VS2005: What are SQL Server projects used for? - sql-server

When I open up VS2005 I can see one of the options for projects is "SQL Server Project"?
What would be the purpose of these projects? Would it be a place to put business logic for your application such that it could serve business objects to an app, or is that completely off-track?

You can use .NET Framework languages in addition to the Transact-SQL
programming language to create database objects such as stored
procedures and triggers, and to retrieve and update data for Microsoft
SQL Server 2005 databases
From the MSDN
hope it helps


SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework vs Postgres Extensions

Is SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework is the equivalent of Postgres extensions. I think both are NOT exactly same based on below articles.
what is the exact difference between these two.
At a glance they are not very similar. The PostgreSQL extensions appear more similar to SQL Server CLR Integration as a means to extend the database engine with functions, procedures, types and aggregates (plus more extensibility points in PostgreSQL), running inside the database engine.
The SQL Server Extensibility Framework is a way to run custom code outside the database engine, through a special stored procedure sp_execute_external_script. The emphasis is on safely supporting multiple languages (Python, R, Java, C# (.NET Core)) with permissive permissions and bring-your-own libraries, intenteded primarilly for machine learning applications that need to bring compute close to the data, but not necessarily inside the database engine.

SQL Server 2012 Reporting - Users with no knowledge of the datasource (Models are depreciated)

Older versions of SQL had "models" where you could allow users access to data to create ad-hoc reports without having any knowledge of the underlying database.
This feature has been depreciated in SQL2012.
What is the best way to allow users to create ad-hoc reports without knowing about the database?
You can make Use of REPORT BUILDER Tool Available in SQL Server Reporting Services. Please refer below links,

Manage Azure SQL Databases

For some reason the SQL Management Tool doesnt work with Azure SQL Databases. This is nothing short of painful if you use the designers and diagrams to design your database.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has stumbled at this point and would like to know what tool I can use to visual design and maintain the database.
SQL Server Management Studio supports Azure SQL DB. Step-by-step docs are here: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/sql-database-manage-azure-ssms/
You will have problems if you have not configured firewall rules for your database to include your client IP range. What sort of errors are you experiencing?
The latest update to SSMS supports full design and edit with a few minor things missing.

Is there a definitive list for the differences between the current version of SQL Azure and SQL Server 2008?

I am a relative newbie when it comes to SQL Azure!! I was wondering if there was a definitive list somewhere regarding what is and is not supported by SQL Azure in regards to SQL Server 2008? I have had a look through google but I've noticed some of the blog posts are missing things which I have found through my own testing:
For example, quite a lot is summarised in this blog entry http://www.keepitsimpleandfast.com/2009/12/main-differences-between-sql-azure-and.html
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Database file placement
Database mirroring
Distributed queries
Distributed transactions
Filegroup management
Global temporary tables
Spatial data and indexes
SQL Server configuration options
SQL Server Service Broker
System tables
Trace Flags
which is a repeat of the MSDN page http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff394115.aspx
I've noticed from my own testing that the following seem to have issues when migrating from SQL Server 2008 to the Azure:
XML Types (the msdn does mention large custom types - I guess it may include this?? even if the data schema is really small?)
Multi-part views
I've been using SQL Azure Migration Wizard v3.1.8 to migrate local databases into the cloud.
I was wondering if anyone could point to a list or give me any information till when these features are likely to be included in SQL Azure.
If you can get a hold of the February issue of SQL Server Magazine, there are two articles (I believe) that outline what Azure supports in relation to SQL Server 2008.
I was at an Azure training yesterday where it was confirmed that XML schemas are not supported. You may also find the e-clinic here https://www.microsoftelearning.com/eLearning/courseDetail.aspx?courseId=168190&tab=overview useful.
This document is a little more detailed than the links you listed. It's dated September 2009 but I believe is still mostly accurate.
One key paragraph from this document is:
Analysis Services, Replication, Reporting Services, and Service Broker are not currently provided as services on the SQL Azure.

SQL Server: Script all DB objects (SP, Tables, Triggers, etc.) to SQL script

I would like to ask the experts here on how to script the database objects in SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. When generating scripts, I found out that only tables and triggers are available to be script. But how can the SPs be scripted too?
The problem is that I have a host provider and I wanted the database in my site to have ASP.NET membership framework objects (tables, SPs). It is a big disadvantage because my host does not allow remote access to their SQL Server.
I wanted my site's database to have objects of ASP.NET membership framework. What they allow is SQL scripts using "my little admin" tools.
Any help will be appreciated. If my question is not clear enough, please post a comment so I may revise the question.
See this answer: Script all stored procedures in Management Studio 2005
I wanted my site's database to have
objects of ASP.NET membership
You can check out aspnet_regsql.exe command, which allows you to create all ASP.NET membership objects (tables/stored procedures) in the target database.
Also check out the Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard
