different ,

calling a function from view and controller

Fairly new to angular so I think I'm missing something simple. I have a function that I need to call from both a view and within the controller. From the view I give the option to continue or start over so I have two functions declared as below. both buttons in the view work fine this way.
$scope.start_new = function(){
//logic in here
$scope.continue_work = function(){
//logic in here
My problem is if it's the first time through I don't want to give the option so I have
//if the variable doesn't exist run the init
//I've tried these ways
$ = false; //disply the layer which gives the choice
none of these fire the function. If I declare it like this:
function start_new(){
//logic in here
it runs fine on the controller load but the button in the view no longer works. The button code looks like this:
<button type="button" ng-click="start_new()" class="btn btn-info btn-lg btn200">Start New</button>
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
here is the actual code:
stControllers.controller('WorkoutCtrl',['$scope','$routeParams','$localStorage','$filter','$location','Flash',function ($scope,$routeParams,$localStorage,$filter,$location,Flash) {
//set up counter background
$scope.strokeWidth = 20;
$scope.stroke = '#71d2f3';
$scope.background = '#eee';
$scope.size = 205;
$scope.show_list = false;
$ = true;
//set up current workout
$ = false;
$scope.start_workout = function(){
$ = true;
$scope.currentWorkout = $localStorage.userProgramTemplate[$routeParams['day_id']];
$scope.setCount = $localStorage.setCounterTotal[$routeParams['day_id']];
$localStorage.currentWorkout = $localStorage.userProgramTemplate[$routeParams['day_id']];
//set up the workout detail
$scope.workoutName = $localStorage.userProgramDay[$routeParams['day_id']]['program_day_name'];
$scope.workoutDate = new Date();
//workout progress circle
$scope.currentSet = 1
$scope.progress = $scope.currentSet/$scope.setCount;
//start at first group
$scope.workoutIndex = 0;
$scope.groupCounter = 0;
//start at first exercise
$scope.exerciseIndex = 0;
$scope.currentExerciseSet = 1;
$scope.exerciseCounter = {};
$scope.currentExercise = $scope.currentWorkout[$scope.workoutIndex][$scope.exerciseIndex];
$scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id] = {};
$scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id] = 1;
$scope.currentExerciseSet = $scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id];
$scope.setProgress = ($scope.currentExerciseSet/$scope.currentExercise.sets) * 100;
$scope.reps = parseInt($scope.currentExercise.reps);
$scope.weight = parseInt($scope.currentExercise.weight);
//create a storage variable to store counters in
$localStorage.counters = {};
$localStorage.counters['setCount'] = $scope.setCount;
$localStorage.counters['workoutDate'] = $scope.workoutDate;
$localStorage.counters['workoutName'] = $scope.workoutName;
$localStorage.counters['exerciseIndex'] = $scope.exerciseIndex
$localStorage.counters['currentSet'] = $scope.currentSet;
$localStorage.counters['groupCounter'] = $scope.groupCounter;
$localStorage.counters['workoutIndex'] = $scope.workoutIndex;
$localStorage.counters['exerciseCounter'] = $scope.exerciseCounter;
$scope.continue_workout = function(){
$ = true;
$scope.currentWorkout = $localStorage.currentWorkout;
//set these values
$scope.setCount = $localStorage.counters['setCount'];
$scope.workoutDate = $localStorage.counters['workoutDate'];
$scope.workoutName = $localStorage.counters['workoutName'];
$scope.exerciseIndex = $localStorage.counters['exerciseIndex'];//storage
$scope.currentSet = $localStorage.counters['currentSet'];//storage
$scope.groupCounter = $localStorage.counters['groupCounter'];//storage
$scope.workoutIndex = $localStorage.counters['workoutIndex'];//storage
$scope.exerciseCounter = $localStorage.counters['exerciseCounter'];//storage
$scope.currentExercise = $scope.currentWorkout[$scope.workoutIndex][$scope.exerciseIndex];
$scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id] = {};
$scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id] = 0;
$scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id] = $scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id];// + 1;
$scope.currentExerciseSet = $scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id];
//increment the progress bars
$scope.setProgress = ($scope.currentExerciseSet/$scope.currentExercise.sets) * 100;
$scope.progress = $scope.currentSet/$scope.setCount;
//set the projected reps and weight
$scope.reps = parseInt($scope.currentExercise.reps);
$scope.weight = parseInt($scope.currentExercise.weight);
$ = function(){
//record the prvious info
$localStorage.currentWorkout[$scope.workoutIndex][$scope.exerciseIndex]['reps'] = $scope.reps;
$localStorage.currentWorkout[$scope.workoutIndex][$scope.exerciseIndex]['weight'] = $scope.weight;
$localStorage.currentWorkout[$scope.workoutIndex][$scope.exerciseIndex]['date'] = $filter('date')(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
$localStorage.currentWorkout[$scope.workoutIndex][$scope.exerciseIndex]['set'] = $scope.currentExerciseSet;
//increment the counters
//check for end of set
if($scope.currentWorkout[$scope.workoutIndex].length <= $scope.groupCounter){
$scope.groupCounter = 0;
$scope.exerciseIndex = 0;
$scope.currentExerciseSet = 1;
//check if it's the end of the workout
if($scope.currentWorkout.length <= $scope.workoutIndex){
var message = '<strong> Workour complete</strong>';
Flash.create('success', message, 'custom-class');
$localStorage.history = [];
delete $scope.currentWorkout;
delete $localStorage.currentWorkout;
delete $localStorage.counters;
//move workout into history and unset current workout variable
$scope.currentExercise = $scope.currentWorkout[$scope.workoutIndex][$scope.exerciseIndex];
$scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id] = {};
$scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id] = 0;
$scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id] = $scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id] + 1;
//set up exercise progess
$scope.currentExerciseSet = $scope.exerciseCounter[$scope.currentExercise.user_workout_group_id][$scope.currentExercise.exercise_id];
//increment the progress bars
$scope.setProgress = ($scope.currentExerciseSet/$scope.currentExercise.sets) * 100;
$scope.progress = $scope.currentSet/$scope.setCount;
//set the projected reps and weight
$scope.reps = parseInt($scope.currentExercise.reps);
$scope.weight = parseInt($scope.currentExercise.weight);
//set up some variable in local storage to use if we resume a workout
$localStorage.counters['exerciseIndex'] = $scope.exerciseIndex;;
$localStorage.counters['currentSet'] = $scope.currentSet;
$localStorage.counters['groupCounter'] = $scope.groupCounter;
$localStorage.counters['workoutIndex'] = $scope.workoutIndex;
$localStorage.counters['exerciseCounter'] = $scope.exerciseCounter;
function list(){
$scope.workout_list = $localStorage.userProgramDay[$localStorage.counters['workoutIndex']];
$scope.start_new = function(){
//logic in here
and then
//if the variable doesn't exist run the init
else {
$ = false; //display the layer which gives the choice
is correct. I can't see exactly what is going on in your code, but I suspect you are calling the function just fine -- you just have some sort of race condition causing it to not work as expected.
Try putting a console.log() in your function to see if it is being hit when you expect it to be hit.
I'm pretty sure this is happening because you are using start_workout() (line 14) before it is defined (line 22). Try moving the function declaration above the //set counter background and the original suggested solution should work.
Typically JS evaluates statements in a top-down fashion; there is a concept known as variable hoisting that causes straight up function a(){} calls to be evaluated immediately -- effectively hoisting them to the top of the code block. This is why the function works fine when you declare it as a free standing function rather than attaching it to $scope.
You can find more information in this SO answer:

AS3 flash, Array objects are carrying over into next frame and causing null object error

//I commented out the section that I was trying, but so far nothing has been working. I know I need to set up a loop or something of that kind to get rid of the items in the array, but I'm not sure how to get the right outcome.
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var loveXCounter: Number = 0;
healthLove_txt.text = "Wrong Words: 0";
var insideLoveXCount = new Timer(4000, 0)
insideLoveXCount.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countLoveX);
var loveXList: Array = ["Hate", "Abhor", "Vile", "Dislike", "Enmity", "Illwill", "Loath", "Neglect", "Repulse", "Resent"];
function countLoveX(e: TimerEvent) {
var loveXName: String = loveXList[Math.floor(Math.random() * loveXList.length)];
var loveXReference: Class = getDefinitionByName(loveXName) as Class;
var myLoveX = new loveXReference;
myLoveX.x = Math.random() * 700;
myLoveX.y = -10;
myLoveX.speed = 5;
myLoveX.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fallingLoveX);
loveXList.splice(loveXName, 1);
function fallingLoveX(e: Event): void {
if ( { = false;
loveXCounter = loveXCounter + 1;, fallingLoveX);
healthLove_txt.text = "Wrong Words: " + loveXCounter;
if (loveXCounter == 5) {
while( loveXList.length > 0 )
this.removeChild( loveXList[loveXList.length - 1] );
if ( < 800) { +=;
if ( > 800) { = 800;
} else { = false;
I can see that the line...
loveXList.splice(loveXName, 1);
...might be causing problems. Firstly, the first parameter of the Array .splice method should be of type int. You are passing in a String. To remedy that, store the randomly selected index of the loveXList Array in an int variable, use that get your loveXName String and use the int again to splice out the correct String from the loveXList Array, ie:
var randomIndex:int = Math.floor(Math.random() * loveXList.length);
var loveXName: String = loveXList[randomIndex];
loveXList.splice(randomIndex, 1);
Secondly, you will quickly run out of Strings to splice out of the loveXList Array so, at the start of the countLoveX function, check if loveXList.length>0. If loveXList.length==0 you may want to stop the timer.

Chain Reaction with Arrays and Distance

I want to make a program in which mines will appear on the screen after a user inputs the number of mines. Then, the user will click on one mine and set off a chain reaction that explodes the nearest two mines.
So far, my code can prompt the user for the number of mines, and then display them. The mines are buttons in which, when clicked, will be removed and an explosion will appear.
However, I am stuck with how I can handle the chain reaction. I am relatively new to coding in AS3 and therefore am stumped with no clue on how to approach this part of my program.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldType;
public class Minefield extends MovieClip
var integer:int;
var iField:TextField = new TextField();
var button:iButton = new iButton();
var i:int;
var mines:Array = new Array();
public function Minefield()
var explosion:iExplosion = new iExplosion();
iField.type = "input";
iField.height = 18;
iField.x = 460;
iField.y = 275;
iField.border = true;
iField.restrict = "0-9";
iField.maxChars = 2;
stage.focus = iField;
button.x = 450;
button.y = 175;
button.buttonMode = true;
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, UponClick);
function AddMines()
for (i = 0; i < integer; i++)
mines[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, UponMineClick)
mines[i].buttonMode = true;
function CreatorOfMine()
mines[i] = new Mine();
function MineLocation()
mines[i].x = Math.round(Math.random() * 925);
mines[i].y = Math.round(Math.random() * 525);
mines[i].rotation = Math.random() * 360;
function UponClick(e:MouseEvent)
integer = int(iField.text);
function RemoverOfChildren()
function UponMineClick(event:MouseEvent){
var mineObject:Mine = Mine(event.currentTarget)
var expl:iExplosion = new iExplosion()
expl.x = mineObject.x
expl.y = mineObject.y
expl.rotation = mineObject.rotation
Information you may need/want:
Stage size is 1024 x 600 (px)
Size of mine(s) is 40 x 40 (px)
Size of explosion is 40 x 40 (px)
Looks like a good case for recursion. Pseudo-code:
Function ExplodeMine(mine) {
nearest = findNearestUnexplodedMines()
foreach(nextMine in nearest) {
Just start ExplodeMine on the first mine that is clicked.
