Why won't this NetBeans test code link correctly? - c

header.h declares a function prototype void InitializeTestData();
a.c declares it void InitializeTestData() { ... }
b.c calls it InitializeTestData();
and the GCC linker reports b.c:108: undefined reference to '_InitializeTestData'
I must be overlooking something obvious, but what?
header.h does have an include guard (and its #define is used only in that file).
There are no other preprocessor directives involved ... no #if wrapped around the prototype or declaration.
Without me having to post the whole project, can someone suggest something to make me say d'oh!?
Update: Netbeans handles it and has no problems with the dozen other files with external functions and data.
Answer: a.c was actually a NetBeans test file. NetBeans handles these differently from other files, since they each need to have an amain(). That means that they each have their own Makefile and b.o was not linking with a.o in that file. Solution, move the declaration to a file c.c which is not a Netbeans test file.

Are you linking a.o with b.o? Most likely you aren't.

The error is from the linker and it means the reference of the function InitializeTestData in b.o is not resolved.
The reason is you are not liking a.o (which contains the definition) with the b.o.
You need to do:
# this will compile both the .c files and also link the resultant .o
gcc -o output a.c b.c
gcc -c a.c # get a.o
gcc -c b.c # get b.o
gcc -o output a.o b.o # link them

Something is calling _InitalizeTestData (note the underscore), but you probably don't define it in either file. Could you have put an underscore somewhere by mistake, of forgotten to implement that?


compile multiple source file in c

I have written c program, Which has 3 file(.c ) , Main program has
two threads and one file has mysql connection function, One file has
thread functions definition. I don't know how to compile all these
codes, Normally I tried like this,
cc -pthread main.c
But if I compile like this I am getting error called mysql functions
are undefined But I have written thread as separate program and
mysql as separate program and complied individually , it complied
successfully and I got output. So please help me to compile my
project File names are,
main.c (2 threads are declared) functions.c (thread function
definition, and mysql func declared) db.c ( mysql function
please help to compile my code?
You have two basic options when compiling multiple .c files:
Option 1)
cc file1.c file2.c file3.c -o executable_name
Advantage: simple
Disadvantage: if all you change is one file you are recompiling all the files
Option 2)
cc file1.c -c -o file1.o
cc file2.c -c -o file2.o
cc file3.c -c -o file3.o
cc file1.o file2.o file3.o -o executable_name
Advantage: If you change one file you do not have to recompile everything
Disadvantage: Multiple commands (but you should use a Makefile at this point)
The -c flag tells the compiler to compiler but not link. You don't want to link as you have not compiled all of your files. The final invocation of cc links all the .o files into the executable executable_name
It is a little bit difficult to understand exactly what you need, but I can tell you from what you've stated that you'll need to include specific libraries in your compile statement you currently are not. Also, a -l flag needs to prefix your libraries.
Try something like this:
gcc -lpthread main.c functions.c db.c -o main $(mysql_config --libs)
To explain, mysql_config --libs returns all the configuration libraries needed to run mysql ddl inside your C program.
Given your updates on your file declarations I'm guessing you're a Java programmer. C is not Java. If you are declaring functions you are only going to use once in main.c you should put them inside main.c unless you need them to be portable.

using a method from another file without including it [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why is #include <stdio.h> not required to use printf()?
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have two .c files which I compile over a makefile.
void foo()
printf("this is foo");
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("this is main\n");
the makefile looks like that:
all: main.o foo.o
gcc -o prog foo.o main.o
main.o: main.c
gcc -c main.c
foo.o: foo.c
gcc -c foo.c
So the question is:
how can foo.c use printf() without me including stdio.h AND how can main.c use the method foo() without me including foo.c.
My guess/research is that the makefile works as a linker. But I dont have prove for that and want to understand how this works excactly.
Correct me if I misunderstood something.
In the compilation phase, the compiler checks function calls against prototypes. Any function that lacks a prototype is assumed to return int and to accept any number of arguments.
If you turn up the warning level, gcc will warn you if a prototype is missing. You should add -Wall and you could also add -pedantic to get diagnostics on additional things the compiler think are suspicious.
If the compilation step succeeds, the compiler creates an object file which contains the compiled code and 2 reference tables. The first table is the export table. It contains the names of all functions and variables that are exported from the object file.
The second table is the import table. It contains a list of all functions and variables that are referenced, but where the declaration was missing.
In your case we have:
In the linker phase, the linker will take the list of imports and exports and match them. In addition to the object files and libraries you specify on the command line, the linker will automatically link with libc, which contains all functions defined by the c language.
In the makefile you can force the complier to include <stdio> or any other header:
From the docs:
-include file
Process file as if #include "file" appeared as the first line of the
primary source file. However, the first directory searched for file is
the preprocessor's working directory instead of the directory
containing the main source file. If not found there, it is searched
for in the remainder of the #include "..." search chain as normal. If
multiple -include options are given, the files are included in the
order they appear on the command line.
Just add -include filename.h in the GCC/compiler command line within the makefile.
The makefile is not a linker. It is input to make. The makefile just tells make what commands to execute under what conditions.
Your all target is running gcc in linking/linker mode gcc -o prog foo.o main.o.
The same way your foo.o and main.o targets are running gcc in compilation mode gcc -c foo.c.
For the record you can combine the two .o targets into just
%.o: %.c
gcc -c $^
which is, in fact, already a default rule in make so you need not include that rule at all.
Additionally your all target is not following bet make practices because it generates a file that does not match the name of the target. So you should use
all: prog
prog: main.o foo.o
gcc -o prog foo.o main.o
Though once again there make has you covered by default and so your entire makefile can be replaced by
all: prog
prog: main.o foo.o
and you should get the same results.

use a function before it's compiled

I have to compile those files in that order: a first and then b because of other requirements.
now the files are of this form:
void caller_func(void);
#include "a.h"
#include "b.h"
void caller_func(void){
void called_func(void);
#include "b.h"
void called_func(void){
//any action
and on compilation i get
a.so: undefined reference to 'called_function'
is there anyway to go around this (besides changing compilation order)?
The code, as written, should not have a problem. However, you must insure that you both compile a.c into a.o and b.c into b.o and link them.
Your compile line should look something like:
gcc a.c b.c -o a.out
gcc -c a.c b.c
ld -o a.out a.o b.o
In the first example, gcc will invoke ld behind the scenes to link the executable for you. In the second example, you're explicitly carrying out the compile and link steps.
I have to compile those files in that order: a first and then b because of other requirements.
No, you don't have this requirements. Both modules have nothing todo with each other.
What you have to do is maybe linking in the correct order if one of the modules is contained in a library. But I don't think that is the problem here.
Another hint: It is not important to include the declaration before the definition here if both are identical!
What you have to do is simple: compile & link in one stage like
gcc a.c b.c -o prog
or compile in 2 steps ( order doesn't matter at all )
gcc a.c -c
gcc b.c -c
gcc a.o b.o -o prog
All this is on the assumtion you take gcc on linux. But most other compilers will behave in the same way. Feel free to ask for special compilers or environments or OSs.
"undefined reference to 'called_function'" means the linker can't find the machine code generated from compiling b.c; either you're not compiling that file, or the object code generated from compiling it isn't being included in the final link command.
Assuming gcc, you'd do something like
gcc -c a.c # compiles a.c, generates object file a.o
gcc -c b.c # compiles b.c, generates object file b.o
gcc -o prog a.o b.o # links the object files into an executable named prog
It sounds like you've written something like
gcc a.c
which compiles a.c, then attempts to link it into an executable (default name a.out or a.exe, depending on your platform).

How to link multiple implementation files in C

I have a number of .c files, i.e. the implementation files say
Where functions from any of the files can call any function from a different files. My question being, do I need a .h i.e. header file for each of A and B's implementation where each header file has the definition of ALL the functions in A or B.
Also, main.c will have both A.h and B.h #included in it?
If someone can finally make it clear, also, how do I later compile and run the multiple files in the terminal.
Header contents
The header A.h for A.c should only contain the information that is necessary for external code that uses the facilities defined in A.c. It should not declare static functions; it should not declare static variables; it should not declare internal types (types used only in A.c). It should ensure that a file can use just #include "A.h" and then make full use of the facilities published by A.c. It should be self-contained, idempotent (so you can include it twice without any compilation errors) and minimal. You can simply check that the header is self-contained by writing #include "A.h" as the first #include line in A.c; you can check that it is idempotent by including it twice (but that's better done as a separate test). If it doesn't compile, it is not self-contained. Similarly for B.h and B.c.
For more information on headers and standards, see 'Should I use #include in headers?', which references a NASA coding standard, and 'Linking against a static library', which includes a script chkhdr that I use for testing self-containment and idempotency.
Note that main.o depends on main.c, A.h and B.h, but main.c itself does not depend on the headers.
When it comes to compilation, you can use:
gcc -o program main.c A.c B.c
If you need other options, add them (most flags at the start; libraries at the end, after the source code). You can also compile each file to object code separately and then link the object files together:
gcc -c main.c
gcc -c A.c
gcc -c B.c
gcc -o program main.o A.o B.o
You must provide an header file just if what is declared in a .c file is required in another .c file.
Generally speaking you can have a header file for every source file in which you export all the functions declared or extern symbols.
In practice you won't alway need to export every function or every variable, just the one that are required by another source file, and you will need to include it just in the required file (and in the source paired with the specific header file).
When trying to understand how it works just think about the fact that every source file is compiled on its own, so if it's going to use something that is not declared directly in its source file, then it must be declared through an header file. In this way the compiler can know that everything exists and it is correctly typed.
It would depend on the compiler, but assuming you are using gcc, you could use something like this:
gcc -Wall main.c A.c B.c -o myoutput
Look at http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/gccintro/gccintro_11.html (first google answer) for more details. You could compile it into multiple object files/ libraries:
gcc -c main.c
gcc -c A.c
gcc -c B.c
gcc -o mybin main.o A.o B.o
You want to use
gcc -g *.c -lm
It saves typing and will allow you to link all your c files in your project.

Functions and header files (ansi c)

This is a question from job interview.Let's say we have "a.c" source file with some function and "a.h" as its header file.Also we have main.c file which calls that function.Now let's suppose we have "a.h" and "a.o"(object file) and a.c is unavailable.How do we call this function now?
(I had a hint that we need to use function pointers.Another hint is to do this using pre-compiler directives such as #define and #ifndef).
Also i would like to know how in .h file we know if we are linked properly to source file?
Thank You
Just include a.h from main.c and you can use the functions declared in a.h. Then just compile it with the same compiler version as a.o is build:
gcc -c main.c
gcc main.o a.o
To compile main.c, you need the function definition. You already have that in a.h. So you would write:
// main.c
#include "a.h"
int main()
foobar(); // Let's say this is the function from a.h
When compiling it, you would have to include the object file at the linking stage. So using gcc...
gcc -c main.c // Compile main.c to main.o
gcc -o main main.o a.o
No function pointers or macros needed.
The way you describe it, you only need a header file to call the function. The header file contains the prototype of the function, which allows the compiler to know what the signature of the function is.
You would then link in your object file (which contains the compiled version of function) and everything would be OK.
I don't know why you would need functions pointers or pre-compiler directives. Maybe you didn't understand the question 100%?
In main.c, call the function as normal.
Then compile main.c to main.o. gcc -c main.c
Then link a.o and main.o. gcc main.o a.o
Something about this question sounds garbled. How you write the function call in main depends solely on its declaration in a.h. The presence or absence of a.c doesn't change that. Certainly nothing involving macros or function pointers.
Compiling and linking are two distinct steps; the compiler checks that you're passing the right number and types of arguments and assigning the result to the right type of object based on the function's declaration, while the linker attempts to resolve the reference to the function's implementation in the machine code.
The result of compiling and linking is a binary sludge that may or may not have any obvious relationship to the original source code1. Debug versions preserve varying levels of information to support source-level debuggers, but you can pretty much rely on release versions not preserving any useful source information.
1. Every now and again someone asks for a tool to recover source code from an executable; this is often described as attempting to turn hamburger back into cows.
