WPF with arbitrary, unknown databases - Client/Server or Desktop app? - wpf

My company is planning to turn an older Winforms application into a WPF/Silverlight Client/Server app.
The idea of having a small server app is to have a list of the accessible data bases combined with the user type that may access each of the databases, instead of having to manage databases in each client's admin control. Additionally, it would be great if the SQL request would be handled by the server which would then return the result.
The app is supposed to work on a arbitrary set of databases which will be "registered" with the server and users get a list of databases according to their authentication rights. They can then do practically everything on those databases what one can imagine. The system should be able to handle up to 2 million rows.
The databases are very different, there can be many of them, they can be MS Access, Oracle, SQL Server etc., so no way for me to specify them all before. On top of that, communication with a SQLite cache is needed.
I already have everything I need for the SQL queries from the Winforms app.
I was thinking:
1) A simple WCF server specifying in a config file the available databases per user type.
2) Interface that specifies all necessary SQL queries that can be made to the server.
3) Client...
The idea is:
a client-server application, where the client uses WCF services to execute SQL queries (INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, etc.) on tables by invoking services methods.
The service should ideally be consumable for both the WPF and the Silverlight app.
Is that the way to go? Which exisiting technologies might I want to make use of regarding formats, communication, services etc.
If that is problematic, I would consider going back to a desktop app, but then how to ease the user type/database access problem for each client?

I would stick with ADO.NET and start with the DbProviderFactory class. This will let you determine the proper database access based on information supplied by the provider using the Factory Design Pattern. So instead of having to create a specialized objects for each database type and database, you can abstract that logic with the DbProviderFactory.
Here's a link that shows some examples: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wda6c36e(v=VS.100).aspx


Modern Sync Strategy for Occasionally Connected Winforms App

I am tasked with writing a Winforms point-of-service app for a small company that has about 10 locations. It has a fairly simple database structure with tables for customers, invoices, transactions, stores, vehicles, etc. I'm thinking of using Azure SQL Database for the "master" database, but the app is mission critical for each location and needs to have an "occasionally connected" architecture to insure that it can run if and when an Internet connection is not available, and then sync when the connection is back.
I have researched the Microsoft Sync Framework, which seems like the best option, but all the documentation seems several years old and out of date.
Azure Data Sync looked promising, but that seems like more of an Azure Management type tool, whereas I want the sync functionality to be built into the client application.
Some of the mobile solutions sound interesting, but it seems to me that I need essentially identical SQL Server databases on the client and cloud server, and most, if not all of the tables need to stay synchronized. I'm thinking the easiest way to do this would be to use GUID IDs for each entity and either Sync Framework, or rolling my own code for synchronization.
So, I guess my questions are:
What is the generally recommended, up-to-date approach for creating an occasionally connected Winforms app?
Is the MS Sync Framework still relevant?
Is my idea of having identical databases on client and server, using GUID IDs for entities, and either using MS Sync Framework, or rolling my own synchronization code plausible or insane?

How can I connect to my SQL Azure-database using Microsoft Silverlight?

I have a database online at Windows Azure. I want to connect to the database and show some tables in Microsoft Silverlight. I have created a Silverlight Application and published the website on Azure here!
How do I connect to my SQL Azure database in Silverlight?
The same way as connecting to any other database!
Personally, I use EntityFramework and create my own service. You can use EF and use RIA Services to create a lot of code for you though if you prefer.
Add an Entity Model to your project, create from existing db, point at your Azure Db, job done. Remember to add your existing IP to the Azure firewall while developing.
Try following this tutorial instead:
BUT one thing to watch out for. When you come to the step to add a DomainService, if it hasn't picked up your context you will need to follow the steps listed here:
... which are easy to follow. Delete the TT files and change the model code generation strategy from none to default.
One thing that you can do is create a WCF project, which will act as your Web Role in Azure.
Ideally, you may have 2-3 projects in your solution:
1) Silverlight Project (Presentation Layer)
2) WCF Project (Business Layer)
3) C# Class Project for your Sql Connections (Data Layer)
What you would be able to do is use C# .Net libraries for Sql to connect to your database. You may either execute stored procedures (Can pass in variables), which are cached in memory for faster long-term performance, or Sql queries in a string variable, to pull the exact information you want in custom queries. This would be returned to the WCF Project in which you would be able to perform any custom business-logic and you may begin to package your data into class objects. These objects may be passed back to Silverlight via a Service Reference, and you may use many familiar Silverlight tools to display your information.
The above recommendation may be a more more in-depth than that of the other recommendations, but in cases where you really need control over your data and need to apply business logic, this is a good way.
The easiest way in the world I know of to hook up a SQL Database to a Silverlight application is to use a Visual Studio LightSwitch project. There are ton's of posts on how to do this - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/lightswitch/ . Basically if you make a LightSwitch application (available in VS Professional SKUs and up), it gives you several screen templates to choose from which are all Silverlight (or HTML 5 if you choose). Then you can "attach" to an existing SQL Database such as SQL Azure just fine. And make browse or edit screens around the SQL data.
You can optionally model your own SQL Database and then "publish" it out to SQL Azure.
You can do all of this without writing any code too and provides some good basic functionality.
HTH - Matt

Migrating a Windows Forms Application with SQL Server back end to Silverlight

Presently I have a Windows Forms application that obtains data from a SQL Server database on a separate server in our LAN. Basically we want to re-use as much as possible our source code that interacts with the SQL Server database and change the forms portion to a thin client silverlight solution. The problem is that our Windows Forms application is a fat client application; however, our company recently added employees working several thousand miles away, so they have a long delay in working with our application as it retrieves data from the database server which is a long ways away from the employee's client forms application.
The ideal solution for me would allow the developer to display data based on various database tables or views dynamically at runtime say based on what treeview item a user clicks and not having to hard code the database schema at design time. This is the way our windows forms application presently works.
One aspect of silverlight I am wrestling with right now is that if you want to access data from a SQL Server database on the web server side you have to use web services or WCF RIA, which of course involves creating a design time EDMX file or generating LINQ to SQL classes. The problem is that our database schema changes quite frequently, so that means I would have to keep manually re-updating the web services along with the EDMX and/or LINQ to SQL. What I would really like to do would be to just connect to the SQL Server database using ADO.NET to populate the various silverlight datagrids without having to deal with web services. Please note that I am pretty new to Silverlight, so perhaps I am missing something obvious.
Here is one of the many links I have checked as I've been working on this solution; however, this just migrates a Windows Forms application that already has a web service to a silverlight application that has a similar web service, so it doesn't seem to apply to my situation:
Here is another website that I have been looking at closely; however, the database that I am working with is so huge and has such a large schema that whenever I attempt to open or work with the Data->Show Data Sources or Data->Add Data Source window in Visual Studio it takes about an hour of the CPU running at full throttle before it displays the values in visual studio. Of course this makes Visual Studio almost unusable if this hour long wait happens every time I try to make a change in the silverlight XAML designer:
Also, the website example above is not an acceptable solution because we want the web server and the database server to be two separate machines, so we would not be able to put the database into the App_Data folder in the silverlight solution.
If anyone has any suggestions or guidance in terms of migrating this application, they would be most appreciated. TIA.
Basically I found out that since I'm used to writing desktop applications that communicate directly with a database (such as SQL Server), I was surprised to find that there is no object in Silverlight to enable you to do (SqlConnection, OdbcConnection, etc.). This is because Silverlight is a client platform, designed to be run from within a browser anywhere in the world, and so it does not make sense for it to be able to access databases directly because databases are generally hidden behind a firewall. The purpose of a service is to provide an interface for exposing data publicly from the server, acting as a conduit between the data in the database and external applications. (source: "Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 5" by Chris Anderson)
Please note that I also had made a mistake when I created a DomainService and assigned to it all the tables, queries, and stored procedures in the entire database, when in fact one needs to create a separate domain service for each individual table or query. This explains why I had the problem before where I had to wait about an hour for the Data Sources window to populate.

How to connect to a remote SQL database in a Silverlight application?

I have decided to learn Silverlight, but apart from knowing how to write apps, I also need to know how to connect to a remote server to fetch data. I have seen some examples of database connection in .NET, but I am rather confused by which way to go.
My generic question is how do SL applications connect to remote servers? You could post a subjective response if you like, but this question should be objective in that I want to learn about the possible ways of creating a connection to a remote SQL server.
Where do these (WCF, XML, Ajax, Linq to SQL, Entity Framework, data access providers, and so on) come in handy? If one wants to establish robust and secure connections, which one of those (or others) are a must-learn? I'd like to grab a book and learn stuff, but before I do that, I need to know what to invest my time in.
Silverlight, being a browser technology, doesn't do direct SQL Server connections. Most SL apps speak HTTP to a server (REST, SOAP, POX)- other options are available, but much more limited than with the "big" .NET Framework.
Probably the easiest way to go for a beginner is .NET RIA Services. It allows simple exposure of various kinds of models built off databases (LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework, etc). LINQ to SQL is the simplest on the model side if you're talking to SQL Server, though EF is fine too (a bigger, more complex hammer). RIA Services will allow you to expose table objects from your model over a web service, and the Silverlight client can consume data through LINQ queries that are remoted back to the server (very efficient- the query criteria lives on the client, while the data filtering happens on the server, and it's all compile-time type-checked against the model, so it's much harder to screw datatypes and queries up or expose yourself to SQL injection attacks). RIA Services will also let you apply various security options and data validation on both ends, and the full power of WCF is available to you if you go lower level and do something RIA can't.

How to secure MS SSAS 2005 for HTTP remote access via Internet?

We are building an hosted application that uses MS SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 for some of the reporting, specifically OLAP cube browsing. Since it is designed to be used by very large global organizations, security is important.
It seems that Microsoft's preferred client tool for browsing OLAP cubes is Excel 2007 and the whole infrastructure is geared around Windows Integrated Authentication. We, however, are trying to build an internet-facing web application and do not want to create Windows Accounts for every user.
It also seems that there are not many nice AJAXy web-based OLAP cube browsing tools (fast, drag-and-drop for dimensions, support for actions, cross-browser etc.) As an aside, we're currently using Dundas OLAP Grid but have also considered RadarCube and other more expensive commercial solutions and are still thinking of taking on CellSetGrid and developing it further - if you know of any other cheap/open solutions please let me know!
We are therefore planning on providing two modes of access to the cube data:
Through our own Web Application using one of these 3rd party Web-based OLAP browsing tools.
Direct access from Excel over HTTPS via the msmdpump.dll data pump, for when the web version is too slow/clunky or user needs more powerful analysis.
For the web app access, the connection to the SSAS data source happens from the web server so we can happily pass a CustomData item on the Connection String which indicates which user is connecting. Since we potentially have too many combinations of rights to create individual SSAS roles for, we have implemented dynamic dimension security that uses a "Cube Users" dimension in conjunction with the CustomData item from the connection string and limits the Allowed Set of various other dimension members accordingly (via other Many-to-Many dinemsion relationships with Measure Groups that contain the 'rights mapping')
See Mosha on Dimension Security:
This all seems to work fine so far.
For the 'direct connection' from Excel, we set up the data pump for HTTP access
(see the MS Technet article) but have enabled anonymous access, relying again on the Connection String to control access since we don't have windows accounts.
However, in this case, the connection string is controlled by the user (we push a .odc file from the web app, but a curious user could view & change it), so we cannot rely on users to be good and keep the CustomData=grunt#corp.org from changing to CustomData=superuser#corp.org. As it turns out, this also causes the same problem with Roles, since these are also specified on the connection string if you are not using Windows Integrated Authentication.
The question therefore boils down to this: is there a way of getting basic authentication in IIS working without windows accounts in such a way that it can be used with the SSAS data pump to let SSAS know which user is connecting so that dynamic dimension security can be used successfully?
(This is my first q on StackOverflow and probably the most complicated question I've ever asked: let me know where I haven't explained myself very well and I'll attempt to clarify)
Basic authentication will work with local user accounts (non-domain) and even support passthrough authentication if the local accounts exist on different machines, however you should force SSL as basic authentication sends passwords in plaintext.
You can use non-windows accounts with basic authentication in IIS with add-on such as http://www.codeplex.com/CustomBasicAuth, but SSAS will still need to know who that user is and as far as I know SSAS uses only Windows authentication.
For a (relatively) cheap thin client front-end for SSAS look at RSInteract. For bonus points it will also consume SSRS reports and report models.
Any attempt to use dimension security will require SSAS to be aware of the user and have their access rights available to it. I don't see any way to get around maintaining user permissions.
