I have array contain string items in scala , each item contain from prefix + || + double value like below :
var y = Array("Zara||6.0", "Nuha||4.0","Zara||2.0","Zara||0.1")
what I want to Do :
i need sum all double value from above array (y(i).split("\|\|")(1)) But if the prefix the duplicated in the array then I only want sum the max value like below :
for item Zara we have 3 values i want to take the max (in our sample it 6.0)
for item Nuha it unique then i will take it's value (4.0)
the excepted output is (6.0+4.0)=10.0
is there are any way to do it in scala rather than using 2 instead loop ?
Prepare your array: extract prefix and values into tuple. Use foldLeft for aggregate max elem for each prefix, and sum values
val res = y.map(_.split("\\|\\|")).map(arr => (arr(0), arr(1).toDouble))
.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Double]) { (acc, elem) =>
val value = acc.get(elem._1).map(math.max(_, elem._2)).getOrElse(elem._2)
acc + (elem._1 -> value)
You can do it pretty much in one step (it's three steps technically, but only one specifically addressing your requirement, everything else (split and sum) is kinda a given either way.
.groupMapReduce(_.head)(_.last.toDouble)(_ max _)
Also ... do not use vars. Even if you just putting together a quick sample. Vars are evil, just pretend they do not exist at all ... at least for a while, until you acquire enough of a command of the language to be able to tell the 1% of situations, where you might actually need them. Actually, avoid using Arrays as much as possible too.
I am very new to Haskell (and functional programming in general) and I am trying to write a function called
"profileDistance m1 m2" that takes two matrices as parameters and needs to calculate the sum of the differences between each element in each matrix... I might have not explained that very well. Let me show it instead.
The matrices are on the form of: [[(Char,Int)]]
where each matrix might look something like this:
m1 = [[('A',1),('A',2)],
m2 = [[('A',7),('A',8)],
(Note: I wrote the numbers in order in this example but they can be ANY numbers in any order. The chars in each row in each matrix will however match like shown in the example.)
The result (in the case above) would look something like (psuedo code):
result = ((snd m1['A'][0])-(snd m2['A'][0]))+((snd m1['A'][1])-(snd m2['A'][1]))+((snd m1['B'][0])-(snd m2['B'][0]))+((snd m1['B'][1])-(snd m2['B'][1]))+((snd m1['C'][0])-(snd m2['C'][0]))+((snd m1['C'][1])-(snd m2['C'][1]))
This would be easy to do in any language that has for-loops and is non-functional but I have no idea how to do this in Haskell. I have a feeling that functions like map, fold or sum would help me here (admittedly I am not a 100% sure on how fold works). I hope there is an easy way to do this... please help.
Here a proposal:
solution m1 m2 = sum $ zipWith diffSnd flatM1 flatM2
diffSnd t1 t2 = snd t1 - snd t2
flatM1 = concat m1
flatM2 = concat m2
I wrote it so that it's easier to understand the building blocks.
The basic idea is to iterate simultaneously on our two lists of pairs using zipWith. Here its type:
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
It means it takes a function with type a -> b -> c, a list of a's and a list of b's, and it returns a list of c's. In other words, zipWith takes case of the iteration, you just have to specify what you want to do with every item the iteration yields, that in your case will be a pair of pairs (one from the first matrix, another one from the second).
The function passed to zipWith takes the snd element from each pair, and computes the difference. Looking back at zipWith signature you can deduce it will return a list of numbers. So the last thing we need to do is summing them, using the function sum.
There's one last problem. We actually do not have two lists of pairs to be passed to zipWith!, but two matrices. We need to "flatten" them in a list, preserving the order of the elements. That's exactly what concat does, hence the calls to that function in the definitions of flatM1 and flatM2.
I suggest you look into the implementation of every function I mentioned to have a better grasp of how iteration is expressed by mean of recursion. HTH
I just got started with Clojure on Heroku, first reading this introduction.
Now in the phase of getting my hands dirty, I am facing this issue handling a database in a loop.
This is working:
[s (db/query (env :database-url)
["select * from My_List"])]
; here one can do something with s, for example:
; print out (:field s)
But it is not enough to update variables inside the loop as I want.
Reading on the subject, I understand that Clojure having its own way of handling variables I need to use a loop pattern.
Here is what I tried:
(loop [a 0 b 1
s (db/query (env :database-url)
["select * from My_List"])]
; here I want to do something with s, for example
; print out (:field s)
; and do the following ... but it does not work!
(if (> (:otherField s) 5)
(:otherField s)
(recur (+ a (:otherField s)) b s))
Since I tried various ways of doing before writing this post, I know that the code above works except for the fact that I am doing something wrong concerning the database.
So here comes my question: What do I need to change to make it work?
I see, that it's hard to get to the functional thinking at first, when you're used to a different paradigm.
I don't think there is a correct explanation on “how to do this loop right”, because it's not right to do a loop here.
The two things that feel most incorrect to me:
Never do a SELECT * FROM table. This is not how relational databases are ment to be used. For example when you want the sum of all values greater than 5 you should do: SELECT SUM(field) FROM my_list WHERE field > 5
Don't think in loops (how to do it) but in what you want to do with the data:
I want to work on field :otherFIeld
I am only interested in values bigger than 5
I want the sum of all the remaining values
Then you come to something like this:
(reduce +
(filter #(> % 5)
(map :otherField
(db/query (env :database-url) ["select * from My_List"]))))
(No loop at all.)
I'm trying to program an array retrieval in swi-prolog. With the current code printed below I can retrieve the element at the given index but I also want to be able to retrieve the index[es] of a given element.
aget([_|X],Y,Z) :- Y \= 0, Y2 is (Y-1), aget(X,Y2,Z).
aget([W|_],Y,Z) :- Y = 0, Z is W.
Example 1: aget([9,8,7,6,5],1,N) {Retrieve the element 8 at index 1}
output: N = 9. {Correct}
Example 2: aget([9,8,7,6,5],N,7) {retrieve the index 2 for Element 7}
output: false {incorrect}
The way I understood it was that swi-prolog would work in this way with little no additional programing. So clearly I'm doing something wrong. If you could point me in the right direction or tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.
Your code it's too procedural, and the second clause it's plainly wrong, working only for numbers.
The functionality you're looking for is implemented by nth0/3. In SWI-Prolog you can see the optimized source with ?- edit(nth0). An alternative implementation has been discussed here on SO (here my answer).
Note that Prolog doesn't have arrays, but lists. When an algorithm can be rephrased to avoid indexing, then we should do.
If you represent arrays as compounds, you can also use the ISO standard predicate arg/3 to access an array element. Here is an example run:
?- X = array(11,33,44,77), arg(2,X,Y).
X = array(11, 33, 44, 77),
Y = 33.
The advantage over lists is that the compound access needs O(1) time and whereas the list access needs O(n) time, where n is the length of the array.
I have the following facts and rules:
% frequents(D,P) % D=drinker, P=pub
% serves(P,B) % B=beer
% likes(D,B)
frequents(janus, godthaab).
frequents(janus, goldenekrone).
frequents(yanai, goldenekrone).
frequents(dimi, schlosskeller).
serves(godthaab, tuborg).
serves(godthaab, carlsberg).
serves(goldenekrone, pfungstaedter).
serves(schlosskeller, fix).
likes(janus, tuborg).
likes(janus, carlsberg).
count_good_beers_for_at(D,P,F) :- group_by((frequents(D,P), serves(P,B), likes(D,B)),[D,P],(F = count)).
possible_beers_served_for_at(D,P,B) :- lj(serves(P,B), frequents(D,R), P=R).
Now I would like to construct a rule that should work like a predicate returning "true" when the number of available "liked" beers at each pub that a "drinker" "frequents" is bigger than 0.
I would consider the predicate true when the rule returns no tuples. If the predicate is false, I was planning to make it return the bars not having a single "liked" beer.
As you can see, I already have a rule counting the good beers for a given drinker at a given pub. I also have a rule giving me the number of servable beers.
DES> count_good_beers_for_at(A,B,C)
Info: 1 tuple computed.
As you can see, the counter doesn't return the pubs frequented but having 0 liked beers. I was planning to work around this by using a left outer join.
DES> is_happy_at(D,P,Z) :- lj(serves(P,B), count_good_beers_for_at(D,Y,Z), (Y=P))
Info: Processing:
is_happy_at(D,P,Z) :-
lj(serves(P,B),count_good_beers_for_at(D,Y,Z),Y = P).
Info: 3 tuples computed.
This is almost right, except it is also giving me the pubs not frequented. I try adding an extra condition:
DES> is_happy_at(D,P,Z) :- lj(serves(P,B), count_good_beers_for_at(D,Y,Z), (Y=P)), frequents(D,P)
Info: Processing:
is_happy_at(D,P,Z) :-
lj(serves(P,B),count_good_beers_for_at(D,Y,Z),Y = P),
Info: 1 tuple computed.
Now I somehow filtered everything containing nulls away! I suspect this is due to null-value logic in DES.
I recognize that I might be approaching this whole problem in a wrong way. Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Assignment is "very_happy(D) ist wahr, genau dann wenn jede Bar, die Trinker D besucht, wenigstens ein Bier ausschenkt, das er mag." which translates to "very_happy(D) is true, iff each bar drinker D visits, serves at least 1 beer, that he likes". Since this assignment is about Datalog, I would think it is definitely possible to solve without using Prolog.
I think that for your assignement you should use basic Datalog, without abusing of aggregates. The point of the question is how to express universally quantified conditions. I googled for 'universal quantification datalog', and at first position I found deductnotes.pdf that asserts:
An universally quantified condition can only be expressed by an equivalent condition with existential quantification and negation.
In that PDF you will find also an useful example (pagg 9 & 10).
Thus we must rephrase our question. I ended up with this code:
not_happy(D) :-
frequents(D, P),
likes(D, B),
not(serves(P, B)).
very_happy(D) :-
likes(D, _),
that seems what's required:
DES> very_happy(D)
Info: 0 tuple computed.
Note the likes(D, _), that's required to avoid that yanai and dimi get listed as very_happy, without explicit assertion of what them like (OT sorry my English really sucks...)
EDIT: I'm sorry, but the above solution doesn't work. I've rewritten it this way:
likes_pub(D, P) :-
likes(D, B),
serves(P, B).
unhappy(D) :-
frequents(D, P),
not(likes_pub(D, P)).
very_happy(D) :-
likes(D, _),
DES> unhappy(D)
Info: 3 tuples computed.
DES> very_happy(D)
Info: 0 tuples computed.
Now we add a fact:
serves(goldenekrone, tuborg).
and we can see the corrected code outcome:
DES> unhappy(D)
Info: 2 tuples computed.
DES> very_happy(D)
Info: 1 tuple computed.
Maybe not the answer your are expecting. But you can use ordinary Prolog and easily do group by queries with the bagof/3 or setof/3 builtin predicates.
?- bagof(B,(frequents(D,P), serves(P,B), likes(D,B)),L), length(L,N).
D = janus,
P = godthaab,
L = [tuborg,carlsberg],
N = 2
The semantics of bagof/3 is such that it does not compute an outer join for the given query. The query is normally executed by Prolog. The results are first accumulated and key sorted. Finally the results are then returned by backtracking. If your datalog cannot do without nulls, then yes you have to filter.
But you don't need to go into aggregates when you only want to know the existence of a liked beer. You can do it directly via a query without any aggregates:
is_happy_at(D,P) :- frequents(D,P), once((serves(P,B), likes(D,B))).
?- is_happy_at(D,P).
D = janus,
P = godthaab ;
The once/1 prevents from unnecessary backtrack. Datalog might either automatically not do unnecessary backtracking when it sees the projection in is_happy_at/2, i.e. B is projected away. Or you might need to explicitly use what corresponds to SQL DISTINCT. Or eventually your datalog provides you something that corresponds to SQL EXISTS which most closely corresponds to once/1.