Converting normal datetime to a time zone in sql server 2008 - database

I have a column which is of datetime data type. It contains few entries. So while getting the value from the select statement I want to output with Time zone. Please help me
for example
2007-05-08 12:35:29.1234567 +05:30 (GMT)

Cast it to dtaetimeoffset like
select CAST(dt as datetimeoffset) from test
you can then use SWITCHOFFSET to get into the specified timezone. For your example
select switchoffset(CAST(dt as datetimeoffset),'+05:30') from test
Results in 2011-11-24 23:26:30.0600000 +05:30


SQL Server returns different result for the same Date selection query, In different scenarios

I was trying to get a date based on Timezone and I was nearly successful with that. But I got an issue when I incorporate that query with the stored procedure.
Here is the code which gives me the correct output.
#TimeZone VARCHAR(100) = 'India Standard Time'
select #EndDate
and the output is (correct o/p)
2019-12-23 20:43:18.020
Then I incorporate it with a stored procedure
which comes under an if condition
O/P is like this
Dec 23 2019 8:38PM
can anybody help me with this
The value of the variable looks correct but just shown in different format. You can force it to show in the format you want:
select CONVERT(nvarchar(100),#EndDate,120) as EndDate;

SQL datetime compare

I want to get some values from my table an there are some conditions about its datetime columns.
I want to get all hotel values of a stated city from my table, which is named "LocalHotels". Also I should declare two DateTimevalues. First value should be less than or equal to hotel's value in "start" column, which is datetime data type. Second value should be greater than or equal to hotel's value in "deadline" column, which is datetime data type, either.
All datetime values in these two columns are inserted in German CultureInfo format.
When I stated query below, there are no problems;
string query = "SELECT * FROM LocalHotels WHERE city='LONDON' AND start <='5.12.2015 00:00:00' AND deadline >='8.12.2015 00:00:00' ORDER BY city";
However when I changed day value of DateTime values from one digit to two digits, as I stated in below;
string query "SELECT * FROM LocalHotels WHERE city='LONDON' AND start <='15.12.2015 00:00:00' AND deadline >='18.12.2015 00:00:00' ORDER BY city"
I got an SQLException which indicates;
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted
in an out-of-range value.
Even though in Europe and everywhere in the world it makes perfect sense to use the month as the second of three items in the date. In the US and in this case, apparently, SQL's date time is MM.DD.YYYY, so you're going for the 15th month and 18th month
Therefore you should use
string query "SELECT * FROM LocalHotels WHERE city='LONDON' AND start <='12.15.2015 00:00:00' AND deadline >='12.18.2015 00:00:00' ORDER BY city"
string query "SELECT * FROM LocalHotels WHERE city='LONDON' AND start <='2015-12-15' AND deadline >='2015-12-18' ORDER BY city"
Try changing
15.12.2015 00:00:00
2015-12-15 00:00:00
and same format for the other date also.
You can view SQL Server's date and time format for yourself by running this query:
As you can see the format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MMM. Stick to this and you won't run into any unexpected conversion errors.
ISO 8601 is a standard date format. From MS Docs:
The advantage in using the ISO 8601 format is that it is an international standard with unambiguous specification. Also, this format isn't affected by the SET DATEFORMAT or SET LANGUAGE setting.
For this reason I would recommend it above all other formats. Examples:
SELECT CONVERT(char(10), GetDate(),126)
select convert(varchar,getDate(),112)
select replace(convert(varchar, getdate(), 111), '/','-')
Test out the queries above to get the date in the desired format (replace GetDate() with your date, or dateColumn).
As others pointed out you need the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Compare dates in MS SQL using Convert

I want to do the correct way to get a date from a #parameter that contains the complete datetime, that user gets from a calendar from TFS File.
In the select I would want to use something like CONVERT(varchar(10), #FechaHasta.Value, 120) AS DATE01 and then get the only date, throwing out the time from the parameter.
For the next step, I would want to compare it with another date in WHERE clause, having this code :
Then, I would want to make this work on for looking for between two dates, and the last one, throwing out the time from the datetime.
I am assuming #FetchHasta is a datetime
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), #FetchHasta, 101)
is what gets you just the date part. i.e. 10/28/2014 1:10 PM would simply become 10/28/2014.
EDIT: Alternatively, How to return the date part only from a SQL Server datetime datatype

How to convert MySQL to SQL Server query to display proper date from timestamp?

I need the following query below converted for SQL Server 2005, so please let me know what I should change since SQL Server doesn't support DATE_FORMAT()
How it should look converted in SQL Server so I can display proper date on my website instead of timestamp (example: 1382016108 to be 2013-06-22 10:53:22) ?
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(TimeTransfer,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s')
FROM PREMIUM where strAccountID = ?, $_SESSION['strAccountID']);
EDIT: I checked the CONVERT() function but couldn't find out how it should be exactly in my case with my query. Help is greatly appreciated.
This will work:
SELECT CONVERT( VARCHAR(20) -- Make sure the output string is long enough
, CAST('1970-1-1' As DateTime) -- The Base Date
+ CAST(TimeTransfer As Float)/(24*60*60)
-- Scale UTC (seconds) to TSQL datetime (days)
-- by dividing by the number of seconds in a day
, 120) -- The format that you want
Check the Convert function. It allows you to give format to a datetime value
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),TimeTransfer,120)
WHERE strAccountID = ?, $_SESSION['strAccountID']);
Use CONVERT() function
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(20),TimeTransfer,120)
FROM PREMIUM where strAccountID = ?, $_SESSION['strAccountID']);
Note : This gives time in 24 hour format
See this link for Date formats in SQL Server

How to make SQL Server to save datetime with AM/PM format?

I'm trying to make my SQL Server table datetime columns save datetime with AM/PM. How to make SQL Server to save datetime with AM/PM format?
Right now it saves date like this: 2012-01-23 14:47:00.000
Is it possible to save it 2012-01-23 02:47:00.000 PM ??
Or does SQL Server save the date and time in this format (2012-01-23 14:47:00.000) all the time and I need to convert it just on output and input?
Is it even possible to save it in this format (2012-01-23 02:47:00.000 PM)? Or does SQL Server save datetime in 24 hour format?
thanks indeed for any help. sorry for language. ;)
Internally the date and time are stored as a number.
Whether it's displayed in a 12 or 24 hour clock is up to the program formatting it for display.
As Andrew said, Datetime format is stored not as string. so, you can use CONVERT function to get the datetime value in approprate format. for example,
to learn more about datetime formatting, see this article
AM/PM serves only for visualization, if you need to display them, use CONVERT keyword:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, YourDateTimeField, 109)
FROM YourTable
If you need to store AM/PM - it is makes no sense for datetime type, use varchar type instead.
You can simply use CONVERT function as following:
Depending on the accuracy of the datetime you are storing you might be able to clean it up with
REPLACE(CONVERT (varchar, YourDateTimeField, 109), ':00.0000000', ' ')
This will not work if your date field is populated with GETDATE() as that means it will contain seconds and milliseconds but it will work if the field is populated by a user and seconds and milliseconds are all zeros
