Tools for Memory Analysis on HP-UX Itanium - c

Looking for various tools (free/commercial) available for detection of memory leaks static/runtime on HP-UX Itanium platform.
Background, we:
Use HP-UX 11.31 ia64. But, all our applications are still 32bits only.
Have software with object files from C/Pro*C/COBOL and a very large application with lot of files/programs.
C files are compiled with standard C compiler (cc), Pro*C with Oracle's proc and COBOL with Microfocus' cob. Finally, all the object files are linked with cob linker.
Facing core dumps, due to memory leaks/invalid references (mostly from C/Pro*C code)
What was tried:
Used gdb and RTC (HP RunTimeCheck for memory analysis), but due to mixed nature of COBOL and C, the tool is not able to give vital clues.
Planned to use Insure++, but found that, it's not supported on HP-Itanium.
Currently, relying on static debugging and manual prints, but as you can see, very slow and ineffective.
Can anybody please suggest tools/software available to do effective memory leaks detection in this scenario.
Thanks in advance.
While searching on the web, I came across one commercial tool, but never used it though.

HP WDB is recognized by HP for these purposes: HP WDB

Our CheckPointer tool that finds memory management mistakes in C programs. If you have not made any such errors, on exit it will tell you where unfreed memory was allocated.
Because it operates on source code, it isn't specifically dependent on the Itanium hardware, but it is compiler-dependent (handles GCC 3/4 + Microsoft C dialects). The ProC you would handle by preprocessing the ProC code to produce C and then applying Checkpointer to the generated C code.
You will likely have to build some wrappers for your COBOL code (to verify that the COBOL code doesn't do something bad with a pointer). COBOL doesn't really do a lot of dynamic allocation/pointer dereferencing (watch out for CALL variable statements) so such wrapper models shouldn't be complicated.


Does NtDll really export C runtime functions, and can I use these in my application?

I was looking at the NtDll export table on my Windows 10 computer, and I found that it exports standard C runtime functions, like memcpy, sprintf, strlen, etc.
Does that mean that I can call them dynamically at runtime through LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress? Is this guaranteed to be the case for every Windows version?
If so, it is possible to drop the C runtime library altogether (by just using the CRT functions from NtDll), therefore making my program smaller?
There is absolutely no reason to call these undocumented functions exported by NtDll. Windows exports all of the essential C runtime functions as documented wrappers from the standard system libraries, namely Kernel32. If you absolutely cannot link to the C Runtime Library*, then you should be calling these functions. For memory, you have the basic HeapAlloc and HeapFree (or perhaps VirtualAlloc and VirtualFree), ZeroMemory, FillMemory, MoveMemory, CopyMemory, etc. For string manipulation, the important CRT functions are all there, prefixed with an l: lstrlen, lstrcat, lstrcpy, lstrcmp, etc. The odd man out is wsprintf (and its brother wvsprintf), which not only has a different prefix but also doesn't support floating-point values (Windows itself had no floating-point code in the early days when these functions were first exported and documented.) There are a variety of other helper functions, too, that replicate functionality in the CRT, like IsCharLower, CharLower, CharLowerBuff, etc.
Here is an old knowledge base article that documents some of the Win32 Equivalents for C Run-Time Functions. There are likely other relevant Win32 functions that you would probably need if you were re-implementing the functionality of the CRT, but these are the direct, drop-in replacements.
Some of these are absolutely required by the infrastructure of the operating system, and would be called internally by any CRT implementation. This category includes things like HeapAlloc and HeapFree, which are the responsibility of the operating system. A runtime library only wraps those, providing a nice standard-C interface and some other niceties on top of the nitty-gritty OS-level details. Others, like the string manipulation functions, are just exported wrappers around an internal Windows version of the CRT (except that it's a really old version of the CRT, fixed back at some time in history, save for possibly major security holes that have gotten patched over the years). Still others are almost completely superfluous, or seem so, like ZeroMemory and MoveMemory, but are actually exported so that they can be used from environments where there is no C Runtime Library, like classic Visual Basic (VB 6).
It is also interesting to point out that many of the "simple" C Runtime Library functions are implemented by Microsoft's (and other vendors') compiler as intrinsic functions, with special handling. This means that they can be highly optimized. Basically, the relevant object code is emitted inline, directly in your application's binary, avoiding the need for a potentially expensive function call. Allowing the compiler to generate inlined code for something like strlen, that gets called all the time, will almost undoubtedly lead to better performance than having to pay the cost of a function call to one of the exported Windows APIs. There is no way for the compiler to "inline" lstrlen; it gets called just like any other function. This gets you back to the classic tradeoff between speed and size. Sometimes a smaller binary is faster, but sometimes it's not. Not having to link the CRT will produce a smaller binary, since it uses function calls rather than inline implementations, but probably won't produce faster code in the general case.
* However, you really should be linking to the C Runtime Library bundled with your compiler, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is security updates that can be distributed to all versions of the operating system via updated versions of the runtime libraries. You have to have a really good reason not to use the CRT, such as if you are trying to build the world's smallest executable. And not having these functions available will only be the first of your hurdles. The CRT handles a lot of stuff for you that you don't normally even have to think about, like getting the process up and running, setting up a standard C or C++ environment, parsing the command line arguments, running static initializers, implementing constructors and destructors (if you're writing C++), supporting structured exception handling (SEH, which is used for C++ exceptions, too) and so on. I have gotten a simple C app to compile without a dependency on the CRT, but it took quite a bit of fiddling, and I certainly wouldn't recommend it for anything remotely serious. Matthew Wilson wrote an article a long time ago about Avoiding the Visual C++ Runtime Library. It is largely out of date, because it focuses on the Visual C++ 6 development environment, but a lot of the big picture stuff is still relevant. Matt Pietrek wrote an article about this in the Microsoft Journal a long while ago, too. The title was "Under the Hood: Reduce EXE and DLL Size with LIBCTINY.LIB". A copy can still be found on MSDN and, in case that becomes inaccessible during one of Microsoft's reorganizations, on the Wayback Machine. (Hat tip to IInspectable and Gertjan Brouwer for digging up the links!)
If your concern is just the need to distribute the C Runtime Library DLL(s) alongside your application, you can consider statically linking to the CRT. This embeds the code into your executable, and eliminates the requirement for the separate DLLs. Again, this bloats your executable, but does make it simpler to deploy without the need for an installer or even a ZIP file. The big caveat of this, naturally, is that you cannot benefit to incremental security updates to the CRT DLLs; you have to recompile and redistribute the application to get those fixes. For toy apps with no other dependencies, I often choose to statically link; otherwise, dynamically linking is still the recommended scenario.
There are some C runtime functions in NtDll. According to Windows Internals these are limited to string manipulation functions. There are other equivalents such as using HeapAlloc instead of malloc, so you may get away with it depending on your requirements.
Although these functions are acknowledged by Microsoft publications and have been used for many years by the kernel programmers, they are not part of the official Windows API and you should not use of them for anything other than toy or demo programs as their presence and function may change.
You may want to read a discussion of the option for doing this for the Rust language here.
Does that mean that I can call them dynamically at runtime through
LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress?
yes. even more - why not use ntdll.lib (or ntdllp.lib) for static binding to ntdll ? and after this you can direct call this functions without any GetProcAddress
Is this guaranteed to be the case for every Windows version?
from nt4 to win10 exist many C runtime functions in ntdll, but it set is different. usual it grow from version to version. but some of then less functional compare msvcrt.dll . say for example printf from ntdll not support floating point format, but in general functional is same
it is possible to drop the C runtime library altogether (by just using
the CRT functions from NtDll), therefore making my program smaller?
yes, this is 100% possible.

C runtime library : what for?

Creating a toy OS, written in assembly and C.
X86. 32-bits first, 64-bits then.
Currently read how to make a C library and try to understand the underlyings.
My question comes from the reading on this page.
I read the other SO questions concerning runtime libraries but still don't get it.
Ok, a runtime library seems to help providing low level functionalities that an application library cannot provide.
What wonders can I do with a runtime library ?
My searches on the subject lead to theoretical explanations (MSDN and so on).
I need a practical, visual explanation.
I saw the question the admins refer to, and I obviously read it already. But it was not enough high level. But that is fine :)
A C runtime library is more a part of your C implementation than it is a core part of the operating system, especially if the C implementation provides only static linking, as might be the case in a toy OS.
Among other things, though, the C runtime library provides all the functions necessary for programs to obtain services from the OS, such as memory allocation and I/O. These are not necessarily the same functions the OS kernel uses internally for the same or similar purposes.
Programs written in other languages may or may not rely on the C language runtime (they may provide their own, independent one instead), and statically-linked C programs include all necessary functions in their own images, instead of relying on dynamically loading them from a library at run time. In a sense, the C runtime library is distributed and duplicated across all statically-linked programs built from C sources.

Solaris noexec_user_stack Issues

Would enabling noexec_user_stack parameter in Solaris prevent some geniune programs from running?
Has anyone tested this setting please?
Older versions of GCC in 32bit mode can create code that relies on executable stacks (Nested Functions / Trampolines).
See also Implementation of nested functions and Example of executable stack in Linux (i386 architecture) on StackOverflow.
This is known to be "broken" by noexec_user_stack in Solaris (just as noexec stacks do in Linux), and yes it's one way to test the effectiveness of the feature.
Java uses just in time (JIT) compiling which means it will generate code on the fly and run it in writable/data sections. This is most likely implemented in the heap with mprotect() on pages or in an anonymous mapping via mmap(), both of which will probably have PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC at a low level. However, I don't believe Java does JIT on the actual stack, so you may not have issues with Java on Solaris with this limited memory protection, though you would have problems on Linux systems with PaX in Linux (fixable with paxctlor problems with the relatively newer W^X on OpenBSD. When it comes to Solaris, I suspect you probably won't since Oracle owns both Sun and Java and strongly pushes their use together.
So, if Java immediately and consistently crashes, no-exec stack is likely why. But you should be OK.
EDIT: I said "relatively new" not to imply W^X is "new" but to point out that it came along after PaX was "a thing." W^X is just a small subset of the features of PaX that came along later

cross os build by converting static bulid into os specific binary

Is it possible to write code in C, then statically build it and make a binary out of it like an ELF/PE then remove its header and all unnecessary meta-data so to create a raw binary and at last be able to put this raw binary in any other kind of OS specific like (ELF > PE) or (PE > ELF)?!
have you done this before?
is it possible?
what are issues and concerns?
how this would be possible?!
and if not, just tell me why not?!!?!
what are my pitfalls in understanding the static build?
doesn't it mean that it removes any need for 3rd party and standard as well as os libs and headers?!
Why cant we remove the meta of for example ELF and put meta and other specs needed for PE?
I said, Cross OS not Cross Hardware
[Read after reading below!]
As you see the best answer, till now (!) just keep going and learn cross platform development issues!!! How crazy is this?! thanks to philosophy!!!
I would say that it's possible, but this process must be crippled by many, many details.
ABI compatibility
The first thing to think of is Application Binary Interface compatibility. Unless you're able to call your functions the same way, the code is broken. So I guess (though I can't check at the moment) that compiling code with gcc on Linux/OS X and MinGW gcc on Windows should give the same binary code as far as no external functions are called. The problem here is that executable metadata may rely on some ABI assumptions.
Standard libraries
That seems to be the largest hurdle. Partly because of C preprocessor that can inline some procedures on some platforms, leaving them to run-time on others. Also, cross-platform dynamic interoperation with standard libraries is close to impossible, though theoretically one can imagine a code that uses a limited subset of the C standard library that is exposed through the same ABI on different platforms.
Static build mostly eliminates problems of interaction with other user-space code, but still there is a huge issue of interfacing with kernel: it's int $0x80 calls on x86 Linux and a platform-specifc set of syscall numbers that does not map to Windows in any direct way.
OS-specific register use
As far as I know, Windows uses register %fs for storing some OS-wide exception-handling stuff, so a binary compiled on Linux should avoid cluttering it. There might be other similar issues. Also, C++ exceptions on Windows are mostly done with OS exceptions.
Virtual addresses
Again, AFAIK Windows DLLs have some predefined address they're must be loaded into in virtual address space of a process, whereas Linux uses position-independent code for shared libraries. So there might be issues with overlapping areas of an executable and ported code, unless the ported position-dependent code is recompiled to be position-independent.
So, while theoretically possible, such transformation must be very fragile in real situations and it's impossible to re-plant the whole static build code - some parts may be transferred intact, but must be relinked to system-specific code interfacing with other kernel properly.
P.S. I think Wine is a good example of running binary code on a quite different system. It tricks a Windows program to think it's running in Windows environment and uses the same machine code - most of the time that works well (if a program does not use private system low-level routines or unavailable libraries).

Memory leak detectors for C?

What memory leak detectors have people had a good experience with?
Here is a summary of the answers so far:
Valgrind - Instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools.
Electric Fence - A tool that works with GDB
Splint - Annotation-Assisted Lightweight Static Checking
Glow Code - This is a complete real-time performance and memory profiler for Windows and .NET programmers who develop applications with C++, C#, or any .NET Framework
Also see this stackoverflow post.
second the valgrind... and I'll add electric fence.
Valgrind under linux is fairly good; I have no experience under Windows with this.
If you have the money: IBM Rational Purify is an extremely powerful industry-strength memory leak and memory corruption detector for C/C++. Exists for Windows, Solaris and Linux. If you're linux-only and want a cheap solution, go for Valgrind.
Mudflap for gcc! It actually compiles the checks into the executable. Just add
-fmudflap -lmudflap
to your gcc flags.
I had quite some hits with cppcheck, which does static analysis only. It is open source and has a command line interface (I did not use it in any other way).
lint (very similar open-source tool called splint)
Also worth using if you're on Linux using glibc is the built-in debug heap code. To use it, link with -lmcheck or define (and export) the MALLOC_CHECK_ environment variable with the value 1, 2, or 3. The glibc manual provides more information.
This mode is most useful for detecting double-frees, and it often finds writes outside the allocated memory area when doing a free. I don't think it reports leaked memory.
Painful but if you had to use one..
I'd recommend the DevPartner BoundsChecker suite.. that's what people at my workplace use for this purpose. Paid n proprietary.. not freeware.
I've had minimal love for any memory leak detectors. Typically there are far too many false positives for them to be of any use. I would recommend these two as beiong the least intrusive:
Debug heap
For Win32 debugging of memory leaks I have had very good experiences with the plain old CRT Debug Heap, that comes as a lib with Visual C.
In a Debug build malloc (et al) get redefined as _malloc_dbg (et al) and there are other calls to retrieve results, which are all undefined if _DEBUG is not set. It sets up all sorts of boundary guards on the heap, and allows you to diplay the results at any time.
I had a few false positives when I was witting some time routines that messed with the library run time allocations until I discovered _CRT_BLOCK.
I had to produce first DOS, then Win32 console and services that would run for ever. As far as I know there are no memory leaks, and in at least one place the code run for two years unattended before the monitor on the PC failed (though the PC was fine!).
On Windows, I have used Visual Leak Detector. Integrates with VC++, easy to use (just include a header and set LIB to find the lib), open source, free to use FTW.
At university when I was doing most things under Unix Solaris I used gdb.
However I would go with valgrind under Linux.
The granddaddy of these tools is the commercial, closed-source Purify tool, which was sold to IBM and then to UNICOM
Parasoft's Insure++ (source code instrumentation) and valgrind (open source) are the two other real competitors.
Trivia: the original author of Purify, Reed Hastings, went on to found NetFlix.
No one mentioned clang's MSan, which is quite powerful. It is officially supported on Linux only, though.
This question maybe old, but I'll answer it anyway - maybe my answer will help someone to find their memory leaks.
This is my own project - I've put it as open source code:
Windows 32 & 64-bit platforms are supported, native and mixed mode callstacks are supported.
.NET garbage collection is not supported. (C++ cli's gcnew or C#'s new)
It high performance tool, and does not require any integration (unless you really want to integrate it).
Complete manual can be found here:
Don't be afraid of how much it actually detects leaks it your process. It catches memory leaks from whole process. Analyze only biggest leaks, not all.
I'll second the valgrind as an external tool for memory leaks.
But, for most of the problems I've had to solve I've always used internally built tools. Sometimes the external tools have too much overhead or are too complicated to set up.
Why use already written code when you can write your own :)
I joke, but sometimes you need something simple and it's faster to write it yourself.
Usually I just replace calls to malloc() and free() with functions that keep better
track of who allocates what. Most of my problems seem to be someone forgot to free and this helps to solve that problem.
It really depends on where the leak is, and if you knew that, then you would not need any tools. But if you have some insight into where you think it's leaking, then put in your own instrumentation and see if it helps you.
Our CheckPointer tool can do this for GNU C 3/4 and, MS dialects of C, and GreenHills C. It can find memory management problems that Valgrind cannot.
If your code simply leaks, on exit CheckPointer will tell you where all the unfreed memory was allocated.
