Richtextbox: Embedd image and surround with text - wpf

I would like to embed an image in an Richtextbox in way that the image is sourrounded by text (should look like a newspaper article which contains some images).
That's what I have until now:
<Image Source="{Binding Image}" Width="200" Height="100" />
<Run Text="{Binding Text}" />
This code embedds the image in a way so that the first line of the run starts at the bottom right edge of the image.
But I would like to embedd it such a way:
How can this be implemented for WP7.1?

I know this can be done, i believe you would be looking at either Margin or Padding around the image.....As the whole thing will look like an object because that's what it is.
so you want to put Padding or Margin around the image to push the text away from the object giving the appearance of space between the object. Also try Pushing the text to the right and the image to the left.
I hope this will help a little. :)

I don't think it can be done until FlowDocument will be available in Silverlight. Or somebody invents a similar control.


WPF Binding up and down the Visual Tree

From a control in a WPF XAML view, I need to access the properties of another control that I can reach in the Visual Tree only when walking up to a common parent control and then down from there.
As an example:
<TextBlock Text="Some example text" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType=PageUserControl, Path=??? I want to access the TextBlock}" />
I want to access the text property of the first text block from the second text block (this is just an example).
What I would need is a way to combine relative sources, first one to go up the visual tree and find the PageUserControl, second one to go down the visual tree from there and find the grid and then finally a third one to find the text block within the grid.
Am I missing something here or is it just not possible?
I cannot add control IDs or something like this, it has to work with control types only.
I was thinking about something like a relative source that takes a XPath syntax, but it seems as if this was meant for another purpose (binding XML documents).
Maybe another idea?
Thank you!
I found a solution for my problem. It is possible using this approach:
<TextBlock Text="Some example text" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Children[0].Children[0].Text,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType=PageUserControl}}" />
While not very flexible, it is good enough for me.

How can I create a complex tooltip in WPF?

I have an Image control on my WPF Window and I'd like to display a complex tooltip when the mouse is hovering over this Image.
Imagine like a spell icon in World of Warcraft, you mouse over and the spells tooltip is shown.
How can I do this in XAML?
You can achieve it like this:
<!--...content goes here. -->
You just put whatever you want into the ToolTip property in XML element syntax.
I recommend doing the following to what x0r stated:
<Image ToolTipService.ShowDuration="1440000">
<!--...content goes here. -->
This leaves the tooltip open for 24 hours (yes, it's a long time). This is just a way to override that annoying 5-second rule.

bing maps pushpin and mouseclick

I have several pushpins on the map. When i hover with my mouse over the pushpins i get a dialogbox with some information in it. Now i also want some additional information when i click on the same pushpin. But i can't really figure out how to do this. I tried some things but it didn't work...
This is my code:
<bing:MapItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
<bing:Pushpin bing:MapLayer.Position="{Binding Location}" Background="{Binding Color, Converter={StaticResource brushConverter}}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Address}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Description}" />
Has somebody tried to do this or know how to do this, by far thanks!
I know this is an old question, but maybe it will shine a little light on the right solution, and help someone else, if not you.
As I understand, the Tooltip stuff is already working, you just want to handle the clicks.
So here are some suggestions:
1 - The novice solution:
You can handle the event from the code behind. Since only Buttons have the Click event, you can't use that, but I think MouseLeftButtonDown, or even better MouseLeftButtonUp are equally good for this. Of course, if you have different maps on different controls, you will have to repeat this code on every one of them.
2 - The advanced solution:
Use Behaviors! They are like tiny extensions that can cling on to controls and extend their functionality. In your place, I would put a Behavior on the Pushpins, that would open a panel to display the info you want. You can read more about this topic under the link above!

String Length in Pixels

How can I obtain the lenght of a string (given a font , size weight etc) in Pixels? I have seen recomendations to try System.Drawing.Graphics.* but that Assembly / Namespace doesn't seem to be available to me in silverlight.
I hope to center a text box under an image, but the text is provided dynamically.
Since your goal is to Centre the TextBox don't mess around with calculating width etc. Just tell the Container to centre the textbox.
<Image Source="ToolBox Avatar.png" Stretch="Fill"/>
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Text="TextBlock" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>
Thought I not familiar with developing for Silverlight, I think that this might be of use to you.

Superscript / subscript in hyperlink in WPF

I'm trying to make a Hyperlink that contains text with super- and/or subscripts. I've found two ways to do this, and both of them suck.
Solution #1: use Typography.Variants. This gives a terrific superscript... for some fonts.
<TextBlock FontFamily="Palatino Linotype" FontSize="30">
<Hyperlink>R<Run Typography.Variants="Superscript">2</Run></Hyperlink>
(Palatino Linotype)
<TextBlock FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="30">
<Hyperlink>R<Run Typography.Variants="Superscript">2</Run></Hyperlink>
(Segoe UI)
Looks beautiful in Palatino Linotype; but for fonts that don't support variants, it's simply ignored, no emulation is done, and the text is full-size, at-baseline, 100% normal. I would prefer to allow my end-users to select the font they want to use, and still have super/subscripts work.
Solution #2: use BaselineAlignment. This raises or lowers the text appropriately, though unlike solution #1, I have to decrease the font size manually. Still, it's effective for all fonts. The problem is the Hyperlink's underline.
<TextBlock FontSize="30" FontFamily="Palatino Linotype">
R<Run BaselineAlignment="Superscript" FontSize="12pt">2</Run>
The underline is raised and lowered along with the text, which looks pretty wretched. I'd rather have a continuous, unbroken underline under the whole Hyperlink. (And before anyone suggests a Border, I'd also like the Hyperlink to be able to word-wrap, with all of the words underlined, including the first row.)
Is there any way to make superscript and subscript work in WPF, in any font, without looking laughably bad when underlined?
If the hyperlink isn't going to wrap to more than one line, then embedding another TextBlock can work:
<TextBlock FontSize="30" FontFamily="Palatino Linotype">
R<Run BaselineAlignment="Superscript" FontSize="12pt">2</Run>
This will give a solid hyperlink under the Hyperlink's child, which means an unbroken hyperlink:
However, if the embedded TextBlock needs to wrap to multiple lines, you'll only get one underline under the entire wrapped paragraph, rather than underlining each line of text:
If you can put a TextBlock only around a short bit of content that needs superscripts -- e.g., around just the R^2 in the above example -- and leave the rest of the text parented to the hyperlink, then you get underlining as normal. But sometimes that's not practical, so it's something to watch out for.
You can use the superscript unicode characters (e.g.
Like this:
<TextBlock FontSize="30" FontFamily="Segoe UI">
Apply R² Calculation
Obviously this will not work unless what you are super scripting actually has a unicode superscript character.
