Large dynamic array Fortran declaration-seg fault - arrays

i wish to use dynamic declaration for a large array in fortran95 with allocate(matrix(size)),while size=10^7 and the content real*8 numbers.If size<13*10^6 everything runs smoothly without any error, but if size>13*10^6 then i get a segmentation fault on the run. It is important that I use dynamic declaration since the size of the array is calculated within the program. I use Mac OSX 64bit and gfortran 4.6.Can someone help me?

10**7 elements of real*8 is 76 MiB, so should pose no problem (I have successfully allocated several GiB arrays with GFortran, though I don't use OSX). Can you post a self-contained example in order to further analyze your problem?

Here is an example using an array of size 10**8. It worked for me with Mac OS X and gfortran 4.6. Does it work on your computer?
program test_lrg
integer, parameter :: DoubleReal_K = selected_real_kind (14)
integer, parameter :: QuadReal_K = selected_real_kind (32)
integer, parameter :: RegularInt_K = selected_int_kind (8)
integer, parameter :: VeryLongInt_K = selected_int_kind (18)
real (DoubleReal_K), dimension (:), allocatable :: array
integer (RegularInt_K) :: i
integer (RegularInt_K), parameter :: N = 100000000_RegularInt_K
real (QuadReal_K) :: sum
integer (VeryLongInt_K) :: CalcSum
allocate (array (N))
do i=1, N
array (i) = i
end do
do i=1, N
sum = sum + array (i)
end do
write (*, *) sum
CalcSum = N
CalcSum = ( CalcSum * (CalcSum + 1_VeryLongInt_K) ) / 2_VeryLongInt_K
write (*, *) CalcSum
end program test_lrg
Try compiling with debugging options, such as:
-fimplicit-none -Wall -Wline-truncation -Wcharacter-truncation -Wsurprising -Waliasing -Wimplicit-interface -Wunused-parameter -fwhole-file -fcheck=bounds -fcheck=do -fcheck=mem -fcheck=recursion -std=f2008 -pedantic -fbacktrace


Difference in Fortran pointer and Fortran allocatable in calling C_F_POINTER

The thing is, 'C_F_POINTER' compiles successfully(ifort version with 'allocatable arrays' as its argument, and it works in the exactly same way with the case in which 'pointer' is used as its argument.
program test1
use mkl_spblas
use omp_lib
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer, parameter :: DIM_ = 4, DIM_2 = 6
integer :: stat, i
integer :: irn(DIM_2), jcn(DIM_2)
real*8 :: val(DIM_2)
integer(c_int) :: indexing
integer :: DIM_r, DIM_c
type(c_ptr) :: rows_start_c, rows_end_c, col_indx_c, values_c
(*1)!integer,allocatable :: rows_start_f(:), rows_end_f(:), col_indx_f(:)
!real*8 ,allocatable :: values_f(:)
(*2)integer ,pointer :: rows_start_f(:), rows_end_f(:), col_indx_f(:)
real*8 ,pointer :: values_f(:)
type(SPARSE_MATRIX_T) :: mat1, mat2
irn = (/ 2, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0 /)
jcn = (/ 1, 2, 3, 2, 0, 0 /)
val = (/ 5, 8, 3, 6, 0, 0 /)
call omp_set_num_threads(1)
stat = mkl_sparse_d_create_coo (A=mat1, indexing=SPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE, &
rows=DIM_, cols=DIM_, nnz=DIM_,&
row_indx=irn, col_indx=jcn, values=val )
if (stat /= 0) stop 'Error in mkl_sparse_d_create_coo'
stat = mkl_sparse_convert_csr (source=mat1,&
dest = mat2 )
if (stat /= 0) stop 'Error in mkl_sparse_convert_csr'
stat = mkl_sparse_d_export_csr(mat2, indexing, DIM_r, DIM_c, &
rows_start_c, rows_end_c, col_indx_c, values_c)
(*3)call c_f_pointer(rows_start_c, rows_start_f, [DIM_r])
call c_f_pointer(rows_end_c , rows_end_f , [DIM_c])
call c_f_pointer(col_indx_c , col_indx_f , [rows_end_f(DIM_r)-1])
call c_f_pointer(values_c , values_f , [rows_end_f(DIM_r)-1])
stat = mkl_sparse_destroy (A=mat1)
if (stat /= 0) stop 'Error in mkl_sparse_destroy (mat1)'
stat = mkl_sparse_destroy (A=mat2)
if (stat /= 0) stop 'Error in mkl_sparse_destroy (mat2)'
call mkl_free_buffers
(*4)print *, 'rows_start'
print *, rows_start_f
print *, 'rows_end'
print *, rows_end_f
print *, 'col_indx'
print *, col_indx_f
print *, 'values'
print *, values_f
print *, 'indexing'
print *, indexing
print *, 'size(values_f,1)'
print *, size(values_f,1)
end program test1
In the test code above, I marked some points as (*1), (*2), and so on in the leftside of the code.
(*1) & (*2) : allocatable array version and pointer version of the code
(*3) : where I call 'C_F_POINTER'
(*4) : print statements to see the output
The results are 'exactly' the same in both (*1), and (*2) case, and all values are properly converted into desired CSR format.
1 1 3 4
1 3 4 5
1 2 3 2
5.00000000000000 8.00000000000000 3.00000000000000
I found a similar question in StackOverflow 2 years ago (difference between fortran pointers or allocatable arrays for c_f_pointer call).
This question is asking the exactly the same questions in my mind right now.
If I rearange questions in my words,
Difference between pointer and allocatable array?
In C, as far as I know, the arrays are stored in contiguous memory and can be represented by the pointer which points its 1st element. And in Fortran90, if I pass a array into a subroutine as 'assumed-size array', the code behaves like it never cares about how it's allocated, how it's size is like, and treates the array as 1D being stored in contiguous site.
In below code, the subroutine 'assign_A' just gets the 'tot_array(1,2)' as its starting point, and do its work on contiguous site and seems to do it even out of bound of 'tot_array'!! (tot_array is 2x2 matrix, and assign_A's do loop runs 5 times starting at tot_array(1,2)) I was 'feeling' the pointer and allocatable arrays are similar stuff in this sense. But apparently, as the answers in difference between fortran pointers or allocatable arrays for c_f_pointer call, they are different things. Why arrays acts like pointer when they are passed to subroutine as 'assumed-size' one?
program assumed_size_array_test
implicit none
external assign_A
real*8 :: tot_array(2,2)
integer:: i
! Initially 'tot_array' set to be 1.d0
tot_array = 1.d0
write(*,*) 'Before'
write(*,'(5f5.2)') tot_array
call assign_A(tot_array(1,2))
write(*,*) 'After'
write(*,'(5f5.2)') tot_array
end program
subroutine assign_A(A)
implicit none
real*8, intent(inout) :: A(*)
integer :: i
do i = 1,5
A(i) = 2.d0
end subroutine
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00
Is there any difference in using 'allocatable array' and 'pointer' in calling 'C_F_POINTER' in Fortran90?
I used ifort version, and this compiler seems to give me exactly the same results as far as I checked. If it's okay, I prefer to use allocatble arrays instead of pointers. Is there any difference in using 'allocatable array' and 'pointer' with 'C_F_POINTER', and is there anything that I should be aware of in doing so?
The answers in difference between fortran pointers or allocatable arrays for c_f_pointer call says that I SHOULD use pointers, not using allocatable arrays with C_F_POINTER, but it seems it's some ongoing issue that was not concluded exactly at that time. Is there any conclusion in why 'C_F_POINTER', which is designed for fortran pointer, works fine with allocatable arrays and is result is the same?
Thank you for reading this question.
Obviously, both Fortran POINTER variables and ALLOCATABLE variables have a lot of common in their internal impementation. Most of that is under the hood and should not be accessed directly. Both allocate some memory and probably use the same operating system's or C runtime library's allocator. For example, malloc().
In both there is some memory allocated or pointed to and described by a simple address (for scalars) or by an array descriptor (for an array).
Pointers and allocatable variables mainly differ in what you can do with them and what the compiler will do with them for you. You can think of allocatables as a sort of "smart pointers" quite similar to std::unique_ptr in C++. Recall what happens in C++ you have new and delete which in turn call malloc and free but you are not allowed to mix them. And you are certainly not allowed to manually modify the address stored in a C++ smart pointer either.
When you send an allocatable variable to a procedure that expects a pointer, anything can happen, it is an undefined behaviour. But, if the internal hidden structure has a similar layout, it may happen that you actually set the allocatable internals to point to some memory that was not allocated through allocatable. You may then think that everything is OK and you have a new feature. However, when the time for deallocation comes, and allocatables are often deallocated automatically, it can easilly fail in very unpredictable ways. It can crash in very strange places of the code, the results can be wrong and so on. Anything can happen.
For example, this extremely ugly program works for me too (in gfortran):
subroutine point(ptr, x)
pointer :: ptr
target :: x
ptr => x
end subroutine
subroutine point(ptr, x)
allocatable :: ptr
target :: x
end subroutine
end interface
allocatable z
y = 1.0
call point(z, y)
print *, z
But you should never do stuff like this. It is really something very, very wrong. If you make z a local variable, so that it is deallocated, or if you try to deallocate it, it will crash. That is because the only information the compiler has is the address. Internally, the allocatable really looks the same as a pointer. It is just an address (for a scalar). The only difference is what you are allowed to do with it and what the compiler will do for you automatically.
This won't even crash, because the internal implementation similarities I mentioned. but it is no less wrong.
subroutine point(ptr, x)
pointer :: ptr
target :: x
ptr => x
end subroutine
subroutine point(ptr, x)
allocatable :: ptr
target :: x
end subroutine
end interface
allocatable z
pointer y
y = 1.0
call point(z, y)
print *, z
It just survives because both allocatable and pointer use the same internal allocator (malloc) in gfortran and they are both implemented as a simple address.

Fortran: SIGSEGV after successfully creating array of pointers

Fortran question: I successfully made an array of pointers, which point to elements in an array of objects
Compiler is gcc/5.4.0
Using gcc/6.4.0 this problem is solved.
options are:
>>gfortran -fdefault-real-8 -o H -fbacktrace -g -fcheck=all pointersToObjects.f90
here is a picture of my problem
I based my array of pointers on the answer to Arrays of pointers
I successfully create the array, and if I call any particular element in it, it gives the correct result. However, if I try to loop through the array of pointers, I get a segmentation fault once it reaches values that point to the second object.
This is strange because if I explicitly call for the value stored in the array of pointers from object 2 or 3 etc, it outputs the correct value. It only fails if I try to loop through all values.
here is the code:
program pointers
type objects
real, allocatable :: array(:)
character(10) :: misc1=""
end type objects
type ptr
real, pointer :: p
end type ptr
class(objects), allocatable, target :: objectArray(:)
integer :: i, j, elem
type(ptr), allocatable :: pointy(:)
do i = 1,3
allocate(objectArray(i)%array(i+1)) ! arbitrary array length in each object,
allocate(pointy(9)) ! this is 2 + 3 + 4, dimeneions of each objectArray%array
elem = 0 ! dummy counter variable
do i = 1,3
do j = 1,size(objectArray(i)%array)
elem = elem + 1
! give dummy values to objectArray, then point to them with pointy
objectArray(i)%array(j) = rand()
pointy(elem)%p => objectArray(i)%array(j)
print*,i,j, 'obj: ', objectArray(i)%array(j), 'pointer: ', pointy(elem)%p
print*, 'size: ', size(pointy), elem, pointy(9)%p
print*, '========================='
do i = 1,size(pointy)
print*, i, pointy(i)%p
end program pointers
and here is the output:
Francescalus gave the answer in the comments. But to give closing:
Using gcc/6.4.0 rather than gcc/5.4.0 fixes the problem.

Error 542 - N appears in the dimension of a variable

program factorial
implicit none
integer:: n1
real:: fact = 1.0
integer:: n = n1
integer, dimension(1:n):: x
integer:: i
print *, "Enter a number:"
read *, n1
x(1) = n1
do i=1,n1-1
x(i+1) = n1-i
fact = fact*x(i)
end do
print *, fact
end program factorial
I have written a code for calculating factorial of a number. I am asking the user to put in an integer 'n1', after which it will create an array variable containing n1 compartments. I am unsuccessful in compiling this. I keep getting the following error!
factorial.F95(6) : error 542 - N appears in the dimension of a variable, yet is not a dummy argument, a variable available through USE or CONTAINS association, a COMMON variable, a PARAMETER, or a PURE FUNCTION
Compilation failed.
How can I fix this? I want the array dimension to be equal to the input number. For example, say I want to calculate 5! (5 factorial), I want the x array to be of 5 (row or column) element length. Somehow, I am unable to do that!
The constant n1 needs to be a compile time constant to be used as a static array dimension
program factorial
implicit none
integer, parameter:: n1
integer, dimension(1:n1):: x
or you need to use allocatable arrays.
As Vladimir suggested, you have to allocate the array:
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: x
integer :: alloc_stat
print *, "Enter a number:"
read *, n1
ALLOCATE( x(1:n1), STAT=alloc_stat )
IF ( alloc_stat .ne. 0 ) THEN
WRITE(ERROR_UNIT,*) "Array allocation failed."
ERROR_STOP alloc_stat
(I always check the status of my ALLOCATE statements. It's not whether you are paranoid or not, it's whether you're paranoid enough.)

Segmentation fault with array indexing in Fortran

Let A and I be an arrays of the integer type with dimension N. In general, I is a permutation of the integers 1:N. I want to do A(1:N) = A(I(1:N)). For small N this works fine, but I got Segmentation fault when N is large.
Here is an example of what I actually did:
integer N
N = 10000000
A = (/ (i,i=1,N) /)
I = (/ (N-i+1,i=1,N) /)
A(1:N) = A(I(1:N))
Is there a better way to do this?
It seems that A(I(1:N)) is valid syntax, at least in my testing (gfortran 4.8, ifort 16.0, pgfortran 15.10). One problem is that i and I are the same thing, and the array I cannot be used in an implied do as you are doing. Replacing it with j yields a program that runs for me:
program main
implicit none
integer :: N, j
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: A, I
! -- Setup
N = 10000000
A = (/ (j,j=1,N) /)
I = (/ (N-j+1,j=1,N) /)
! -- Main operation
A(1:N) = A(I(1:N))
write(*,*) 'A(1): ', A(1)
write(*,*) 'A(N): ', A(N)
end program main
As to why you're seeing a segmentation fault, I guess you're running out of memory when the array sizes get huge. If you're still having trouble, though, I suggest the following.
Instead of using A(1:N) = A(I(1:N)), you really should be using a loop, such as
! -- Main operation
do j=1,N
Anew(j) = A(I(j))
A = Anew
This is more readable and easier to debug moving forward.

Determine assumed-shape array strides at runtime

Is it possible in a modern Fortran compiler such as Intel Fortran to determine array strides at runtime? For example, I may want to perform a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on an array section:
program main
allocate(array(17, 17))
array = 1.0d0
call fft(array(1:16,1:16))
subroutine fft(a)
use mkl_dfti
implicit none
stat = DftiCreateDescriptor(desc, DFTI_DOUBLE, DFTI_COMPLEX, 2, shape(a) )
stat = DftiCommitDescriptor(desc)
stat = DftiComputeForward(desc, a(:,1))
stat = DftiFreeDescriptor(desc)
end subroutine
end program
However, the MKL Dfti* routines need to be explicitly told the array strides.
Looking through reference manuals I have not found any intrinsic functions which return stride information.
A couple of interesting resources are here and here which discuss whether array sections are copied and how Intel Fortran handles arrays internally.
I would rather not restrict myself to the way that Intel currently uses its array descriptors.
How can I figure out the stride information? Note that in general I would want the fft routine (or any similar routine) to not require any additional information about the array to be passed in.
I have verified that an array temporary is not created in this scenario, here is a simpler piece of code which I have checked on Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler XE [Intel(R) 64], with optimizations disabled and heap arrays set to 0.
program main
implicit none
call random_number(a)
call foo(a(:4096,:4096))
subroutine foo(a)
implicit none
open(unit=16, file='a_sum.txt')
write(16, *) sum(a)
end subroutine
end program
Monitoring the memory usage, it is clear that an array temporary is never created.
module m_foo
implicit none
subroutine foo(a)
implicit none
integer::i, j
open(unit=16, file='a_sum.txt')
write(16, *) sum(a)
call nointerface(a)
end subroutine
end module
subroutine nointerface(a)
implicit none
end subroutine
program main
use m_foo
implicit none
integer,parameter::N = 8192
integer::i, j
allocate(a(N, N))
call random_number(a)
call foo(a(:N/2,:N/2))
end program
The example illustrates what I'm trying to achieve. There is a 16x16 contiguous array, but I only want to transform the upper 4x4 array. The first call simply passes in the array section, but it doesn't return a single one in the upper left corner of the array. The second call sets the appropriate stride and a subsequently contains the correct upper 4x4 array. The stride of the upper 4x4 array with respect to the full 16x16 array is not one.
program main
implicit none
a = 0.0d0
a(1:4,1:4) = 1.0d0
call fft(a(1:4,1:4))
write(*,*) a(1:4,1:4)
a = 0.0d0
a(1:4,1:4) = 1.0d0
call fft_stride(a(1:4,1:4), 1, 16)
write(*,*) a(1:4,1:4)
subroutine fft(a) !{{{
use mkl_dfti
implicit none
stat = DftiCreateDescriptor(desc, DFTI_DOUBLE, DFTI_COMPLEX, 2, shape(a) )
stat = DftiCommitDescriptor(desc)
stat = DftiComputeForward(desc, a(:,1))
stat = DftiFreeDescriptor(desc)
end subroutine !}}}
subroutine fft_stride(a, s1, s2) !{{{
use mkl_dfti
implicit none
integer::s1, s2
strides = [0, s1, s2]
stat = DftiCreateDescriptor(desc, DFTI_DOUBLE, DFTI_COMPLEX, 2, shape(a) )
stat = DftiSetValue(desc, DFTI_INPUT_STRIDES, strides)
stat = DftiCommitDescriptor(desc)
stat = DftiComputeForward(desc, a(:,1))
stat = DftiFreeDescriptor(desc)
end subroutine !}}}
end program
I'm guessing you get confused because you worked around the explicit interface of the MKL function DftiComputeForward by giving it a(:,1). This is contiguous and doesn't need an array temporary. It's wrong, however, the low-level routine will get the whole array and that's why you see that it works if you specify strides. Since the DftiComputeForward exects an array complex(kind), intent inout :: a(*), you can work by passing it through an external subroutine.
program ...
call fft(4,4,a(1:4,1:4))
end program
subroutine fft(m,n,a) !{{{
use mkl_dfti
implicit none
integer :: m, n
stat = DftiCreateDescriptor(desc, DFTI_DOUBLE, DFTI_COMPLEX, 2, (/m,n/) )
stat = DftiCommitDescriptor(desc)
stat = DftiComputeForward(desc, a)
stat = DftiFreeDescriptor(desc)
end subroutine !}}}
This will create an array temporary though when going into the subroutine. A more efficient solution is then indeed strides:
program ...
call fft_strided(4,4,a,16)
end program
subroutine fft_strided(m,n,a,lda) !{{{
use mkl_dfti
implicit none
integer :: m, n, lda
strides = [0, 1, lda]
stat = DftiCreateDescriptor(desc, DFTI_DOUBLE, DFTI_COMPLEX, 2, (/m,n/) )
stat = DftiSetValue(desc, DFTI_INPUT_STRIDES, strides)
stat = DftiCommitDescriptor(desc)
stat = DftiComputeForward(desc, a)
stat = DftiFreeDescriptor(desc)
end subroutine !}}}
Tho routine DftiComputeForward accepts an assumed size array. If you pass something complicated and non-contiguous, a copy will have to be made at passing. The compiler can check at run-time if the copy is actually necessary or not. In any case for you the stride is always 1, because that will be the stride the MKL routine will see.
In your case you pass A(:,something), this is a contiguous section, provided A is contiguous. If A is not contiguous a copy will have to be made. Stride is always 1.
Some of the answers here do not understand the different between fortran strides and memory strides (though they are related).
To answer your question for future readers beyond the specific case you have here - there does not appear to be away to find an array stride solely in fortran, but it can be done via C using inter-operability features in newer compilers.
You can do this in C:
#include "stdio.h"
size_t c_compute_stride(int * x, int * y)
size_t px = (size_t) x;
size_t py = (size_t) y;
size_t d = py-px;
return d;
and then call this function from fortran on the first two elements of an array, e.g.:
program main
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
function c_compute_stride(x, y) bind(C, name="c_compute_stride")
use iso_c_binding
integer :: x, y
integer(c_size_t) :: c_compute_stride
end function
end interface
integer, dimension(10) :: a
integer, dimension(10,10) :: b
write(*,*) find_stride(a)
write(*,*) find_stride(b(:,1))
write(*,*) find_stride(b(1,:))
function find_stride(x)
integer, dimension(:) :: x
integer(c_size_t) :: find_stride
find_stride = c_compute_stride(x(1), x(2))
end function
end program
This will print out:
In short: assumed-shape arrays always have stride 1.
A bit longer: When you pass a section of an array to a subroutine which takes an assumed-shape array, as you have here, then the subroutine doesn't know anything about the original size of the array. If you look at the upper- and lower-bounds of the dummy argument in the subroutine, you'll see they will always be the size of the array section and 1.
integer, dimension(10:20) :: array
integer :: i
array = [ (i, i=10,20) ]
call foo(array(10:20:2))
subroutine foo(a)
integer, dimension(:) :: a
integer :: i
print*, lbound(a), ubound(a)
do i=lbound(a,1), ubound(a,2)
print*, a(i)
end do
end subroutine foo
This gives the output:
1 6
10 12 14 16 18 20
So, even when your array indices start at 10, when you pass it (or a section of it), the subroutine thinks the indices start at 1. Similarly, it thinks the stride is 1. You can give a lower bound to the dummy argument:
integer, dimension(10:) :: a
which will make lbound(a) 10 and ubound(a) 15. But it's not possible to give an assumed-shape array a stride.
