Web application database load reduction - database

I am using a combination of JSF,Servlets and Beans for a web application.The thing is I hit the database for some data and this data is populated on the user page in a chart manner using JFree chart.But the problem is,I dont want to hit the database each time,one query is enough to get all the data.So I want a logic which hits the database only once and gathers the data perhaps in a bean and then populates it according to the user request.Can this be done in my same application,should I be using Java Script to do this.I have the logic to populate the data but I dont have any idea where to put the Data Access Object method so that it executes only once.

You can use Spring cache-abstraction, and cache the data using EHcache


Which is the best option to fetch data from Mongodb database?

Sorry for a general question. My situation looks so: i have mongodb database and 2 reactjs pages. In each page i want to fetch a different information from database. Depending by your practice, which is the best way to fetch data from mongodb in a reactjs component?
I would recommend reading up on the MERN stack - tons of guides available online via google and youtube. The gist would be that a typical web application will consist of a few key components. In this case:
1 - (React) The client page rendered to the user
2 - (Node + Express) The server which processes data, allows you to use endpoints to make changes to your application. These endpoints make the necessary database queries. You can use a database client to write these queries as JavaScript within your NodeJS endpoints.
3 - (MongoDB) Your database.
So for instance a typical CRUD app allows you to create, read, update, and delete. Let's say you are looking at making a standard TODO list app.
You would need to make requests to these endpoints to perform these operations.
You could have a POST to /todo which would then insert a new document into your database.
You would need a way to read the information from the page... say a GET request to /todos to read all items. Or also a GET request to /todo/:id to get a specific item.
You would need a way to update an existing item... say a PUT request to /todo/:id with the updates you want to take place.
Finally you would need a way to delete an item... a DELETE request to /todo/:id which would delete the item.
Each of these endpoints would make a request to insert / read / update / delete items from the database, and return content to the client React code --> which then displays it to the user.
Frontend side, in react.js call api data using fetch() method. Pass your Mongodb URI string. If you want data in slot based use limit() and Skip() function for pagination.
Follow MVC pattern where your frontend only calla controller api. And controller calls DAO methods for Mongodb. You can Use Mongodb Stitch for serverless app.sor data leak can be avoided forntend side. Mongodb has connecting pool max.100 so that each time client request Mongodb connection cashed object given from pool to further speed up your connection time.

Logic in Web.API to load data while scrolling

I'm basic web.api developer. I've almost 10000 records of data. As it is a huge data, basically takes more time to load. So, front end Dev. asked me to give an API such a way that he can pass the size of the records per scroll.
So, my question is Data Loading while scrolling should done by front end developer or web.api developer?. If it is web.api side how can i do that?
Please help me!!!
Thanks in advance.
You need to do it in both client's side and server side. You need to plan your table in the database that it will provide you options for paging so you can retrieve the data by a bulk of data. For example, select * from youTable whrere id between 1 and 50.
in angular, you have to use en event that will be fired every time when you scroll down and call to the web API service. You need to manage the data you already got and the data you will going to get and to send the indexes every time.
nice link in angular - https://sroze.github.io/ngInfiniteScroll/demo_basic.html
Basically front-end developer send a request for data to API with pagination parameter, for example :
for the first time request is like
here API should return for example first 1-20 data, for the second request the page number is incremented like http://example.com?page=2 so API return 21-40 data and so on.
It may possible front-end developer also pass the number of data required for each request, so you have to send the data in response as request.

Use .json file or database for static data?

I am building a web app using nodeJS with an angular based frontend and a Firebase/AngularFire2 backend. I have a list of about 80 cities and couple of details about each of them that I need to display with checkboxes for the user.
Should I save them as a json object in a .json file on the server and call it, or just store it in my Real-time Database and query it? Are there any speed/memory benefits to either?
There are two scenarios :
1.Your task is search oriented. You have to query the data and manipulate it. Memory management is key issues for you. You want some complex searching methods on your data. Then go for the database.
2.Your task require whole data at a time. You don't need to worry about memory management. Then directly load the data from file. Obviously this method will save the connection making time with your database. It will work as simple as file streams. [suggested for your case]

Load data when webservices starts

i have a scenario where i have to load data from SQL server when i start running a web service. Later i have to use this data for my application, instead of accessing it every time from Database. In addition to this this data should be refreshed every one hour without affecting the website operation on the back end.If any of you has came across such scenario please let me know the solution. By the way i am using asp.net web services, SQL server database, and DNN for my front end.Thanks in advance.
In Global Asax,Application start event you can load all your data in the Dataset.
And by using Sql Cache dependency, You can refresh the data for each hour.But loading the
Entire data is not advisable.By making so you memory will be full.There will
be Performance degrade.
Pre-loading all of your data is not a good practice because the database loses its purpose then. It’s probably ok for some data that is very rarely updated but needed very frequently but most definitely not for all the data you have in database.
As for the loading of data you can use app start event as others have already suggested.
Regarding caching – use Application object to make this data available to all parts of application and add a proprety to it that will keep the time of the last update. Then just create separate service that will check the last update time every X minutes and refresh the data when the time comes.

Multiple data sources: data storage and retrieval approaches

I am building a website (probably in Wordpress) which takes data from a number of different sources for display on various pages.
The sources:
A Twitter feed
A Flickr feed
A database on a remote server
A local database
From each source I will mainly retrieve
A short string, e.g. for Twitter, the Tweet, and from the local database the title of a blog page.
An associated image, if one exists
A link identifying the content at its source
My question is:
What is the best way to a) store the data and b) retrieve the data
My thinking is:
i) Write a script that is run every 2 or so minutes on a cron job
ii) the script retrieves data from all sources and stores it in the local database
iii) application code can then retrieve all data from the one source, the local database
This should make application code easier to manage - we only ever draw data from one source in application code - and that's the main appeal. But is it overkill for a relatively small site?
I would recommend putting the twitter feed and flickr feed in JavaScript. Both flickr and twitter have REST APIs. By putting it on the client you free up resources on your server, create less complexity, your users won't be waiting around for your server to fetch the data, and you can let twitter and flickr cache the data for you.
This assumes you know JavaScript. Once you get past JavaScript quirks, it's not a bad language. Give Jquery a try. JQuery Twitter plugin Flickery JQuery plugin. There are others, that's just the first results from Google.
As for your data on the local server and remote server, that will depend more on the data that is being fetched. I would go with whatever you can develop the fastest and gives acceptable results. If that means making a REST call from server to sever, then go for it. IF the remote server is slow to respond, I would go the AJAX REST API method.
And for the local database, you are going to have to write server side code for that, so I would do that inside the Wordpress "framework".
Hope that helps.
