I have a problem which seems really strange to me! I am working with java mail api in some POJOs and servlets/jsps running on an embedded Jetty server. The problem is that after I retrieve all the folders, but when trying to cast an individual folder from Folder type to IMAPFolder type, this fails.
The strangest thing is that my JUnit tests work just fine the folder is casted and all the messages are retrieved. However, when running the application, it failed.
I just have the error message
500 ([Lcom.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage; cannot be cast to [Lcom.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage;)
The code is simple:
for(Folder fl:mailFolders){
try {
if((fl.getType() & Folder.HOLDS_MESSAGES) != 0){
Folder f = fetch.connectToInbox(st, fl.getFullName());
} catch (MessagingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//.. }
public synchronized void processAllMessages(Folder fldr){
IMAPFolder fl = (IMAPFolder) fldr ;
Can anyone please help me?
You've got two copies of the JavaMail classes available to your application and they're being loaded by different class loaders, which is why you're getting the strange exception.
I am using Java JDK 11.0.8 ("Installed JREs" under Eclipse is set to jdk-11.0.8), Eclipse 2020-06, and Codename One 6.0.0.
I have recently switched from JDK 8 to JDK 11 and noticed that playing sounds option in my app does not work anymore...
Note that I uncheck "Java 8" when I create my app and I am only trying to work things out in the simulator (I am not trying to deploy the app to an actual mobile device).
I want to play a "regular sound" (I want to play a sound from beginning to end, and when it ends I do not need to replay it from the beginning) and also a "looping sound" (the sound should come to its beginning when it ends and hence, I can continuously play it in the background).
Hence I have two questions:
Question1 - About "regular sounds"
I would like to create Media object just once and then re-use it whenever I need to play the same regular sound.
For that purpose I am encapsulating a Media creation inside a class as follows:
public class RegularSound {
private Media m;
public RegularSound(String fileName) {
InputStream is = Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(getClass(), "/"+fileName);
m = MediaManager.createMedia(is, "audio/wav");
catch(Exception e)
public void play() {
Then I instantiate the RegularSound object and play it as follows:
mySound = new RegularSound("example.wav");
Please note that example.wav is copied directly under the "src" directory of my project.
This code used to work with JDK 8, but with JDK 11, I get the following build errors:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/media/ControllerListener
at com.codename1.impl.javase.JavaJMFSEPort$1.run(JavaJMFSEPort.java:67)
at java.desktop/java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:313)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:770)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(EventQueue.java:721)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(EventQueue.java:715)
at java.base/java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.base/java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:85)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:740)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:203)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:124)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:113)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:109)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:90)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.media.ControllerListener
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(BuiltinClassLoader.java:581)
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoaders.java:178)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.findSystemClass(ClassLoader.java:1247)
at com.codename1.impl.javase.ClassPathLoader.findClass(ClassPathLoader.java:269)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:588)
at com.codename1.impl.javase.ClassPathLoader.loadClass(ClassPathLoader.java:115)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
at com.codename1.impl.javase.ClassPathLoader.loadClass(ClassPathLoader.java:107)
... 14 more
Question2- About "looping sounds"
For looping sound I have created another class as follows:
public class LoopingSound implements Runnable{
private Media m;
String fileName;
public LoopingSound(String fileName){
InputStream is = Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(getClass(), "/"+fileName);
m = MediaManager.createMedia(is, "audio/wav",this);
catch(Exception e)
public void pause()
public void play()
public void run() {
But I again get build errors when I instantiate an object of LoopingSound and try to play it...
So could you please let me know how to change code for regular and looping sounds so that I do not receive above-mentioned errors when using JDK 11?
Thanks for the reply #shai-almog. I have installed CEF. But I am receiving some messages on the console in runtime and I can't hear the sound playing... I run the following code:
try {
InputStream is = Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(getClass(), "/example.wav");
Media m = MediaManager.createMedia(is, "audio/wav");
} catch (IOException e) {
and I receive the following messages on console when I run this code (it throws an exception at the end):
Adding CEF to classpath
Retina Scale: 2.0
CEF Args: [--disable-gpu, --disable-software-rasterizer, --disable-gpu-compositing, --touch-events=enabled, --enable-media-stream, --device-scale-factor=4, --force-device-scale-factor=4, --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required, --enable-usermedia-screen-capturing]
JCEF Version =
CEF Version = 83.4.0
Chromium Version = 83.0.4103.106
AppHandler.stateHasChanged: INITIALIZING
initialize on Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main] with library path C:\Users\pmuyan\.codenameone\cef\lib\win64
Added scheme search://
Added scheme client://
Added scheme cn1stream://
DevTools listening on ws://
AppHandler.stateHasChanged: INITIALIZED
Running ready callbacks
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" Address changed to data:text/html,%3C!doctype%20html%3E%3Chtml%3E%3Chead%3E%3Cstyle%20type%3D'text%2Fcss'%3Edocument%2C%20body%20%7Bpadding%3A0%3Bmargin%3A0%3B%20width%3A100%25%3B%20height%3A%20100%25%7D%20video%2C%20audio%20%7Bmargin%3A0%3B%20padding%3A0%3B%20width%3A100%25%3B%20height%3A%20100%25%7D%3C%2Fstyle%3E%3C%2Fhead%3E%3Cbody%3E%3Caudio%20id%3D'cn1Media'%20width%3D'640'%20height%3D'480'%20style%3D'width%3A100%25%3Bheight%3A100%25'%20src%3D'https%3A%2F%2Fcn1app%2Fstreams%2F1'%2F%3E%3Cscript%3Ewindow.cn1Media%20%3D%20document.getElementById('cn1Media')%3Bfunction%20callback(data)%7B%20cefQuery(%7Brequest%3A'shouldNavigate%3A'%2BJSON.stringify(data)%2C%20onSuccess%3A%20function(response)%7B%7D%2C%20onFailure%3Afunction(error_code%2C%20error_message)%20%7B%20console.log(error_message)%7D%7D)%3B%7Dcn1Media.addEventListener('pause'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'state'%3A'paused'%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('play'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'state'%3A'playing'%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('ended'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'state'%3A'ended'%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('durationchange'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'duration'%3A%20Math.floor(cn1Media.duration%20*%201000)%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('timeupdate'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'time'%3A%20Math.floor(cn1Media.currentTime%20*%201000)%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('volumechange'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'volume'%3A%20Math.round(cn1Media.volume%20*%20100)%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('error'%2C%20function()%7B%20var%20msg%20%3D%20'Unknown%20Error'%3B%20try%20%7Bmsg%20%3D%20cn1Media.error.message%20%2B%20'.%20Code%3D'%2Bcn1Media.error.code%3B%7Dcatch(e)%7B%7D%20callback(%7B'error'%3A%20msg%7D)%7D)%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E%20%3C%2Fbody%3E%3C%2Fhtml%3E
I could manually add Open JavaFX 11 to Eclipse and to Codename One app running under Eclipse while using JDK 11 as follows:
Step1) Create JavaFX11 user library under Eclipse
Download JavaFX 11 from https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/
unzip it -> creates javafx-sdk-11.0.2 folder
Create a User Library: Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries -> New.
Name it JavaFX11.
Hit "Add External JARs" and include all the jars under javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib
Step 2) Add the JavaFX11 library to the project:
Right click on project.
Select Build path -> Configure Build Path
Goto Library tab->Add Library->User Library->Check JavaFX11->Apply and Close
Now, I can hear sounds playing in my Codename One application.
However, I need to run my application from command prompt and regular command line to run the apps does not work anymore (the app cannot find the JavaFX related classes from the command prompt and I get the same errors listed above). So could you please tell me how to modify the command line so that Codename One project that uses JavaFX would run from command prompt?
Here is the regular command line I use:
java -cp dist\Proj.jar;JavaSE.jar com.codename1.impl.javase.Simulator com.mycompany.hi.Main
BTW, I have tried to add javafx.media.jar under javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib to the classpath (-cp) in the command line, but this did not work...
We have solved the issue by using the following command line:
java --module-path C:\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib\ --add-modules= ALL-MODULE-PATH -cp dist\Proj.jar;JavaSE.jar com.codename1.impl.javase.Simulator com.mycompany.hi.Main
(where C:\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib\ is our )
Either install CEF as explained here or switch to ZuluFX 11 for your VM.
The explanation:
This used to work until we integrated CEF support we would download JavaFX dynamically for JDK 11 installs but this caused a lot of related problems. So we decided to migrate to CEF, this is still in progress and while it's ongoing JavaFX dynamic download is broken. Once it's done CEF will be auto-installed and this will be seamless again.
This impacts browser component and media which are the two components implemented by JavaFX.
I want to run a processor upon file appearance in a directory. My file url is like this:
A procedure that associates an url with a processor is like this:
MessageProcessor getOrCreateConsumer(CamelContext context, String uri) {
Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint(uri);
endpoint.setCamelContext(context); // added this out of desperation, doesn't help
processor = new MessageProcessor();
try {
Consumer consumer = endpoint.createConsumer(processor);
endpoint.start(); // do we need this at all? works the same without it
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return processor;
MessageProcessor is a processor that does some things to an exchange.
Everything seems to work except the file doesn't get moved to the ../out/done directory. While debugging I can't get when the endpoint is configured to provide the file message exchange with this post operation.
I think I am missing some magic call that is normally invoked by a RouteBuilder and that will fully configure the file endpoint. Can you please help me out?
Im trying to implement google's Cloud Connection Server with Google App Engine following this tutorial -
Implementing an XMPP-based App Server. I copied latest smack jars from http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/smack/ (smack.jar and smackx.jar), put them in WEB-INF/lib and added them to the classpath (im using eclipse).
In the code sample in the first link i posted, the XMPPConnection is initiated in a 'main' method. Since this is not really suitable to GAE i created a ServletContextListener and added it to web.xml.
public class GCMContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
private static final String GCM_SENDER_ID = "*GCM_SENDER_ID*";
private static final String API_KEY = "*API_KEY*";
private SmackCcsClient ccsClient;
public GCMContextListener() {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
final String userName = GCM_SENDER_ID + "#gcm.googleapis.com";
final String password = API_KEY;
ccsClient = new SmackCcsClient();
try {
ccsClient.connect(userName, password);
} catch (XMPPException e) {
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
try {
} catch (XMPPException e) {
Now, when i start the GAE server i get the following exception :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext is a restricted class. Please see the Google App Engine developer's guide for more details.
i searched the "Google App Engine developer's guide for more details" but couldnt find anything about this. can you please help me ?
Google App Engine restricts access to certain JRE classes. In fact they published a whitelist that shows you which classes are useable. It seems to me that the Smack library might require some reference to a directory context (maybe to create the XMPP messages?) and that is why your servlet causes this exception. The javax.naming.directory is not in the whitelist.
I'm currently working on setting up a GCM Server as well. It seems to me that you need to read through the example and see what that main method is doing. What I see is a connection to the GCM server:
try {
ccsClient.connect(userName, password);
} catch (XMPPException e) {
Then a downstream message being sent to a device:
// Send a sample hello downstream message to a device.
String toRegId = "RegistrationIdOfTheTargetDevice";
String messageId = ccsClient.getRandomMessageId();
Map<String, String> payload = new HashMap<String, String>();
payload.put("Hello", "World");
payload.put("CCS", "Dummy Message");
payload.put("EmbeddedMessageId", messageId);
String collapseKey = "sample";
Long timeToLive = 10000L;
Boolean delayWhileIdle = true;
ccsClient.send(createJsonMessage(toRegId, messageId, payload, collapseKey,
timeToLive, delayWhileIdle));
These operations would be completed at some point during your application's lifecycle, so your servlet should support them by providing the methods the example is implementing, such as the connect method that appears in the first piece of code that I pasted here. It's implementation is in the example at line 235 if I'm not mistaken.
As the documentation says, the 3rd party application server, which is what you're trying to implement using GAE, should be:
Able to communicate with your client.
Able to fire off properly formatted requests to the GCM server.
Able to handle requests and resend them as needed, using exponential back-off.
Able to store the API key and client registration IDs. The API key is included in the header of POST requests that send messages.
Able to store the API key and client registration IDs.
Able to generate message IDs to uniquely identify each message it sends.
I'm trying to use SolrNet in a command line application (or more accurately, from LINQPad) to test some queries, and when trying to initialize the library, I get the following error:
Key 'SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.UserQuery+Resource.SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection' already registered in container
However, if I catch this error and continue, the ServiceLocator gives me the following error:
Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type ISolrOperations`1, key ""
With the inner exception:
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
My full code looks like this:
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Already Initialized: " + ex.Message);
// This line causes the error if Solr is already initialized
var solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrOperations<Resource>>();
// Do the search
var results = solr.Query(new SolrQuery("title:test"));
I'm running Tomcat 7 on Windows 7x64 with Solr 3.4.0 installed.
There's another message about the same problem on StackOverflow, though the accepted answer of putting the Startup.Init code in Global.asax is only relevant to ASP.NET.
Restarting the Tomcat7 service resolves the problem, but having to do this after every query is a pain.
What is the correct way to use the SolrNet library to interact with Solr from a C# console application?
The correct way to use SolrNet in a console application is to only execute the line
once for the life of your console application. I typically put it as the first line in my Main method as shown below...
static void Main(string[] args)
//Call method or do work to query from solr here...
//Using your code in a method...
private static void QuerySolr()
var solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrOperations<Resource>>();
// Do the search
var results = solr.Query(new SolrQuery("title:test"));
Your error is coming from the fact that you are trying to initialize the SolrNet connection multiple times. You only need to initialize it once when the console application starts and then reference (look up) via the ServiceLocator when needed.
My Solution is clear Startup before Init
I have a Windows Phone 7 application built with silverlight. This application has been deployed. I've noticed in the log files that occasionally, my user's actions throw a "NotSupportedException". I have not been able to produce this. However, because of my logs, I know that it is happening in the Execute method shown here:
public void Execute()
// 1. Build the query
string serviceUrl = GetServiceUrl;
// 2. Asynchronously execute the query using HttpWebRequest
WebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create(serviceUrl);
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(ServiceRequest_Completed), request);
} catch (Exception ex)
LogException(ex, "1");
private void ServiceRequest_Completed(IAsyncResult result)
// 1. Get the response from the service call
WebRequest request = (WebRequest)(result.AsyncState);
WebResponse response = request.EndGetResponse(result);
// 2. Do stuff with response
catch (Exception ex)
LogException(ex, "2");
I know it is happening in the Execute method because the "1" is written in the log file instead of the "2" My question is, what would cause this? I looked at the MSDN documentation and it looks like I'm doing what I should be doing. Like I said, I can't reproduce it locally. But I do know that it is happening regularly by different users because of the log files.
There is a previous question with a very similar title - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4053197/httpwebrequest-leads-me-to-system-notsupportedexception
The answer to that problem seems to have been using ServiceRequest_Completed instead of new AsyncCallback(ServiceRequest_Completed)