DropTarget ActionScript - arrays

i have 8 movie Clips that i stored in an array. i put the movie clips on the stage and i can move them around so everything work fine until now. I made a grid where the mc's can be droped.I saved the grid parts in an array,too.
after that gave names to the mc's and to the grid parts like that:
mc.name= number.toString();
gridpart.name= number.toString();
the movie clips and the grid parts have the same name like: mc1.name=1 and gridpart1.name=1 and so on.
Now I made an if statement to check if the right mc was droped on the right grid part, like that:
trace("correct position")
But nothing happens. I used "dropTarget", too like that:
I don't know what to try now. I thought to put this code in the callback function of the mouse.CLICK event handler because i want that the mc should not be moved anymore if it is on hir correct position.
I would be happy if you have a better solution for this problem.
I tried to describe my problem so that you can imagine what I am trying to say.
Sorry about my English, I am not a native English speaker.
Thank you for your time

I think you wrong using dropTarget.name. Try dropTarget.parent.name. This why dropTarget is referred to content of the DisplayObject onto which you release your dragged MovieClip.
I hope this will be usefull to you!


smooth horizontal scroll - REACT THREE FIBER

I've been trying to make a small horizontal scroll with react three fiber so I can later add some WebGL Distorsion on the elements and even though i succeeded in the most basic way, there are still some things that need improvement :
(here is the codesandbox corresponding :https://codesandbox.io/s/horizontal-scroll-with-react-three-fiber-c0okfu?file=/src/Scene.js)
first and foremost I want a smooth scroll and can't seem to be able to make it, I used the lerp function to make it but the result doesn't work very well :
let scroll = 0;
scroll = (scroll - scrollTargetMapped) * 0.03;
// any other frame, groupRef.current is undefined, don't really know why
// but because of it, i must put my logic inside an if loop
if (groupRef.current) {
groupRef.current.position.x = THREE.MathUtils.lerp(
secondly, the elements on my scene are placed kind of in a random way and the scene is not at all responsive. I would love to mimic the html logic and put my first element like 50px away from the left side of the screen but not sure if it's really possible with react threejs :)
If someone has any answer to one of those question, I take it 🙂
Thanks in advance !
For those interested, I managed to find a solution, using one of drei components : ScrollControl, it works perfectly !
For more info on the said component, check out the doc : https://docs.pmnd.rs/drei/controls/scroll-controls

how do I get an enemy to follow me in a 2D platformer Godot

So I'm making a 2D platformer called "agent 404". I'm right now making the enemy but can't seem to make it. So I looked for a tutorial but couldn't find any tutorials related to a 2D platformer enemy that follows the player I tried all but most of them but all end up wrong. I want to ask if any of you know a way or a tutorial that could help me?
If you're using a tilemap you can use a Navigation2D to do nearly "out-of-the-box" pathfinding.
GDQuest explains some of it in this tutorial:
Since you're making a platformer however, you might run into the same problem where the only tiles with navigation on them are blank and so aren't filled in by the autotiler. If that's the case you can find a workaround here (something I was just stuck on myself :-) ):
navigation tilemaps without placing walkable tiles manually

How do I use an array of Movieclip names to control those clips in as3?

I have an old little program I am trying to rebuild for Adobe animate (originally it was in Flash - actionscript 1)
Here is the bit of code I am trying to make work (worked fine back in the day in as1)
function getoddnumbers(){
So I know the eval doesnt work anymore so I took it out-
var i:Number;
function getoddnumbers(){
But now as3 doesnt like the gotoAndStop() command. Any ideas how I can use the array of names answer1, answer2 etc to control those movieclips?
thanks for your help
Have a great day
With AS3 a MovieClip's playhead can be controlled using the gotoAndStop function just like with AS2. Your code above most likely doesn't work because with("answer"+i) doen't return a MovieClip instance so it won't be able to find it's gotoAndStop method.
Given that you put all of your MovieClip instances on stage via Flash's IDE and all have an instance name set via it's properties panel you can get a reference to those by it's name using the getChildByName() function.
Try replacing

UICollectionViewLayout Examples

Can anybody point me in the right direction to how I could use UICollectionViewLayout to create an interface similar to the Pinterest column layout?
I tried searching online, but it looks like there are not many examples out there yet.
The 1000memories "Quilt" view is pinterest-like and open source: http://blog.1000memories.com/168-opensourcing-quilt, and you can dig through that to see how it works.
If you're looking for a more conceptual overview, here's the basic idea of what you're going to want to do. The easiest thing by far, if you just need a Pinterest-style layout, is to subclass UICollectionViewFlowLayout. You get a lot of layout help from this class, and Pinterest style is within its capabilities. You only need to override one method.
Set up a normal UICollectionView using UICollectionViewFlow layout. A quick way to do this is:
Drag a UIViewController onto a storyboard, drop a UICollectionView on that. Set the classes to match your custom classes, etc. You can use a delegate and create a delegate class here but strictly speaking that is not necessary to achieve JUST the Pinterest flow layout (you will almost definitely want to break the selection responsibility stuff into a delegate class in reality though).
Stub out a data source. Implementing the data source protocol for UICollectionView (http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UICollectionViewDataSource_protocol/Reference/Reference.html) is trivially simple. Make sure you set a reuse identifier on your UICollectionViewCell. You need:
(NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInCollectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView
just return 1 for now;
hardcode a number for now, make it 20.
– (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath:
This is one of the places where subclassing the flow layout's gonna do you a favor. All you really need to do here is call dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:forIndexPath: with the index path. If you added a UIImageView or some labels to the cell, this would be a great place to actually assign the image, text, etc.
In the viewController's viewDidLoad instantiate a UICollectionViewFlowLayout and set the UICollectionView's datasource to yours and layout to flowlayout. Remember, this class is a subclass of UICollectionViewViewController.
self.collectionView.dataSource = [[YourDataSource alloc] init];
self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout = [[UICollectionViewFlowLayout alloc] init];
Ok. At this point you should be able to run your app and see some stuff on the screen. This is a whirlwind overview. If you need more details about how to set up ViewControllers and so on there's tons of stuff available about that.
Now comes the important part, Pinterest-izing the flow layout.
First, add a new class that is a subclass of UIViewControllerFlowLayout. Change your ViewController's viewDidLoad to instantiate this class and assign as the UICollectionView's collectionViewLayout.
The method you are going to need to implement is - (NSArray *)layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:(CGRect)rect.
Here's the thing: The superclass is going to do almost all the work for you. Your code is going to look something like this:
- (NSArray *)layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:(CGRect)rect
NSArray *attributes = [super layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:rect];
[attributes enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id attr, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
float newYCoord = [calculationMethodYouHaveToWriteFor:attr.frame];
attr.frame = CGRectMake(attr.frame.origin.x, newYCoord, attr.size.width, attr.size.height];
Pinterest uses fixed-width columns, all you need to do in your calculation method is figure out what column you are in (`attr.origin.x / _columnWidth), and look up the total height in that column from the ivar you've been saving it in. Don't forget to add it to the new object's height and save it back for the next pass.
The flow layout superclass handles: making cells, determining which cells are visible, figuring out the contents size, figuring out the arrangement of the rows in the x direction, assigning index paths to cells. Lots of junk. And overriding that one method lets you fiddle with the y-pos to your heart's desire.
Heres two from github
I've used a modified version of Waterfall in a project now, and I'm investigating JSPint now.
I have created a custom uicollectionviewlayout which is used in my personal project. Here is the link. Hope it helps.
You can get anything you want from here:
For example(Both these two layouts are custom UICollectionViewLayout):

Trouble referencing movieClips

I am working on a flash project that dynamically generates navigation from an XML. For now I am trying to get it to work with arrays so that I can adapt it to xml once I know the logic works. I am new to as3 and learning has been a tiny bit bumpy. I have been searching for a solution to this but many of the examples I have seen have either been too simple to answer my question or too complex to understand since I am on the new side. This is the code I am working with.
var clientList:Array = new Array("Client1","Client2","Client3","Client4","Client5","Client6","Client7","Client8","Client9","Client10","Client11","Client12","Client13","Client14","Client15");
for each (var cName in clientList){
var newClientBtn:btnClientNav = new btnClientNav();
newClientBtn.x = workX;
newClientBtn.y = workY;
workY += newClientBtn.height;
newClientBtn.mcClientName.text = cName;
I can't fingure out how to properly refernce the dynamically created clips. I have a dynamic text box in the button but can't figure out how to reference it properly to change it, then my next issue will be referencing the buttons to make rollover and click code. I know this probably something simple to fix but I have been looking at it for too long and my eyes are starting to cross.. Thank you in advance for any advice you can give.
Why not store the clips you are creating in an object you can access later?
If you want to reference a movie clip by name though, one way to do it is:
var referenceMC:MovieClip = MovieClip(containerMC.getChildByName(“targetMC”));
If it was a text field or a button you were after, I believe you would do the same but instead cast the result of getChildByName to your desired control.
I also believe you want to add the button itself as a child, not pass its name into your addChild call?
