Maximum number of records for a custom object in - salesforce

What is the maximum number of records within a single custom object in
There does not seem to be a limit indicated in
But of course, there has to be a limit of some kind. EG: Could 250 million records be stored in a single custom object?

As far as I'm aware the only limit is your data storage, you can see what you've used by going to Setup -> Administration Setup -> Data Management -> Storage Usage.
In one of the Orgs I work with I can see one object has almost 2GB of data for just under a million records, and this accounts for a little over a third of the storage available. Your storage space depends on your Salesforce Edition and number of users. See here for details.

I've seen the performance issue as well, though after about 1-2M records the performance hit appears magically to plateau, or at least it didn't appear to significantly slow down between 1M and 10M. I wonder if orgs are tier-tuned based on volume... :/
But regardless of this, there are other challenges which make it less than ideal for big data. Even though they've increased the SOQL governor limit to permit up to 50 million records to be retrieved in one call, you're still strapped with a 200,000 line execution limit in Apex and a 10K DML limit (per execution thread). These can be bypassed through Batch Apex, yet this has limitations as well. You can only execute 250K batches in 24 hours and only have 5 batches running at any given time.
So... the moral of the story seems to be that even if you managed to get a billion records into a custom object, you really can't do much with the data at that scale anyway. Therefore, it's effectively not the right tool for that job in its current state.

LaceySnr is correct. However, there is an inverse relationship between the number of records for an object and performance. Any part of the system that filters on that object will be impacted, such as views, reports, SOQL queries, etc.
It's hard to talk specific numbers since salesforce has upwards of a dozen server clusters, each with their own performance characteristics. And there's probably a lot of dynamic performance management that occurs regularly. But, in the past I've seen performance issues start to creep in around 2M records. One possible remedy is you can ask salesforce to index fields that you plan to filter on.


Query compilation and provisioning times

What does it mean there is a longer time for COMPILATION_TIME, QUEUED_PROVISIONING_TIME or both more than usual?
I have a query runs every couple of minutes and it usually takes less than 200 milliseconds for compilation and 0 for provisioning. There are 2 instances in the last couple of days the values are more than 4000 for compilation and more than 100000 for provisioning.
Is that mean warehouse was being resumed and there was a hiccup?
The SQL is parsed and simplified, and the tables meta data is loaded. Thus a compile for select a,b,c from table_name will be fractally faster than select * from table_name because the meta data is not needed from every partition to know the final shape.
Super fragmented tables, can give poor compile performance as there is more meta data to load. Fragmentation comes from many small writes/deletes/updates.
Doing very large INSERT statements can give horrible compile performance. We did a lift-and-shift and did all data loading via INSERT, just avoid..
PRIOVISIONING_TIME is the amount of time to setup the hardware, this occurs for two main reasons ,you are turning on 3X, 4X, 5X, 6X servers and it can take minutes just to allocate those volume of servers.
Or there is failure, sometime around releases there can be a little instability, where a query fails on the "new" release, and query is rolled back to older instances, which you would see in the profile as 1, 1001. But sometimes there has been problems in the provisioning infrastructure (I not seen it for a few years, but am not monitoring for it presently).
But I would think you will mostly see this on a on going basis for the first reason.
The compilation process involves query parsing, semantic checks, query rewrite components, reading object metadata, table pruning, evaluating certain heuristics such as filter push-downs, plan generations based upon the cost-based optimization, etc., which totally accounts for the COMPILATION_TIME.
QUEUED_PROVISIONING_TIME refers to Time (in milliseconds) spent in the warehouse queue, waiting for the warehouse compute resources to provision, due to warehouse creation, resume, or resize.
To understand the reason behind the query taking long time recently in detail, the query ID needs to be analysed. You can raise a support case to Snowflake support with the problematic query ID to have the details checked.

Google Cloud Datastore queries too slow when fetching all records

I am experiencing extremely slow performance of Google Cloud Datastore queries.
My entity structure is very simple:
calendarId, levelId, levelName, levelValue
And there are only about 1400 records and yet the query takes 500ms-1.2 sec to give back the data. Another query on a different entity also takes 300-400 ms just for 313 records.
I am wondering what might be causing such delay. Can anyone please give some pointers regarding how to debug this issue or what factors to inspect?
You are experiencing expected behavior. You shouldn't need to get that many entities when presenting a page to user. Gmail doesn't show you 1000 emails, it shows you 25-100 based on your settings. You should fetch a smaller number (e.g., the first 100) and implement some kind of paging to allow users to see other entities.
If this is backend processing, then you will simply need that much time to process entities, and you'll need to take that into account.
Note that you generally want to fetch your entities in large batches, and not one by one, but I assume you are already doing that based on the numbers in your question.
Not sure if this will help but you could try packing more data into a single entity by using embedded entities. Embedded entities are not true entities, they are just properties that allow for nested data. So instead of having 4 properties per entity, create an array property on the entity that stores a list of embedded entities each with those 4 properties. The max size an entity can have is 1MB, so you'll want to pack the array to get as close to that 1MB limit as possible.
This will lower the number of true entities and I suspect this will also reduce overall fetch time.

Limits on the amount of data in Google App Engine

I'm writing a Google App Engine database that once it goes live will probably hold over 10 million records with fairly constant queries, insertions and deletions.
Is this much data going to be a problem? I'm not worried about the cost ($$$) just the performance of the database. The queries will be based on two fields that are both StringProperty and return less than 100 records.
The database has two 'tables', the one that will be getting most of the queries against it has records that take around 100 bytes. The larger table won't get as many queries (maybe 1/10th the number as the small table) and those records are around 30K each.
Are deletions an expensive operation? Is it better to not delete old records and just mark then as deleted and maybe delete them in bulk in a cron job?
I am aware of the distributed nature of Google App Engine and replication and those issues won't be a problem.
10 million records are not a big amount for the datastore, so you don't have to worry, as long as your queries can take advantage of indexes. For instance if you've to walk a larger data set 100 records a time, instead of saying that you want to start from a certain position in the dataset, you can remember the last ORDER BY field value at the end of the page and ask for elements coming after it (WHERE field > '...' -- supposing ascending order).
You can use task queues instead of cron jobs to do deletions, it all depends how fast you want to get back to the user. Datastore operations tends to be slow, but if it's just one record to delete, it could be acceptable. However, if you've to do multiple operations it can get really slow, thus is better to execute these kind of tasks in a task queue and keep great responsiveness in the application.
Datastore records can't exceed 1Mb, 30Kb is a big record size, but shouldń't cause any problems. Remember that only short strings (500 characters or less) can be indexed.

Processing large amounts of data quickly

I'm working on a web application where the user provides parameters, and these are used to produce a list of the top 1000 items from a database of up to 20 million rows. I need all top 1000 items at once, and I need this ranking to happen more or less instantaneously from the perspective of the user.
Currently, I'm using a MySQL with a user-defined function to score and rank the data, then PHP takes it from there. Tested on a database of 1M rows, this takes about 8 seconds, but I need performance around 2 seconds, even for a database of up to 20M rows. Preferably, this number should be lower still, so that decent throughput is guaranteed for up to 50 simultaneous users.
I am open to any process with any software that can process this data as efficiently as possible, whether it is MySQL or not. Here are the features and constraints of the process:
The data for each row that is relevant to the scoring process is about 50 bytes per item.
Inserts and updates to the DB are negligible.
Each score is independent of the others, so scores can be computed in parallel.
Due to the large number of parameters and parameter values, the scores cannot be pre-computed.
The method should scale well for multiple simultaneous users
The fewer computing resources this requires, in terms of number of servers, the better.
A feasible approach seems to be to load (and later update) all data into about 1GB RAM and perform the scoring and ranking outside MySQL in a language like C++. That should be faster than MySQL.
The scoring must be relatively simple for this approache because your requirements only leave a tenth of a microsecond per row for scoring and ranking without parallelization or optimization.
If you could post query you are having issue with can help.
Although here are some things.
Make sure you have indexes created on database.
Make sure to use optimized queries and using joins instead of inner queries.
Based on your criteria, the possibility of improving performance would depend on whether or not you can use the input criteria to pre-filter the number of rows for which you need to calculate scores. I.e. if one of the user-provided parameters automatically disqualifies a large fraction of the rows, then applying that filtering first would improve performance. If none of the parameters have that characteristic, then you may need either much more hardware or a database with higher performance.
I'd say for this sort of problem, if you've done all the obvious software optimizations (and we can't know that, since you haven't mentioned anything about your software approaches), you should try for some serious hardware optimization. Max out the memory on your SQL servers, and try to fit your tables into memory where possible. Use an SSD for your table / index storage, for speedy deserialization. If you're clustered, crank up the networking to the highest feasible network speeds.

Using SQL server partitioning when storing 1000 records a second

I read your article(SQL Server partitioning: not the answer to everything)
and being amazing of use partitioning for my case or not
I must to store about 1000 record per a second this data is about location of mobile nodes, these data make my database too huge
do you think i must partitioning my database or not(I have so much reporting in future).
1000 a second isn't that much.
Is it every second of 24/7?
In a defined window?
Is it a peak of 1000 per second but usually less?
We have a recent system growing at 20 million rows/month (after tidy ups of say another 50-80 million) and we're not thinking of anything like partitioning.
That's a lot of data.
What is the lifecycle of the data i.e. do you only need to store the records for a finite amount of time? For example after a month, perhaps certain data can be archived off or moved to a Data warehouse?
Given the volume of data that you intend to work with you are probably going to want to use an architecture that scales easily? For this reason you may want to look at using Cloud type services such as Amazon Ec2, or SQL Data Services on the Azure Platform.
Perhaps if you provide more specific details about what it is you are actually looking to do i.e. what business process you are looking to support, we may be able to provide more specific assistance.
Without such details it is not possible to ascertain whether or not SQL Server Partitioning would be an appropriate design approach for you.
You might need to look at a different RDMS. I would take a look at Vertica.
Presuming the table in question is indexed, then one of two options is certainly warranted when any of the indexes outgrow the available RAM. Not surprisingly, one of them is, increase RAM. The other of course is vertical partitioning.
gbn's answer provides some good things to consider which you have not mentioned, such as how many records per month (or week, or day) are being added. Richard's comment as to how big the (average) record is is also significant, particularly in terms of how big the average records for the indexes are, presuming the indexes do not include all the fields from the table.
gbn's answer however also seems a bit reckless to me. Growing at 20 million rows per month and not even "thinking of anything like partitioning". Without sufficient metrics as alluded to above, this is a possible recipe for disaster. You should at least be thinking about it, even it just to determine how long you can sustain your current and/or expected rate of growth, before needing to consider more RAM or partitioning.
